So back on May 14 Dan posted video of a pool shot final card you see is the Q ♠️
May 14 deltas ...
Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?...
QUEEN protects KING?...
Pain coming....
117 days later the Queen Dies.
Probably just coincidence 🤷♂️...
117 days later...

Hello Charles.
Suicide weekend inbound. The crown is heavy.
Especially when tied to the feet!
Still need coffee so sorry if this is a dumb question but what significance does 117 have?
I get it’s the amount of days between the post and September 8th but why is that important?
Did Q post something about 117?
Edit: I was the 117th to upvote this. Go figure.
Edit again: wait so nobody knows?
The post mentions beginning or middle to end. So if queen was removed at middle then add 117 to get to end?
Sept 8 + 117 is January 3+/-
Interesting since a President can only serve 2 full terms and a partial term less than 2 years doesn't count. When does the new maga congress get sworn in?
Seems like a reach and doesn’t explain why 117 is originally significant. OP can’t even answer.
Edit: MAGA Congress would be sworn in on the 3rd 2023.
If queen is middle then Jan 3 is the end with the new congress. 117 caught attention enough to Make us look.
I understand but why did 117 catch your attention. That’s what I’m asking.
I think it's just that the last two digits are 17. We see 17 everywhere!
Or as sure Maynard Keenan put so well
"Pulled around your neck"
Or the pen. He seems to be having own problems.
I'd like to add "where's your crown king nothing..."
Very interesting indeed.
Queen protects King
So now that the queen is gone, who is the king?
I suspect it isn't who holds the king monicker, but someone so high up that we may have never mentioned them before.
Nostradamus predicts Queen's death will end Royal family in shocking prophecy
We shall see ...😉😎
Who is higher than the queen in satanic rank? It would have to be one of the Rothschilds. With the queen gone, this might leave the Rothschilds and Soros the only thing holding up the pyramid for them. Rothschilds have lost much wealth recently and had to sell land. So honestly it might just be Soros holding it up for the Nwo at this time.
Don't forget [P]
I was gonna say who is P? P controls Soros.
I believe [P] is the Payseur family.
Pope maybe?
It is a Rothschild. I posted it below at the end of this post.
Yes. There are conflicting theories about who is running things. They can't all be true. Plus, there is apparently a need to create a hierarchical villain organization with one person pulling the strings.The King could be an alliance, not a mastermind. Maybe an uneasy alliance, even, one that could be undone link by link.
I’m thinking along the same lines. I don’t think the king that Q mentions is Charles. I could be wrong, though. I just don’t see Charles as being a mastermind of anything.
I don’t think it’s about taking out masterminds just yet. I think it’s about taking those in power who support the masterminds right now. That’s where I think we are. Kick out the supports and the top comes tumbling down. Imploding. Like the twin towers did. Justice.
I agree with you. I’m very curious who the king is. Watching all of this happening is fascinating! If you look closely, there are some cracks in their foundation already. For example, Hollywood is neutered. No one cares about what the “stars” say anymore. Notice that we haven’t heard from many of them in awhile. This is huge, really. The sheep are looking for guidance. Are you ready? Our time is upon us to help the awakening world.
I'm loving this story arc. Nothing concrete but I'm highly anticipating white hats going full offensive on the satanists in Europe.
My brain is just waking up so excuse me if this is a dumb question but what does the number 117 have to do with any of this?
I get it’s been 117 days but why is that significant?
Did Q ever mention 117?
I don't play pool. What is the significance of the cards? I thought you just hit the balls into the pockets and that's it.
There is a tower of cards by each pocket which you need to play around. For every card knocked into the hole you take a point away ;P
Trick shot video but very weird with no context..
The Q of spades was the card that toppled and went flying
Charles might die before he can assume the throne? How fun would that be?
Charles became king at the moment of the queen's death. He is already, officially, king.
His coronation will be held some time next year most likely, because the ceremony is important to the people. But it is not required for him to serve as king.
Queen of Hearts is the nickname the idiots in the media in the UK gave to Diana. Don't know if its anything to do with the post but thought it was interesting
So is all this about Joseph Gregory Hallett (aka King John III) claiming he's the actual heir to the throne just conspiracy b.s. or is there any legitimacy to it?
Didn't General Flynn just say the other day Q is a psyop created by the Deep State?
Wow what to believe.
It’s silly. Trump has repeatedly made air Q hand gestures. He’s tweeted and truthed the slogans. He never disavowed Q, and only played word games with the media.
If Q isn’t real or is enemy comms, then Trump himself has fallen for it. Seems unlikely, after all this time, he wouldn’t have figured out its fake. In fact, every month he grows more publicly supporting of Q. For gods sakes, he’s closing out his rallies playing the song WWG1WGA and I am Q. Like 2 weeks ago.
It’s clearly an offshoot of special operations. It’s textbook. They have established comms in the enemies backyard to communicate with the civilians in the occupied territory. When this is all wrapped up, there is going to be a lot of classified medals awarded to whoever was in charge of this portion of the OP. And the war documentaries in 100 years are going to have all sorts of episodes about Q. Most complex military operations in US history.
Q is exactly what we do when we invade somewhere, only juiced up to the current technology. They used to drop pamphlets from airplanes and host their own radio broadcasts strong enough to cover the entire conflict area. Now it’s anonymous postings on the only free speech sites left on the internet. Textbook war college stuff. Gotta secure a way to communicate directly with the populace, and make them aware of ongoing operations or issues.
I am agreeing just stating what I heard.
It’s enlightening how hard people try to avoid seeing the obvious.
At this point in time, the guy is blasting out straight quotes from Q, retruthing entire drops in screenshot, and playing Q theme music at his rallies.
What else do people want? Until it’s over, he can’t directly acknowledge it. But if you look at what he’s doing, he already is. He is trying to bash America over the head with it at this point.
If Q is fake, we are truly fucked because Trump himself has fallen for it.
Here is one of the links. I don't agree with this but just showing he did indeed say this.
I don’t believe he said “created by the deep state”. Yes he said it was a psyop. I think a white hat psyop that awakens us all up
Not sure just read it a few places.
Got a link?
It is all over the place even on here. I will find it.
Here is one.
purkiss80 [S] 27 points 7 hours ago +27 / -0 Former head of Military Intelligence says Comey & Mueller should be indicted for treason. Just think about how much he knows that he can't say.
Trump openly flirting with Q messaging... Flynn saying Q was probably started by our Government... (daring people to PULL THAT THREAD AND SEE WHERE IT LEADS). Now Flynn accuses civilian intelligence leaders of treason by using the power of FBI investigations against their own Head-of-State (Trump, etc).
We must be getting close...
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Here I found one.
Was General Flynn responding to a question about Qanon which definitely IS "a Deep State psyop? Also I read, again without a link provided, that Flynn said " he thought" it was "PROBABLY started by our government".
Which is also what Q said and confirmed as true in countless ways, including that the entire NWO in 5 years hasnt found and doxxed Q or stopped Q. Plus President has never repudiated Q and is openly highlighting Q and echoing/amplifying Qs mrssages.
If I were interested, Id find an unedited clip and listen to it for myself, but I'm not, so I wont.
For now I'm filing this as " keeping an open mind IF new Intel is provided with LINKs (but only as data points around Flynn NOT Q).
Until then Im treating this as just another one of the countless "distract, deceive, demonize, sow doubt and divide" psyops targeting General Flynn, anyone Q related, Trump or Trumps allies.
Even if true, it has minimal to no relevance to me right now since we are in a win or perish crisis. Cosequently, based on a triage management of limited time and resources assessment, Ive prioritized this as "deal with when the crisis is over, or never".
Bait offered. Bait noted. Bait not taken. For now. Not enticing enough. Maybe different bait will hook me later.
Another link.
If the Royals aren't the ones really running the UK, as some say, then the "King" referred to wasn't Charles, as he wasn't King before and doesn't look too happy about it now. That means the "Queen" might not be Elizabeth II. For instance, the Queen of blackmail was certainly Ghislaine Maxwell, there or here, and blackmail is the same control feature there or here. In that light, who is the King?
I suspect one of the Rothschilds. Maybe Soros has taken that role. I still find it odd that Soros has so much influence and so many willing to die for him. Why is a lone man so powerful ? Why has our own military not staged a freak accident with a drone or plane killing him? Who protects Soros? Satan?
I have asked myself the same about Soros. There are lots of billionaires. In their own little world they have their squabble like lesser mortals. Who dares squabble with Soros? Whole governments, yet even they don't touch him. How much money does he really control? I think a lot more than his reputed worth. On the Rothschilds, everyone's favorite bogeyman, the one that seems most sinister to me, and another "queen," is Lynne Forestal du Rothschild who is only one by marriage. Anyone that's gets such deference from Hillary has to be a heavyweight.
According to this .pdf, What Diana Knew (and I don't even know where it originated or anything), there is a link that takes you to the Illuminati site where it says that the CEO of Earth is the Marquis de Libeaux . If yiou google that name, you get the gross pic of the evil bastard they say even the lizard queen was afraid of him.
Queen of Spades...a spade is used to dig a grave.