The woke Luciferian clowns at the WaPo are going to educate everybody on the Founder's intentions regarding abortion in 1792. Good lord, they’re both evil and stupid...
🤡 Clown World 🌎
Next, the WaPo will say our Founding Father's were in favor of transvestites, because they all wore wigs. They even created the Whig party. /s
wait, they were transphobes?
what a bunch of bigots
Very stoopid.
Boston Tea Party will be called a wild LGTBQ16364 Orgy.
And they'll also nail the founders for cultural misappropriation for dressing as native Americans while tossing the tea overboard. Unless one of them had the name Trudeau. That one would get a free pass.
In fact, contrary to Alito’s assertions in Dobbs, three Founders from Virginia — Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and John Marshall — did not seek charges in a sensational court case from that era in which evidence of abortion was discovered. In 1792, 18-year-old unwed Nancy Randolph was impregnated by her 22-year-old brother-in-law and cousin, Richard Randolph.
Therefore, the more historically accurate conclusion is Justice Harry A. Blackmun’s majority opinion in Roe v. Wade (https://archive.ph/o/iovut/https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/ll/usrep/usrep410/usrep410113/usrep410113.pdf) (1973), that “at the time of the adoption of our Constitution, and throughout the majority of the 19th century, abortion was viewed with less disfavour than under most American statutes currently in effect. Phrasing it another way, a woman enjoyed a substantially broader right to terminate a pregnancy than she does in most States today. ”
**archived link👇👇👇 Sauce (https://archive.ph/iovut)
I mean....literally none of this says that abortion should be a right under the Constitution. But most states that have abortion restrictions have exceptions for situations similar to this one stated.
Unfortunately, not all of them, but they clearly were taking the stance of not throwing the book at her not so much as an endorsement...
Roe v Wade would probably still be in effect, if the Left had been more civil about it... And also the right wingers and Christians berating women didn't help the situation either...
I am against, however I also believe in working towards a society that is more pro life in every aspect
Baby murder is wrong. Period. Don't like it, get it deported. We don't need people who think baby murder is okay. We're already suffering so much because we tolerate it.
Don't deport murders, anyone who has ever had an abortion or performed an abortion needs to be executed. We let too many murders off the hook in this country. We need mass public executions to bring this country back under GODS GRACE.
What a glowie fed post. Must really think I'm antifa levels of dumb.
Ill bet she did not have a choice.
18 yo females didn't have much independence back then.
If she was 18 when taken to court, she had probably been raped for years before that
Good to see the libtards have discovered Thomas Jefferson!
They discovered him a few years ago, when they went all "Jefferson raped his slave and had children with her!"
They repeated it so loudly and proudly that I accepted it as fact. When I went to Monticello, it was all but treated as an undeniable fact....except for the smallest excerpt on the smallest exhibit: "Proof of Jefferson fathering children with Sally Hemmings was based on DNA testing of living Hemmings descendants and hair taken from the brush of Jefferson's cousin
They never tested Jefferson's DNA - but concluded that he fathered her children. That wouldn't hold up in court - and it shouldn't hold up in the Court of Public Opinion.
Typical of leftists. They try to use our respect for our forefathers against us.
It doesn't matter what may or may not have happened because if it ain't in the consistution then they really shouldn't be surprised if the Supreme court rules it unconstitutional. gasp
I know, it's hard for them to understand
Leftists do the same thing with Christianity.
They constantly try to use Bible verses against believers.
Gotta love the "Jesus was a Socialist" approach to their politics.
No, he wasn't. He was a charitable Alpha Male.
He also preached love and peace--but even He had his limits, and of course emphasized the need for self-defense in this sinful fallen world.
Truth and Logic are the liberals kryptonite. To paraphrase the antifa biker lol-tercation joke from this morning: "Another marvel movie awaits.."
It was good enough for Satan - he quoted and twisted Scripture to Jesus, trying to tempt Him to abandon the plan and avoid the crucifixion. Thank God Jesus didn’t listen.
Devil k ows the Bible better than we do. But, the only answer he deserves is "for it is written"... then let the truth melt his ears v
Reminds me of the pro-abortion people in my neighborhood with their sign planted in a common area, not their yard, with a deer camera watching it, and under that it quotes Exodus: "Thou shalt not steal"
hypothetically someone could put on balaclava and gloves, perhaps take the long way around the neighborhood so he couldn’t be directly traced back to his house, maybe shaving cream the camera if it’s in the common area, theoretically move their sign from the common area to their yard, possibly replace it in the common area with a new sign that says “Thou shalt not steal life from babies.”
"probably", that word discounts the entire argument they have
Give them time...they'll come up with a narrative where the Founders raped their slaves and forced them to have abortions. So they were racist baby killers.
Maybe not the Founding Fathers, but you can bet that went on w slave owners on the plantation.
I doubt they aborted. That would cost money and lose you a new slave.
True. It's like cattle, I'd assume. And I'm also dubious in general about abortions occurring pre-1900. I'm sure there was some experimentation, but doesn't seem like a procedure which would have existed back then.
Plantation Parenthood; I see how the name evolved now.
Excellent. I'm using that from now on.
It’s should say they agree with the current Supreme Court that it is none of the federal governments business
Is "key Founders", the new "Experts"?
Yeah. Private, not public. [they] just debunked [them]selves. ALL of our various givt levels are PUBLIC, not private. So the Founding Father's views and any interpretation of them doesn't subscribe to a Federal pro abortion law. That's up to the individual States. And since we are also a Federation of 50 independent and free standing Constitutional Republics, this matter is up to the voters of each State.
Don't prosecute the woman, prosecute the Dr, the Dr group, the medical facility, and anyone else who signed or administered paperwork for the facilitation of a human murder in the First Degree and violation of the Hypocritic Oath, and I guarantee that the practice stops. Especially when these facilitators start being rounded up and prosecuted for hundreds, maybe thousands of murders.
I don’t believe the population thought about abortion back then. They were God fearing, strongly religious, pro-family, pro-country, unlike today. There were more farms-large families were needed for those farms. The Left can’t rewrite history, just because they want it to be true!
pro-tip, you can't be anti-american and think the founding fathers would side with you
Evil is always stupid.
Washington Post has been a CIA newspaper since about 1970.
Indeed a private matter. But that's not an endorsement of the practice.
The nuances the can not perceive. Desperate for device to sin by.
Wow! What a treasure trove of context to go along with this revelation. I'll bet they even said that men can have babies too.
Yeah, right!!! This was in a time where witches were burned at the stake, sodomites were executed and unmarried pregnant women were scorned and shunned. They just make up things to fit their narrative on a regular basis….
Wait so now we care about things written 200 years ago again?
The left: "The founding fathers are b.s. and anything they said is invalid for you to use as an argument against us.... EXCEPT WHEN WE FIND SOMETHING WE THINK WE AGREE WITH"
"Abortions" back then consisted of flinging newborn babies into the streets to be eaten by the dogs.
So if its a peivate matter then why are there public funds used for it?
Why doesn’t WAPO just go back to 1692? Big letter “A” can stand for abortion.
But if the founders were all racist, white, men, religious nationalists, then why would they care what they think?
1776 case reveals that key founders saw gun rights as an immutable matter.