Ghislaine mentions "from darkness into the light" in her statement to the court today.
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Who Fn cares... where is the list of Johns??? ie: the list of Pedos!!!
All in good time.
Consider the winning streak we are on!
Maxwell = JAILED
All within a single week!
I hear ya... but I want to see some treasonous, seditious pedophiles brought to justice too!!!
You just did!
Maxwell is the Queen pedophile. Think of it... she only got 20 years.
The only way that is possible is if she squealed on the entire Cabal network. She clearly cut a deal.
Have faith! More pedophiles will be brought up on charges in due time. These cases take time. There can be no room for error. It all must be done by the book of law. Anything else would give the Cabal a way out, and we cannot let that happen.
She was never brought to book about what happened under the island..where the children were sacrificed and of entrails..naked people eat on buckets child on table etc
Does she deserve a death sentence for this?
I agree. Everyone saying this was a huge win and more is coming. I guess i just dont understand how legal proceedings work then because i diddnt see ANY mention of the black book or client names. Do plea deals happen in the court room or in an interrogation room? Is everything about that island going to get memory holed because the two owners are dead and in jail? You cant file a lawsuit against an island. Can she cooperate more with authorities while shes in prison down the line?
Please deals happen between the prosecuting attorney and the defendant & their attorney, not in font of the judge & jury. And usually they happen only if the defendant agrees to do something in return ie squeal on all the others.
Death sentence? Not necessarily; you don't get her to roll on people if you're just going to kill her anyway. What's the point?
So you kill Ghislaine for her actions, which were only one part of the whole. What do you get? You get a temporary sense of justice, a "win", but then the rest go free to continue on with the activities.
No, deals are necessary. Even "no deals" doesn't make sense. You have to dangle a carrot to get evil people to roll over and assist with stopping the larger problem. Ultimately they only care about themselves.
So in the absence of rolling over on everyone involved, yes she deserves the death sentence. But in stopping the greater evils perpetrated by those in high positions across the country (world), you have to grant the ability for her to save her life but still get an extreme punishment.
People are forgetting that squealing carries the Clinton Death Sentance (by Arkanicide). The court merely gave ol' Side o' Beef a 20 year opportunity (when only 20 days or less would really be needed).
Normally that's true, but when Patriots are in control precautionary measures are taken.
I think "no deals" pertains to those who continue to play the game, not those that turn the cheek and assist nor those who were controlled through threats or extortion on their families.
If deals are in play I would think not ruining your entire name and cursing any offspring along with it is one of the most compelling deals on the table.
Tbh it's why this movie is so exciting, we don't know what the biggest motivators are of all the players and some will be looked at as evil while have actually been heroes and vis versa there will be some we thought were Patriots but instead deceivers.
As for Ghislaine, there are a lot of sealed cases out there and these people were connected worldwide and at the highest levels. People can do their own math, this is not over.
The things with names and offspring -- there are a lot of these evil people who don't have any offspring, and their names only matter insofar as power. If they're being killed anyway, then their name isn't worth saving to them.
You're probably right that deals are being handed out to those who help stop the game -- though probably not those who simply decide to back out.
Exactly fren I know people want public justice I do too. I would love to see Bill Gates burned at the stake but the plan is working and the white hats are moving along.
We gotta remember that this plan isn’t necessary for us it’s for the normies that need to be eased into things. I know it’s annoying and at times I wish we could just fast forward but we all gotta think about our triple jabbed family members. If all of a sudden they knew all the stuff we knew in a day or two society would be chaos. People would be killing themselves left and right and society would shut down.
Think about your own awakening. It took months maybe even years to truly awaken. For me it started with Ron Paul and the Fed in 2012 and for the most part climaxed with Pizza Gate in 2016/2017? That was a 5 year process. And this sent me into a severe depression of drugs, abusing alcohol and easy women. And I take it most of us are a little more rough on the edges then normies. We can’t just rip the band aid off.
Thank you. I fully get it and I’m fully onside. haha, regrettably I figured it all out years ago and yes, it is hard to watch.
People are waking up and o am optimistic. I have always had a strong sense of justice so knowing what these scumbags have been up to has been really hard to take.
All good fren.
Remember, Hilary might even hang for treason but unless we the people end The Federal Reserve’s charter, we wake up enslaved.
“When does a caged bird sing”?
That makes so much sense! 20 years deal because she squealed. When does a bird sing?
You forgot the 2nd amendment. Higher on list than Maxwell and Q.
Not even time to open the bubbly ..... yet
Hopium on overdrive.
No proof of Q being back fren. All posts, both days, have been highly contested as not having verification metrics that Q had, Along with high possibility that it was a hack. Take with a grain of salt.:
This is my take on Ghislaine Maxwell’s situation.
That is my theory as well. New face. Skin grafts of someone else's fingerprints. And she'll go live with Mossad protection somewhere.
There's a doom train going on here, knock it off. Bitch about something else please.
Whats peeps thoughts on this? Blackout necessary
Media blackout and/or internet down for the 4th boom. Or Q referencing their own hiatus.
I archived the article if anyone else is having trouble reading it without registering.
Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein were only the Fixers for the wealthy and powerful clients and while its great they are now gone i have zero doubt that they've already been replaced by some other despicable monsters.
What we NEED is the list of clients of the convicted traffickers to be made public, the evidence gathered by FBI during Epstein/Maxwell investigations to be acted upon and those people who are still in positions of any power or influence to be unceremoniously removed from their positions, tried and then sentenced.
They will try to make this the end of the affair for sure.
Second source
What was she sentenced too?
20 years.
Plus $750,000 fine.
20 years and $750,000 fine
Her fine, she will pay out of the millions Epstein left her.
20 years is not justice. She should have been given far more dire consequences, unless she is being used to take the whole cabal down. But then again, I don't expect justice on this side of Heaven for the most part. Roe and the coaches' case were just, so I will watch somewhat optimistically and wait for marching orders.
Thirst not for justice? Because all fall short of justice, you and me both...
Thirst rather for an end to evil. That is true justice.
(Even 500 years would not be justice! But, if the Maxwell situation is a tiny pebble in the overall march towards eliminating all the evil, then who cares what happens to her? Not me. Regardless of what happens for the rest of her life, she will have to live with the consequences of her actions for eternity.)
True. As I said, I don't expect justice on Earth until the Messiah reigns for a thousand years anyway. An End to all evil will come with the new Heavens and the Earth, but I suspect we won't see full justice until then. And justice and mercy do embrace in Messiah, but that is for the repentant.
hearing those BOOMS again today
Full article
Thanks for the full article. Upon reading, it is clear that the use of the phrase has nothing to do with Q or the Great Awakening. The phrase existed before Q, after all. It is practically hackneyed.
This is the way. (Archive everything)
Tell us more, Ghislaine!
Maxwell mentions "as you travel through darkness to light". She's full of shit. That stuff haunts you even when you think that you've moved well beyond it. While you may be lucky enough to find yourself with a person who is good, you still continue to have issues. Hopefully she'll never get out on parole being that she's 60.
Notice how the coverage is focused on Epstein abuse and not the fact they recruited these girls to give out to influential people.
Was she really talking to her victims? To be honest, when I read that, I wondered what kind of light she's referring to. Because the Luciferians think that their god is the god of light...
She was talking to her fellow Cabal members. She is saying that she is going to spill the beans because 20 years is freaking too long for her to suffer and she is pissed that they couldn't pull their strings and got it reduced and suspended.
Essentially, Ghislaine Maxwell is the case of a slow fuse dynamite that the Cabal is helpless to stop. She couldn't suicide her. They couldn't get her a mistrial. They couldn't bribe the judge to throw the case somehow nor could they pressure the jury into acquitting her. This is what a dying empire looks like.
But if that was the case, how would her spilling the beans help them travel "through the darkness to the light"?
I don't really see how people at her level can have any real repentance. Merely steps to save their own skins. But, I'm also inclined to think they are actually true believers. Aka, that they will give everything and die for the cause.
My interpretation, if she was speaking to her fellows, is "whatever I am doing now, may this help you weather the storm the White Hats are bringing against us and lead you to that place where we can truly worship our one true god, Lucifer."
But, I like your take on the slow fuse dynamite. Seems to me that this must be the case, with folks like her, like Assange, like Durham.
Controlled demolition, accompanied by hurricanes of silent rheeees we simply don't hear.
PS. Bubble, which state are you residing in? Asking for a fren.
I am in Australia!
Frog! You ain't been paying attention!
I know you're in Australia. You didn't pick up that I'm afflicted with the same condition? (kek)
That's what I'm asking. Cos I'm a citizen of Danistan. And if I have to explain that to you, I'm in trouble!
Most of the victims probably dont even know all the trusted people in their lives who were actually working for Maxwell/Epstein and were conspiring against them. They probably dont even know the full extent of the crimes. All they know is that they were abused. Soon they will learn the full extent of what happened to them and who conspired in doing that.
No question of repentance. She doesnt care about the victims or about then travelling from darkness to light. All she is doing is sending the comms - thats the important part. She is vindictive and she will bring down the rest of her conspirators. Thats the message.
People here tend to think that the entire Cabal is unified into one single cause. I dont believe that. There are multiple factions in the Cabal and each have their own cause. For all you know Maxwell only cared about abusing minors and making money and controlling powerful people. She probably couldn't care less about Georgia Guidestones or depopulation as a cause by itself.
The biggest misdirection people like Alex Jones do is make us think that the entire Cabal faction is one monolithic entity with one cause. This causes people a hard time uncovering the true reality.
So it's not like Jihadists all saying they are doing the job of their God when they kill people. Everyone is in there for their own benefit and can only see a part of the truth, not the whole truth.
Yes, I think agree this is most certainly a more accurate description. I think a similar paradigm should also be applied to the CCP, for example.
Yes, and no. At the end of the day, the primary and central motivation is for self. However, I also think there are allegiances, and belief structures that allow them to do what they do.
I concur.
A very instructive study into this sort of structure/dynamic is "The Enigma of Japanese Power" by Karel Van Wolferen. I read this when I was living in Japan many years back. The essential gist of the message is that the system itself is what controls Japan, not any individual, or party, or group.
My estimation would be that Satanic forces (who themselves function in unity only for self-benefit and form factions along those lines) keep the earthly instruments in darkness and limited understanding, because doing otherwise would allow them too much control. Thus: "can only see a part of the truth, not the whole truth."
That said, I'm inclined to think that there are some (on earth) too, who are true believers, who believe in their ethic religiously, in some deluded manner.
Has the corrupt judge explained why the names are sealed?
The victims, where are the victims?! Accounted for? I know it’s not public and shouldn’t be, but any good news from so many is wanted.
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