BREAKING: Clinton-Appointed Judge DISMISSES Trump Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton and FBI Crooks Who Manufactured Russia Collusi...
In April President Trump requested the Clinton-appointed judge overseeing his Russiagate case against Hillary Clinton and others be removed from the case due to obvious conflicts of interest. President Trump earlier had sued a number of individuals and f...
let me guess
child diddler on video
i thought q was supposed to have neutralised all this blackmail stuff?? ffs we're getting nowhere with this stuff still in play
Bringing them under the light
No, it is a display of corruption.
Trump will pardon the entire congress and senate to release them from their masters and usher in a new world order .... of We The People running the show since we lost our Rights in 1912.
We all did.
May be some n-dimensional chess move to keep Trump-appointed judges from being recused from Trump-related cases for the sole reason of their being appointed by Trump?
It will set the precedent, but idk if that will matter. These scumbags pretty much do whatever they please, damn the law. Is there a way to hold these federal judges accountable or nah??? Can one of you legal-pedes shed some light?
Corrupt judges should be skinned alive, and their seat upholstered with the hide, where the next judge sits.
That's brutal! We need brutal!!
Fuckin savage.. and accurate
Don't forget they pass their sins to their children so we are going to need to make a foot stool or 2
Nah, children are innocent.
So the guilty pass everything to them and they are untouchable ?
I'm certain Trump is keeping a list of partisan-corrupt-compromised judges. It must be a long list by now. They are smiling now, but wait until Trump reclaims the presidency. 'YOU'RE FIRED!'
This guy was involved in Bush v Gore
His face
NY Times article in 2000 about his βfairnessβ
Article about him being a liberal judge.
In 2015, Judge Donald Middlebrook protected the Clintons, again
Should have reQused himself. But shits gonna shit. Gitmo cell reserved
Look at Q post 6
Specifically, these 2 sentences.
Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
What must be showed is that the system in place with the supposed responsibility to uphold justice must be exposed as a deep state protection network. Only at that point can the military step in and resolve the situation.
If the court systems were working appropriately, we could have resolved our nations issues long ago. Instead, all the people in control have all been bought and blackmailed to the point our country does not have the slightest possibility to weed out the evil.
This Trump suit may have been purposely filed for the sole purpose of having a Clinton judge throw it out. Given all the evidence we have seen thus far, does this development not indicate, in a glaring way, the system is broken?
Move and countermoves... and the countermoves are destroying the credibility of the ones who are in a panic.
Shouldn't it read "what must be shown"?
I hope he can appeal.
Trump got what he needed. All of the evidence on the RICO suit is now in the public record.
Thanks. So good!
Black-robed tyrant bastard British nobles. They walk freely without a care in the world.
Can you imagine the legal costs? Could you or I afford to file a complaint or defend ourselves in this legal system? Hell no, which means we are left adrift in this swamp that has become an ocean.
An ocean is the right word for the thousands of corrupted criminals we have in this country from the top to the bottom. What it bothers me is that people who get paid with little money are the ones who are really destroying this country. If it wasnβt for them we will get those few that on the top like Pelosi and her gang of Satans.
Itβs a movie. Letβs find out the dirt on this judge. The military is the only way. The courts have to be proven corrupt before it be military can legally move in.
Some parts are, some parts may not be. But I hope you're right, it's just getting exhausting how many times we have to do the mental gymnastics of "this bad news is actually good news!!".
The military force vaccinating all enlisted troops is still unexplainable if they're the entity people are expecting to swoop in at the last minute and clean up everything entirely on their own. I think this is an active war in every single institution, including the military. And I don't think we're always winning every battle as much as people here would like to believe.
How much more corruption can be exposed? This is a loss for us
Donald McDiddlebrooks
I sure hope that at some point, the US can get past the "Clinton-appointed judge" and "obama-appointed judge" and "Trump-appointed judge" and just get back to: "Honest unbiased judge" and "dishonest, biased judge".
Less political, more ethical.
Just saying. Politics encroaches on our lives too much already. And, we all know, this isn't about politics, any more than it is about religion. It's about good vs. evil, right vs wrong.
I believe blackmail and corruption's tentacles have reached the core people in every power center. Politics, business, courts, education, msm, big tech, municipalities, churches, you name it.
The challenge with this is that it cannot be fixed from within. We need mass arrests and mass accountability for these people to fear accountability more than the blackmail. If they fear their blackmail more, nothing will change.
Yes and no.
I guess I'm kinda old school, in that my perspective is long-held (by me) for decades.
Ultimately, the problem is a spiritual one, and the spiritual problem is, at its root, that our ancestors were deceived and seduced into handing over their sovereignty, their position and role, to the deceiver. All other problems - ALL - stem from this.
Therefore, the only permanent solution comes when individuals, families, communities, and nations of people, wake up to the deception - the spiritual AND the material deceptions - and move to reclaim their real and true sovereignty, and restore themselves to their (our) rightful positions.
People being lulled into handing over the management of <everything> to government (which is owned by, and controlled by, the deceivers) is exactly what our ancestors did. (scripture, book of genesis). A system of self-governance, whatever label it is given, can only function properly when the people step up to take responsibility to govern themselves, instead of handing the work over to the servants.
Govt is the servant, and if it has too much power, it's because the people, knowingly or unknowingly, handing that power over, step by step, both under deception and also openly. All power centers have been corrupted because of the malignancy that lies in the human heart, the malignancy that was planted there and infused when the sovereignty was handed over by our ancestors.
I agree that accountability, and possibly mass arrests (although I think that the latter is very secondary, actually) is necessary. But the accountability has to start with each one of us. The basic and fundamental accountability that scripture (and for that matter, which all good religions originally encourage humans towards) foretells and exhorts us to.
Thus, its a spiritual problem. We cannot hold the ugly and vicious criminals to account until we hold ourselves to account. Part of that process is being willing to accept the painful truth, that in fact, I am responsible for how things have turned out.
This is God's heart, this is Christ's heart, and this is the heart and attitude that anyone and everyone who seeks to follow their lead and execute their agenda must learn. God and CHrist have long persevered because, yes, man fell, and man sinned, but I will take responsibility to bring man home until he can repent and be restored.
For me, this is the crux of the matter. This is why it is a spiritual war. If and when this happens in enough human hearts, then will accountability, then will the execution of law, both heavenly and earthly, come into real effect.
We're on the cusp of this right now. The more people around the world that wake up and say, enough of this sh*te, I have to do something about this, the quicker that reckoning will emerge.
As that moves forward, then more and more and more of the real corruption will be exposed, and only when it is exposed, out in the open, can accountability, including arrests, including people being held to account by people, occur.
OK, End of Sunday morning diatribe. (It's Sunday morning here, fyi, lol)
You stated everything so well and I fully agree with you u/FractalizingIron ππ»ππ»
Thank you for your perspective. You've made our community better and stronger. May we all take note and ride towards the awakened future.
No higher praise could I ask for. Thank you MP1. Encouraged and empowered...
You are most welcome fren!
You can bet POTUS knew this would happen and he is 10 steps ahead.
We hold his lies to be self evident. He is a joke and a commie all wrapped up in one neat package. If he rules fairly, by that I mean along the lines of the Constitution then we don't have too much to worry about. However, it doesn't seem like he will. Maybe I am in for a shock.
expected, Trump following rule of law.
Maybe thats what the FBI raid was about