If you read the Bible, he's going to do it one more time in a huge way at the end of this present age. In fact, it says that even men and women of God, who are not strong in the faith, might be caught up in this deception.
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
There have been literally thousands of false christs and false prophets, but none of them have shown great signs and wonders yet.
And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
They will literally make an image to this powerful entity who will call himself God and worship it and not in secret like they do in the Bohemian Grove, but in full view of the whole world on TV.
Wonder if it was in the real estate disclosures or features section??? "This property features a sacrificial worship alter forot Moloch tucked away in a secret grove with discrete entry and exit points for all of your adenocrome addled friends and colleagues. Have the whose who of Hollywood clamoring for an invitation to your Samhain Day celebration. This property is the ticked to making it with Moloch!"
Either they actually are Satanists or they are pretending to be Satanists. There is no other option. As absurd as that shit sounds to a normie, this picture proves it.
The question for me always is, will you believe the unlikely or absurd if it is the only reasonable conclusion based on the evidence? Less so now, but I still sometimes say to myself "It is so unbelievable and yet, it has to be true." With the pizzagate stuff in particular, I would sometimes wonder if the symbolism and whatnot is just a giant troll and inside joke. But when you look at how far back some of this stuff goes, long before the internet was even invented by Al Gore, you have to conclude that there is something to it. There simply was no widespread conspiracy to troll. And yet, there are red shoes, and pizza, and weird pedo swirls, etc. There are just too many coincidences that add up to defy statistical probabilities.
That's good question to ask! I think with Normies the answer is that no matter what evidence is presented to them, no matter what facts - they simply CANNOT believe the unlikely or absurd. There's some kind of mental block that just cannot be breached in their minds. I can only think it's because that reality is just too damn frightening for them to consider.
That's exactly what it is. I remember dismissing 911 conspiracy theorists because it was just so absurd to fathom. I never got to step 2, "can jet fuel melt steel." That's a pretty basic question with a pretty straight forward answer. The whole thing reminds me of the below corrugated plate illusion. Once they flip in your minds eye, you can't really go back to how you saw it before:
This has been a good tool to leverage on people dismissing that our governments "are bad, but not THAT crazy."
Leveraging the fact they are practicing a ritualistic event, on a ritualistic schedule, it wouldn't be too far out of the idea that there is overlap to sex rituals and even as far as sacrifice wholesale. Not all, but you cannot deny some, if not many, would. And not everything all at once.
Is adds the possibility to the dismisser's mind, and begins to notice the patterns naturally.
The best thing is that this event is effective on many atheistic and agnostic believers as well. Cause it's not about what YOU believe, it's about what THEY believe. Adds another level of dread to the reality.
I have never seen him referred to as a demon or god, just a king/human. Some sources claim as possible builder of the tower of babel, others claim was opposed and left due to the tower being built.
I believe he is the son/husband of Ishtar. He was the first Freemason in this weird Masonic Babylonian religion. He was either 1/3rd fallen Angel or he stole special garments that belonged to Adam.
One of them sure. Another great trick was convincing people that there's only one of him and that he's demon supreme when in reality there's multiple evil entities all vying and fighting for power.
If evil was capable of uniting, which it's/they are not, we'd be living in perpetual tyranny. Jesus has no equal or antithesis. Evil can only "unite" for a short time before more plotting and scheming starts within their ranks because they can't agree who has absolute power.
So, they present this "Satan" archetype to convince us that Jesus has a spiritual evil twin so to speak to dumb down the paradigm so you don't contemplate or consider the truth that satan is NOT as powerful as he/they/it want you to believe.
Think of it like this: Hitler was NOT dictator supreme. He had an oligarchy making the real decisions. All dictatorships are in reality oligarchies that put their poster boy up front to take the blame all while plotting and scheming against their constituents and each other.
Point is, there's more than one satan and he's not as powerful as he wants you to believe.
This is completely untrue. In some parts because of intentional acts and in some parts accidental acts.
The most commonly held understandings of "the devil" by Christian groups are not sourced at all from Biblical sources. But here's some correct information...
The number of the beast is 666, because the beast is a legion of demons that number six hundred and sixty six. Which... numbers are symbolic, so 6 times 6 times 6 doesn't actually mean 666, it just means "a whole lot of evil". A legion of demons are demons that have either taken on the same host, or have united in power to become one being despite their individuality. They can split up or stick together.
This comes from Old Testament times, where it is believed that all other gods besides Yahweh are lesser gods and evil, therefore demons. And therefore Yahweh is the one true God.
Lucifer, The Devil and Satan are all individual/different things/concepts/whatever. Lucifer is a fallen angel, sent to keep bad guys in hell, because he defied God. But angels don't have free will (which was why God created man, allegedly) so if Lucifer defied God, it was because God commanded him to. Which... doesn't quite make sense. Lucifer is supposed to be a good guy jailer who has to be in hell because someone has to guard hell... but over the years the various churches have invented the concept of "the devil" and merged it with Lucifer and the great satan, incorrectly.
Speaking of, Satan isn't a guy. Satan just basically means "evil" and "the great satan" just means "the great evil". It refers to the sum of demons, that exist, which will someday form a legion together and become "the beast" as we know it.
Some of this came up over time due to incorrect translations. Some from wrong teaching. Some from trying to simplify teaching to dumbdumbs, back when people lived in huts as farmers and couldn't really understand most concepts we do today. But the lack of official correction for some of these understandings and teaching about satan, the devil, evil, Lucifer is overdue.
Read the Book of Enoch and you'll learn Azazel was the chief Watcher (angel assigned to look over humans), and led the original rebellion against God.
The ancient Israelites observed the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) each year, and there were 2 goats in the ceremony. In Leviticus 16, the elements of the ceremony are laid out, and casting lots to determine which goat belongs to God, and is sacrificed as a sin offering, and which goat is the scapegoat (all the sins of the people fall on said goat) and it is left alive and wanders into the wilderness alone.
Leviticus 16:6-10
6 And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself, and for his house.
7 And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat.
9 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering.
10 But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness.
Interestingly enough, the word translated as Scapegoat is Azazel.
Interesting bits... Nixon wouldn't join and called them fags, gets taken down.
Tied in to Alex Jones back in 2000 era with the Satanist stuff.
A lone gunman goes with a bad plan and gets easily arrested without hurting anyone and later suicides... sounds oddly familiar to the pizzagate stuff. Seems like they set up these attacks to play off the believers as crazy people.
Hooboy! Just imagine stuff like this and other spicy redpills that are about to flood Twitter in a few days with no way to stop it except an information black out.
Every one who believes that, believes him. Think about it. They believe he doesn't exist and it's the non existent devil (from their point of view) that convinces them.
Bill Cooper exposed a lot more than this, including the pedophilia and child sacrifices later alluded to in Conspiracy of Silence, the documentary on the Omaha, Nebraska Boy's Town inexplicably cancelled from airing after the Discovery Channel purchased it.
The satan archetype is used to scare people into loving Jesus and dumbs down reality quite a bit...
But if you actually believe demonic entities aren't real well... You're either blessed with spiritual ignorance or stupid... I'm leaning towards a little of both...
There's nothing to be skeptical about with Bahamian Grove. I will be forever grateful to him for that.
But now he's off the deep end. Probably has been for some time. He has no respect for anyone who's not awake exactly like he is and that's his ultimate failure.
the Grove was known about since 1942 when the Manhattan Project was held there, Nixon mentioned it in the 70's, we didnt need that windbag grifter to tell us.I first heard about it in the 80's, when I met like minded people through protesting the 1st Bush and his war with Iraq. The Bushes were long known as dark characters, creating the CIA and such.The Devil does not tempt us that way, though, he comes after us more the more we learn of him, and sometimes the loudest prophet is a false one . The Devil is a mind parasite, trying to get us to worship idols and distract us from our Lord, put Faith in no man, (or woman). Not saying to be paranoid, but the holier you try to live your life, the more you will be challenged.
I am not sure, but there were photos and books written about it long before that, as I said, I had heard about it in the 80's, pre InfoWars.Bohemian Grove and other Retreats by G.William Domhoff was the first one I was referred to, and that was written in 1974, the other one, and Bohemian Grove Cult of Conspiracy was the other. IMost of my life was lived pre internet, but we had ways of informing each other in real life, I was part of the "back to the land" movement in the late 70's, and there were no iphones, but like minded people tended to find one another, lots got corrupted with the New Age movement though, and lines got blurred, there was just so much overt Satan worship with the new agers, I opted out. I first heard about ritual childhood abuse in my line of work, as some of the young men and women who found themselves in mental health facilities and group homes, when their stories began to come out, it was my personal red pill. All of the victims had come from "good homes" with succesful fathers, so they did not follow the narrative of bad homes and poverty causing mental health issues later in life. Many parents dragged their kids into these alternative lifestyle cults, where a lot of abuse began. Some of them could not recall all of it, because they were drugged. My sister was a psychiatric social worker in Boston, at the hospital, doing art therapy when she first heard about it in the mid 80's. The same, people from upstanding powerful families sexually abused in childhood.
I still appreciate Alex Jones for his work exposing the Bohemian Grove
Don't be ridiculous. Alex buried the real story exposed by Bill Cooper.
Did Alex even mention the pedophilia and child sacrifices going on there, or the trafficking of children from Omaha, Nebraska Boy's Town? Nope, he just made it seem like a bunch of powerful people gather together in Bohemian Grove just to participate in an elaborate cos-play.
The devil’s greatest trick is convincing people he is God.
If you read the Bible, he's going to do it one more time in a huge way at the end of this present age. In fact, it says that even men and women of God, who are not strong in the faith, might be caught up in this deception.
There have been literally thousands of false christs and false prophets, but none of them have shown great signs and wonders yet.
They will literally make an image to this powerful entity who will call himself God and worship it and not in secret like they do in the Bohemian Grove, but in full view of the whole world on TV.
That is one reason I demitted from Freemasons before proving up 3rd degree.
I will not swear allegiance to the Dark Lord.
I stand with Christ int he Light.
You can get 33rd degree knowledge without practicing these days. The internet can be a wonderful thing.
He does it by convincing them he doesn't exist. Anything we worship in the senses realm can be indirect worship of Satan.
The four fronts of the Devil are: yourself, others, the environment, religion (man made and sometimes called Christianity).
But God created all those things. Why is it bad to respect and “worship” them?
Playing Devil’s advocate here. Think it’s important we elaborate on these types of thoughts for lurkers!
That too!
If he can't get people to worship him, he will try to get them to worship themselves.
because you just construct a giant idol on a whim..
just for fun. for a bunch of a*holes who wield enormous power and lots of money.
umnhum wonder who drew up the bid documents for the contractors...
that thing's been around for a long time.
oh? I didn't know..
Wonder if it was in the real estate disclosures or features section??? "This property features a sacrificial worship alter forot Moloch tucked away in a secret grove with discrete entry and exit points for all of your adenocrome addled friends and colleagues. Have the whose who of Hollywood clamoring for an invitation to your Samhain Day celebration. This property is the ticked to making it with Moloch!"
Either they actually are Satanists or they are pretending to be Satanists. There is no other option. As absurd as that shit sounds to a normie, this picture proves it.
The question for me always is, will you believe the unlikely or absurd if it is the only reasonable conclusion based on the evidence? Less so now, but I still sometimes say to myself "It is so unbelievable and yet, it has to be true." With the pizzagate stuff in particular, I would sometimes wonder if the symbolism and whatnot is just a giant troll and inside joke. But when you look at how far back some of this stuff goes, long before the internet was even invented by Al Gore, you have to conclude that there is something to it. There simply was no widespread conspiracy to troll. And yet, there are red shoes, and pizza, and weird pedo swirls, etc. There are just too many coincidences that add up to defy statistical probabilities.
That's good question to ask! I think with Normies the answer is that no matter what evidence is presented to them, no matter what facts - they simply CANNOT believe the unlikely or absurd. There's some kind of mental block that just cannot be breached in their minds. I can only think it's because that reality is just too damn frightening for them to consider.
That's exactly what it is. I remember dismissing 911 conspiracy theorists because it was just so absurd to fathom. I never got to step 2, "can jet fuel melt steel." That's a pretty basic question with a pretty straight forward answer. The whole thing reminds me of the below corrugated plate illusion. Once they flip in your minds eye, you can't really go back to how you saw it before:
This has been a good tool to leverage on people dismissing that our governments "are bad, but not THAT crazy."
Leveraging the fact they are practicing a ritualistic event, on a ritualistic schedule, it wouldn't be too far out of the idea that there is overlap to sex rituals and even as far as sacrifice wholesale. Not all, but you cannot deny some, if not many, would. And not everything all at once.
Is adds the possibility to the dismisser's mind, and begins to notice the patterns naturally.
The best thing is that this event is effective on many atheistic and agnostic believers as well. Cause it's not about what YOU believe, it's about what THEY believe. Adds another level of dread to the reality.
It’s Minvera, not Molach.
▪️Ishtar = Minerva, the goddess has an owl as a companion.
▪️Ishtar = Diana
▪️Ishtar = Tanit
▪️Ishtar = Astareth of the Bible.
▪️Ishtar = Isis, Egyptian diety.
▪️Ishtar = Semīramis, Mother/wife of Nimrod.
▪️Ba’al = Bull, Molach
▪️Ba’al = Zeus, white Bull
▪️Ba’al = Osiris
▪️Ba’al = Ba’al Hammon
▪️Ba’al = Nimrod
I have never seen him referred to as a demon or god, just a king/human. Some sources claim as possible builder of the tower of babel, others claim was opposed and left due to the tower being built.
I believe he is the son/husband of Ishtar. He was the first Freemason in this weird Masonic Babylonian religion. He was either 1/3rd fallen Angel or he stole special garments that belonged to Adam.
One of them sure. Another great trick was convincing people that there's only one of him and that he's demon supreme when in reality there's multiple evil entities all vying and fighting for power.
If evil was capable of uniting, which it's/they are not, we'd be living in perpetual tyranny. Jesus has no equal or antithesis. Evil can only "unite" for a short time before more plotting and scheming starts within their ranks because they can't agree who has absolute power.
So, they present this "Satan" archetype to convince us that Jesus has a spiritual evil twin so to speak to dumb down the paradigm so you don't contemplate or consider the truth that satan is NOT as powerful as he/they/it want you to believe.
Think of it like this: Hitler was NOT dictator supreme. He had an oligarchy making the real decisions. All dictatorships are in reality oligarchies that put their poster boy up front to take the blame all while plotting and scheming against their constituents and each other.
Point is, there's more than one satan and he's not as powerful as he wants you to believe.
EDIT: none of them are.
There's plenty of evil aholes that butt heads, sure. But the Bible is pretty clear on one head baddie. And the drops are too.
This is completely untrue. In some parts because of intentional acts and in some parts accidental acts.
The most commonly held understandings of "the devil" by Christian groups are not sourced at all from Biblical sources. But here's some correct information...
The number of the beast is 666, because the beast is a legion of demons that number six hundred and sixty six. Which... numbers are symbolic, so 6 times 6 times 6 doesn't actually mean 666, it just means "a whole lot of evil". A legion of demons are demons that have either taken on the same host, or have united in power to become one being despite their individuality. They can split up or stick together.
This comes from Old Testament times, where it is believed that all other gods besides Yahweh are lesser gods and evil, therefore demons. And therefore Yahweh is the one true God.
Lucifer, The Devil and Satan are all individual/different things/concepts/whatever. Lucifer is a fallen angel, sent to keep bad guys in hell, because he defied God. But angels don't have free will (which was why God created man, allegedly) so if Lucifer defied God, it was because God commanded him to. Which... doesn't quite make sense. Lucifer is supposed to be a good guy jailer who has to be in hell because someone has to guard hell... but over the years the various churches have invented the concept of "the devil" and merged it with Lucifer and the great satan, incorrectly.
Speaking of, Satan isn't a guy. Satan just basically means "evil" and "the great satan" just means "the great evil". It refers to the sum of demons, that exist, which will someday form a legion together and become "the beast" as we know it.
Some of this came up over time due to incorrect translations. Some from wrong teaching. Some from trying to simplify teaching to dumbdumbs, back when people lived in huts as farmers and couldn't really understand most concepts we do today. But the lack of official correction for some of these understandings and teaching about satan, the devil, evil, Lucifer is overdue.
Read the Book of Enoch and you'll learn Azazel was the chief Watcher (angel assigned to look over humans), and led the original rebellion against God.
The ancient Israelites observed the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) each year, and there were 2 goats in the ceremony. In Leviticus 16, the elements of the ceremony are laid out, and casting lots to determine which goat belongs to God, and is sacrificed as a sin offering, and which goat is the scapegoat (all the sins of the people fall on said goat) and it is left alive and wanders into the wilderness alone.
Leviticus 16:6-10
6 And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make an atonement for himself, and for his house.
7 And he shall take the two goats, and present them before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for the scapegoat.
9 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering.
10 But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness.
Interestingly enough, the word translated as Scapegoat is Azazel.
From the Blue Letter Bible-
for a scapegoat
h5799 לַעֲזָאזֵל עֲזָאזֵל ʿăzā'zēl
Well stated!
I don't doubt it happened, but when was this?
every year. even the normies know about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove
after that look up how europeans dedicate their new 'tunnels'
Interesting bits... Nixon wouldn't join and called them fags, gets taken down.
Tied in to Alex Jones back in 2000 era with the Satanist stuff.
A lone gunman goes with a bad plan and gets easily arrested without hurting anyone and later suicides... sounds oddly familiar to the pizzagate stuff. Seems like they set up these attacks to play off the believers as crazy people.
Oh, THAT'S what that was...
Bohemian Grove butt buddies.
Hooboy! Just imagine stuff like this and other spicy redpills that are about to flood Twitter in a few days with no way to stop it except an information black out.
That’s why they’re panicking so much.
my friend was telling me his only fun was trolling twitter, i was like you ain't seen nothin! Elon bought it! he lit up like a christmas tree.
Fixed that for you
Every one who believes that, believes him. Think about it. They believe he doesn't exist and it's the non existent devil (from their point of view) that convinces them.
Makes them flowers and they don't even know it.
We can thank Alex Jones for that.
Bill Cooper exposed a lot more than this, including the pedophilia and child sacrifices later alluded to in Conspiracy of Silence, the documentary on the Omaha, Nebraska Boy's Town inexplicably cancelled from airing after the Discovery Channel purchased it.
Reminds me of the 2012 found footage film "The Conspiracy" - features the elite hunting people parties in the woods also
The greatest trick Christianity ever played was to persuade people that Satan exists.
The satan archetype is used to scare people into loving Jesus and dumbs down reality quite a bit...
But if you actually believe demonic entities aren't real well... You're either blessed with spiritual ignorance or stupid... I'm leaning towards a little of both...
There's nothing to be skeptical about with Bahamian Grove. I will be forever grateful to him for that.
But now he's off the deep end. Probably has been for some time. He has no respect for anyone who's not awake exactly like he is and that's his ultimate failure.
The shit he knew drove him crazy. I've seen it before.
the Grove was known about since 1942 when the Manhattan Project was held there, Nixon mentioned it in the 70's, we didnt need that windbag grifter to tell us.I first heard about it in the 80's, when I met like minded people through protesting the 1st Bush and his war with Iraq. The Bushes were long known as dark characters, creating the CIA and such.The Devil does not tempt us that way, though, he comes after us more the more we learn of him, and sometimes the loudest prophet is a false one . The Devil is a mind parasite, trying to get us to worship idols and distract us from our Lord, put Faith in no man, (or woman). Not saying to be paranoid, but the holier you try to live your life, the more you will be challenged.
Were there videos of bohemian grove before Alex Jones?
I am not sure, but there were photos and books written about it long before that, as I said, I had heard about it in the 80's, pre InfoWars.Bohemian Grove and other Retreats by G.William Domhoff was the first one I was referred to, and that was written in 1974, the other one, and Bohemian Grove Cult of Conspiracy was the other. IMost of my life was lived pre internet, but we had ways of informing each other in real life, I was part of the "back to the land" movement in the late 70's, and there were no iphones, but like minded people tended to find one another, lots got corrupted with the New Age movement though, and lines got blurred, there was just so much overt Satan worship with the new agers, I opted out. I first heard about ritual childhood abuse in my line of work, as some of the young men and women who found themselves in mental health facilities and group homes, when their stories began to come out, it was my personal red pill. All of the victims had come from "good homes" with succesful fathers, so they did not follow the narrative of bad homes and poverty causing mental health issues later in life. Many parents dragged their kids into these alternative lifestyle cults, where a lot of abuse began. Some of them could not recall all of it, because they were drugged. My sister was a psychiatric social worker in Boston, at the hospital, doing art therapy when she first heard about it in the mid 80's. The same, people from upstanding powerful families sexually abused in childhood.
I wonder why Alex Jones was the only person to ever "infiltrate" Bohemian Grove?
Is it because they fed him a sanitized version purposefully to deflect from the truth?
He was part of the coverup, and was rewarded with roles in Hollywood movies such as A Scanner Darkly.
Don't be ridiculous. Alex buried the real story exposed by Bill Cooper.
Did Alex even mention the pedophilia and child sacrifices going on there, or the trafficking of children from Omaha, Nebraska Boy's Town? Nope, he just made it seem like a bunch of powerful people gather together in Bohemian Grove just to participate in an elaborate cos-play.
i never had until recently. the deception is everywhere.