Last night I had a conversation with a close friend of mine. We started talking about the economy. Full disclosure I am a full time trader i stare at charts for a living.
I've been warning him for over 2 years now that the plandemic and all the bullshit they implemented was going to cause a massive recession into a depression the likes of which we've never seen. That the credit crunch was gonna be unbelievable and that buying at home at all time highs during the plandemic was retarded and that he should stop pouring money into his 401k at his work.
He continued to pour money into those wortheless funds at work, he bought a house in 2021 which he got into a bidding war with and he even bought a new truck.
He is now complaining and blaming others about all the shit that's happening to him. He's going through a rough marriage, his work (new build developers) are now talking about massive slow downs and putting projects on suspension because the cost benefit analysis is weak etc etc.
He's mad at wall street for his problems. Just blindly pointing the finger at anyone but the mirror.
He's also giving me attitude lately because he finds it absurd that I can make money on a declining economy.
This is normie mentality 101. THIS is the core of the problem. Now I wouldn't even bother talking about the DS with him cause there is no point.
I’ve had to rethink who my emergency contacts are due to this mentality. I don’t want any sheep having ANY say over my medical care should I become incapacitated.
Hmmm, good point there.
7 years ago when we got back on to the housing ladder, we could have gone for a more expensive, larger property etc. but for once I stuck to my guns.
I told my wife that when the economy takes a huge dump I don't want to be left with 10% equity and a huge debt hanging over us because we would end up homeless.
Instead we have around 50% Equity and I've been stacking rather than paying off the debt - because if the fiat currency devalues, then so does the debt (hey, it works for the government so why not me?)
You should eliminate your debt to get rid of interest. Your interest will compound on top of inflation. Get rid of your debt asap if you can.
Man your friends gonna get real mad when his property value gets cut in half and hes paying that giant mortgage.
The majority of normies are toast.
Seriously underwater.
I can't get rid of it completely at present, it's still 250k.
That depends on what happens to the financial system, doesn't it.
I'm hedging against a complete failure. If we lose fiat currency I will be better off with PM's in hand, than a lack of debt against a failed currency.
Same here, what good is having paid down the debt if the system collapses and you didn't get around to building up reserves of not just PMs but long-term food, arms and ammo and such as well? If you wait until the stores are picked clean to start prepping then what did you save (and many of us have only had the last year or so to prep we didn't start a decade ago so there was a lot of catching up to do.)
Some of you on here are complaining about the OP making money in a declining market. How it’s not right because you’re taking money from someone else…it’s unpatriotic etc
Do you think OP just turned his computer on one day and started making money? I can assure you he didn’t. What he did was learn the lessons his failed trades taught him and turned it around. If the other retail traders out there would do the same, they would have success also.
We live in a time where a 50k a year job is now a paycheck to paycheck existence. If you have a family and want to be prepared for what’s coming, the average blue collar salary will not allow you to stock up on guns, ammo, food, land etc. So you had better find more income.
I think a better approach would be Hey OP, any insights you can give on how someone can start the process of learning the skills needed to successfully day trade? Forex is another market to be explored.
The financial markets are a platform to make money. Money is a tool needed to free ourselves, our friends and loved ones from the chains of the DS.
A man who understands. I failed horrendously over and over again till the "click".
What people don't understand is the people who short these types of fake economies are actually doing the right thing. I use this all the time but companies like Docusign and Netlfix had no business being 350+/share and 700+/share.
That's absurd. You'd have to be insane to buy near or even close to those areas and then pretend like you're a victim cause someone like me in retail comes around and says "well hold on a minute here...That don't look right".
The mentality of the herd is "you screwed me over cause I didn't make the right decision". It's ridiculous.
What are your thoughts on STON ... public company in the funeral biz that's had a jump with all the excess deaths - but I feel like there's something wrong about them ... (cash strapped i think)
In October 2016 they dumped it. Volume begins to pick up again in early 2020 which is pretty convenient lol.
Someone or some group is buying a lot of shares. This is pretty nice find, fren.
Honestly, I might buy some of that and just hold it. Regardless of being cash strapped, Someone is interested.
A projection of ~8 dollars is not a bad outlook. Imo, this is a buy and walk away for a while type gig. Nothing crazy but could come out with some nice coin.
There is definitely something wrong the company appears to be terribly managed from the little I've read about it. It's really nothing special. More of a set it and forget it type deal.
Thank you!
They're being bought out by Axar Capital now ... very interesting.
There is no play there.
It's a private equity buyout.
Needs more updoots. Years and years of learning, painful failures, and self-realization are the only ways to make it in this industry. No shortcuts!
Or they see it but of course it's always somebody else's fault.
The more I learn about the absolute encompassing nature of Clown World and Comms, the more I come away with sympathy for normies.
It is incredible that we are capable of detecting bs at ALL. Without the courageous actions of ex-Clowns that came before us, that risked not only their lives but of their children's lives for generations to come, we would be doomed. 100%.
Logically: One problem doesn’t exist without the other.
Without Deep State you would never complain about normies. They will always be people who don’t embrace more complex problems because their mental abilities are limited. It’s not a problem itself. Not everyone are geniuses.
Without normies you wouldn’t have the DS problem because if everyone were smart enough the criminals would end up in prisons really quick.
The problem is that we’ve got the DS, the media and normies. All together make it so hard.
Normies are victims of the largest brainwashing campaign in history that encompasses every area of our culture. I still feel bad for them because many have no idea what's about to happen. But it will be our time to arise and shine like no other time in His story. They need us.
Puts on EVERYTHING (except GME)
I really don't understand the GME love. What is that they are doing that's so interesting?
GME is a meme stock like AMC which will soon be a penny stock.
Nothing is safe when we hit a 10 year depression. People will want food not video games or going out to the movies.
I cropped date from GameStop twitter but it was the same day as from Space Force..
Touts and followers.
Following all the way down the drain.
This is what it appears to me as well lol
Stopped puttin into my 401k as soon a Biden was inaugurated. Listened to what Trump said what would happen if Biden got it and stopped all flow of money into it.
He really warned us about the markets lol
I wholeheartedly concur, the majority of Americans are stupid. They refuse to wake up and can’t see the obvious happening to them. As long as they can get their Starbucks, go to their Pilates class and come home to their overpriced Peleton exercise bike, they are content with the world…
I can't imagine how frightening the world must be for those who can only look to others to figure out what to think and do, 24/7, and then seek approval that they did the "right" thing.
Yeah and who's media convinced the normies to think this way? The derp state. Your title is asinine. Your normie pal still has a chance of coming around to reality and joining the winning team whereas the derp staters will swing.
We do also have to remember to respect the fact that our idiot friends and family have a right to be stupid. We just need push for limited government. It really shouldn't matter who's in office. Once that's fixed it doesn't matter who is stupid for what reason.
If they have the right to be stupid we should have the right to not be continually dragged down with them.
"I didn't know I shouldn't use QR codes even though I was warned over and over and I know about the history of tyranny and authoritarianism and it was taught to us even in the public school system. It's not my fault. It's someone else's fault. It's not my fault I want convenience above all else including the future of my children. It's someone else's fault".
Is this something your normie pal said?
Or are you intentionally misrepresenting what I said like a fag?
I'm showing you your retardation. Rationalizing is what normies do.
Everyone has the right to be stupid just like we have the right to be homeless alcoholics. As long as we limit the government enough everything will be fine and we can do whatever we want. No need for personal responsibility in this day and age.... 0_O
He doesn't understand personal responsibility. Look at his responses lol
Did I say anything like that? No you stupid faggot, I didn't. I implied that the normietard friend could come around. Where in the actual fuck did you get hanging personal responsibility from that?
The problem is, the bootstrap muh personal responsibility types hide behind their ideology as an excuse to be shitty and ignore the cause of the problem. If you seriously think yourself holier than thou when it comes to cabal programming, you have a LOT to learn, child. Just because we were fortunate enough to be blessed with knowledge, does NOT make us better than the normies. That line of thinking is what globohomofaggots believe. We are just as much worthy of punishment as the normies.
Good points KimJung-Un. You’re right. Normies will go to their graves blaming someone/something other than themselves….very selfish (worldly) thing to do.
I had a conversation with a normie about Ukraine the other day. What a fun topic to talk to him about! The normie was going on about Russian aggression and how they are taking over more territory to develop a zone around them to protect them (Russians) from European invaders. He laughed like it was a stupid thing to do because the Western Europe territories would never want to invade Russia (sarcasm here —- no way would the US and other Nazis would use Ukraine to attack Russia). I asked him, “well it sounded like most of the people from those territories wanted Russia to take them back.” He studdered and went into some BS about tribal zones and different preferences of each tribe….Normies will NEVER stop convincing themselves that they are the smarter person in the room.
If somebody on Fox or CNN didn't tell them what to think, they can't.
You can lead a sheep........... slaughter.
I know what you mean. I said almost everyone what is coming (inflation, great crisis/depression). They didn´t believe me and looked at me like I am an idiot. Two years passed. Now they are listening. :)
Edit: If you do this before big events, you can easily redpill someone. But I guess I don´t get another cycle before almost everybody knows what is going on.
It can be infuriating lol
I think it’s human nature for a majority of people. Everyone thinks they’re the ant but really they’re the grasshopper that played all year and when winter rolls around they cry foul play.
I would argue it is not a singular problem, but many faceted. This discussion brings up two big ones, so I'll keep to those:DS and Normies.
Cliff notes version is pretty straight forward, in that the DS has deliberately created generations of retards via public schooling, both high school level and college. Individuals unable to think themselves out of room with one door: they have to be told what to do and have no ability to understand what's around them. As George Carlin famously put it, " they want you just smart enough to push the buttons and pull the levers, but not enough to question why." Pardon if I misquoted, but that's the gist.
Now the Normies are at fault for being too cowardly to ask questions for fear of persecution( herd mentality), OR theyre just too damned stupid to understand to begin with...or both. This leans toward your "friend" that's been given ample warning: always ready to point fingers rather than investigating warnings of what's to come and making logical conclusions. No self awareness.
In conclusion, it's a ying-yang marriage, just as there is no evil without good, no up without down, etc. There must be willing participants for one or the other to exist.
I don’t even think the DS created aforementioned “bots”. Majority of people really are just at that level. Esp if given distractions. It’s much harder work to read a book on philosophy than binge Netflix on the couch. And that’s what it really is about in the end. Intellectual curiosity. Most people just don’t have it. Eat, work, sleep, fuck & repeat is what most people have bandwidth for, even if they had leisure time and money,imo.
Stolen elections have consequences.
Hear Hear.
You mentioned that he’s going through a rough time in his marriage.
I hadn’t previously thought about how the impending market collapse is going impact a lot of relationships.
Even (and maybe especially) financially secure and well-off couples and families. Because it really does feel like what we’re heading towards is going to make 2008 look like a cakewalk. Normies aren’t ready. They won’t know what hit them.
The ultra wealthy, as usual, will probably be sheltered.
Fren, rest assured, it's gonna be worse than 2008. We are on the edge of a cliff that has lava running below it (in the markets).
Margin is now higher than it was in 2008. Multiple times higher.
Inflation is nearing peak or maybe has in many sectors but many people don't understand the fed caused many companies to cut margins over 3 years because they promised them inflation was "transitory". So all those companies now need to make that money they lose back. How? By jacking up prices.
Nike came out yesterday with horrendous numbers. Apple is in chaos. Walmarts earnings in July broke a 20 year record low.
This is the tip of the iceberg. The credit market and housing makes the above look like peanuts/.
Nike reported inventory is overstocked by 44%, few people rushing to buy the new iPhone.
With the exception of people with ridiculous amounts of disposable income, real people aren’t buying the bright shiny objects. I hate to say this, but it’s kind of a good thing. All the nut jobs preaching climate change and sustainability are the same people replacing perfectly functioning devices and still newish clothes every season.
I’ve already been drastically scaling back spending for the past three years. But the people around me still ordering Seamless or Postmates for every meal, and going out for $20 cocktails every week, I don’t think they’re going to be able to handle it.
Aren’t money and communication the two biggest reasons for most breakups? We could be headed for a big yikes!
44% wowza. It is indeed a good thing imo. We will get back to fundamentals once this collapse happens and consolidates.
I was watching CNBC shills yesterday and they 4 "experts" on. When asked "Are you buying anything right now?" 3 of them said no and one of them explained her mindset. She was tired of all the ad based titans of nasdaq like google, meta etc and was looking into utility and value.
She wanted to invest in things that were high quality, innovative and a net positive to society in general. The other 2 agreed. You could tell even the fund guys are tired of the fakery.
One of them, and you could tell he's just a weasel in real life was shilling to buy buy buy everything no matter what.
The world is getting tired of the nonsense and wants back to real life.
Could be.
Example I keep coming back to is Japan.
Japan owned the 1980's, and people thought they would be the #1 economy forever.
Their stock market peaked at 39,815 in December 1989, and has not recovered since.
Their economy and society has really never recovered.
2008 was the same here.
Did you tell him your shorting dewac,cause you like to make money as your frens lose.
I can see how a patriot would have a problem with that.
He doesn't know what DWAC is. And here is what you don't seem to understand. I shorted DWAC at prices that it had no business being at. The money that sent it to those levels were not frens, fren. It was wall street. I bought half way up, sold, then shorted. Where I shorted it was not frens who took it to that place.
I don't understand why people like you talk when you have no idea what the hell you're talking about lol
Lots of frens holding bags at high price,your actions helped push the price down.
You are not a fren.
You are the same as the hedgies.
He is smart about his investments - not emotional. Being a fren does not mean turning into a loser for the sake of others. Plus, the price of DWAC (like all stocks) is speculative and it does not translate to how the company will perform. So even if you were viewing DWAC as a weapon against big tech, buying it doesn’t actually produce anything towards that goal.
Sounds like OP’s got your number and his description of normies is irking you.
He's just spreading FUD,trying to trick people into selling,so his buddies like Ken can get off the hook.
We see this all the time on the stonk boards.
That's why they have a proof or ban rule.
How am I spreading FUD you retard? Even fundamental analysis, simply of their books tells you they weren't worth what they beamed up to. Stop being a shill for pump and dumpers.
His intentions are clearly to help others by sharing his insight on the current situation and he’s also factually right. There are forces outside our control at play here and using emotion to navigate it will likely get you burned. I’m down 52% on DWAC but I’m not selling - that’s the moment I’d lose money. If I was the OP’s friend I’d listen to him and probably ask questions. He clearly did the leg work understanding the market more than me.
As long as you know not to sell now. The internet is filled with paid shills subtlety spreading FUD,maybe I spend to much time their and am to suspicious. That's why they have a proof or ban rule on WSB ,if they didn't it would be half shills lying about their trades.
We had a guy here last June trying to trick people into buying weekly gme options far out of the money. He was probably selling covered calls himself slightly cheaper than the going rate and making thousands a week......
There is a difference between people bragging about their trades and me warning people to not fall for pump and dumps and you getting offended because I took advantage of an obvious trap.
A new trader one week into it would have seen DWAC from a mile away.
Frens are responsible adults who should NOT be getting involved in the financial markets especially if they are going to partake in irresponsible actions like buying stocks at extreme levels upon major news based events.
Every man is responsible for his own financial well being. It doesn't matter what the stock or asset was. If you bought at that level, you had no business buying to begin with. It's as simple as that.
DWAC is not even worth those prices to begin with and you don't seem to understand value. I'm talking about what they own, cash flow, balance etc. DWAC is now at a healthy price. Those same frens can buy now and hold onto it.
And frankly, as the market moves up, those bag holders will have made money if they didn't sell.
But I suspect you're one of those bag holders. My advice to you is never get into the markets again and just hold onto your DWAC and day job.
How is your long BBBY position doing?
Yeah, that's what I thought ...
Check with me next year.
Shorting is a non issue. Naked shorting without accountability is. A short sale doesn't just magically make the price of an asset drop unless the price is over-inflated.
Like you said,frens lose money when you short it.
If they are worried about someone taking the opposite side of their trade, then they have no business in the market. "Frens" should have sold it when it was overvalued. I get that you're salty about losing money, but I highly recommend learning some basic technical analysis and eventually you will see things like this coming before you lose your ass in a trade you should have never been in. If you are in it long term, then you didn't lose any money anyways unless you've sold, so short selling shouldn't even bother you. If you lost money on DWAC, the only one to blame is yourself.
I didn't lose,I sold the day after it was issued for a very nice profit. I've since bought in recently at a good price.
Technical analysts don't mean shit on manipulated stonks,we had the golden cross formation on gme a few weeks ago,didn't mean shit. I've seen 100s of DD posts on technical analysis on gme and 99% of them were wrong. Now we just laugh at them.
In this case you didn't even need TA or fundamentals to tell you it was being launched by outsiders lol. It was obvious right off the bat.
You are salty about it that's why you can't let go. And as far as "fren money" goes, with your same logic, your profit ended up being a bag for a fren. So shut up already.
I myself would not make money off of my frens.
Predatory naked shorting of stock,is going to fuk millions of people out of their 401k.
I want no part of it I don't need money that bad.
I also wouldn't sell seats on the titanic life boats.....
If you think the golden cross is the pinnacle of technical analysis, you have absolutely no idea what you are doing, along with 99% of other retail traders, and I know you didn't sell at a profit based on how you are reacting and what you are saying. Good luck, you're going to need it.
Your a mind reader as well as a perfect traide.
No wonder your friend wouldn't listen to you.
It's not the message you were selling,it was the messenger.
Your too blind and arrogant to see.
I'm not OP bud, I didn't tell anyone to buy or sell anything. Nice try though.
Yep. Even friends, close friends, who go to a very small church with me, are basically blind. Had one ask me at the beginning of a prayer meeting whether taking out Putin would be a good thing. I had to ask them "why would we want to do that?" They're all, "well, because he's bad..." and I'm "of course he's the bad man now; there is always a boogie man to justify war and spending and to distract us and give us somebody to hate so we don't pay attention to the monsters running our own country into the toilet..." And of course they agreed with me, but still no knowledge. They said they listen to "press conferences." Hmm. Didn't ask where I get my info from. Incurious. Knows nothing about the world and doesn't seem to think that's a problem that should be solved.
I can't remember who it was or where it came from but the "useless eaters" comment becomes incredibly accurate every day. NPC stare is blank.
I bet your friend's new house is made out of oriented strand board. A bunch of slivers glued together under high pressure.
These new builds they build en mass do seem to be made by absolute shit. I don't know much about them but the feel of walking into my parents home and a new build is shockingly different.
Things like the DS, the global "elites", compromised/incompetent/corrupt/depraved federal management and legislators, etc, so on and so forth, and NOT exist without normies refusing to pay attention to it all.
And not just missing it. Actually, actively refusing to notice. Adamantly refusing.
Adamantly refusing is what they do. Some of them simply can't see it. Others refuse.
All normies are ignorant. That's what makes them normies.
Some are stupid, and they can be forgiven.
Others are just fucking lazy -- willfully ignorant -- and that apathy is the root of most of society's problems.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe."
-- Thomas Jefferson
He should have said, "... and every man able and willing to read, all is safe."
Foresight in my sector turned a $100,000 company to a multimillion behemoth. Didn't have to do a single shady thing, clean hands. Just good eyes and ears making the right moves.
You can't save everyone.
That's ok. The world needs carrion-feeders .
I'd be upset to if I kept buying at the top and losing money over and over.
Who's upset? I'm an aspiring vulture.
Careful. You don't want to end up looking like Chuck Shumer.
I don't see how it's a vulture move to profit off insanity lol
You nailed it
There is a level of personal responsibility that every man needs to take account for when entering a decision.
The cabal offers the system but doesn't force entry. My friend is entered because of his desire for material things. His home purchase was beyond what he could afford in a market where far more affordable homes were available. What did he do? He went way above budget to begin with AND then threw fuel on the fire by getting into a bidding war for it.
He then bought a new truck AFTER the above. This is retail for the last 5 years minimum. That is the behavior. That is inexcusable. if you were to do the above and come to me blaming others, I would call you a retard and tell you to get your shit together.
Blaming the cabal for absolutely everything is a lazy way of thinking.
Emotions. I see this over and over again in forums I'm in and groups of traders I chat with. They get their hands on something and convince themselves it's an outlier to the farm of shit just underneath the paint you so eloquently put.
I never understood this. I can understand having hopes in a company that could show some change and provide quality but you have to understand even, if not especially that is a target.
To quote Avon Barksdale - "The game is the game"
Making money is the game.
People get caught up in the hype of the story about a stock, and convince themselves it is "going to the Moon!" Any counter argument pointing out flaws is dismissed with disdain.
A mod here on GAW, bubbles-burst, acted like a coward and banned me for nothing more than pointing out that Ryan Cohen's motives might not have been so pristine in his actions around BBBY.
I had the facts on my side, but censorship was just as swift as the "fact checkers" on Twatter.
Classic example of emotions clouding judgement.
The meme stocks have all tanked because they are dog shit companies.
The only exception MIGHT be DWAC due to a POTENTIAL Trump involvement. But even that company has ZERO REVENUE, and unless/until that changes, it is going bankrupt with the rest of them. If Trump merges, then that could be a game changer.
Which by the way, I see no reason why he couldn't just come right out and DO IT anytime he wants. Since Trump doesn't seem to be making much of an effort to take Truth Social public, it is one of the reasons I am suspicious that DWAC management might just be blowing smoke up everyone's skirt so the insiders can cash easy paychecks.
Even if it happens, there would be PLENTY OF TIME to jump on board that bandwagon.
But noooooo ... can't have any non-Moon! dicussions because the ego is too fragile to consider that they might have been fooled.
I will be shocked if BBBY figures out some way out without filing bankruptcy. The NFT angle for GME is dying a not-so-slow death, as the head cheese for that deparment jumped ship to a different company. Not as bad as the CFO for BBBY jumping out a window, but let's not let logical thought processes stop us from a bunch of rah-rah smoke and mirrors ... in a BEAR market.
Nice to see two or three folks in this thread with their head on their shoulders.
A welcome change on this forum.
I didn't even know there was a BBBY hype or that anons were into it lol. During the DWAC initial hype I had posted here a simple chart about it's rocket. Lots of folks got into early but once peak formed I warned it's time to get out.
The number of people who came at me was wild lol. From "you're not a patriot" to "HAHAH DiAmoND HAAnDS". There are a few in here who are still upset lol
What's even more hilarious is I called 17 area to be where it will bleed back to. They came at me with every fundamental bs they could about why it's valuation was gonna be at min 39. It's at 16.81 now lol
As far as GME goes, I honestly didn't pay attention enough to care about it as I didn't bother trying to understand the hype or reasoning behind it.
If it moves up and makes money for anons then great but I don't get it lol
My intro to the "stonk hodl" crowd was here on GAW when someone posted about GME having a big naked short position.
I checked into it, and sure enough back in JAN 2021, it did. I posted my thoughts then (that it would squeeze and then tank because there is no "there there" for the company itself), but I was really just interested in talking about the illegal naked shorting aspect. A bunch of assholes jumped at me, too, when I said anything negative about GME or the other meme stocks, so I know how it is.
To me, this one is like holding a stick of lit dynamite in your hand, and saying, "Gee, look at the pretty sparkles." It's a SPAC, and 99% of SPAC's are sucker plays, created for no reason other than for insiders and Wall Street to steal money from the public. The only thing that MIGHT make DWAC different is if Trump actually merges. Until then, it has NO income, NO business, and NO prospects for any business other than Trump.
Can't even get shareholders to approve the one and only thing that would potentially allow the company to make money, by voting in favor. Had to pay a huge fee and push the vote back to give them more time. Like ... WTF? (lol)
And why does Trump need DWAC? I understand that DWAC needs Trump, but Trump can do it without these bozos involved. Can't even get a vote of shareholders together to prevent the company liquidating. Wow.
Company loses money.
Oh, nevermind, Ryan Cohen is a BIG investor and he KNOWS what is going on!
OK, but what about the burn rate? Need new financing soon, or facing bankruptcy.
Pfft. Burn rate. You must be a hedgie glowie.
Ummm ... not exactly making a point there, but what about the fact that customers hate the changes they made and the new product lines?
Shut up! Ryan Cohen got this!
Hey ... Ryan Cohen just ... BAILED. And he did some weird paperwork shit with the SEC the DAY BEFORE he sold it all, pretending for months that he was a white knight to save the day.
Shut up! You are BANNED!
Kek. Uh ... CFO just jumped out the window and killed himself.
Had to be murder! Those hedgies will do anything!
Yo, company just reported same store sales DOWN 26% year-over-year. How the FUCK are they gonna turn this thing around without going bankrupt?
Just ... shut up.
Stock down, oh about, 80% from just 2 months ago. But still ... goin' to the MOON!
GME --
Seems like they wanna be the new Blockbuster Video, in an online world. Maybe, in a very strong economy (which was the case before the stolen 2020 election), it could work. Zig while everybody else zags? Brick and mortar video games in an online world?
Not the best idea under the best circumstances, but when all those 29-year old gamers don't have any more gubmint checks coming in, they will find something else to do other than shopping at brick and mortar game stores.
The naked short story WAS real more than a year ago, but those postions covered long ago. So, the touts at Reddit started pushing "super secret hidden shorts that nobody but us can see" to the followers. All sorts of stories how large mutual fund companies put their entire reputations and livelihoods at risk so they could secretly use their public mutual funds as secret shorting vehicles to attack GME stock.
As if ...
And then, the NFT story. Nevermind that some dude paid $2,000,000 for an NFT that now he can't sell on Ebay for $200.
NFT's are the tulip bulbs of the 21st century.
Even the guy running the NFT division for GME bailed and went elsewhere.
"There's a sucker born every minute" comes to mind.
When the Bear Market cometh, the Bear Market reveals ALL the SHIT that the Bull Market tried to hide.
It is quite interesting that ALL of the 2021 Bull Market gains have now been erased completely. We are now back to levels we haven't seen since late 2020.
Would not be surprised to see a rally prior to election, but then this Bear Market continues lower.
Federal Reserve money printing and federal government excessive spending have consequences.
And stolen elections help communists push the whole thing to full throttle.
The meme stocks are irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things.
Just an interesting diversion -- and observation of human emotion.
"History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes." -- Mark Twain
Anyone who kept money in the stock market when Adolf Sniffer became president deserves what is coming. Unless they had a particular cool angle.
Probably wise to keep the trading to yourself.
There's going to be more of that ''resentment'' as things progress.
Good call.
Let’s say your friend had, for example, 20k in his 401k that he took out on your advice.
Where would he put it for safety?
Game Stop?
Gold will destroy Fed so that’s kinda attractive as a “FU” to the deep state but is it really safe?
Safe is relative. Gold has been valuable for thousands of years. Can you say the same about the dollar, or any other paper currency? If the dollar hyperinflates and becomes worthless, that $20,000 worth of gold you bought before the inflation sure isn't.
I told him to hold cash to be ready to go for emergencies, a significant amount not a couple thousand. I also told him to invest in physical metals. Gold and Silver are holding up very well in a market that is ruining everything else.
I think people without Gold and Silver are fools (if they can afford it)
If wanting to get into the market, I would research foreign companies that produce clothing, food and manufacture parts for vehicles.
I agree, and it is unfortunate that more Americans don't put their phones down and wake the hell up.
Normies have been brainwashed by the DS
Normies are a lost cause that deserve everything they get (except children). I almost understand and sympathise with the globalists on why they do what they do. Almost...
I'm going crypto. It seems the institutions have pulled out of btc for the most part and so the decentralized coins are all at a basic low supported by people globally. I hope people embrace it and say fuck the fake government owned fiat. Nothing wrong with making money by shorting OP