Unfortunately many really shitty mods around the internet have made a bad name for mods everywhere, and I doubt that will change any time soon.
This doesn't apply to the GAW crew, this is a different kind of community. Also, since this is obviously a highly targeted type of place, I know mods here probably have to deal with shitstorms regularly. I'm thankful for the efforts of our mods here. You guys do good work.
Worst halloween treat I ever got was a big caramel apple. I appreciated the effort of the woman to make a bunch of them, but what was I supposed to do with it? Too sticky to put in the bag with other candies. I ended up carrying it around like a retard for half an hour before deciding to eat it, and then got nauseous. Never ate a caramel apple again.
I don't think I ever had skittles. Starburst I had once and didn't like. Those Andes mints are great. Too bad the packages are so small. Or maybe it's a good thing they are.
I used to give out full bars, but don't get any trick-or-treaters anymore since moving to middle of knowhere.
Titanium dioxide is basically white pigment used in foods for color, I think. In the 70s/80s, red m&ms were removed because of a red food colouring problem, so problems with skittles wouldn't surprise me.
I am always surprised when someone in any part of life (not just on the internet) gets all shouty and door-kicky as a first step in asking for what they want. OK if you have been polite to a retard for 10 minutes already and it is not working I can see getting emotional. But not right out of the gate screaming for your rights. Politeness doesn't cost anything.
The most overtly friendly place in USA that I ever visited was Mesa, AZ. No rude gestures from other drivers, people holding the door for you and saying please and thank you. I am told personal gun carry very common there so maybe that has something to do with it.
Shenanigans! I recall reading somewhere the mods were gods & that means I want my pot of gold from the end of Mr. Biden's rainbow now LoL
Well said Rooftop. Thanks for reminding everyone that mods are human & we all have quirks. I figure they are crazy busy & haven't considered reaching out with personal stuff, though that is an interesting point. With my waves/on & off postings to support & research varied projects it may be a good idea to let mods know when we are going on break/slowing down & also when we are going to ramp up on specific projects.
I love you fren. I had a short daily run pushing getting info for CVR stuff & always stated I would post daily until the end date.
Though there is still work to do reporting to sheriffs, I simply need to put hours into prepping for winter & likely will lurk for a while with occasional comments.
Maybe u/Emyrylde can pick up the torch on the CRV stuff & use some of your ideas on approaching mods about these projects if they believe more is needed to get research/reports taken to local sheriffs.
My one encounter with a Mod went well. I didn't create this site, nor do I pay anything to be here, so I comprehend that I can be kicked out if they feel I've crossed a line. Being polite to the people that make the site work is a no-brainer, which works well for me.
It's mods/admins/censors that made Parler and the rest shitholes. You're damn right your ass is on the microscope 24/7!
You have the power to maintain and enrich, but also the power to woke-ify. The diligent user's job is to keep YOU in check. Just as its the citizens job to keep the govenment in check.
Fuck off kid. I've been dealing with some asshole trying to doxx users on this site, and constant ragging on mods over rote bullshit slides the forum and allows these other assholes to hide amongst you.
Just as its the citizens job to keep the govenment in check.
This can no more stand as a blanket statement than its opposite. Needs a "By and large" or "In the main" or "Most of the time" in front of it in order to be true.
No names need be mentioned. You know who you are.
Source: years of personal experience, dating to T_D
I think the mods for this site are great. I sometimes see a post that I think needs a sticky and send it to them, because I know they can't be everywhere all the time and something important might be missed.
Amen. This society we live in continues to become more irate, irrational and downright rude. Being gracious and polite almost always brings a better response and improves the world.
Rooftop I like you. On this subject matter. I've been banned twice. Once for calling Ness a faggot for being a shill and it was proven he was a shill. Second time I got banned, I got banned for "Dooming" despite the fact the one statement I issued was a positive statement and to not doom. A number of people got blanket banned in that thread. When I demanded the logs to be looked at, a certain someone changed the subject and explained why I should have been banned regardless despite there being no reason for it to begin with. I am not a fan of the mods here by any measure. My flair was taken after my first ban and never restored.
I will decide what is shit and what is valuable information. I don't need a "janitor" to decide what information is relevant and what information is not. I don't need someone to protect my feelings by creating a "safe space" for me.
"Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners."
Thank you for posting this. It is very well said and very articulate. If handled in this matter, only positive things can come from the experience.
I hope all is well with you and yours!
High quality post.
'nuff said.
Very dignified and gracious post.
More please.
Unfortunately many really shitty mods around the internet have made a bad name for mods everywhere, and I doubt that will change any time soon.
This doesn't apply to the GAW crew, this is a different kind of community. Also, since this is obviously a highly targeted type of place, I know mods here probably have to deal with shitstorms regularly. I'm thankful for the efforts of our mods here. You guys do good work.
Well said! If only all situations in life could be approached with polite consideration.
But what kind of candy was it?
Worst halloween treat I ever got was a big caramel apple. I appreciated the effort of the woman to make a bunch of them, but what was I supposed to do with it? Too sticky to put in the bag with other candies. I ended up carrying it around like a retard for half an hour before deciding to eat it, and then got nauseous. Never ate a caramel apple again.
I don't think I ever had skittles. Starburst I had once and didn't like. Those Andes mints are great. Too bad the packages are so small. Or maybe it's a good thing they are.
I used to give out full bars, but don't get any trick-or-treaters anymore since moving to middle of knowhere.
Titanium dioxide is basically white pigment used in foods for color, I think. In the 70s/80s, red m&ms were removed because of a red food colouring problem, so problems with skittles wouldn't surprise me.
... Popcorn balls were my area's version of carameled apples. Someone also gave out bars of soap once....
Never. Had. Skittles.
I am always surprised when someone in any part of life (not just on the internet) gets all shouty and door-kicky as a first step in asking for what they want. OK if you have been polite to a retard for 10 minutes already and it is not working I can see getting emotional. But not right out of the gate screaming for your rights. Politeness doesn't cost anything.
The most overtly friendly place in USA that I ever visited was Mesa, AZ. No rude gestures from other drivers, people holding the door for you and saying please and thank you. I am told personal gun carry very common there so maybe that has something to do with it.
Shenanigans! I recall reading somewhere the mods were gods & that means I want my pot of gold from the end of Mr. Biden's rainbow now LoL
Well said Rooftop. Thanks for reminding everyone that mods are human & we all have quirks. I figure they are crazy busy & haven't considered reaching out with personal stuff, though that is an interesting point. With my waves/on & off postings to support & research varied projects it may be a good idea to let mods know when we are going on break/slowing down & also when we are going to ramp up on specific projects.
Thank you again for these ideas.
I love you fren. I had a short daily run pushing getting info for CVR stuff & always stated I would post daily until the end date.
Though there is still work to do reporting to sheriffs, I simply need to put hours into prepping for winter & likely will lurk for a while with occasional comments.
Maybe u/Emyrylde can pick up the torch on the CRV stuff & use some of your ideas on approaching mods about these projects if they believe more is needed to get research/reports taken to local sheriffs.
Thank you for putting this out there Tendie
edit: shirt to short
My one encounter with a Mod went well. I didn't create this site, nor do I pay anything to be here, so I comprehend that I can be kicked out if they feel I've crossed a line. Being polite to the people that make the site work is a no-brainer, which works well for me.
Freedom of speech, bitch. I'll say what I want 😂.
It's mods/admins/censors that made Parler and the rest shitholes. You're damn right your ass is on the microscope 24/7!
You have the power to maintain and enrich, but also the power to woke-ify. The diligent user's job is to keep YOU in check. Just as its the citizens job to keep the govenment in check.
Fuck off kid. I've been dealing with some asshole trying to doxx users on this site, and constant ragging on mods over rote bullshit slides the forum and allows these other assholes to hide amongst you.
Helluva fucking job you're doing there, eh?
You're not wrong 🤔😁😂
Well there is that freedom of association thing that goes hand in hand with it so...
lol wow. you're missing a pretty specularly huge fundamental point of this movement and community.
You can say what you want...just use the appropriate amount of manners.
This can no more stand as a blanket statement than its opposite. Needs a "By and large" or "In the main" or "Most of the time" in front of it in order to be true.
No names need be mentioned. You know who you are.
Source: years of personal experience, dating to T_D
I think the mods for this site are great. I sometimes see a post that I think needs a sticky and send it to them, because I know they can't be everywhere all the time and something important might be missed.
We can't be on top of everything, but, know what's funny? Our supposed incompetence is omnipresent.
We all just pedes. Super human mutha fuckin pedes.
I was nice to brent75. Then he threatened to ban me for nonsense. The other mods are insanely based 👍🏻💕
Some personalities simply don't enjoy interacting with each other, due to being at opposite ends of the spectrum in too many ways.
Doesn't mean they can't get along, if everyone acts like an adult and shows respect.
Great post. I would add that I hope everyone is praying for the mods as well. Super important. They take Alot of crap
Amen. This society we live in continues to become more irate, irrational and downright rude. Being gracious and polite almost always brings a better response and improves the world.
The mods? Ah yes the ones who get to decide what the front page looks like today.
Rooftop I like you. On this subject matter. I've been banned twice. Once for calling Ness a faggot for being a shill and it was proven he was a shill. Second time I got banned, I got banned for "Dooming" despite the fact the one statement I issued was a positive statement and to not doom. A number of people got blanket banned in that thread. When I demanded the logs to be looked at, a certain someone changed the subject and explained why I should have been banned regardless despite there being no reason for it to begin with. I am not a fan of the mods here by any measure. My flair was taken after my first ban and never restored.
counterpoint, mods by their very nature are homosexuals
There is no reason for this post imo. It's not q related, and probably just get people stirred up.
First off we are the only valid Q board outside 8kun
Secondly OP enjoys cocks
Thirdly love you all
I found a snowflake!
Have you been drinking?
Probably a white Russian
I will decide what is shit and what is valuable information. I don't need a "janitor" to decide what information is relevant and what information is not. I don't need someone to protect my feelings by creating a "safe space" for me.
"Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners."
You're in the matrix. :)
Am I the one that wants my reality controlled by a system of "agents" that control what information I can see and who I should listen to?
Wake up, Chronic...
If this is your reality, you got bigger problems.
Come back and read it again.
Our reality is created by our beliefs. You believe that we need "mods" to filter information and protect your feelings. I don't.
Justify it any way you want.
As your handlers would say "Those are your beliefs that you are projecting on me. This is why you are experiencing this reality."
Hence why, "If this is your reality, you got bigger problems."