Gag Reflex 🤮
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So, the hate group awards the mass murderer with cash and prizes. Sounds about right.
The group that claims Nazis committed medical experiments on Jews is now honoring a Jew committing medical experiments on the World
Makes you question the entire narrative around what we're "taught"...
Starting to. So painful to think about everything being a lie. All these rabbit holes are wearing me out
Cant wait to take the free American and World History classes from Hillsdale College when this is all sorted out and we can finally study the true History of the World. Ive taken a couple of their other free classes and have been impressed.
Key Word: everything
Always made me wonder what the world would be like had Germany won the war
We would be speaking german and our lampshades would be made out of human skin.
I wish the holocaust actually happened
its like Hope for Hate group in the UK. Tommy Robinson did a fantastic expose over on Rumble/Bitchute etc If journalism was honest and non-partisan it'd be on every news channel by morning.
Asking jews to apologize for killing Jesus:
Ari Shaffir, very jewish, also hilarious.
His special literally titled "Jew" comes out nov 2nd.
ADL is a terrorist group.
people are stupid
Nice Mason hand gesture there....
Noticed it too. When Trump does it the pyramid is always pointing down
They had to make sure it fit in the picture…
What's it mean?
It looks more like a cage than a pyramid. I've also seen them animate this one by separating and reconnecting the finger tips over and over as they talk.
Bourla claims his parents escaped Auschwitz.
Let that sink in.
Tell me who runs the world without telling me who runs the world.
Ashkenazi Democrat Lawfare
Bird of a feather...
...only their definition of hate.
Well, if anyone was in doubt of the ADL's commitment to the Cabal, wonder no more.
Oh is that like President Obama getting the Nobel Prize For Peace?
Why would they marry their flagship Jew Power lawfare division to the Jew that runs Pfizer? Why do this now? It only draws substantial focus on Pfizer's CEO being a Jew. Pfizer is vulnerable due to losing vaccine narrative. Jews are vulnerable due to Kanye exposures. What's the strategy here!
It appears that reeeee ing antisemitism is their only strategy. Ye exposed this to the normies. Once you DGAF what the powers that be can do to you its over for them. Go ahead cancell my bank,contracts etc.
Its over
Nobel peace prize for Obozo anyone..?
OMG, I’m puking!!!!
Well to be fair Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for droning kids and murdering a ton of people at a wedding so this seems about right.
Obama ramped up drone warfare far more than Bush Jr. That was the first sign that the media wasn't as independent as they claim.
Damn!When I saw the “Gag reflex” title, I thought it was going to about Paul Pelosi!
This is worse, to be rewarded for killing millions worldwide
You are 100% correct!
Where was the ADL when we were all getting forced vaccinated?
So ADL claims him as one of theirs?
They invented the word "chutzpah" for this particular behavior.
Is that a familiar hand signal I see? 🤔
Let’s focus on here and now. We need to expose the corruption, the blackmail, the censoring, and the vote rigging so it’s undeniable. We need to win this election so completely that nothing can stand in the way of total take down of the administrative state.
Oh look, another communist organization honoring thier own.
This guy hasn’t seen anything yet. I suspect in a few more years after millions have died from his vax products, he’s going to have a hard time going out in public.
Giving his masters praise with the hands...
These fools are in the Guinness book of world records for biggest circle jerk in history. Sorry, no sauce.
It's like Josef Mengele getting an award for not taking it personally that people just don't like him.
Let's start referring to him as Prince Albert.
These people... who preach about hate speech and then they talk about Trump and white people... the hypocrisy is astounding
Funny, his last name means "taunt" or "mockery" in spanish. Isn't he a veterinarian?