Dick Cheney ran Little Boy Bush, as did Andrew Card. If you want to know what Trump meant by we don't know really who did 9/11, look at Cheney and Card for starters to see what they were up to. Yes the Saudi's were their actors on the planes, but, the whole deal behind it was far more complex. And whoever knew, and talked out about it, has been silenced.
Funny how Dick Cheney has never spoken this harshly about the leftist commie Dems who stoked murderous riots around the country and threatened the physical safety of conservative justices, even the ones Bush appointed. Notice how these cowboy-hat-wearin' straight-talkin' patriots with such a strong grounding in Christian faith have said nothing about the sexualization and grooming of children by the leftist Dems? See, they're not the problem, Trumpers are.
Remember how he and Bush would never defend themselves against left wing media and Dems, instead leaving all that dirty business to us unwashed common folk who voted for him and had to defend our voting decisions to leftist friends and family? Ah, good times... George Bush calls us all terrorists now.
Cheney seems really desperate to prevent the RINO corporatists from losing power. I wonder why he's so scared...
Great post. I loathed but have forgiven myself for voting for and supporting these two, explaining away all they were doing, only to be called a terrorist by Dubya later in life. Honestly, fuck them both.
George W did us all a favor by calling us terrorists. Other than being as big a red pill as a Q proof, it finally brought clarity to the confusing and tumultuous chapter in our lives that we called the Bush era. I'd rather have enlightened regret than ignorance any day.
I will be glad when all the bushes, cheneys are dead and the rest too.
All its really done is now Trump will be sitting there excited about how he is going to fuck with the cheney family even more and with all their skeletons you would think they would just shut up and go away but i think they are fighting for their lives cause when people find out what the cheneys have done they are done no mercy for these sick fucks.
Sheeesh... Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation.
A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides. You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away, leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
"YOU are the coward, Dick..." That paragraph is just so well-written as to be poetic.
As a lifelong Republican, the Bush-Cheney-&-Associates administration was what finally had so many red flags flying it was impossible to ignore, finally made me realize there was some serious rot in the right. I started calling Cheney "The Evil Incarnate" back in 2001. Was then, still is now. You're right - he's the last person anyone should parade out to the right to gain popularity points. Bush Jr, the dumb-ass fratboy, would be the second-to-last person anyone on the right should trot out for popularity points. Worse than mere RINOs; these beasts are evil to their very cores.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it! Truly.
Cheney came into the VP job right after stepping down as CEO of Halliburton if I I remember accurately. He left office with a 13% approval rating. If history has been kind to him since somehow I don't know about it. I can't remember any NYT opinion pieces opining for the good old Bush administration now that Trump had come to the party.
I have a certain mental image of him on television being interviewed, responding to jokes made by some comedian or pundit aimed at his other daughter: the lesbian one. Speaking in a grave tone at the thougght of coming after someone's family, as though it were below the belt. How fake and trashy, it reeked of hypocrisy. I remember a black backdrop, maybe he was on Charlie Rose.
Anyhow thanks for your story! I agree they were/are a whole different level of cruel and evil. As bad as the NeoLibs wielding power are today, it really doesn't hold a candle to the death and destruction the right-wing was able to generate during their last at bat. I count Obama as a war criminal and a disguised neocon himself too, however. I am beyond certain that if HRC had won, the doomsday clock would've struck midnight already. Obama was the break in the action designed to run up to it; the lower body count was merely a coincidental feature of timing.
As you said, MUCH WORSE than simple traitors. There's a darkness around all of them that's fearsome and palpable once you've awakened and can see.
While I agree that the death and destruction wrought by the B-C administration was beyond the pale and shockingly cruel, Cheney (and Bush, to a large extent) as close to a spawn of Satan as one can imagine, they're, imho, the worst of the right. They've always struck me as greedy, soulless geopolitical game-players who never cared about human "collateral damage". While these SOBs were prosecuting their wars, my heart went out to not only our brave soldiers sent in as canon fodder for these political beasts, but to the innocent Iraqi people being slaughtered in the crossfire. All so the military-industrial beasts could make more money.
They're not, however, as low as the left who, imho also, are and always have been downright sadistic. People like Hillary and Bill used to make me nearly shiver in disgust and Obama literally makes my skin crawl with revulsion. Pelosi is another of that ilk - these smooth-tongued, mealy-mouthed deceivers who spew flowery words at the masses while doing everything in their power to destroy humanity and society. They literally delight at cruelly crushing decent humans under their boots, in murdering them, making them and their families suffer, etc. There's a special kind of evil that comes from the left that's nearly palpable.
I remember watching one of the testimonials from the Walkaway campaign - largely comprised of disillusioned leftists who were turning their backs on that party - and one in particular was a young woman, maybe thirties, who had finally woken up to how bad and deceitful the demoncrap party is. She described the revulsion she had for Hillary, how utterly evil HRC is, in much the same way I feel. I know another lifelong democrat who left that party due to Hillary (and voted for Trump). Hillary herself is what made many on the left turn away from that party.
While you and I may disagree on our opinions on who wins the distinction of "Most Evil", we both, apparently, agree that if Hilldawg had won in 2016, billions of humans the world over would be dead by now, society destroyed and earth unrecognizable. Doomsday, as you say. It's shocking and sobering to realize just how damn close we came to being annihilated.
I vote that we give Mr. Cheney to the Iraqis. We tell them they are free to do anything with Mr. Cheney that they wish - over and over again - with one stipulation: DO NOT let him die.
If you have not yet, watch the movie "Vice". It's a little slanted, but that's gonna be the case with any media regardless. The movie does do a good job to keep focus on Cheney and the evil shit he pulled and really the Cheney's are an enemy regardless of your personal label.
Oh is that all I need to know? Strange, because I also know auditors have found hundreds of thousands of duplicate and fraudulent ballots in swing states.
So what you mean by "That's all you need to know" is actually "We know we cheated but we don't care because we won."
Too bad you guys can't cheat ever again after November. Your party's done.
Please everyone else; don't give shitheel trolls like this the time of day. Year old handshake account that's never posted a comment or reply above 25 words. Actually never seen this before but LITERALLLY ALL your posts have at least one DOWNVOTE, are you doing that yourself??? Either way very impressive. No sense on remarking on substance, but, basically everything you've ever written (typed, whatever, you seem to like semantics so let me get ahead of that) is some version of "No fraud orange man lost" "you believe the Internet? Sad" "All you (standard liberal generalization about group of people) are so gullible/misinformed/use unreliable sources"
The lack of variety across subjects is noteworthy so once more a tip of the hat.
What is this username, it sounds like an unfamiliar antacid medication?? Might come in handy, one of us is going to need some
Anyway you're here from somewhere else to peek around and spew doom and shit disturb. It's a nasty little hobby that only the left engages in - well I might qualify a touch and say that right wing folks do go to left wing places such as this but they actually are desiring of real meaningful discussion if it presents itself, more often. *You throw your pride flag when you add all that gleefully smug je ne sais quoi to your tone in those one line responses.
If I'm wrong, why even come here? If your opinions are so out of line with the standard ones here what's the point. Like you frequently say "That's someone's opinion doesnt make it fact" apply that to yourself and go back wherever you come from. Invite me over and I'll make an account.
But really just leave. You suck and you make people unhappy. At least me. Bye.
Dick Cheney ran Little Boy Bush, as did Andrew Card. If you want to know what Trump meant by we don't know really who did 9/11, look at Cheney and Card for starters to see what they were up to. Yes the Saudi's were their actors on the planes, but, the whole deal behind it was far more complex. And whoever knew, and talked out about it, has been silenced.
All compromised
Cheney needs to "stand down".
I think he needs to be shot in the face. In Minecraft, of course.
He needs actual justice
Daddy Dick is the one that told the military to do nothing as the planes flew into the twin towers.
Funny how Dick Cheney has never spoken this harshly about the leftist commie Dems who stoked murderous riots around the country and threatened the physical safety of conservative justices, even the ones Bush appointed. Notice how these cowboy-hat-wearin' straight-talkin' patriots with such a strong grounding in Christian faith have said nothing about the sexualization and grooming of children by the leftist Dems? See, they're not the problem, Trumpers are.
Remember how he and Bush would never defend themselves against left wing media and Dems, instead leaving all that dirty business to us unwashed common folk who voted for him and had to defend our voting decisions to leftist friends and family? Ah, good times... George Bush calls us all terrorists now.
Cheney seems really desperate to prevent the RINO corporatists from losing power. I wonder why he's so scared...
The first arrest, maybe?
Great post. I loathed but have forgiven myself for voting for and supporting these two, explaining away all they were doing, only to be called a terrorist by Dubya later in life. Honestly, fuck them both.
George W did us all a favor by calling us terrorists. Other than being as big a red pill as a Q proof, it finally brought clarity to the confusing and tumultuous chapter in our lives that we called the Bush era. I'd rather have enlightened regret than ignorance any day.
Hey Dick we all want to go hunting with you.
This comment had me dying
I will be glad when all the bushes, cheneys are dead and the rest too.
All its really done is now Trump will be sitting there excited about how he is going to fuck with the cheney family even more and with all their skeletons you would think they would just shut up and go away but i think they are fighting for their lives cause when people find out what the cheneys have done they are done no mercy for these sick fucks.
They're running out of liars...they had to dig up that old demon. 🤣
POS doesn't blink the entire 30 seconds. He a robot just like BIden? WTF?
And he does so in a British News Outlet...
Liberals are sucking neocon cock now? Strange times.
trump pardoned his buddy too....he should have let him rot
what a DICK
Sheeesh... Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation. A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides. You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away, leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
"YOU are the coward, Dick..." That paragraph is just so well-written as to be poetic.
As a lifelong Republican, the Bush-Cheney-&-Associates administration was what finally had so many red flags flying it was impossible to ignore, finally made me realize there was some serious rot in the right. I started calling Cheney "The Evil Incarnate" back in 2001. Was then, still is now. You're right - he's the last person anyone should parade out to the right to gain popularity points. Bush Jr, the dumb-ass fratboy, would be the second-to-last person anyone on the right should trot out for popularity points. Worse than mere RINOs; these beasts are evil to their very cores.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it! Truly.
Cheney came into the VP job right after stepping down as CEO of Halliburton if I I remember accurately. He left office with a 13% approval rating. If history has been kind to him since somehow I don't know about it. I can't remember any NYT opinion pieces opining for the good old Bush administration now that Trump had come to the party.
I have a certain mental image of him on television being interviewed, responding to jokes made by some comedian or pundit aimed at his other daughter: the lesbian one. Speaking in a grave tone at the thougght of coming after someone's family, as though it were below the belt. How fake and trashy, it reeked of hypocrisy. I remember a black backdrop, maybe he was on Charlie Rose.
Anyhow thanks for your story! I agree they were/are a whole different level of cruel and evil. As bad as the NeoLibs wielding power are today, it really doesn't hold a candle to the death and destruction the right-wing was able to generate during their last at bat. I count Obama as a war criminal and a disguised neocon himself too, however. I am beyond certain that if HRC had won, the doomsday clock would've struck midnight already. Obama was the break in the action designed to run up to it; the lower body count was merely a coincidental feature of timing.
As you said, MUCH WORSE than simple traitors. There's a darkness around all of them that's fearsome and palpable once you've awakened and can see.
Godspeed friend.
While I agree that the death and destruction wrought by the B-C administration was beyond the pale and shockingly cruel, Cheney (and Bush, to a large extent) as close to a spawn of Satan as one can imagine, they're, imho, the worst of the right. They've always struck me as greedy, soulless geopolitical game-players who never cared about human "collateral damage". While these SOBs were prosecuting their wars, my heart went out to not only our brave soldiers sent in as canon fodder for these political beasts, but to the innocent Iraqi people being slaughtered in the crossfire. All so the military-industrial beasts could make more money.
They're not, however, as low as the left who, imho also, are and always have been downright sadistic. People like Hillary and Bill used to make me nearly shiver in disgust and Obama literally makes my skin crawl with revulsion. Pelosi is another of that ilk - these smooth-tongued, mealy-mouthed deceivers who spew flowery words at the masses while doing everything in their power to destroy humanity and society. They literally delight at cruelly crushing decent humans under their boots, in murdering them, making them and their families suffer, etc. There's a special kind of evil that comes from the left that's nearly palpable.
I remember watching one of the testimonials from the Walkaway campaign - largely comprised of disillusioned leftists who were turning their backs on that party - and one in particular was a young woman, maybe thirties, who had finally woken up to how bad and deceitful the demoncrap party is. She described the revulsion she had for Hillary, how utterly evil HRC is, in much the same way I feel. I know another lifelong democrat who left that party due to Hillary (and voted for Trump). Hillary herself is what made many on the left turn away from that party.
While you and I may disagree on our opinions on who wins the distinction of "Most Evil", we both, apparently, agree that if Hilldawg had won in 2016, billions of humans the world over would be dead by now, society destroyed and earth unrecognizable. Doomsday, as you say. It's shocking and sobering to realize just how damn close we came to being annihilated.
He'll never face charges for his war crimes, so Karma is all we can expect. It will come in due time, don't hold your breath.
I vote that we give Mr. Cheney to the Iraqis. We tell them they are free to do anything with Mr. Cheney that they wish - over and over again - with one stipulation: DO NOT let him die.
I could smell the sulphur through my monitor
Well hello Dick…. It’s been awhile… welcome to the show!
Harriet Hageman 2022
Big Dick Cheney. Didn't he rape Kathy O'Brien?
Not sure dick understands what his reputation looks like these days but it ain’t gonna win any endorsements by swinging it around
If you have not yet, watch the movie "Vice". It's a little slanted, but that's gonna be the case with any media regardless. The movie does do a good job to keep focus on Cheney and the evil shit he pulled and really the Cheney's are an enemy regardless of your personal label.
Well I guess Dick wasn’t arrested.
You are wrong.
Eww, sick burn! Now go defend the idea that Biden's walking pedo corpse got more votes than Barack Obama.
Oh is that all I need to know? Strange, because I also know auditors have found hundreds of thousands of duplicate and fraudulent ballots in swing states.
So what you mean by "That's all you need to know" is actually "We know we cheated but we don't care because we won."
Too bad you guys can't cheat ever again after November. Your party's done.
Please everyone else; don't give shitheel trolls like this the time of day. Year old handshake account that's never posted a comment or reply above 25 words. Actually never seen this before but LITERALLLY ALL your posts have at least one DOWNVOTE, are you doing that yourself??? Either way very impressive. No sense on remarking on substance, but, basically everything you've ever written (typed, whatever, you seem to like semantics so let me get ahead of that) is some version of "No fraud orange man lost" "you believe the Internet? Sad" "All you (standard liberal generalization about group of people) are so gullible/misinformed/use unreliable sources" The lack of variety across subjects is noteworthy so once more a tip of the hat.
What is this username, it sounds like an unfamiliar antacid medication?? Might come in handy, one of us is going to need some
Anyway you're here from somewhere else to peek around and spew doom and shit disturb. It's a nasty little hobby that only the left engages in - well I might qualify a touch and say that right wing folks do go to left wing places such as this but they actually are desiring of real meaningful discussion if it presents itself, more often. *You throw your pride flag when you add all that gleefully smug je ne sais quoi to your tone in those one line responses.
If I'm wrong, why even come here? If your opinions are so out of line with the standard ones here what's the point. Like you frequently say "That's someone's opinion doesnt make it fact" apply that to yourself and go back wherever you come from. Invite me over and I'll make an account.
But really just leave. You suck and you make people unhappy. At least me. Bye.