My Democrat neighbor can not help but mention her “black” trainer or her “black” tenant in conversations. They can’t help themselves. They always qualify their low key racism by prefacing with, “I’m not racist but…”
Liberals are an open minded bunch that constantly preaches how those whom they do not agree with are RACIST. Nice to see their true colors come out in fits of rage. Margaret Sanger Harris would be so proud.....
Remember, AJ, the internet will never forget that you said that word and then thought you could justify it by telling people you were out of control emotionally, then switched to say it was okay because you were making a point. What point was that, AJ? That Clarence Thomas is 3/5ths of a person? That he belongs on the plantation? Why do you have the privilege to do that? Is it because you're a white liberal? Did you think you could say it because the grand elders of the woke community have been saying it?
What? Did nobody tell you? Didn't you know that a little minion like you doesn't have enough brownie points to do that? Didn't you know that woke culture does not forgive? Well, it's too late now, so, congratulations! All your woke cred is gone, and you are now, and forever shall be, a racist bigot. It's obvious from your post that your woke friends already know. I expect they have already expressed their concern about how you fooled them into believing you were woke. Your woke teachers probably already know from checking your internet activity for woke compliance. Expect lots of Fs in class after you are moved to a stool in the back corner to offset your privilege. They probably won't let you graduate without some kind of humiliating ritual of confession, but that will change nothing. Don't even try to get a job. Your future woke employers will already know before you even come in for the interview. I don't know what's going to happen when the black people in your town find out what you said and recognize you on the street from your post. Better stay inside and hope they don't dox you. It doesn't look like you would be any good in a fight, regardless of how brave you are to show such disrespect for a Supreme Court Justice.
Well, she uses the n word then follows up with "the N word" as if that will take the heat off, also saying she's not racist while using a race related slur.🙄
‘I’m not racist either!” 🤡
But she IS a BIGGOT!
She? Is that not a 12 year old boy?
Yes, of course.
Why is anyone shocked that a dem would say this? They're the party of racism! They invented the KKK and Jim Crow.
Agreed, but most of those supporting the dems and hating the GOP are totally unaware of those facts.
Privileged much?
This is how ULTRA-MAGA gets a black majority in 2024.
The Democrats are no even trying to hide how racist they are anymore.
Is this what 4D chess looks like? Kek
My Democrat neighbor can not help but mention her “black” trainer or her “black” tenant in conversations. They can’t help themselves. They always qualify their low key racism by prefacing with, “I’m not racist but…”
"He ain't tap dancing like he supposed to. HE A %#^$%!!!!" -Demonrats
It is sad to see how so many Black Americans have been brain washed.
Exactly what I was going to say!
Just look at the glasses.
It's the big identifier
Lol totally not racist. Why did she need to use "N-word" in followup? Did her anger go away?
Liberals are an open minded bunch that constantly preaches how those whom they do not agree with are RACIST. Nice to see their true colors come out in fits of rage. Margaret Sanger Harris would be so proud.....
Next tweet will be "I have black friends!"
Who is this? Just some random liberal?
So all they need to do is find a way for pregnant women to identify as the N-word, and people might finally get off the couches and go protest ...
I wonder if she'll use the "I'm Jewish" liability shield.
Your, AJ, are a smug, foul mouthed piece of trash. Now is her employer going to terminate her for racism like every conservative has been?
Well, the twitter account is gone, so that's a start. Too bad for her (him?) that the internet is forever
And I am very sure she's never read Huckleberry Finn. Awareness level zero.
These people need to go abort themselves…save taxpayers some $$$$$
IF you have to tell people you are not racist then you just might be racist.
Yes. In other words, when you think you can get away with it.
I bet she’s got friends who are black….. !
Remember, AJ, the internet will never forget that you said that word and then thought you could justify it by telling people you were out of control emotionally, then switched to say it was okay because you were making a point. What point was that, AJ? That Clarence Thomas is 3/5ths of a person? That he belongs on the plantation? Why do you have the privilege to do that? Is it because you're a white liberal? Did you think you could say it because the grand elders of the woke community have been saying it?
What? Did nobody tell you? Didn't you know that a little minion like you doesn't have enough brownie points to do that? Didn't you know that woke culture does not forgive? Well, it's too late now, so, congratulations! All your woke cred is gone, and you are now, and forever shall be, a racist bigot. It's obvious from your post that your woke friends already know. I expect they have already expressed their concern about how you fooled them into believing you were woke. Your woke teachers probably already know from checking your internet activity for woke compliance. Expect lots of Fs in class after you are moved to a stool in the back corner to offset your privilege. They probably won't let you graduate without some kind of humiliating ritual of confession, but that will change nothing. Don't even try to get a job. Your future woke employers will already know before you even come in for the interview. I don't know what's going to happen when the black people in your town find out what you said and recognize you on the street from your post. Better stay inside and hope they don't dox you. It doesn't look like you would be any good in a fight, regardless of how brave you are to show such disrespect for a Supreme Court Justice.
Well, she uses the n word then follows up with "the N word" as if that will take the heat off, also saying she's not racist while using a race related slur.🙄
Sorry clown, you are a racist. You made your point well. That is one accomish3d patriot and you wouldn't make a pimple on his ass.
Racist pig. Democrats invented racism
By saying , your not racist dosent make you not racist. But your actions do. What a true representative of the libtards!
No but hideous and virgin are my guesses.
It's just a word. I'm not gonna be a hypocrite. Sticks and stones people.
It's all over her twitter, she deleted it but numerous people screenshotted.
A self-destructive leftist? Impossible!
Always with the faces and hair that make it almost impossible to tell whether male or female...
The liberal mentality "I'm not a racist either"....................... SMH.
The wheels are gone and the car is on fire. Let it burn guys.... Kek