Kash says President Trump is “literally in some of the best moods I’ve ever seen him in” because America is waking up to the corruption of our law enforcement agencies...
The whole point of this period was to wake people up, and it’s succeeding. And as a result, DJT is in a GREAT mood 😁
The Plan is right on track...
I'd be in a great mood too if I knew exactly how this Plan is to be played out?
But for now I'll remain very anxious, kinda pissy & filled with anticipation while hitting reload on GAW
Kind of like waiting for Christmas morning isn’t it… 😬
The best is yet to come…
Waiting for Christmas morning but knowing the krampus is real
That it. Was trying g to place that feeling
^^^ This
"I do feel there will be a single day in the near future that will change EVERYTHING"
What a glorious day that will be.
One of the things that HAS to happen is the people have to OWN the election process, I believe without 45 looking like he is in charge. There has to be an election result that the people trust and have worked their butts off to make legit. If the whitehats look like they achieved that rather than the people, then the problems won't have actually been fixed. It has to go deep in the nations's psyche that we' all have the power and authority to ensure free and fair elections. Maybe that is why there are now two elections ahead of America. Two chances. Two opportunities.
Not gonna lie, when my slow ass made the connection that Trump had intelligence assets dating back to the 70s (maybe earlier) and knowing they are still active, and that Melania has her own assets as well, I felt the sense of "duh idiot, you know exactly how this will play out". So I don't worry anymore. Haven't for a while. We really do have more than we know, and to an extent, we have more than we need.
Gods Plan?
We'll see, but at least we know some damn good patriots/humanitarians (Malaria too, watch the wives) are involved?
Trumps grandfather being Nikola Tesla's "right hand man" has always raised an eyebrow... Something going on there in my estimation? Not to mention that book from the 19th century regarding a president Trumps "travels"
It's an interesting relationship if nothing else
Can you explain about Melania's intelligence assets? u/Kunkussion. Thanks!
I was melting down a year ago. I was saying "Why can't God field anyone effectual in this battle? We're losing. More and more every day"
Looking back, I realize I'm dealing with incomplete information.
Let me tell you Fren, things are going well. Much better in fact. Not quite there yet, but this train has no breaks.
That was a test of your faith. Rarely fun, but you are stronger because of it.
It really is...to me it feels more like a lesson rather than a test, to just let go and give it to God.
Be the best you can with what you have, love each other and He's got the rest.
It's rough. It really is. I've learned to have faith, regardless of what things look like.
Eyes on the prize!
No breaks!
If you want to know exactly you will have to be on the team.
Guess we'll all have to wait for the book (save the 10 privy to the Plan)?
And I imagine there's going to be a hundred books and 100 movies
They will break sales records one by one
I'm going to study those books like Bilbo looking over old maps. For the rest of my life.
Nice catch!
Reminds me of a capcha image. "select all of the boxes containing a bicycle"
Pull on Gregg Phillips Truth Social posts, search term Confucius Institute
The Jackson 5 / ABC
Confucius Institute / HQs / Washington, D.C.
Brookings Institution / HQs / Washington, D.C.
Lawfare / Brookings Institution / Benamin Wittes
Lawfare / Brookings Institution / CNN Legal Analyst / Sr. Counselor - National Security Division Susan Hennessy
27 October 2021 /
Sen. Blackburn / Judiciary Committee Hearing / AG Garland testimony
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWoyUPcYkb8&t=369s (8 min)
Sen. Blackburn / FOX Business Interview
https://youtu.be/t6-I1WpMh14?t=128 (timestamp)
What is the Jackson 5 connection here?
Connecting the dots...
"Its easy as 1 2 3, its easy as A B C..."
"1 2 3, that's how easy it can be."
Susan Hennessey ... deep state agent of influence.
Spotting, assessment, grooming, indoctrination, recruitment and finally placement of the agent in a position of influence as Sr Counsel, National Security Division, Department of Justice.
Scroll down to Hennessey thread.
Think she might have had a hand in the Mar A Lago warrant?
Aha, kek!
In my circles... the ones that we're still kinda on the fence about Trump (but still voted for him, or didnt vote at all) are now getting fired up about politics and poor decisions from Biden (inflation, gas, electric going up, formula shortage, etc). So that's good...
But with that being said... Leftists are not even phased. I work with thousands of inner-city leftists, and they are still watching CNN daily, checking CNN's website for news daily, and completely living in a different reality than everyone else. They don't even connect the dots that their poor voting choices are causing many of these issues. They are completely brainwashed and asleep at the wheel, drinking the mainstream media kool-aid. All of my co-workers we're cheering on Mar-A-Lago being raided, and hoping that this time Trump actually gets arrested and thrown in prison for all of his "crimes".
Similar. I honestly don’t know any Dem that isn’t more pumped up than they ever been. They don’t seem scared or worried. They just know Trump is in worse shape than ever, and deserves everything his getting. And they do admit the midterms might go red, but nothing to serious. That this happens every election and so on in such. Basically everything is normal, except Trump is getting hammered. I mention the economy and stuff...same answers. Stuff like this goes up and down. So I’ve kinda gave up. I’m losing ground on arguments...I guess because everything I say is a conspiracy theory to them. Heck, I get the same answer from Republicans I know. So I don’t know what the plan is anymore really. I feel we’re winning. But no one else does, on either side around me. Other than the wife, and maybe 1 more person, all I got now is my GAW fam.
So I hope for MAGA habbenings one day. A true wake up. And the word rhymes with military, and arrest. Sadly, everyday I feel like this dream of mine is slipping away. We’ll win, but will be kinda a normal win? A landslide win? That’s not the kinda win I want. That’s dessert. I want Justice!
I just got a gloating letter from an old liberal friend from where we used to live. About Alex Jones' $49 million fine (really?). And how Trump deserves similar. Parroting all the media catch phrases and talking points.
The difference is that you won't send him a gloating letter when things are reversed.
I can absolutely assure you they aren’t watching Brian Stelter
Here is the thing.
Most inner cities only have democrats to vote for on the ballot.
The cities is where all the cheating happens.
The loony liberals were like that for years.
It's hard to even call them people when the have zero independent thoughts.
Kash is a genius
Does that include the police, whom I believe to be the standing army the Founders warned us about?
Glad to see the waking up is being observed.
Well I'm glad he's happy, but, my everyday life sucks.
Does Kash even talk to Trump anymore?
Apparently so
That’s been his major goal in this operation. He was assigned to wake up the masses. Also a Q boat, if you will
What kind of flag is that purkiss80?
South African...
I hear it's a beautiful country.
You love to hear it