Tumor Cancer (tumor is producing immune system suppressant) -
Macrophage activating factor from vitamin D binding protein
Yakamoto Patent number: 5326749, from 1994; https://patents.justia.com/inventor/nobuto-yamamoto
"Typical" Cancer (non tumor, nutrient/immune system deficit) - There are more than 90 cures that typically involve a 3 stage process: a: detox with things like tumeric tea, NAC, etc, b: initial volley to damage/slow the cancer with 7 day regimen of fenben, ivermectic, etc, followed by c. nutrient deficit fixes with things such as vitamin D, chaga tea, potassium iodide etc.
Blood Cancer - Leukemia, etc.; No data revealed yet on the cure that I am aware of.
HFCS is in damn near everything. I went on a fact finding grocery replenish and looked hard for what I wanted in products without high fructose corn syrup and it took me 3 hours. It can be done but some things you may have to make from your own ingredients.
If the cure were effective do you think you would hear about it? Look what natural cures have had their discovery shut down by murdering anyone willing to publish it.
God gave us everything we need to remain healthy. We just need people unconnected to big pharma/big medicine to look for it. I have used cannabis for over a half century and haven't seen a doctor since 2015. If your trying to tell me it's all in my head that is true...the knowledge to see through the bullshit. I'm there.
BTW look into Rick Simpson Cannabis Oils for some documented cures. At least there were. Lots of things useful in staying healthy have been scrubbed from the net since covid.
I have smoked pot every time I want to sleep for at least 25 years, never while I want to be functional. I cracked my head about 25 years ago and I tried everything but going to a place to watch me sleep. Kaiser suggested I get a pot card and the first time I smoked I fell asleep standing up leaning on a door jam. I had only slept 8 hours for a little over a week, and I was going nuts. I tried one time going on vacation to a non pot state, I ruined everyone's vacation because I had to keep getting up to slow down my thoughts. Everyone cut their vacation short and we all went home. I have not stopped since, it was horrible.
The point is, there are many things, including drugs, herbs, diet, mental health, social support, prayer, that are helpful and their helpfulness will vary not only due to their innate helpful qualities, but due to synergy (or lack of it, or even antagonism) with each other and with the inner environment (e.g. genetic limits) of the person receiving them. People used to understand how much medicine was an art of juggling variables. Now they expect something as cut-and-dried as changing the oil in a car--but even that can be done "better" or "worse."
I can't remember if it was in reference to fenbendazole, but there are some cures that stop the spread of a cancer but don't remove it. Maybe it was peach pits? See Doctored Results book.
You're correct fellow Patriot...
They label it as Vita B17 though it is NOT a vitamin.
Don't recall the exact name of the med that crushed up pits create. Needs to be done within strict regime to ensure one doesn't get side effects from the potency.
I bought a bottle years ago. Unable to find this particular brand anymore online.
Wonder if they along with some manufacturers of quercetin that I used to be able to buy also were forced not to sell anymore.
I eat about 8-10 bitter Organic Apricot Seeds (all natural non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan) each day for the Vitamin B-17 also called Amygdalin, which was the main ingredient in Laetrile which was shown to have a great effect against cancer.
Maybe not certain specific types but I think back with I studied up on Fenbendazole that contrary to what some said it did help ameliorate blood cancer as well.
How can you know? It is very safe, it is given to adults, children, dogs, cats, horses, pigs and many other animals with beneficial results. Thus, it won't hurt to try it, as long as you follow the protocol that also involves taking the specific vitamins at the same time. Many people have cured themselves with it.
On the other hand, chemo and radiation have terrible and sometimes deadly side effects, but negligible benefits. Do you recommend those?
I can only wonder if the dear Dr. Zelenko is not really suffering from cancer as he's been told, but instead, being targeted with energy weapons, poisoned food or water or some other nefarious attack because of his VERY PUBLIC advocacy against the vaccines and his excellent treatments for COVID-19.
The Deep State is relentless in taking down those that threaten their agenda.
Gregg's follow-up post this morning: " Last night I shared a story about my journey, that began almost three years ago, from cancer to healing by the hands of a loving God.
Amazing outpouring of stories. Kindness. Tears. Prayer. Witness. People sharing their expertise in the stuff that helped me.
I wake to hate. Trolls, shills and haters questioning why I waited so long to put the story up implying the cancer wasn’t real. They are making fun of my use of the Bible app to stay in the Word for more than 1,000 days.
Im ashamed to say i found more faith, or the most, after having a brain tumor found, removed, radiation and oral chemo. I feel like god somehow led me to the Joe Tippen protocol which includes fenbendzolone and ive had clean follow up scans since ( knock on wood and thank god )
Found2 years ago this july. Removed 2 years ago in August.
Just had a baby girl we Werent supposed to be able to have given the chemo i was on. Now have a 10, 5, 3, and 1 week old. Feel like, and praying, im supposed to be around a lot longer.
I suspect that Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc, Albendazole/Fenbendazole, and HCQ will kill 90%+ of cancer. And that that is one of the reasons why Big Pharma do not want us to have them.
P.S. I also think that they "cure gay-ness" (particularly the -zole and Iverrmectin). Because I think a lot of homosexuals are infected with worms in their digestive tract that are influencing their thinking via the Vagus Nerve. And these drugs (esp. -zole and Ivermectin) kill all of those worms. It's an idea I am entertaining.
When you consume too much alcohol, it changes your gut flora. Right? Or maybe it's the other way around.
People do not realize how much influence on "thinking" these worms and bugs can have, if they are able to access the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a straight line communication mechanism to talk directly to the brain. "Send more sugar!" is what most Americans have. "Send more alcohol!" is what alcoholics have. "Send more dick up my ass!" might be what de gheys have.....
Don't think bugs can take over cognition of a complex organism? I have a one word answer for that. Go to YT and search for "cordyceps". After you've had your face melted off by those videos, then I have the fun thought for you: realize that you are, genetically, not all that different from an ant or grasshopper. My conclusion: given the right conditions.... these bugs can drive you around like a fucking gundam.
For decades we thought ulcers were caused by genetics, etc. One doctor realized it was an infection, and he was lambasted for years for this view.
Turns out.... he was correct.
I think there are a variety of conditions that are made better by a regular regimen of D, K, Magnesium, NAC, Zinc, HCQ, Quercetin, and Ivermectin, with twice-a-year deworming with Albendazole/Fenbendazole (I've been doing this for years with Albendazole... need to investigate the difference between these two "-zole" drugs). And I think cancer is one of them. All cancers? How much? I am quite sure I don't know. But I've seen a lot of anecdotal evidence (including here on this thread!) that there is a connection. I am thinking I need to go on prophylactic ivermectin, and should figure out what that would look like (daily? weekly? monthly?)
EDIT: I should add iodine as well. I have started to think that iodine is a key to health.
Camino de Santiago?
.....never been but would love to make the journey, And count me in on fenben, no more conventional “medicine” or pharmakeia for me. Via con Dios Gregg!!!
The double w alliteration and capital letters on the follow up W words really stand out and make this look like comms. Other alliteration is "cancer coming", "app and", "dog dewormer", and "he healed". So maybe 3-3, 23-23, 1-1, 4-4, and 8-8.
Seems to fit with all the other 23 comms we're seeing, but what's it say? 500 miles in Spain seems like a clue, especially combined with the capital 23s. But I just can't put it all together.
great pickups! drugs, radiation, surgery = drs, could be MD, could be direct register shares. Let me get some more coffee. while walking out. The nurse praying while walking out. odd phrasing. lead or lead?
yes, for sure! This guy is pretty interesting. I got on TS on desktop and I've been reading some of his stuff. We'll see what happens, but it's all very interesting!
I got a spooky 2 generator, and it brought a hard abscess in my gums down in about 20 minutes. I have a bad tooth causing it that I am also treating. I no longer go to Drs. that use the snake symbol, so I think it is worth the price. I use Ivers when I go shopping and when I get home, I take a shower. I caught a cold and had it come on really fast and bad, so I took the Ivers, and zinc and it was gone in about 20 minutes. People laugh when they see all the herbs and stuff I have, a lot came from my Mom, but some of it is in case of emergencies, even for my pets.
As someone who has had three bouts with cancer and is currently in remission, I pray to God this is true and wonder how I can get my hands on a safe way to consume dog meds 🤔
Fenbendazole is fine in small doses. I tried it myself just for the hell of it. The powder is tasteless so sprinkle it on your porridge, grits or whatever. (Actually, if you do have cancer you shouldn't be eating those or ANY carbohydrates.)
The happy healing store has 100% fenbendazole l. Join the fenbendazole cancer support group on Facebook, you can learn a lot and the success stories are awesome!
Hey catssix, I am a stage 3 in remission since my surgery in 2018. As an avid researcher, I luckily came across Joe Tippen's blog in 2019. In it, he describes his journey from being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, his subsequent visits to a famous Cancer Treatment Facility which accepted him into their experimental new drug trial. To monitor his status, he was given a Pet Scan to locate and view the size and numbers of tumors. This Pet Scan would be repeated at 90 day intervals.
Besides the experimental drug, they ALSO gave him chemo, AND radiation. The radiation fried his trachea so badly he could no longer take food or liquids by mouth.
He then was put on an IV drip for 8 weeks with no other sustenance, as he could not swallow. He hoped to starve the cancer out. He lost 80 lbs and turned to skin and bones.
At the next Pet Scan they sadly told him the cancer was not better. In fact, it had spread throughout his body and they had no other solutions for him. He was told to go home and enjoy his family as he was terminal and had maybe 3 months left to live.
It was then that he learned about the Fenbendazole from his veterinarian. He purchased the product and the vitamin protocol that is required. He took the Fenbendazole 3x each week and the vitamins 7x each week. Soon, 90 days had passed and he had not died. So, he still arrived for his scheduled Pet Scan.
The scan showed zero cancer. He has continued to take the same protocol every day since, and still is cancer free.
Children is what's going to Unite the world during the Great Awakening. At the risk of putting too much faith in man, I am praying that cures are unleashed into the world shortly thereafter.
Encouraging to hear someone "Q adjacent" involved with alternative treatments.
They got my Mom, Brother and Sister in the span of 1 year. 1st- Sister, had a huge brain tumor, 2nd-Mom, heart attack due to lockdowns, she was on a keto diet but could not exercise, 3rd- Brother, wore a mask all the time got bacterial phnenomia(sp)from it and he struggled so hard to breath he had a stroke, and then just died.
Watch for medbeds!!
I'm doing fenben right now. How many thanks you's I have sent to Joe Tippen's. Never enough...but also to the vet that encouraged him to try fenben - paraphrasing: what do you have to lose? Thank God for kind people.
I am betting that the so-called med beds are frequency generators which you can find right now and have one in your home. Only you don't have to stay in bed or even still. You can even use it remotely using a DNA sample, kind of how a radio tunes in frequencies. I does work, not all things super fast but it does work, even for pets.
God is good and His mercy endures forever! Isn’t it exciting to learn that we can beat cancer!?!? Let’s keep feeding others the ways we can live in harmony (on this Earth) with our God!!! God bless you all!
He healed my mother in love of terminal cancer in the late 1960s. Ovarian cancer that had metastasized into her breasts and lungs. She became a minister and authored 3 books. The surgeon that did the exploratory surgery and saw how the cancer had spread for YEARS joined her at speaking engagements to attest to what he'd seen. He passed away a couple years ago and she's 98 today.
Fen Ben is a powerful miracle cure and is certainly one of the cures referred to by the Q drop. Please read more. Any friend or relatives with cancer must try it.
I understand most cancers are associated with parasites in one's body. An annual parasite cleanse will go a long way to cleaning and preventing cancer in the body. A heavy metal detox is also a good way to heal your body.
DCA can be used for cancer treatment, the sodium salt of dichloroacetate, a cheap chemical compound that has shown some clear potential as an alternative cancer treatment, which has been used in a number of trials with people suffering from brain cancer, or glioblastoma. Oral DCA therapy resulted in tumor stabilization of stage 4 colon cancer in a 57 years old female for a period of over 3 years, with no serious toxicity.
Now, drop them bombs and heal the world from the Commies.
Cures for the 3 Types of Cancers revealed so far:
Tumor Cancer (tumor is producing immune system suppressant) - Macrophage activating factor from vitamin D binding protein Yakamoto Patent number: 5326749, from 1994; https://patents.justia.com/inventor/nobuto-yamamoto
"Typical" Cancer (non tumor, nutrient/immune system deficit) - There are more than 90 cures that typically involve a 3 stage process: a: detox with things like tumeric tea, NAC, etc, b: initial volley to damage/slow the cancer with 7 day regimen of fenben, ivermectic, etc, followed by c. nutrient deficit fixes with things such as vitamin D, chaga tea, potassium iodide etc.
Blood Cancer - Leukemia, etc.; No data revealed yet on the cure that I am aware of.
I wonder if Dr. Zelenko has tried this: ivermectin and fenbendazole.
I wondered the same weeks ago when he was being admitted to the hospital and had a short video.
Fenbendazole doesn't work for certain types of cancers, it's not a panacea.
Nor is Ivermectin or anything else.
There are alternatives.
Also, monoclonal antibodies.
I wonder if all the people treated by this for Covid also inadvertently had certain cancers in their body healed that weren't diagnosed.
Diet also!
Get rid of HFCS, Sugars, & Carbs. Go Keto!
Cancer thrives on sugars and carbs.
HFCS is in damn near everything. I went on a fact finding grocery replenish and looked hard for what I wanted in products without high fructose corn syrup and it took me 3 hours. It can be done but some things you may have to make from your own ingredients.
https://www.ghughessugarfree.com/ Have used anything from this guy that wasn't good.
HFCS is loaded with sulfites. I have an intolerance to sulfites. Try being me. 🙁
Cannabis industry getting rich off of “curing” every disease without actually curing any disease.
If the cure were effective do you think you would hear about it? Look what natural cures have had their discovery shut down by murdering anyone willing to publish it. God gave us everything we need to remain healthy. We just need people unconnected to big pharma/big medicine to look for it. I have used cannabis for over a half century and haven't seen a doctor since 2015. If your trying to tell me it's all in my head that is true...the knowledge to see through the bullshit. I'm there.
Just like DMSO was hushed by Big Phama.
Watch this amazing video:
DMSO - The Miracle Drug - from a 60 Minutes Report in 1980
BTW look into Rick Simpson Cannabis Oils for some documented cures. At least there were. Lots of things useful in staying healthy have been scrubbed from the net since covid.
God gave us everything to remain healthy until we started unnaturally mixing things.
I have smoked pot every time I want to sleep for at least 25 years, never while I want to be functional. I cracked my head about 25 years ago and I tried everything but going to a place to watch me sleep. Kaiser suggested I get a pot card and the first time I smoked I fell asleep standing up leaning on a door jam. I had only slept 8 hours for a little over a week, and I was going nuts. I tried one time going on vacation to a non pot state, I ruined everyone's vacation because I had to keep getting up to slow down my thoughts. Everyone cut their vacation short and we all went home. I have not stopped since, it was horrible.
Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1931 for proving that Cancer cells cannot live in Oxygen!
These murderers should be executed by firing squad immediately or better yet drawn & quartered.
The point is, there are many things, including drugs, herbs, diet, mental health, social support, prayer, that are helpful and their helpfulness will vary not only due to their innate helpful qualities, but due to synergy (or lack of it, or even antagonism) with each other and with the inner environment (e.g. genetic limits) of the person receiving them. People used to understand how much medicine was an art of juggling variables. Now they expect something as cut-and-dried as changing the oil in a car--but even that can be done "better" or "worse."
I wish I heard this more often. Just because there's a medicine that government doesn't want you to have doesn't make it a fix-all.
I can't remember if it was in reference to fenbendazole, but there are some cures that stop the spread of a cancer but don't remove it. Maybe it was peach pits? See Doctored Results book.
Lots of fruit seeds have healthy quantities of cyanide that aid in apoptosis of cancer cells.
Grass fed beef and fresh fruit is how you know God loves us and wants us to be happy.
Grass "finished" or the grass benefits are gone.
God gave them multiple stomachs to ferment the swill they're often fed, even suboptimal beef is better than something that's not beef
Beef & fruit FTW, it’s what I live on.
You're correct fellow Patriot... They label it as Vita B17 though it is NOT a vitamin.
Don't recall the exact name of the med that crushed up pits create. Needs to be done within strict regime to ensure one doesn't get side effects from the potency.
I bought a bottle years ago. Unable to find this particular brand anymore online.
Wonder if they along with some manufacturers of quercetin that I used to be able to buy also were forced not to sell anymore.
I think you are referring to Laetrile. From apricot seed.
Yes that's the one. Apparently they were instructed to shut down and bury the studies because the results were good.
Doctored Results: The Suppression of Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
Also in many seeds, the best way to eat them is with a bite of the fruit. I eat all my apple seeds, they are easy.
I eat about 8-10 bitter Organic Apricot Seeds (all natural non-GMO, Kosher, Vegan) each day for the Vitamin B-17 also called Amygdalin, which was the main ingredient in Laetrile which was shown to have a great effect against cancer.
Maybe not certain specific types but I think back with I studied up on Fenbendazole that contrary to what some said it did help ameliorate blood cancer as well.
How can you know? It is very safe, it is given to adults, children, dogs, cats, horses, pigs and many other animals with beneficial results. Thus, it won't hurt to try it, as long as you follow the protocol that also involves taking the specific vitamins at the same time. Many people have cured themselves with it.
On the other hand, chemo and radiation have terrible and sometimes deadly side effects, but negligible benefits. Do you recommend those?
Yes, I know, but when everything looks dismal, it is worth a try along with prayer. What do you have to lose. Same with apricot seeds helping.
I can only wonder if the dear Dr. Zelenko is not really suffering from cancer as he's been told, but instead, being targeted with energy weapons, poisoned food or water or some other nefarious attack because of his VERY PUBLIC advocacy against the vaccines and his excellent treatments for COVID-19.
The Deep State is relentless in taking down those that threaten their agenda.
So true.
I seem to recall him saying a while back that these were the only reason he was still alive and he was supposed to be gone home awhile ago.
antiparasites seem to be very efficient against cancer
Gregg's follow-up post this morning: " Last night I shared a story about my journey, that began almost three years ago, from cancer to healing by the hands of a loving God.
Amazing outpouring of stories. Kindness. Tears. Prayer. Witness. People sharing their expertise in the stuff that helped me.
I wake to hate. Trolls, shills and haters questioning why I waited so long to put the story up implying the cancer wasn’t real. They are making fun of my use of the Bible app to stay in the Word for more than 1,000 days.
Unbridled evil."
Thanks for posting his follow-up fren!
Im ashamed to say i found more faith, or the most, after having a brain tumor found, removed, radiation and oral chemo. I feel like god somehow led me to the Joe Tippen protocol which includes fenbendzolone and ive had clean follow up scans since ( knock on wood and thank god )
Found2 years ago this july. Removed 2 years ago in August.
Just had a baby girl we Werent supposed to be able to have given the chemo i was on. Now have a 10, 5, 3, and 1 week old. Feel like, and praying, im supposed to be around a lot longer.
Don't be ashamed...each of us is on a journey and if we are faithful then our trials draw us closer to Him.
How exciting you are blessed with another child! May God continue to bless and protect you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story. 🙏
I suspect that Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc, Albendazole/Fenbendazole, and HCQ will kill 90%+ of cancer. And that that is one of the reasons why Big Pharma do not want us to have them.
P.S. I also think that they "cure gay-ness" (particularly the -zole and Iverrmectin). Because I think a lot of homosexuals are infected with worms in their digestive tract that are influencing their thinking via the Vagus Nerve. And these drugs (esp. -zole and Ivermectin) kill all of those worms. It's an idea I am entertaining.
This. There was other research confirming this, hence the term "gays reproduce by touching other peoples children"
P.S. Anyone who lives in God's Country can go to a "Feed Supply" sort of place, and buy Albendazole.
And you should do so.
Panacur-C also. The small animal vet version. Cheap too.
Fenben easy to get on amazon
Cool. Buy it.
Hah. I wrote "suspect", you might note.
Fact: Ivermectin and the -zole drugs kill worms. That is what they do.
Hypothesis: Cancer and "gayness" are caused by worms/bugs.
Interesting. Nutty but interesting
I''ll give you another.
When you consume too much alcohol, it changes your gut flora. Right? Or maybe it's the other way around.
People do not realize how much influence on "thinking" these worms and bugs can have, if they are able to access the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a straight line communication mechanism to talk directly to the brain. "Send more sugar!" is what most Americans have. "Send more alcohol!" is what alcoholics have. "Send more dick up my ass!" might be what de gheys have.....
Don't think bugs can take over cognition of a complex organism? I have a one word answer for that. Go to YT and search for "cordyceps". After you've had your face melted off by those videos, then I have the fun thought for you: realize that you are, genetically, not all that different from an ant or grasshopper. My conclusion: given the right conditions.... these bugs can drive you around like a fucking gundam.
For decades we thought ulcers were caused by genetics, etc. One doctor realized it was an infection, and he was lambasted for years for this view.
Turns out.... he was correct.
I think there are a variety of conditions that are made better by a regular regimen of D, K, Magnesium, NAC, Zinc, HCQ, Quercetin, and Ivermectin, with twice-a-year deworming with Albendazole/Fenbendazole (I've been doing this for years with Albendazole... need to investigate the difference between these two "-zole" drugs). And I think cancer is one of them. All cancers? How much? I am quite sure I don't know. But I've seen a lot of anecdotal evidence (including here on this thread!) that there is a connection. I am thinking I need to go on prophylactic ivermectin, and should figure out what that would look like (daily? weekly? monthly?)
EDIT: I should add iodine as well. I have started to think that iodine is a key to health.
Second PDF will talk about worms causing 'gayness'. First PDF will make you human again.
Hmmm 🤔 there’s a fungus among us.
I always disliked that song and the name 'Candida'.
😂 nobody likes that itchy bitch 😂
Camino de Santiago? 😇🙏👣⛪️ .....never been but would love to make the journey, And count me in on fenben, no more conventional “medicine” or pharmakeia for me. Via con Dios Gregg!!!
The double w alliteration and capital letters on the follow up W words really stand out and make this look like comms. Other alliteration is "cancer coming", "app and", "dog dewormer", and "he healed". So maybe 3-3, 23-23, 1-1, 4-4, and 8-8.
Seems to fit with all the other 23 comms we're seeing, but what's it say? 500 miles in Spain seems like a clue, especially combined with the capital 23s. But I just can't put it all together.
great pickups! drugs, radiation, surgery = drs, could be MD, could be direct register shares. Let me get some more coffee. while walking out. The nurse praying while walking out. odd phrasing. lead or lead?
I know...that phrase struck me, too but perhaps this nurse was simply spirit filled. Not sure this a comm but dasting for sure!
yes, for sure! This guy is pretty interesting. I got on TS on desktop and I've been reading some of his stuff. We'll see what happens, but it's all very interesting!
Now they have another reason to hate and fear him. God bless Gregg!!
Amen, Praise the Lord.
I wonder if Gregg Phillips watched this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FqzhDJfjG4rf/
Clif High has also mentioned Fenbendazole, I take it weekly as a prophylactic
Clif also took Chaga mushroom powder alongside fenbendazole for his bowel cancer.
This is what ruth b ginsberg was on…. Why she lived so long with cancer…
Keklarious! You win the internet today fren! 🐸
She was dead for a long time — they used a body double !!!!
Correct, but before then, fenbendazol was used to put her stage 4 pancreatic cancer into remission many times….
Any sauce for RBG's treatment protocol?
There's also probably a ton of other medical breakthroughs they use and hide from us
I got a spooky 2 generator, and it brought a hard abscess in my gums down in about 20 minutes. I have a bad tooth causing it that I am also treating. I no longer go to Drs. that use the snake symbol, so I think it is worth the price. I use Ivers when I go shopping and when I get home, I take a shower. I caught a cold and had it come on really fast and bad, so I took the Ivers, and zinc and it was gone in about 20 minutes. People laugh when they see all the herbs and stuff I have, a lot came from my Mom, but some of it is in case of emergencies, even for my pets.
As someone who has had three bouts with cancer and is currently in remission, I pray to God this is true and wonder how I can get my hands on a safe way to consume dog meds 🤔
Fenbendazole is fine in small doses. I tried it myself just for the hell of it. The powder is tasteless so sprinkle it on your porridge, grits or whatever. (Actually, if you do have cancer you shouldn't be eating those or ANY carbohydrates.)
The happy healing store has 100% fenbendazole l. Join the fenbendazole cancer support group on Facebook, you can learn a lot and the success stories are awesome!
Check mycancerstoryrocks.com for info on the FB group. You used to need a password to be allowed to join. Join it. Now.
Chemo ???? Really ???? Chemo kills off everything in the body —- including healthy cells
Hey catssix, I am a stage 3 in remission since my surgery in 2018. As an avid researcher, I luckily came across Joe Tippen's blog in 2019. In it, he describes his journey from being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, his subsequent visits to a famous Cancer Treatment Facility which accepted him into their experimental new drug trial. To monitor his status, he was given a Pet Scan to locate and view the size and numbers of tumors. This Pet Scan would be repeated at 90 day intervals.
Besides the experimental drug, they ALSO gave him chemo, AND radiation. The radiation fried his trachea so badly he could no longer take food or liquids by mouth.
He then was put on an IV drip for 8 weeks with no other sustenance, as he could not swallow. He hoped to starve the cancer out. He lost 80 lbs and turned to skin and bones.
At the next Pet Scan they sadly told him the cancer was not better. In fact, it had spread throughout his body and they had no other solutions for him. He was told to go home and enjoy his family as he was terminal and had maybe 3 months left to live.
It was then that he learned about the Fenbendazole from his veterinarian. He purchased the product and the vitamin protocol that is required. He took the Fenbendazole 3x each week and the vitamins 7x each week. Soon, 90 days had passed and he had not died. So, he still arrived for his scheduled Pet Scan.
The scan showed zero cancer. He has continued to take the same protocol every day since, and still is cancer free.
Children is what's going to Unite the world during the Great Awakening. At the risk of putting too much faith in man, I am praying that cures are unleashed into the world shortly thereafter.
Encouraging to hear someone "Q adjacent" involved with alternative treatments.
I hope the cures are released asap, there are good people dying
They got my Mom, Brother and Sister in the span of 1 year. 1st- Sister, had a huge brain tumor, 2nd-Mom, heart attack due to lockdowns, she was on a keto diet but could not exercise, 3rd- Brother, wore a mask all the time got bacterial phnenomia(sp)from it and he struggled so hard to breath he had a stroke, and then just died.
That is horrible. I'm sorry.
Watch for medbeds!! I'm doing fenben right now. How many thanks you's I have sent to Joe Tippen's. Never enough...but also to the vet that encouraged him to try fenben - paraphrasing: what do you have to lose? Thank God for kind people.
I am betting that the so-called med beds are frequency generators which you can find right now and have one in your home. Only you don't have to stay in bed or even still. You can even use it remotely using a DNA sample, kind of how a radio tunes in frequencies. I does work, not all things super fast but it does work, even for pets.
Where do you get such things? And, what are they called exactly? I'm interested.
Thank you.
Fenbedazole.org for a list of suppliers
God is good and His mercy endures forever! Isn’t it exciting to learn that we can beat cancer!?!? Let’s keep feeding others the ways we can live in harmony (on this Earth) with our God!!! God bless you all!
He healed my mother in love of terminal cancer in the late 1960s. Ovarian cancer that had metastasized into her breasts and lungs. She became a minister and authored 3 books. The surgeon that did the exploratory surgery and saw how the cancer had spread for YEARS joined her at speaking engagements to attest to what he'd seen. He passed away a couple years ago and she's 98 today.
Fen Ben is a powerful miracle cure and is certainly one of the cures referred to by the Q drop. Please read more. Any friend or relatives with cancer must try it.
Buy on Amazon fyi.
which q drop thanks fren
I understand most cancers are associated with parasites in one's body. An annual parasite cleanse will go a long way to cleaning and preventing cancer in the body. A heavy metal detox is also a good way to heal your body.
Successfully killed the biblical snakes I see!
DCA can be used for cancer treatment, the sodium salt of dichloroacetate, a cheap chemical compound that has shown some clear potential as an alternative cancer treatment, which has been used in a number of trials with people suffering from brain cancer, or glioblastoma. Oral DCA therapy resulted in tumor stabilization of stage 4 colon cancer in a 57 years old female for a period of over 3 years, with no serious toxicity.
Try milk on your corn flakes…. The piss you are using isn’t working for you.