Look closely. Skin color doesn't match. It also has a feint shine to it. 50/50 chance that is just a rubber belly tucked in well so we can't see the seam. Although I guess someone with a side view might see it, but the camera can't. Look at the marker. Human skin doesn't mark that well. I bet its rubber.
Kek. You might as well be calling me a Nazi. A shill... LOL! My point was that these people like to pull at your emotions ANY WAY THEY CAN. Thus just for effect they will put on a prosthetic and say or do stupid shit. Don't fall for this emotional blackmail bullshit.
99% the reason I believe this is a prosthetic is there is very little chance one of these daemons would allow a parasite to grow inside them(how they view it) long enough that it stretches their skin etc etc. Think about it for a moment instead of reacting emotionally. If she's REALLY that pregnant she's already experienced tons of inconvenient events that I can't even list because I've never been pregnant. These narcissistic idiots aren't capable of that. She would have aborted it LONG before it got to this point.
As far as the skin color yes I considered the effects of the sun. Look at her belly. The color is too even. There is no blurred suntan line. No color difference AT ALL. NOT ONE SINGLE MOLE. The belly button. Kek. Its fake. Its purely a tool to tug at your emotions. They want you sad and mad.
What makes you think the baby will be born? Sad, makes me sick to my stomach but the sad reality is that this monster will probably abort the child to prove a point to pro life ppl
Is the power of life and death at such a developed state so intoxicating that they just can't let go?
In the herbal world abortifacient are numerous and have been successfully used for thousands of years, spermicides are also abundant.
Are we so far removed from nature in two short generation that we have been brainwashed into believing to control one's reproductive destiny they must go hat in hand begging the government?
Entitled liberals are NOT the ones getting the abortions. They have narcissistic gender reveal parties and thousand dollar maternity pictures. They get 4d 4k ultrasounds and throw lavish baby showers. Reddit baby bumps is a massive subreddit of real non bot accounts, and they're ALL liberals.
What it boils down to is abortion keeps the cities where they reside a certain way. To an extent, I don't blame them for feeling this way. My home cities in Texas have been RUINED by demographics, both illegal Southern Americans and African Americans from surrounding states. Look at Chicago, Detroit, San Fransicko..they're all the same excrement smeared streets with thousands of degenerates and addicts doing as they please.
How do you change entire cultures? Mindsets? How do you insure the 1-3 million babies born extra per year live a certain way? How do you insure they're not just drains on the system? How do you best steer those children towards peaceful and civil lives? You can throw the words Margaret Sanger around but there's a hard reality people on the ground face because of the quality of humans being born (kia boys, MS13, libtards, trannies, pedos, etc)
The definition one has of humanity is completely different based on where you stand religiously or ethically. The woman in this picture is likely an atheist or someone who believes a god exists but doesn't center her life or identity on theism. Her world view will always be massively different than your own
Up until about the 19th century infanticide wasn't unheard of. When condoms became more common place in the 19th century infanticide fizzled out, but abortion remained. Why was infanticide and then abortion even a thing? Resource management, too many children, not enough goods or housing. Even amongst Christians, infanticide was still common because not all married couples could manage parenting dozens of children.
Technology is the advent which makes the hard line pro life views of mainstream Christians possible. Without birth control, without condoms, without plan B, without spermicide, the only way people could have reigned in the size of their families was either to avoid intimacy completely (which is a death sentence for most marriages, ie dead bed room) or to make the choice of abortion or infanticide
Yet there's people (Catholics, quiverfulls, fundamentalists) who when birth control was invented, cried and reeeeeed it was the devil and would destroy society forever. In fact, some still believe contraceptives are evil even though they're the one thing that make hard line abortion views based entirely on social piety and human Biblical views possible.
Just some thoughts, I'm the odd man out here but this is the only place I feel right posting any of my views
Very skewed viewpoint, with lots of errors in historical viewpoint.
It was very frowned upon to kill a child. People were lynched or killed outright for killing a child or baby.
Not saying it didn't happen, but life was considered a lot more precious before the "modern age". Even now, there are a lot of people that don't believe that way.p
Having Said that, life was also hard. Before technology, as you say, it was a big deal to have large families. It wasn't out of ignorance, or some bizarre lack of enlightenment as some people today believe. Hubris is a bitch.
It was necessity.
Families had 10 kids because only 4 made it to adulthood. Miscarriages were common, kids died of pnemonia, strep, measles, you name it. More kids meant more help on the farm, meant better odds of the family name surviving, meant better chances for boys to carry on.
It is also a very narrow view that abortion was the solution for unwanted pregnancies. It is a recent contrivance to think that way.
If you had an unwanted child, you were most often sent to stay with distant relatives until you could give to a convent or orphanage, or could bring back as a surprise "little sister" of your mother's. Today they make jokes about this in TV and movies, but that really happened. Sure it was more about appearances back then, and many families today don't care for elaborate schemes, don't think it necessary anymore. But at least in those days it was more important a child lived than killing it.
Remember too, abortions back then consisted of jabbing a woman inside with a coat hanger, puncturing the amniotic sack. More women died of internal bleeding that survived an abortion. Either that or they had severe internal damage, and problems the rest of their lives.
This is how I can lurk on Twitter on my Mac with Safari, maybe it will work on your system:
When the "Log in to Twitter" pop up comes up, click, LOG IN. That brings up a new pop up, "Sign in to Twitter". Ignore that and instead, press < (PREVIOUS PAGE) in your browser. Then you can scroll and click on Twitter for a bit. The pop ups will come back, just do the same thing again and again as needed, Log In, Back Page.
I wish I had the courage to just yell this piece of my mind at these brainwashed people:
You claim the unborn aren't human without thinking twice on what you decree. Yet when/if they are born, you wouldn't dare to yell at your own offspring about their insignificance or only being a collective of cells and clumps of atoms.
You long to be free and bear the right of bodily autonomy. Yet, like slaves to a bondmaster, you scream and shout the words of the puppetmaster without thinking about your enslavement.
You say that your body is your choice, but what about the ones you bear to labor? Until they are born, aren't they also due that same freedom? Would your own mothers have done the same to you as you freely do to your own babies?
Why do you fight for sexual freedom if what you fight for is sexual slavery to your flesh?
Why won't you turn to God for freedom, salvation, and a renewing of your mind? Have you really lost your souls beyond repair?
Plot twist: she's an old patriot grandma who's there to enjoy some free lulkeks at liberal expense. That's why the sunglasses. She can hide her smile, but the eyes don't lie!
That poor child being born to her.
I think that she is referring to herself... Clearly she is sub-human.
I think I am the only one here who got the joke
Look closely. Skin color doesn't match. It also has a feint shine to it. 50/50 chance that is just a rubber belly tucked in well so we can't see the seam. Although I guess someone with a side view might see it, but the camera can't. Look at the marker. Human skin doesn't mark that well. I bet its rubber.
I saw that as well.
I'll third that. Prosthetic...
I hope are correct.
Kek. You might as well be calling me a Nazi. A shill... LOL! My point was that these people like to pull at your emotions ANY WAY THEY CAN. Thus just for effect they will put on a prosthetic and say or do stupid shit. Don't fall for this emotional blackmail bullshit.
99% the reason I believe this is a prosthetic is there is very little chance one of these daemons would allow a parasite to grow inside them(how they view it) long enough that it stretches their skin etc etc. Think about it for a moment instead of reacting emotionally. If she's REALLY that pregnant she's already experienced tons of inconvenient events that I can't even list because I've never been pregnant. These narcissistic idiots aren't capable of that. She would have aborted it LONG before it got to this point.
As far as the skin color yes I considered the effects of the sun. Look at her belly. The color is too even. There is no blurred suntan line. No color difference AT ALL. NOT ONE SINGLE MOLE. The belly button. Kek. Its fake. Its purely a tool to tug at your emotions. They want you sad and mad.
That poor baby :(.
Imagine how the kid will feel after they grow up and see this picture. She didn’t really think this through. Any of it.
What makes you think the baby will be born? Sad, makes me sick to my stomach but the sad reality is that this monster will probably abort the child to prove a point to pro life ppl
You might have a point, it’s wishful thinking on my part!
And there's a big giant ring on her left hand ring finger. Somebody WANTED to marry that?? And he's OKAY with her doing this with HIS child??
Her wife and her probably both artificially inseminated, just so they can murder their babies later.
You know, for goddess power or some bullshit.
Please tell me that's a strap-on belly.
She wrote that on her own skin, not her babies. :)
Is the power of life and death at such a developed state so intoxicating that they just can't let go?
In the herbal world abortifacient are numerous and have been successfully used for thousands of years, spermicides are also abundant.
Are we so far removed from nature in two short generation that we have been brainwashed into believing to control one's reproductive destiny they must go hat in hand begging the government?
Entitled liberals are NOT the ones getting the abortions. They have narcissistic gender reveal parties and thousand dollar maternity pictures. They get 4d 4k ultrasounds and throw lavish baby showers. Reddit baby bumps is a massive subreddit of real non bot accounts, and they're ALL liberals.
What it boils down to is abortion keeps the cities where they reside a certain way. To an extent, I don't blame them for feeling this way. My home cities in Texas have been RUINED by demographics, both illegal Southern Americans and African Americans from surrounding states. Look at Chicago, Detroit, San Fransicko..they're all the same excrement smeared streets with thousands of degenerates and addicts doing as they please.
How do you change entire cultures? Mindsets? How do you insure the 1-3 million babies born extra per year live a certain way? How do you insure they're not just drains on the system? How do you best steer those children towards peaceful and civil lives? You can throw the words Margaret Sanger around but there's a hard reality people on the ground face because of the quality of humans being born (kia boys, MS13, libtards, trannies, pedos, etc)
The definition one has of humanity is completely different based on where you stand religiously or ethically. The woman in this picture is likely an atheist or someone who believes a god exists but doesn't center her life or identity on theism. Her world view will always be massively different than your own
Up until about the 19th century infanticide wasn't unheard of. When condoms became more common place in the 19th century infanticide fizzled out, but abortion remained. Why was infanticide and then abortion even a thing? Resource management, too many children, not enough goods or housing. Even amongst Christians, infanticide was still common because not all married couples could manage parenting dozens of children.
Technology is the advent which makes the hard line pro life views of mainstream Christians possible. Without birth control, without condoms, without plan B, without spermicide, the only way people could have reigned in the size of their families was either to avoid intimacy completely (which is a death sentence for most marriages, ie dead bed room) or to make the choice of abortion or infanticide
Yet there's people (Catholics, quiverfulls, fundamentalists) who when birth control was invented, cried and reeeeeed it was the devil and would destroy society forever. In fact, some still believe contraceptives are evil even though they're the one thing that make hard line abortion views based entirely on social piety and human Biblical views possible.
Just some thoughts, I'm the odd man out here but this is the only place I feel right posting any of my views
Very skewed viewpoint, with lots of errors in historical viewpoint.
It was very frowned upon to kill a child. People were lynched or killed outright for killing a child or baby.
Not saying it didn't happen, but life was considered a lot more precious before the "modern age". Even now, there are a lot of people that don't believe that way.p
Having Said that, life was also hard. Before technology, as you say, it was a big deal to have large families. It wasn't out of ignorance, or some bizarre lack of enlightenment as some people today believe. Hubris is a bitch.
It was necessity.
Families had 10 kids because only 4 made it to adulthood. Miscarriages were common, kids died of pnemonia, strep, measles, you name it. More kids meant more help on the farm, meant better odds of the family name surviving, meant better chances for boys to carry on.
It is also a very narrow view that abortion was the solution for unwanted pregnancies. It is a recent contrivance to think that way.
If you had an unwanted child, you were most often sent to stay with distant relatives until you could give to a convent or orphanage, or could bring back as a surprise "little sister" of your mother's. Today they make jokes about this in TV and movies, but that really happened. Sure it was more about appearances back then, and many families today don't care for elaborate schemes, don't think it necessary anymore. But at least in those days it was more important a child lived than killing it.
Remember too, abortions back then consisted of jabbing a woman inside with a coat hanger, puncturing the amniotic sack. More women died of internal bleeding that survived an abortion. Either that or they had severe internal damage, and problems the rest of their lives.
Here is a person who doesn’t deserve a child.
But if you assault her and the baby dies you’ll be charged with murder.
I hate links to Twitter. They changed their code again and it doesn't embed and it wants me to sign up to see content.
This is how I can lurk on Twitter on my Mac with Safari, maybe it will work on your system:
When the "Log in to Twitter" pop up comes up, click, LOG IN. That brings up a new pop up, "Sign in to Twitter". Ignore that and instead, press < (PREVIOUS PAGE) in your browser. Then you can scroll and click on Twitter for a bit. The pop ups will come back, just do the same thing again and again as needed, Log In, Back Page.
Good thing I'm not God deciding what humans should leave this Earth.
Is pregnancy and reproduction like a box of chocolates now?
In a just world,with a CPS that wasn't corrupt, this would be considered child abuse. But, knowing how sick THEY are she probably works for them.
I wish I had the courage to just yell this piece of my mind at these brainwashed people:
You claim the unborn aren't human without thinking twice on what you decree. Yet when/if they are born, you wouldn't dare to yell at your own offspring about their insignificance or only being a collective of cells and clumps of atoms.
You long to be free and bear the right of bodily autonomy. Yet, like slaves to a bondmaster, you scream and shout the words of the puppetmaster without thinking about your enslavement.
You say that your body is your choice, but what about the ones you bear to labor? Until they are born, aren't they also due that same freedom? Would your own mothers have done the same to you as you freely do to your own babies?
Why do you fight for sexual freedom if what you fight for is sexual slavery to your flesh?
Why won't you turn to God for freedom, salvation, and a renewing of your mind? Have you really lost your souls beyond repair?
See that old hippy lady in the background. Imagine what her life is like.
Plot twist: she's an old patriot grandma who's there to enjoy some free lulkeks at liberal expense. That's why the sunglasses. She can hide her smile, but the eyes don't lie!
46 Chromosomes at conception. That's a human, babyyyy!
A very small human.