There are liberal shitholes of Canada would love to embrace Chicago, for sure, but definitely not the part I'm living in, or any rural areas for that matter.
To say all of Canada is into it is like saying: "all of the US plans of banning all oil/gas consumption, loves illegals in their country, allows illegals to leech off government funding, allow illegals to vote in elections without citizenship" -- all because of liberal shitholes; like commiefornia. (Which is republican if you get rid of the major cities...)
Canada has the biggest joke of tyrant the world has ever seen -- which we're trying to deal with -- we don't need the United States garbage interfering with our already "underdog" chances of winning.
I like the state of Jefferson better, it's separating rural from crazies. This one leaves Santa Clara(Facebook hq) and Santa Cruz way too many crazy don't do anything with your own land people.
But really anything would be better then the giant represents approximately none of us thing we got going on now.
Possibly, I grew up in Santa Clara county and have lots of family in both of those counties. They are mostly demoralized republicans. I suppose there might be a few people left ready to fight but I just know how many left or went into hiding.
This would be a travesty for all those living in those counties that would be left in "old CA." For example, Sacramento is not a blue county. It's not even close. Just because technically the seat of the CA government is there, does not in any way reflect the tenor of the people who live there. Sure, there are some blue pill swallowers there, but there are far fewer than in other counties that are listed as part of the "breakaway" group. For example, Sacramento County (a "bad county" according to the map) rejected masks long, LONG before Sonoma County (a "proper new CA" county according to the map).
Regardless of how the demographics really line up, it's irrelevant. The solution is NOT one of separation. The solution is one of us recognizing, realizing, completely understanding (grokking) that we are not separate,we are ONE WE THE PEOPLE.
That is the only true path (AKA path to the Truth). Every attempt at further division, such as this, serves the wrong sides victory.
I don't disagree with you on this. My concern is that there is massive commie control of California and I just don't know if it can swing back. It would be truly glorious if it did. What's the best path to make all of California red again?
Separation is not without precedent as the title suggests, in fact, it's embedded in our history as a country. And sometimes, it truly is the only way. The article isn't suggesting that California would no longer be a part of the USA, only that New California would form its own sovereign state. Didn't Q say something like 4-5% will be lost forever? Why should the rest of the state suffer because of that 4-5%?
Separation is not without precedent as the title suggests
Separation is not only not without precedence, it is the most common tactic used by the Cabal to achieve every single goal they have ever had for thousands of years. The fact that it is embedded in the history of our country is exactly the evidence of that statement. You assert "sometimes it... is the only way." This is an assertion, and it is based on what I think are likely false facts; a belief that their narrative has merit. I will elaborate that below.
Why should the rest of the state suffer because of that 4-5%
This assumes that that 4-5% are in those counties laid out by the plan. I have clearly stated that that is not the case. Considering where I live and who my immediate circle is, I feel mine is a valid testimony to make that case. Not that anyone here is (or should be) aware of that fact, but for me, I will say, that beyond a reasonable doubt, the map, as laid out, is wrong on many levels. The separation as described would screw over a lot of people, on both sides.
That is because the real divide is not by county, or by city, but by media. On both sides of that divide there are beliefs in intentional lies.
EVERYONE is caught in The Matrix. The left, the right, they are both contrivances of the Cabal. Both sides get different pieces of the Truth. No one gets the Whole Truth. But that "Prison of Two Ideas" is the primary path by which the world is divided. It's not along county lines, and any forced separation is going to completely fuck millions of people.
Who wins with division?
The Cabal.
Who wins with us no longer divided?
We The People.
The reason we have divided in the past in every single instance was so that the Cabal could conquer us. The Civil War for example was explicitly about dividing us to conquer us. It had nothing to do with slavery, that was the pretense. That was the narrative to drive people to separate themselves, to be willing to kill their brothers, fathers, and sons.
The world is, and has always been controlled by the narrative. History (written by the Cabal) writes all about that narrative and calls it "the Truth." The narrative is the lie. Believing that the narrative of "the left" and "the right" has any validity is succumbing to the narrative. It is the fraud. The solution is in people seeing that. Not only is the solution not in separation, it is in the opposite. It is in the recognition of our unity.
I appreciate your passion. I was born and raised in the bay area (Contra Costa county) so I'm not just spouting off here. Granted, I don't live there anymore and certainly cannot speak to the political leanings of Sacramento like you can. So my question is, if Sacramento is as conservative as you say, why weren't they included in the New California plan?
if Sacramento is as conservative as you say, why weren't they included in the New California plan?
Because it is the government seat. It would be impossible, legally speaking, to create a new government and include the land owned by the present government (the capital). The proper way to take care of the problem is through the will of the people, all of the people, not the fraudulent legal system, and not the "majority" through creative gerrymandering. They are attempting the wrong solution, thus they must fuck millions of people in the process. It is a selfish and short sighted solution, that accomplishes a victory condition for the wrong side.
Q also told us they want us divided. Carving out a new state from an old on sure sounds like dividing us. I want the fraud removed, after that, lets the cards fall as they may.
That's a good point. Not sure if you live in CA but I would think it would be easier for an outsider to have this opinion than a patriot living under such tyranny in California.
You make a good point about perspective, i am not a Californian. I imagine it would be significantly easier to escape many of the societal issues by making a new state and a new state government.
Yeah but the 50 star flag and the period in time between its inception up until now has been a time in US history filled with so much corruption, deception, and tyranny against We The People, that when the time comes for The Great Awakening and the Deep State purge from our nation, it might be time for a new flag to represent our newly restored republic. If that includes a couple extra stars and a creative method of displaying them all on Old Glory than so be it.
State of Jefferson is an old idea, and I would support it even if we were not in this situation. This reformatting of government and localization of government is a necessary component of forming a better Republic overall. At 300M+ population there needs to be a way to accomplish reformation of government peacefully to better serve the people.
However, I agree in part. The idea, at this time, is the same vein of thought as people wanting CA to secede, and allowing the globs a territory or foothold n the nation. We dismantle the entire system and stop the incubators and fully scatter them. Anything less is weak spined. If splitting CA is a step in that direction, then we should support it. If it is a step in retreat from that direction, we shouldn't.
WWG1WGA, the Cabal should not be allowed to govern even 1 human in this world. Even if it takes a thousand years to scatter them, that's just what we do. Fuck evil.
Cabalifornia should be like 6 states. More states = more decentralization. Big metros should be "city-states" or states need to switch to county electoral colleges to better offset cities' influences
No to city states. (For now) but yes to decentralization. It's a bad idea to concede the urban centers to them. It's not that Americans need the cities, we don't, it's that the cabal needs the cities. The right thing to do is to fight for absolutely everything now. No compromises, no tolerance.
Hornets nest has been eliminated. Turned them into roaches overnight. Scattered and bumbling. Evil and losers. Want to know how many of us there are? COUNT EVERY SINGLE RECALL FOR NEWSOM. — MILLIONS —
No one voted to keep him. I posted a video of him cheating WITH cnn ON cnn LIVE. Took away votes from YES and added to his NO % that’s non existent. That was the heavy straw…and camels can’t have back surgery. By God! 🥸😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Fun fact about the creation of West Virginia is that it was arguably unconstitutional because the Constitution does not permit the creation of a new state from within the jurisdiction of another state. In order to justify the legality of that action, it has to be accepted that the lawful government of VA (as opposed to those in rebellion claiming to be legitimate) actually ceded those counties to the USA, thus making it territory of the USA and possible to create a new state from the territory.
The proposed State of Jefferson would however, be constitutional because it would be the creation of a new state from parts of already existing states, assuming of course the legislatures and Congress all approve the action.
And the 'old state' would fail just like so many Dem major cities that have become cesspools or ghost town cities with govt subsidy and ungovernable areas (Detoilet, Chirac)
They have been saying this for a long time, please DO IT. yadayadayadayada is all they ever do.
They are exactly where they were 4 years ago. yakyakyakyakyak. Bet they get a lot of donations though.
Pa was always proud to have come from anti-slavery West Virginia.
California is a great state, if only it could overcome Communist brainwashing. It is large enough, with a big enough economy, to become its own country. It could surely handle being separated into two states. You can't probably kick out the Communists, but you can possibly separate from them. LA and Bay Area are the Communist hotbeds. Hollywoodlandia and Pelosiville. Maybe Meghan Markle can be made Duchess of LA. She'd like that. "Worship me, you peons!" There's an idea for you scriptwriters. The duchess character would be fictional, of course. "2030: La Contessa, City of the Angels."
Damn, maybe we can use this up here in WA. State as well. Omit Seattle, most of the Liberal bastions of Bellevue/ redmond/ sammamish/ Issaquah and Olympia.
Can other counties join New Ca after formation? Because many will want to! And this is the key, they have to qualify and authenticate their philosophy and intention, and no back-sliding
Yep it is getting very close, and it is totally legal. This is what Flynn was talking about, We the People fixing our problems and not just sitting around wanting someone else to fix it. The group really grew a lot every time there was a fire. For the people on the ground, it was obvious which fires were normal and which ones were probably DEW. Melted metal next to a plastic trash bin with no damage. Houses burned, but not vegetation. Very few interviews with fire fighters. They have never seen anything like it.
This would be amazing. The new state would have more representation in congress than the cities and would be conservatives.
Even the migrant workers are conservative, they are very family oriented.
oh my.
Stickied for historical discussion and dig if interested Anons.
This is some serious hopium right here
Illinois needs to do the same thing!
Better yet, they should just hand Chicago over to Indiana or Wisconsin. The rest of the state is awesome.
Just lump Gary and Chicago into Canada, we don't need it either lol
And why the hell does Canada need that crap?
Canada's into it
There are liberal shitholes of Canada would love to embrace Chicago, for sure, but definitely not the part I'm living in, or any rural areas for that matter.
To say all of Canada is into it is like saying: "all of the US plans of banning all oil/gas consumption, loves illegals in their country, allows illegals to leech off government funding, allow illegals to vote in elections without citizenship" -- all because of liberal shitholes; like commiefornia. (Which is republican if you get rid of the major cities...)
Canada has the biggest joke of tyrant the world has ever seen -- which we're trying to deal with -- we don't need the United States garbage interfering with our already "underdog" chances of winning.
No!! Wisconsin doesn't want Chicago. He'll we've already got Milwaukee and Madison
Ahh, Madison. Has that city legalized left-turns yet?
Indiana will not accept Chicago. That’s a hard pass…
Wisconsin here, we don't want Chicago
Upstate New York too
Georgia needs to do the same to break away from Atlanta.
I like the state of Jefferson better, it's separating rural from crazies. This one leaves Santa Clara(Facebook hq) and Santa Cruz way too many crazy don't do anything with your own land people.
But really anything would be better then the giant represents approximately none of us thing we got going on now.
Why not Greater Idaho?
There are many conservatives in those counties ready to lead the way....
Possibly, I grew up in Santa Clara county and have lots of family in both of those counties. They are mostly demoralized republicans. I suppose there might be a few people left ready to fight but I just know how many left or went into hiding.
They haven’t been doing much lately. Maybe they joined the new California.
I agree with Santa Clara, for Santa Cruz it's 50/50, lots of redneck mountain folk up here in the woods.
So.. do you think this is why Trump "blacked out" the stars on the flag at his rallies recently? Wonder how many other "blue" states will do this.
They gotta try.
This would be a travesty for all those living in those counties that would be left in "old CA." For example, Sacramento is not a blue county. It's not even close. Just because technically the seat of the CA government is there, does not in any way reflect the tenor of the people who live there. Sure, there are some blue pill swallowers there, but there are far fewer than in other counties that are listed as part of the "breakaway" group. For example, Sacramento County (a "bad county" according to the map) rejected masks long, LONG before Sonoma County (a "proper new CA" county according to the map).
Regardless of how the demographics really line up, it's irrelevant. The solution is NOT one of separation. The solution is one of us recognizing, realizing, completely understanding (grokking) that we are not separate, we are ONE WE THE PEOPLE.
That is the only true path (AKA path to the Truth). Every attempt at further division, such as this, serves the wrong sides victory.
I don't disagree with you on this. My concern is that there is massive commie control of California and I just don't know if it can swing back. It would be truly glorious if it did. What's the best path to make all of California red again?
The best path is to have honest elections. The best path to honest elections is to ensure we watch our elections like a fricken hawk.
Q said "midterms are safe." I think the timing of that statement is coming up in a few weeks. We will see how it goes.
I think the 'New California' approach is a bit different than the State of Jefferson one. Not sure how it ends up being different or not.
Agreed about the capital!
Separation is not without precedent as the title suggests, in fact, it's embedded in our history as a country. And sometimes, it truly is the only way. The article isn't suggesting that California would no longer be a part of the USA, only that New California would form its own sovereign state. Didn't Q say something like 4-5% will be lost forever? Why should the rest of the state suffer because of that 4-5%?
Separation is not only not without precedence, it is the most common tactic used by the Cabal to achieve every single goal they have ever had for thousands of years. The fact that it is embedded in the history of our country is exactly the evidence of that statement. You assert "sometimes it... is the only way." This is an assertion, and it is based on what I think are likely false facts; a belief that their narrative has merit. I will elaborate that below.
This assumes that that 4-5% are in those counties laid out by the plan. I have clearly stated that that is not the case. Considering where I live and who my immediate circle is, I feel mine is a valid testimony to make that case. Not that anyone here is (or should be) aware of that fact, but for me, I will say, that beyond a reasonable doubt, the map, as laid out, is wrong on many levels. The separation as described would screw over a lot of people, on both sides.
That is because the real divide is not by county, or by city, but by media. On both sides of that divide there are beliefs in intentional lies.
EVERYONE is caught in The Matrix. The left, the right, they are both contrivances of the Cabal. Both sides get different pieces of the Truth. No one gets the Whole Truth. But that "Prison of Two Ideas" is the primary path by which the world is divided. It's not along county lines, and any forced separation is going to completely fuck millions of people.
Who wins with division?
The Cabal.
Who wins with us no longer divided?
We The People.
The reason we have divided in the past in every single instance was so that the Cabal could conquer us. The Civil War for example was explicitly about dividing us to conquer us. It had nothing to do with slavery, that was the pretense. That was the narrative to drive people to separate themselves, to be willing to kill their brothers, fathers, and sons.
The world is, and has always been controlled by the narrative. History (written by the Cabal) writes all about that narrative and calls it "the Truth." The narrative is the lie. Believing that the narrative of "the left" and "the right" has any validity is succumbing to the narrative. It is the fraud. The solution is in people seeing that. Not only is the solution not in separation, it is in the opposite. It is in the recognition of our unity.
What the hell do you think the GA is all about?
I appreciate your passion. I was born and raised in the bay area (Contra Costa county) so I'm not just spouting off here. Granted, I don't live there anymore and certainly cannot speak to the political leanings of Sacramento like you can. So my question is, if Sacramento is as conservative as you say, why weren't they included in the New California plan?
Because it is the government seat. It would be impossible, legally speaking, to create a new government and include the land owned by the present government (the capital). The proper way to take care of the problem is through the will of the people, all of the people, not the fraudulent legal system, and not the "majority" through creative gerrymandering. They are attempting the wrong solution, thus they must fuck millions of people in the process. It is a selfish and short sighted solution, that accomplishes a victory condition for the wrong side.
Understood. I get it.
Q also told us they want us divided. Carving out a new state from an old on sure sounds like dividing us. I want the fraud removed, after that, lets the cards fall as they may.
That's a good point. Not sure if you live in CA but I would think it would be easier for an outsider to have this opinion than a patriot living under such tyranny in California.
You make a good point about perspective, i am not a Californian. I imagine it would be significantly easier to escape many of the societal issues by making a new state and a new state government.
Yeah but the 50 star flag and the period in time between its inception up until now has been a time in US history filled with so much corruption, deception, and tyranny against We The People, that when the time comes for The Great Awakening and the Deep State purge from our nation, it might be time for a new flag to represent our newly restored republic. If that includes a couple extra stars and a creative method of displaying them all on Old Glory than so be it.
Be still my heart!!
Fuck that. We don't need 2 Californias. Just taken avk the one y'all allowed to degenerate.
State of Jefferson is an old idea, and I would support it even if we were not in this situation. This reformatting of government and localization of government is a necessary component of forming a better Republic overall. At 300M+ population there needs to be a way to accomplish reformation of government peacefully to better serve the people.
However, I agree in part. The idea, at this time, is the same vein of thought as people wanting CA to secede, and allowing the globs a territory or foothold n the nation. We dismantle the entire system and stop the incubators and fully scatter them. Anything less is weak spined. If splitting CA is a step in that direction, then we should support it. If it is a step in retreat from that direction, we shouldn't.
WWG1WGA, the Cabal should not be allowed to govern even 1 human in this world. Even if it takes a thousand years to scatter them, that's just what we do. Fuck evil.
Cabalifornia should be like 6 states. More states = more decentralization. Big metros should be "city-states" or states need to switch to county electoral colleges to better offset cities' influences
No to city states. (For now) but yes to decentralization. It's a bad idea to concede the urban centers to them. It's not that Americans need the cities, we don't, it's that the cabal needs the cities. The right thing to do is to fight for absolutely everything now. No compromises, no tolerance.
Great Awakening is the only path forward.
Good points! Once the election fraud is taken care of we may be surprised to see that there are not that many blue cities.
Hornets nest has been eliminated. Turned them into roaches overnight. Scattered and bumbling. Evil and losers. Want to know how many of us there are? COUNT EVERY SINGLE RECALL FOR NEWSOM. — MILLIONS — No one voted to keep him. I posted a video of him cheating WITH cnn ON cnn LIVE. Took away votes from YES and added to his NO % that’s non existent. That was the heavy straw…and camels can’t have back surgery. By God! 🥸😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Fun fact about the creation of West Virginia is that it was arguably unconstitutional because the Constitution does not permit the creation of a new state from within the jurisdiction of another state. In order to justify the legality of that action, it has to be accepted that the lawful government of VA (as opposed to those in rebellion claiming to be legitimate) actually ceded those counties to the USA, thus making it territory of the USA and possible to create a new state from the territory.
The proposed State of Jefferson would however, be constitutional because it would be the creation of a new state from parts of already existing states, assuming of course the legislatures and Congress all approve the action.
I live in California and pray this happens!
Correct. What a bunch of brave people they must be…😎
And the 'old state' would fail just like so many Dem major cities that have become cesspools or ghost town cities with govt subsidy and ungovernable areas (Detoilet, Chirac)
They have been saying this for a long time, please DO IT. yadayadayadayada is all they ever do. They are exactly where they were 4 years ago. yakyakyakyakyak. Bet they get a lot of donations though.
They are nowhere near statehood. That is marketing lingo.
Pa was always proud to have come from anti-slavery West Virginia.
California is a great state, if only it could overcome Communist brainwashing. It is large enough, with a big enough economy, to become its own country. It could surely handle being separated into two states. You can't probably kick out the Communists, but you can possibly separate from them. LA and Bay Area are the Communist hotbeds. Hollywoodlandia and Pelosiville. Maybe Meghan Markle can be made Duchess of LA. She'd like that. "Worship me, you peons!" There's an idea for you scriptwriters. The duchess character would be fictional, of course. "2030: La Contessa, City of the Angels."
Hold Jim accountable to his surety bond?
All it takes is one domino to fall to set off the rest.
Damn, maybe we can use this up here in WA. State as well. Omit Seattle, most of the Liberal bastions of Bellevue/ redmond/ sammamish/ Issaquah and Olympia.
Can other counties join New Ca after formation? Because many will want to! And this is the key, they have to qualify and authenticate their philosophy and intention, and no back-sliding
Two Headed Bear moment.
There have been a number of proposals for splitting CA into 2-4 states.
This looks weird
New Calif. = Old Calif. minus LA, SF, and Sacramento
Yep it is getting very close, and it is totally legal. This is what Flynn was talking about, We the People fixing our problems and not just sitting around wanting someone else to fix it. The group really grew a lot every time there was a fire. For the people on the ground, it was obvious which fires were normal and which ones were probably DEW. Melted metal next to a plastic trash bin with no damage. Houses burned, but not vegetation. Very few interviews with fire fighters. They have never seen anything like it.