Message brought to you by " The global elite ". We're ziilionaires who destroy children for fun and power, lust over depop , and worship satan. U can totally trust us. Just take our word for it.
The world is no-so-secretly manipulated by dangerous criminals who view themselves as the global elite. They desperately want this information not to get out to the masses. But it's too late. Hence, they have labeled this correct, accurate statement of their felonious conspiracy as "dangerous", because it is so acutely dangerous to them.
Reminds me of my little sister when she was 4 and took a nap in Mom's bed. First thing she said when she woke up was, "Mom I didn't eat your mints on the bed table"
What’s dangerous about it lmao? That’s like declaring war on flat earth theorists because their beliefs are dangerous? Nonsense. If you declare war on a subset of people for opinions they hold based on visual evidence…. You’ve declared war on EVERYONE. Because even these peoples kids know the world is jacked up.
I have been known to be a Conspiracy Theorist for most of my life and honestly we have never been called out so hot and heavily. Honestly makes us look not so crazy when someone is fighting us on it now.
This statement by the UN gets my award for funniest thing on the internet today.
Well, it’s not. The world is overtly manipulated by a global elite.
That's why it's so funny.
Odd coming from the very group that is attempting to do so
They've lost the narrative. These people really are stupid. Why would you say that? Just blows your cover even more.
Message brought to you by " The global elite ". We're ziilionaires who destroy children for fun and power, lust over depop , and worship satan. U can totally trust us. Just take our word for it.
For them to make a statement like that just meant the sentiment is strong and growing.
All for a LARP….
Don't look at us behind the curtain.
When we know liars are making a statement we can assume the opposite is true
So says the same people telling us to eat bugs, and own nothing and be happy...
The UN has outlived its usefullness, and its time for the UN to end
"The world is not controlled by global elite"
Now lets launch a synchronized global attack against anyone who says so.
The world is no-so-secretly manipulated by dangerous criminals who view themselves as the global elite. They desperately want this information not to get out to the masses. But it's too late. Hence, they have labeled this correct, accurate statement of their felonious conspiracy as "dangerous", because it is so acutely dangerous to them.
One conspiracy frightens them most. Why?
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root, gateway and model for their entire Agenda.
Almost like that guy that said he 'has not and never will participate in ritualistic child abuse and cannibalism" out of fucking nowhere.
The UN is right. The world is not secretly controlled by the global elites. The elites are quite non-secretive about it.
Reminds me of my little sister when she was 4 and took a nap in Mom's bed. First thing she said when she woke up was, "Mom I didn't eat your mints on the bed table"
This must be the movie Joe Biden was referring when he asked that reporter " do Republicans really think we're drinking the blood of children?"
What’s dangerous about it lmao? That’s like declaring war on flat earth theorists because their beliefs are dangerous? Nonsense. If you declare war on a subset of people for opinions they hold based on visual evidence…. You’ve declared war on EVERYONE. Because even these peoples kids know the world is jacked up.
Prepare the meme cannons. Man battle stations!!
Never believe anything until it is officially denied.
The UN and those who worship at its altar are finished.
need to get these ticks off of our backs
What else would you expect a bunch of pedophiles to say?
I have been known to be a Conspiracy Theorist for most of my life and honestly we have never been called out so hot and heavily. Honestly makes us look not so crazy when someone is fighting us on it now.
Pay no attention to that Man behind the curtain!!
They had to add the word “secret” because, in their minds, they are doing everything in the open.
You own Nothing it's not your pod...
Silly serfs, Everything belongs to us....