Absolutely. They are run by Satan himself. These are REAL satanic people that rape children and sacrifice them.
This is all planned. We know it. But progressives are so dumb, so ignorant, and have no logical thinking abilities. It is becoming obvious that progressive libtards really are the enemy of society. This place is looking like Sodom and Gomorrah every single day. May God have mercy on us.
“He’s straight, but sometimes has sex with men.” 🙄
In case anyone was wondering how he got Wookie-pox.
Rumor is, by the end of Episode 1, Anneken had it too. Ever wonder what turned Anneken from cute innocent kid, to mass light saber-er? Now you know. Diddled by Uncle Obie.
Seems like most of the time. These sorts of articles are either written in reference to a scene taken out of context. That the author desperately wants to mean what they think it means. Because they’re a leftist. And then the article is posted. Then the company highlights it to stir up outrage and drive clicks.
Or something the actor or a company level exec has said. But isn’t explicitly portrayed in the material. Which is again highlighted to stir up outrage and drive clicks.
Gaming Journalists use the same tactic. Make inflammatory leftist statement about popular game. Drive wave of outrage clicks and endless reviews by angry online personalities.
Granted a Disney Exec apparently reportedly stated they want to make over half of their characters/IPs some flavor of alphabet soup by 2024. So this being 100% true also isn’t shocking.
Personally I’ve stopped caring about what Disney does.
He groomed Vader like Spielberg and Lucas groomed India Jones (South park). This is why Vader ended up like he did. He was taught as a young kid by a leftie.
They are doing this crap with Every Single Movie or Series! As soon as they start pushing that crap, I turn the program off. I've hardly watched any tv, movies or series, but when I do, I see this type of garbage. They are really going all out to shove it more and more in our faces, almost daring us to speak out about it so they can call us all racist.
Disney wants to deconstruct every existing character as much as possible. It's stupid. They can't write any new characters that people like, so they destroy the old.
Yes. Which is why I wonder why they want to ship them together. They (the tumblrinas) claim that Cody didn't know what he was doing, blah blah blah. Yeah, okay.
So...... no moar circus and peanuts either.
It really is nothing plus bugs and like it.
Where can I find more info on that
Lmao easy there, Edge.
Fren, Jesus Christ saw the Torah and Prophets as authoritative and quoted directly from them.
The man-made Talmud is the deception.
Absolutely. They are run by Satan himself. These are REAL satanic people that rape children and sacrifice them.
This is all planned. We know it. But progressives are so dumb, so ignorant, and have no logical thinking abilities. It is becoming obvious that progressive libtards really are the enemy of society. This place is looking like Sodom and Gomorrah every single day. May God have mercy on us.
They shouldn't follow anything but the Torah.
I'm almost convinced whitehats are making it as absurd as humanly possible even in movies so we all never do this shit again.
Yes, looks at who runs Hollywood and then their history, pretty much sums up your theory.
Someone on PW said:
“He’s straight, but sometimes has sex with men.” 🙄
In case anyone was wondering how he got Wookie-pox.
Rumor is, by the end of Episode 1, Anneken had it too. Ever wonder what turned Anneken from cute innocent kid, to mass light saber-er? Now you know. Diddled by Uncle Obie.
#CommonSenseLightSaberControl #NJPLA (National Jedi Pad-wan Lovers Assoc)
They also use “force”
Whoah. That's deep. So they are all bad.
Marvel and DC are going full-blown homo. No pun intended
Here is Ewan wearing a dress AND doing the freemason hand in jacket sign:
These pieces of shit do whatever they’re told to do.
Eventually the world will see them for the whores that they are.
Somebody please set the Wookiees loose on the Disneys, ASAP.
-Han Solo
"Big Ben"
If you ever wondered how a wookie caught sodomypox, now you know.
I think epicstream just stirs up controversy for clicks.
Seems like most of the time. These sorts of articles are either written in reference to a scene taken out of context. That the author desperately wants to mean what they think it means. Because they’re a leftist. And then the article is posted. Then the company highlights it to stir up outrage and drive clicks.
Or something the actor or a company level exec has said. But isn’t explicitly portrayed in the material. Which is again highlighted to stir up outrage and drive clicks.
Gaming Journalists use the same tactic. Make inflammatory leftist statement about popular game. Drive wave of outrage clicks and endless reviews by angry online personalities.
Granted a Disney Exec apparently reportedly stated they want to make over half of their characters/IPs some flavor of alphabet soup by 2024. So this being 100% true also isn’t shocking.
Personally I’ve stopped caring about what Disney does.
He groomed Vader like Spielberg and Lucas groomed India Jones (South park). This is why Vader ended up like he did. He was taught as a young kid by a leftie.
What's next disney? Gonna tell us inactive lightsabers are used as dildos or something?
They are doing this crap with Every Single Movie or Series! As soon as they start pushing that crap, I turn the program off. I've hardly watched any tv, movies or series, but when I do, I see this type of garbage. They are really going all out to shove it more and more in our faces, almost daring us to speak out about it so they can call us all racist.
So they are finally admitting he groomed anakin, making vader the good guy after all.
Disney wants to deconstruct every existing character as much as possible. It's stupid. They can't write any new characters that people like, so they destroy the old.
Hello there!
Stop, Disney. Just stop.
Razorfist is right. You want better content? Make your own.
To the star wars fanatics, you knew this day was coming, don't act as if it took you by surprise.
What I been doing since 1999 but it picked up more after 2008.
You should see the crazies on tumblr, they ship Obi-Wan and Cody like there's no tomorrow. They're probably frothing at the mouth over this.
You mean the same Cody who tried to kill him???
Yes. Which is why I wonder why they want to ship them together. They (the tumblrinas) claim that Cody didn't know what he was doing, blah blah blah. Yeah, okay.
Trump was right again.
Jedi are not supposed to have feelings for others or relationships. Why would this even be a thing ffs.
Soooo, the reason why Anikin went dark is because he was groomed, and abused, by his teacher?
So is his new name Bi-Wan Kenobi?
Obi-Wang Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jizz?
Wait...... Aren't Jedi supposed to be celibate? Because feelings are bad, or something. Hmmm...
Canon, lol.
I've seen it called Discanon as well.
"What have you become?"
Young Leia in the last episode lol
'you wont be 10 years old forever'