My creation - I've been calling him that for a year and a half - have not seen it catch on anywhere but I still like the sound of it so I use it when I remember.
Interesting that is the "No one has seen him since" part. I am quite sure he just wanted to get away from it all lol. Speaking of why am I wondering what is up with Julian Assange lately? Did he disappear?
Amazing how Trump was constantly accused of targeting journalist, yet Obama, and Biden actually disappeared journalist. It's okay to disappear journalist as long as make up fake crimes against them first, the FBI's MO. He HaD ClAsSiFiEd DoCuMeNtS.
Glad patriots are going to have three powerhouses; parler, truth social and twitter, to compete against facebook, youtube etc...
Can't dissapear narratives and people then.
And it's going to cost them mightily to keep propagating their propaganda because they have to keep spinning and lying for it to stay into zombies' heads. Going to cost them billions. But say the truth once and it sticks.
For a bureau that prides itself on secrecy, they sure are doing a good job of airing their dirty laundry these days. The don’t even try to be covert anymore.
The Federal Bureau of Gestapo is more like it
Lord Jesus,
I plead continued utter confusion on ALL in the camp of the evil one. Bring destruction down upon their own heads in every way even unimaginable.
In Your Almighty name,
Decertify the federal govt, setting the nation and its people free
Eliminate IRS/income tax forever
Dismantle forever the unelected and unaccountable Intelligence branch of govt—by far the most powerful of the four branches, moreso than the other three combined—just look at what's happening
Retain the Defense Intel Agency—it's enough secrets and spying for one country
Rebuild a micro-version of fedgov, only strictly according to Constitution
Since the government does not run on best wishes, I think we should drop the federal income tax but keep the state income tax, and let the states kick up to the feds, not the other way around.
Primary purpose: Send a message to others considering an anti-narrative story.
Wow! Any wonder why there's so little negative press coverage of pResident Burden? Sticky request sent to mods.
This is the first time I've seen him referred to as "Burden". Am I just out of touch, or is this new? I think it's brilliant.
My creation - I've been calling him that for a year and a half - have not seen it catch on anywhere but I still like the sound of it so I use it when I remember.
Geez, I wish I could get your autograph. Good job, Fren.
Thx for this. What a great name. Going to borrow it from you.
I still vote for "Adolf Sniffer." Even better than "Burden."
Sounds like a brand of high-quality Swedish snuff. Lol
Maybe with a label with Biden saying "I did that."
The DemonRat puppet.
Interesting that is the "No one has seen him since" part. I am quite sure he just wanted to get away from it all lol. Speaking of why am I wondering what is up with Julian Assange lately? Did he disappear?
What makes you “quite sure”?
The disappearing begins...
Amazing how Trump was constantly accused of targeting journalist, yet Obama, and Biden actually disappeared journalist. It's okay to disappear journalist as long as make up fake crimes against them first, the FBI's MO. He HaD ClAsSiFiEd DoCuMeNtS.
They're probably looking for a way to pin it all on DJT.
Glad patriots are going to have three powerhouses; parler, truth social and twitter, to compete against facebook, youtube etc...
Can't dissapear narratives and people then.
And it's going to cost them mightily to keep propagating their propaganda because they have to keep spinning and lying for it to stay into zombies' heads. Going to cost them billions. But say the truth once and it sticks.
Plus the independent video sites. We are building our own separate economy, including communications.
For a bureau that prides itself on secrecy, they sure are doing a good job of airing their dirty laundry these days. The don’t even try to be covert anymore.
The Federal Bureau of Gestapo is more like it
Lord Jesus, I plead continued utter confusion on ALL in the camp of the evil one. Bring destruction down upon their own heads in every way even unimaginable. In Your Almighty name, Amen
Next you will find out he died from a new strain of covid. They will call it the G.R. -86d strain. Short for government rules covid strain.
Check the gulag in DC.
Convention of the States
Decertify the federal govt, setting the nation and its people free
Eliminate IRS/income tax forever
Dismantle forever the unelected and unaccountable Intelligence branch of govt—by far the most powerful of the four branches, moreso than the other three combined—just look at what's happening
Retain the Defense Intel Agency—it's enough secrets and spying for one country
Rebuild a micro-version of fedgov, only strictly according to Constitution
Since the government does not run on best wishes, I think we should drop the federal income tax but keep the state income tax, and let the states kick up to the feds, not the other way around.
I just read this last night! WTH?! This is crazy!
Probably hanging out with Epstein in the Bahamas.
Tucker or Project Veritas need to look into this!! Prayers for his safe return!! 🙏
Sounds like those who disappear in China and Iran.
Ah it all makes sense now...
The Joker's running the FBI...
LOL Bless his little heart, the elderly toddler needs to show you he IS NOT to be played with!
Moral of the story: Don't get arrested by the fbi.