Why Democrats WILL lose 2022 BIG
The ONLY way democrats win in November is if good men and women do nothing. After the past two years of Biden disasters, millions are ready to take control of their own futures by putting AMERICA FIRST in the 2022 elections. Most can now see exactly why so...
As an Aussie living in Australia, it’s not just important to Americans that you vote the bastards out. It’s also important to us and the rest of the World because what happens in America will happen in Australia and everywhere else before we realise and by that time the train is travelling too fast to stop. So vote Republican not just for America but for the rest of us who cannot vote by are impacted just the same.
Many of us Americans know this, and have no problem with being the first to defeat Deep State. However, we applaud the people all over the world who are fighting tyranny right now, at risk to their lives.
1000 thumbs up!!
UpVOTE #17.
In person on election day.
Yep.. And when I echoed this on TDW they said sort out your own problems.. Not realising American politics controls the world! Hoping for big changes at mid terms but also expecting cheating
...where we howl 1, we howl all....
ashlanddog, question: can you "overlay" a 2nd dog beside this one and have one complete the howl before the next one starts up...
Much Appreciate the HOOOOOOOOOOOOWL!!!!
..you mean a loop?
The last elections a couple of months ago they elected a left wing government
Remember it is not the Aussies it is the cabal stealing the elections all over the world. It happened here 2020 and the years prior, they have been stealing all the elections per centuries.
We didn't get rounded up by the Covid Nazis and put into camps for refusing the jab largely because we never give up our firearms.
the question is how desperate are they to hold on to the power they have.
Desperate enough to stop the election?
By any means necessary?
Filed under "Highly Probable"....
stop it how??
Well, if 9-11 had happened a day before a midterm election...
Or, 10 9-11s had happened a day before a midterm election... Would there have been a mid-term election?
How desperate are they? Desperate enough to have a massive FF perpetrated upon this country severe enough to warrant nationwide panic and lockdown?
Blame Russia?
State of emergency?
Would they sacrifice NY or Atlanta or Detroit or Chicago or even better, some Red city, in order to keep power?
Sum of all fears?
idk that would be too obvious even for them surely
yes especially since they are emboldened since 2020 has been allowed to be fuckedoverandover and over again
They are 100% going to false flag some emergency situation and delay either the midterms or the 2024 election. Probably the midterms because Biden isn't going to make it to 2024.
NOTE TO GLOWIES: PLEASE do the fake space aliens! I have been asking for months.
Not a glowie (that I know of), but This?
(Still working on memorizing gifs.)
...there is evidence that someone has been recently hacking the Emergency Broadcast System....
its only 2-3 weeks away isnt it?
Messages like these may be designed to make you complacent.
Please don't be and vote no matter what!
As long as the proven election-stealing systems in this country are completely overhauled within the next three weeks, we're fine.
How can they be overhauled and compliant with pre-election test certification in 3 weeks?
I'm a secret spook
If you don't vote, and Democrats win, that guarantees 2020 will never be fixed.
shill account... block and deport.
If your message was "don't vote, it's not worth it" then I'd say you're not a shill but a doomer.
No, you're not voting expecting a different result. You're voting expecting the same result. The result being that when you vote, you're ensuring that the evidence exists that the Dems cheated. Because the first election they win legit because we didn't vote they'll run a country-wide, fully transparent audit instantly killing any claims of fraud.
Alternatively, if you'd argue that's not why people voted last time. You can simply reframe it as doing a different thing and expecting a different result. The thing in this case being the reason you vote. Last time the reason was for Trump to win, this time the reason is to ensure evidence of voter fraud continues to exist.
No, the fraud was buried in the eyes of the normies. If you don't vote the fraud won't need to be buried from the normies and instead the normies will be inundated with genuine, authentic audits proving there was no fraud.
You have to look at the bigger picture. I believe they let them take 2020. I don't see how they could win 2016 and overcome the cheating then, but then let 2020 get away? I'm sorry but that just doesn't make sense to me. Trump had record numbers in 2020 and that made the cheating much more obvious and woke up more people. The left got desperate and messed up bad, but there was still more to weed out. Remember, it had to be this way. I like to think we are ending the cheating once and for all, not just out winning it each election.
i said this tooo but i am now gonna do it
No just stupid. Or complicit.
Get out and vote people.... 🇺🇸
Request an absentee ballot. It's paper. Then physically bring in to the election board office.
this is what i am going to do
The Dems have been losing big every election since Reagan. It was the court order forbidding the GOP/RNC to investigate voter fraud because "racism" that has given them their turns to be selected for office by the string pullers and shot callers.
Exactly. I don't see how there's any left.
...time has come to get "racist"....
This raises a few questions, at least for me:
IF those two swallows don't get booted there is going to be hell and it is us that will be bringing it, I do believe!!!!!!!
...that is the litmus test for the incoming congress...
I will be voting MAGA via the republican ticket. My vote is not republican, it is MAGA.
I remember many positive predictions in 2020. I don't think we can rely on polls and voters alone. We need to prevent a steal.
Like what happened in 2016? Or in the Virginia gubernatorial election? Or with Mayra Flores?
This is the most accurate description of coming events that I've seen to this point.
The author correctly calls out:
-Polling fraud always being the precursor to election fraud.
-The cabal must engage in an even more massive campaign of voter fraud.
The question is, can we stop it?
The other question is, which scenario is part of the plan:
...valid observation, nicely stated and framed....
There won't be an election this year,
the signal was the last few days of " how the election could be stolen" talk
Watch them pack the supreme court on their way out the door.
Well, since the whole "administration" is a fraud--entirely unconstitutional--how can that stand? It's because people are abysmally ignorant about what a constitutional republic is and the place our public SERVANTS occupy in it that we wring our hands and remain clueless about solutions. They can do pretty much anything they want--does that make it lawful? Our courts were taken over in 1934. I wonder how many even know this.
BHO is not a natural born American. That whole administration was fraudulent.
Everything they did should be expunged.
Will that ever happen? Doubt it.
2020 may never be righted. Remains to be seen.
The courts are complicit in a major way - an almost completely controlling way.
It's because of the complicity of the courts that I think the military is going to have to be brought into the picture. The People cannot control the corruption in the courts that is protecting the fraud in the elections - it's gone too far.
Plus which the globalists know they are fighting for their lives - literally. They will do anything to maintain and increase their grip on the world. If they fail they're dead. So they are going to do whatever it takes to "win" in '22. A loss would the the firstr domino for them.
They know they are going to lose the actual vote overwhelmingly so there is a major disruption coming.
Nuclear war?
There certainly are a lot of signs pointing toward a nuclear event. Lots of nuke sniffers up over CONUS and even Eurasia.
If you are a psychopath who wants depopulation and doesn't much care how then there aren't too many restraints on your behavior.
Q has said that we should expect a "scare event" - that such an event was necessary.
God speed to the active operators.
Exactly.....especially the slimy kenyan.....
its not biden's signature its jill
no one voted for jill
No one voted for ANY of these charlatans.....as I said, FRAUD, top to bottom.
Anyone want to guess what Dem's October surprise will be?
Trump getting charged/arrested.
More people will go out and vote though republican tho.
Charged is likely IMO. Arrested is less likely - though possible.
Don't think even both of these events is anywhere near enough to derail the coming landslide for MAGA in the midterms.
So it is likely IMO that a bigger event will be instigated by the psychotics.
How many commercial aircraft have been crashed just to kill one person?
How many people have "covid" and the "vaccines" killed.
How many will the "vaccines" eventually kill?
The psychotis don't care.
Kill one person and it's murder. Kill a million people and it's a statistic.
Don't ever forget that this is the world at present. It's not a possible future - it is NOW and it is our history.
Psychopathology is rampant worldwide and has been for centuries. Another major event may be in store.
Again, God speed to the active operators.
They may ask him to turn himself in. But... I think the shock & awe factor will be the FBI arresting. Like they did with other people.
CNN there in the morning ready to capture it all.
There is at least one other reason Democrats could win.
Dems need to ask all the Venezuelans coming across the southern border just how bad socialism is. It turned a prosperous country into a third world country in less than two decades. Complements of Obama and his BFF, Hugo Chavez.
...the democrats that for your children...
Aren't Republicans just part of same big corrupted system?
...but hopefully there are some "keepers" in the bunch....
It's already loss that so many people follow with thier party voluntarily. And Republicans, while not brain dead as dems, are not going to fix jack in the 4 to 8 years they get, if they get it
...pray for the best...
...prepare for the worst....
“It’s not how many votes a person gets, it’s who counts the votes that matter.” - someone
"That's what's the matter" Boss Tweed. "As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?
The only way we win in November is if enough normies/demoncraps vote against the Biden regime to counter the massive voter fraud that will certainly take place...or have we all forgotten what happened during the last Presidential Election? So...the above should read...the ONLY way Patriots win in November is if we...by some miracle of God make sure this election is not rigged!
...wags tail knowingly....