This is a perfect example of why I believe the left is feigning stupidity. No one is so dumb as to think "getting covid means the vaccine is working." They're saying this stuff on purpose to confuse us about what we're up against.
I think white hats underestimated the stupidity and brainwashing of the left by a lot. Most liberals I know are defending Biden on gas prices. Only truth of pedophilia and child sacrifice will wake these people up.
"The gas price is going up cause we are winning the war against Putin," has probably been the biggest tone deaf statement I have heard in a while regarding inflation.
Some dopey charicature of a lefty that I have the displeasure of working with was trying to spout the bullshit about "gas companies are price gouging" so I just said "tell me you're ignorant without saying you're ignorant." She just started sputtering shit like she was browsing "" or some shit. All I said after that was "Thanks for proving me right" until she shut up.
That may wake half of them up, but we're talking about people who celebrate abortions up to the moment of birth and take their children to kink/pride parades to be groomed by trannies
She is correct. It is working, "as intended". Getting sick all the time is feature of the vax since it's purpose was apparently to weaken the immune system so the population would be in as perpetual state of sickness. Easier to control. They almost admit it. The real disease is liberalism, we must #findthecure.
How self-delusional can a person be? I'm not vaxxed. I got flu symptoms a few weeks after C19 hit the country. I slept it off in bed 2 days, then better. Later, my wife tested positive with a home kit when Omicron made it's way around and I gave her 16mg Ivermectin, 50mg zinc, 20,000iu Vit. D, 1000 vit. C. for 3 days and she was back on her feet and working. I started feeling bad as she was recovering and gave myself 24mg Ivermectin, 50mg zine, 30,000iu Vit D and 2000 vit C for 3 days and completely recovered.
I now have on hand hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zine, Vit D and C. for my entire family should anyone start getting symptoms. No jabs for wife or me. Don't need it, don't want it in spite of our doctors yelling and pleading for us to get the shots. NO WAY. One of my docs said..."why, just tell me why?" I replied it's unsafe. Triggered, she yelled at me saying thousands of doctors say it's safe, millions have gotten it. you're saying they're wrong?" I shrug and say "unfortunately, they are". "How can you say that?" she yells almost in tears. Calmly, I say "because they don't know what I know". She stood there and shook in anger. I said to her. "I'll be happy to forward the peer reviewed studies that were left out of NEJM and JAMA. Testimonies of some of the most published and knowledgeable doctors on virology, epidemiology, pathology, and clinicians on the planet if you promise to take the time to read them." She stormed out of the exam room.
You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. You can show doctors the truth that counters the narrative they've been told but you can't make them understand or believe. No surprise this same problem extends to those that drank the Kool Aid and have gotten Covid multiple times and actually thank the vaccine for keeping them "safe". With each booster a little more of their immunity is destroyed. When they get sick with pneumonia or flu they will never connect the dots and think the vaccine compromised them. In the words of Bob Marley. "Don't worry, be happy cause every little thing will be alright."
This is your doctor who stormed out if the exam room:
In summary, I believe the purpose of the hazing process in the medical system is twofold. First, it’s designed to put so much pressure on you (especially during the periods of long-term sleep deprivation) that it becomes very difficult to maintain your own reality. Allopathic medicine fills your mind and displaces everything else. Second, because of the sunk cost fallacy, doctors become immensely invested in the value of their medical education and through the mechanisms of cognitive dissonance, habitually reject things that question the worth of their education or social status as a doctor.
Almost all of you have observed cases of doctors that get very upset when their authority or advice is being challenged. While the immediate explanation for this phenomenon is many doctors carrying a disgusting ego, I believe the previously described mechanisms are often the actual reason why challenges to one’s authority is so upsetting to a large subset of the medical profession.
Very true. It's a combination of ego and so much invested in a flawed system governed by big pharma that it's almost impossible to see your way thru the tunnel into the light. The internet is the great equalizer. Anyone who is seriously interested can find the flaws in the system and point them out. Those invested in the system can't fathom how someone from the outside can present a cogent argument and be right. It destroys their investment and fractures their ego.
Your Dr and mine might be siblings. Young guy was double masked (N95 and cheap chinese muzzles) with a plastic face shield and conducted 90% of the physical over the phone from his office. Was absolutely shocked that I didn't wear a muzzle and couldn't believe I refused and didn't trust the mystery injection.
millions have gotten it. you're saying they're wrong?" I shrug and say "unfortunately, they are". "How can you say that?" she yells almost in tears. Calmly, I say "because they don't know what I know"
That's how I feel about earth being a flat plane. Just because millions of people, including scientists, believe something doesn't mean it is true.
Whatever the true nature of reality is, I'm sure it will blow our minds if it comes out in our lifetime.
I finally got sick in January after starting a new job. Hadn't been sick in years. Wasn't a big deal. Wasn't fun, but was basically just the flu and out for a week. Nothing I've never dealt with before.
I only know of a few who died with covid a month or months later due to medical malpractice and failure to properly treat with ivm & hcq from the beginning. Really sad and it pisses me off
I really thought I had reached the point where I couldn't be surprised at how stupidly twisted the logic would have to be for normie libtards to hang on to their delusions. I was wrong.
She is a product of the American public education system.
No she isn't. She's curly haired, big nose, last name is.....take a guess what she really is
uh oh
Probably a bot
Debbie whatshername Shiltz’s sister???🤪🐸🤪🐸kek!
Oh dear Lord, I can't even - people like this walking around. Is the brain even firing?
This is a perfect example of why I believe the left is feigning stupidity. No one is so dumb as to think "getting covid means the vaccine is working." They're saying this stuff on purpose to confuse us about what we're up against.
I think white hats underestimated the stupidity and brainwashing of the left by a lot. Most liberals I know are defending Biden on gas prices. Only truth of pedophilia and child sacrifice will wake these people up.
"The gas price is going up cause we are winning the war against Putin," has probably been the biggest tone deaf statement I have heard in a while regarding inflation.
Right up there with inflation kills fascism.
Some dopey charicature of a lefty that I have the displeasure of working with was trying to spout the bullshit about "gas companies are price gouging" so I just said "tell me you're ignorant without saying you're ignorant." She just started sputtering shit like she was browsing "" or some shit. All I said after that was "Thanks for proving me right" until she shut up.
That may wake half of them up, but we're talking about people who celebrate abortions up to the moment of birth and take their children to kink/pride parades to be groomed by trannies
She is correct. It is working, "as intended". Getting sick all the time is feature of the vax since it's purpose was apparently to weaken the immune system so the population would be in as perpetual state of sickness. Easier to control. They almost admit it. The real disease is liberalism, we must #findthecure.
I’m starting to think God is the only cure for that.
How self-delusional can a person be? I'm not vaxxed. I got flu symptoms a few weeks after C19 hit the country. I slept it off in bed 2 days, then better. Later, my wife tested positive with a home kit when Omicron made it's way around and I gave her 16mg Ivermectin, 50mg zinc, 20,000iu Vit. D, 1000 vit. C. for 3 days and she was back on her feet and working. I started feeling bad as she was recovering and gave myself 24mg Ivermectin, 50mg zine, 30,000iu Vit D and 2000 vit C for 3 days and completely recovered.
I now have on hand hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zine, Vit D and C. for my entire family should anyone start getting symptoms. No jabs for wife or me. Don't need it, don't want it in spite of our doctors yelling and pleading for us to get the shots. NO WAY. One of my docs said..."why, just tell me why?" I replied it's unsafe. Triggered, she yelled at me saying thousands of doctors say it's safe, millions have gotten it. you're saying they're wrong?" I shrug and say "unfortunately, they are". "How can you say that?" she yells almost in tears. Calmly, I say "because they don't know what I know". She stood there and shook in anger. I said to her. "I'll be happy to forward the peer reviewed studies that were left out of NEJM and JAMA. Testimonies of some of the most published and knowledgeable doctors on virology, epidemiology, pathology, and clinicians on the planet if you promise to take the time to read them." She stormed out of the exam room.
You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. You can show doctors the truth that counters the narrative they've been told but you can't make them understand or believe. No surprise this same problem extends to those that drank the Kool Aid and have gotten Covid multiple times and actually thank the vaccine for keeping them "safe". With each booster a little more of their immunity is destroyed. When they get sick with pneumonia or flu they will never connect the dots and think the vaccine compromised them. In the words of Bob Marley. "Don't worry, be happy cause every little thing will be alright."
This is your doctor who stormed out if the exam room:
Great substack BTW - lot of good info
Very true. It's a combination of ego and so much invested in a flawed system governed by big pharma that it's almost impossible to see your way thru the tunnel into the light. The internet is the great equalizer. Anyone who is seriously interested can find the flaws in the system and point them out. Those invested in the system can't fathom how someone from the outside can present a cogent argument and be right. It destroys their investment and fractures their ego.
Your Dr and mine might be siblings. Young guy was double masked (N95 and cheap chinese muzzles) with a plastic face shield and conducted 90% of the physical over the phone from his office. Was absolutely shocked that I didn't wear a muzzle and couldn't believe I refused and didn't trust the mystery injection.
That's how I feel about earth being a flat plane. Just because millions of people, including scientists, believe something doesn't mean it is true.
Whatever the true nature of reality is, I'm sure it will blow our minds if it comes out in our lifetime.
Absolute raging stupidity on full display
Where is this wave of death amongst the unvaccinated?
Logic is racist!
But....we’re hardly getting sick, if that...does that mean our health is deteriorating, breaking down?..
I finally got sick in January after starting a new job. Hadn't been sick in years. Wasn't a big deal. Wasn't fun, but was basically just the flu and out for a week. Nothing I've never dealt with before.
This wins the dunce of the day 👏
Does anyone on this board know of anyone who was not vaxxed and has died from covid?
I only know of a few who died with covid a month or months later due to medical malpractice and failure to properly treat with ivm & hcq from the beginning. Really sad and it pisses me off
^This. "FROM" covid, not of it. I know of a few, almost all were very sick already or elderly
Nope, my unvaxxed sister and step-nephew got the coof and were just fine.
Not realizing that "anti-vaxxers' ask this question because they haven't been sick with anything at all in years is such a spectacular self own.
I really thought I had reached the point where I couldn't be surprised at how stupidly twisted the logic would have to be for normie libtards to hang on to their delusions. I was wrong.
I tested positive and was real sick months before any vaccines existed. I guess I got better by a miracle?
Good. So did I; now we are immune I guess.
Imagine thinking that when a product doesn’t do what it says actually means it’s working. “4-6% lost forever” seems a bit low.
you know who else isnt dying, the unvaxxed, just sayin,
I'm un-vaxxed and I haven't been sick since Covid in 2020.. guess that means my immunity IS WORKING
Wow ! Can't fix stupid is alive & well.🤦
How Many times did she get chickenpox after she got the chickenpox vaccine?
So you're saying the reason for multiple infection is because they didn't die the first time? Then they should worry about growing old at that rate.
As opposed to pure blood who at most might get it once and only get it again through a new strain (personal experience, delta then omicron)
"I gOt Da VaxeeN tO NoT Get CoOf But nOw I geT Da CoOf aLl Da TiMe, HaHa StoPiD AntI-VaXeRs!"
Who is this witch?
Ya know, a word that would fit this woman has been canceled, e.g., retarded.
They must be getting sick because they stopped wearing their masks after getting the magic juice.
She’s right, you know. As “anti-vaxxers” I’ve already died 11 times and my wife has died at least twice.
17 times for me.
Uh, yeah.. erm.. LOLOLOL. idiots will idiot.
every tweet into the echo chamber should have echoes
sooo... looked up 'Covidiot' in Websters' and Steph's avatar popped up!
Scares me and I'm fearless.
Ratio'd hard. People are responding but nobody is liking.
You keep telling yourself that lady...
A vaccine so effective at preventing you from getting the illness that you get the illness over and over again! Is this a satire?