PSA: As GEOTUS directs more attention on our movement, our memes, and your research, their disruption campaigns will intensify! Many of you are getting tagged and heckled on a daily basis, now. Do we give a $#!+? Nope! DO IT, Q+! YOUR DIGITAL SOLDIERS ARE READY!
classic catsfive. o7
What happened to trigger this, outside of the ordinary attacks?
Let's go. 🙏
Ben Collins is a faggot.
They all are Faggots.
If they still believe the LIES
Becoming easier and easier to red pill....TGA...
This is now propoganda against Q and Anons
Shouldn’t post memes like this make us look bad.
If there is one thing we should have learned from GEOTUS, we hear you, we just don't care. Fake news, fake outrage, fake everything. Grow a set of balls.
There is no other option, anon. Who cares if we 'look bad' to these losers?
That's right! I'm sick of the "makes us look bad" shilling. Leave if you don't like the way things are!
We own our future.
It's time to rub everything in the Dems and Covidiots Noses.
They know we are Right! They know we are the NEWS!
They know they are finished.
Just waiting on the Dims to throw the trans under the bus. It's started. But it's still ahead.
It will be glorious.
The Hills Are Alive With ...The Sound of Machine Gun Fire - https://youtu.be/dmFgAMTEg0E
Just another day working the fields, tilling the soil, and sowing seeds of truth....
I guess I'm the only one on the planet that's never seen Sound of Music but musicals make my skin crawl. Dunno though, I'd watch it if she were packing heat like that. But good point, we were told attacks would intensify, but we are ready. LET'S GO
I notice an increase in downvotes, which is absolutely disgusting to have happen, especially to someone as important as myself. This has only strengthened my resolve.
I invited them.
They are Faggot democrats
down voted...
but changed it to updoot. kek
Updoots for self-important humorous statements made by pedes named queef.
This Wednesday only at the Thunder Dome!!!!
*Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid for family, friends or relatives of Team Evil. Void where prohibited. Team Evil members restricted. See any EULA ever made for more details (we know you won't read any of them anyways).
It's how we know we are right smack dab over the target.
8 been getting hammered this week. All week. Something big must be cooking. Imagine what it must be like to be a globalist shill...what level of depravity your black soul must live in, how low the self esteem must be to do servitude to a master who wants you and yours enslaved for all generations so the master can make perpetual shekels from you and them all. What type of scum traitor would do this? What type of human sells his entire country and all of humanity down the river to make a buck? Corrupt, controlled or colluders. Those are the only options. They can all get flushed imho.
Half the users on here anymore are trolls quick to ban Patriots as doomers. Good luck with this bunch
Pick one.
EDIT: Ah. Picked faceless downvote. I win again.
We ban tards. Any patriots who get banned are welcome to read GAW, and if they want to be unbanned they can write modmail.
Dammit cats that meme will never. Ever. Depart my head. 🤣
I was going to put Julie Andrews in the cockpit of an A-10. Brrrrrrrrrt!!
I would ALWAYS choose the A-10 but I'm a biased prior Air Force guy. Computer Security - not flying - but A-10s were at my first base. Loved to watch them, and they would "sneak up on you" if they happened to see you walking the road by the flightline. They can be really quiet when they want to.
People saying the F-35 could replace the A-10 really chafe my britches.
In Japan this week and F-35 was written off, that's right, 76 million dollars, after a bird strike
It would really chafe their's as well if they tried to do the same stuff at the same speed and altitude, and without the titanium bathtub to protect their britches.
No it's perfect retaining most of the original. Maybe alt text with shills instead of hills but I got nuthin.,
Woohoo! #winning
United not divided!
When does a bird sing? When they are learning to pray? When they honk for freedom?
A bird sings when the sun rises. Dark to light.
I just watched a documentary on the making of the sound of music. It was very interesting what they had to go through to get that one iconic shot! It was in a half an hour video and it was wonderful. Thank you for sharing this again
Why is this stickied?
We get quite a few modmails a day now from our users complaining about getting heckled or tagged by tards. There's not much your mod team can do. All of them have been banned here on GAW, but we cannot ban tards on other .WINs.
This is the price we pay for WINNING so hard. We just have to take it. Just delete and move on!
This week the mod team will begin reaching out to the mod teams of other .WINs in the hopes of creating two-way "courtesy agreements," whereby, if they will help us by banning any users who abuse their .WINs to hassle our users, we will do the same for them.
NOTICE: Any GAW users reported by the mod teams ANYWHERE on any of the other .WINs will be subject to bans here on GAW, as well.
We would like to officially asks that all GAW users adhere to the highest standards of conduct, whichever .WIN they are on. We have officially added this to the sidebar!
WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF THE Q MOVEMENT. Please remember that your actions represent the movement!
Thank you!
This is literally an expanded explanation of GA.W's 2nd sticky, years ago:
PSA: The QAnon movement DENOUNCES VIOLENCE of any sort against anyone, anything, anywhere. We research, dig, and uncover the truth!
Pro tip: stop checking your notifications. Only engage the conversations you want and discard the trash. Just because they can tag and dm you doesn't mean you owe them a reply. In fact, they want you to react. It gives them power over you. Don't give them the satisfaction.
If you know you're right, you don't need their meaningless validation. In fact you don't need any validation of any kind. Ever. That's a made up human facet of society that exploits our insecurity to force us to live in fear. Stop falling for it. Stop giving them any of your time. Nothing they say changes or alters anything. They're existence is lies and harm. They are beneath us and they know it. Don't stupid your way to their level.
This right here.
Appreciate the reminder. Needed it today.
There is that handy Hide button. I use it a Lot.
Up vote for "tards." LOL And we need to watch for the promotion of law-breaking, particularly advocating violence, even just kidding. It is EXACTLY what the glowies are looking for. And it doesn't add anything to the discussion.
Ive noticed some long time users who in the past I didnt always agree with that are now openly hostile to Q.
-Those poser faggots probably...
Upvote. Have to agree. But, don't get insulted, fren. It's sad that it has to be so weird, but, it's only proof that we are WINNING.