“You’re Just a F*cking Moron Who Doesn’t Know Sh*t from Clay” – Popular Radio Host Who Consistently Attacks Anti-Vaxxers will Take Hiatus until 2023 After Heart Attack
Die, Felicia 🤣
Okay so don’t believe it was the vax causing clots. You have a family history of heart attacks. Instead of calling 911, you call a friend to call 911, because you were unable to reach your “husband”? Either way, God is trying to tell you something. Repent now before it is to late.
Eyes to see, ears to hear...
Yup. Calls 2 someone elses rather than calling 911 himself (even though time is crucial with heart issues) = beyond stupid
He protected his tweets, lol. That ratio must have almost given him a second heart attack.
Other vaccines from before the covid shot could have been triggering heart attacks and clots in his family.
I'm fairly suspicious that most heart attacks are probably caused by vaccines now. We don't know exactly what substances they have been putting in the flu-shots.
Exactly and they can be causing hypertension, adult and childhood cancers, strokes. Add the right diet, genetic make up, pharmaceuticals those vaccines administered in childhood may be causing all of the above.
Local hospital here in Illinois is now requiring employees to get the flu shot or be fired. You betcha the flu shot in not benevolent. Not anymore, at least.
The dude has 5 clogged arteries and you agree with him it was just what he ate?
No, I absolutely believe it was the a Covid shots. I am saying to him, believe it is hereditary, time will tell when you expire and an autopsy is done and the fibrous, rubbery clots are pulled out. Some people can’t see the forest for the trees. No matter what smacks them in the face, they will deny it.
May he recover at the speed of science
LOL, I love it.
Im not a mask expert but That mask around his neck doesn't look responsible. Shouldn't it be over his face with a layer of saran wrap on top to prevent spreading the heart attack to others? Once again I admit that I haven't read any of the peer reviewed mask studies so I am just acting on feelings here
I'm sure that the sudden heart problems will just clear up on their own. Nothing to worry about.
It is probably not vax related at all... keep telling yourself that. Next booster will likely be your last.
"The 43-year-old man began to feel tightness in his chest. He contacted his friend to call 911 immediately after he failed to reach his husband, who was at work at the time.".
"at work"...
somehow i suspect he was somewhere else, and was "unavailable"
What a fucking retard. Good thing he's a faggot so he won't spread his retard faggot genes
Flair: Die, Felicia 🤣
Thank goodness we have dark senses of humour.
I do not wish harm on people, but this person, this is karma.
"Imagine almost exiting from a heart attack only to have anti-vaxxers come for you… blaming vaccines. Seriously go and get f*cked,” he wrote"
He still doesn't get it.
Really, I have no idea whatsoever these people will do once it becomes official that the Vax is poison.
cognitive dissonance. some people exist, not to be saved or awakened, but to remind us why we're fighting.
It won’t matter what the evidence is. These rabid conformists are beyond help. Put them in the “iT cOuLd hAVe bEeN wOrSe” basket.
Yall think they'll loop achy breaky heart for 24 hours his first day back?
Lololololol. As long as the shot is taking out guys like this, maybe it’s not so bad.
serves him right, these vaccine collaborators deserve everything they get.
People like him are the reason my friends have died and my relatives are slowly getting sicker i tried to warn them but most would not listen because of the constant noise by utter cretins like this.
he has had to lock his twitter cause he is getting ratio'd haha. Glad at least people are waking up now there are tons of posts trolling him lol.
Live by the sword, die by the sword...
Hell yes.
Heart attacks while laying down doing nothing are not normal you dumb fuck
Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
“After he failed to reach his husband”….
I would rather be ignorant, than have a heart attack due to a vaccine.
I can learn, and become smarter - your heart will NEVER recover to where it was.
He’s a dead man walking. The stents bought him time but the heart is a complicated thing. A mass of interwoven muscle that all has to respond correctly and accurately, every single time. It doesn’t tolerate deviation well. It pretty much begins to kill you immediately if things go wrong.
He should be having these issues in his 60s or 70s. Which would then give him until 80. Having these issues at 43 means he likely dead by 60. If that.
Of course this won’t be recorded as vax related.
They really planned this poison out well. Very difficult to point at. He will die insisting the vax prolonged his life.
Isn't the saying that someone "doesn't know shit from Shinola"?
Clay? What does clay have to do with it? Who polishes their shoes with clay?
Shinola is shoe polish and one could substitute the word shinola for shit in polite company.
His Twitter account is
Wait... is this Canadian hospital actually tagging patients' chests with NPC heart attack memes? That's pretty brutal.
I can't tell if that's karma, meme magic, or the cabal having a laugh at their victims' expense.
Well, you can go to your grave "KNOWING" the Gub-mint isn't lying to you. What a tool.
Age 43
HA ha!!