Video in article with AT saying so. I don't know anything else about this guy other than what I've read recently, had never heard of him a few days ago.
I agree with you on a lot of things and I disagree on a lot of things, but this is way off the mark.
If you make a claim, be prepared to provide the source for that claim. This is part of the scientific method, and it is also a part of any form of legitimate debate.
If you don't have the time to provide any sources, don't snap at them for asking. You don't even need to respond.
Often, someone else will provide the source in your stead if you're too busy or can't source it.
I do think all of this is very "pat". Very Problem>Reaction>Solution and very tied-up-with-a-bow. And of course it all happened to provide Search Bar "Cover" for JP Morgan.
Not that I disagree, very well could be I know his father was CIA, but what would the particular psyop be? Isn't most of what he says anti establishment and encourages men to take personal responsibility?
I've listened to a lot of his interviews and seen some of his vlog-style videos. I'm open to seeing facts proving he is pro-child-trafficking.
I'm certainly not saying there are not good reasons for being concerned. A lot of people are concerned in this day and probably everyone who posts here is on someone's list.
Everyone is looking for a perfect person to save them. This is a bloody war. Trump is messy. Tate is Messy. Q is Messy. Everyone is messy. People didn't even trust Jesus.
What is the reasonable expectation for an agent of change?
Is the rut we live in so deep we can't make changes without God Almighty coming down and picking us up and kicking us down the path?
This whole thing stinks of being some kind of psyop. He tweets about 33 cars, with 33 being a cabal number.
He gets into spat with Greta and gets accused of trafficking while GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings) is an anti trafficking organization. Come on, that CANNOT be a coincidence. Is this meant for us to get eyes on GRETA (the organization, not the girl)?
**The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has urged Romania to ensure that human trafficking offences lead to effective and dissuasive sanctions and that victims of trafficking have access to compensation.
In a report published today evaluating access to justice and effective remedies for victims of trafficking in human beings, GRETA notes that Romania has continued to develop the legislative and policy framework relevant to action against trafficking. The Criminal Code was amended in 2020 to increase the minimum penalty for trafficking in children, and the authorities have adopted a new national strategy against human trafficking for 2018-2022.
This ties into the Elon Matrix meme that includes hints of pedo joe and the cow jumping over the moon. Also the grumpy Greta meme.
But now I'm gonna go way off the rails and note the connection of Cobratate (snake) with the matrix and a google search leads to this.
That mentions some game with a 10x10 grid, which reminded me of a Q decode blog (or reddit post, I forget where) that claimed Q907 showed how to decode some Trump tweets on NK with an 11x11 grid of anagrams. And honestly the "Joe pedo" and other anagrams in Elon's Matrix tweet also reminds me of that.
Are we seeing instructions for some 10x10 grid decodes? Or maybe it's simpler than that because I see the usual 22 and 23 in the game instructions, and I'm seeing those everywhere I turn now as we approach the new year....
Here is a thing. We need to be objective or we lose everything. If Tate is trafficking children (or adults) then he is an enemy. Period. No matter his politics. No matter how many people he has redpilled. We need to stand up to that shit no matter what.
If Trump himself was found to be guilty of this we would need to stand up to it or we LOSE all credibility (and rightly so). Truth and right are absolute.
Tate is also just generally a degenerate piece of crap. I thought he was cool at first, with the pro-masculinity message, but after actually looking into him: he's on video literally beating a woman and calling her a whore while he's surrounded by several men, he promotes whores, promotes degenerate sexual shit. I could actually see him being guilty of what he's being accused of.
he's on video literally beating a woman and calling her a whore
You sound like a cucked incel bro.
*For the fags that are like leftists... and can't hold more than 1 opinion at the same time... if he is trafficking people that does NOT TAKE AWAY THAT THE VIDEO THE CUCK IS DESCRIBING WAS STILL A CONSENSUAL SEX ACT USED TO DISCREDIT HIM!
It's fucking amazing how you people "can see the media manipulation" in one set of videos but completely ignore it in others.
Regardless, it's degeneracy. Thats the kinda shit you do when you're 20 and a leftist, not a thirty year old man. If you think a guy who gets off on violence, promotes promiscuous sex with whores, and is an overall douchebag is "on our side" simply because he calls out woke culture, you're gonna be the death of this movement. Any random fag can act macho and call out globohomo, that doesn't mean they're on our side.
Everyone is susceptible to their beliefs and biases, it's human nature. Consensual rough sex is not for me, but if that's their thing that's their thing.
Personally even if my girlfriend was super into that, I wouldn't do it because again, that's not me. We have degenerates on our side too, but that's important. Purity tests are pointless when this fight is a numbers game. They'll either be on their side, or they'll be on our side. We need greater numbers.
Ah I found it. Then I found another link of the same girl saying it was basically her fetish and she asked for it. I've had plenty of women who like being slapped and choked. One girl even had a rape fantasy and wanted to struggle while screaming "no, stop" the whole time. Would be mighty awkward if one of my sex tapes came out from an act the girl literally begged me for.
If Trump himself was found to be guilty of this we would need to stand up to it or we LOSE all credibility
Hm. While this is demonstrably not the case, I think one would be surprised how many people would stick by him. Fortunately, they tried this angle. They tried painting his parental affections towards Ivanka as grossly incestuous, too.
The fact is, I think, that they could never have any evidence be trusted anymore. They've fired too many shots at Trump and missed.
The boy who cried wolf effect is in full swing for the leftists; we will never end up believing their slander of Trump.
That said, if Tate were actually trafficking humans, he'd just be controlled opposition. There'd be no need to burn him unless they couldn't control him.
Human trafficking not child trafficking. He’s been open about his webcam business and he openly told the women who he “finds” what the business is and they agree to the terms. The first time he was alleged to be trafficking women, the cops came to his house and saw that no one was being held against their will. His own secuity cams show that the woman who called saying she was being held left the house to get food and then WENT BACK INSIDE!
Here's what I do know. I know ive been posting many times about Tates war on masculinity and how he's been fighting the good fight. And if he truly was part of a human trafficking ring he would not be flaunting himself all over the internet attacking the deep state (or matrix) at every chance.
I know he was cancelled for his role in teaching young boys to become men. And many of these men can filter his points out. Many of them care about being successful and not letting women walk all over them.
I know he pointed out he has 3 strikes and right now his arrest is the 2nd strike. 1st was cancellation. 2nd was arrest over bogus charges and the 3rd is they will try to kill him.
Not bending over backward for anyone. It's just interested they go after him after he attacks the lefts favorite climate reta... i mean activist
Your opening statement is absurd. Trafficking is always trafficking.
Trafficking is always trafficking, but trafficking children is an additional thing that is not always true.
If your trafficking business only traffics 30 year old adults and never, ever children, you are not trafficking children and any statement to the contrary falls flat as trafficking an adult does not make you a pedophile.
Also the fact that leftists have latched on to this so strongly is something that piques my interest.
Can confirm but morally I don't like that too much.
Even moreso would be that after #MeToo, any consensual act could retroactively be revoked and your life could be ruined for going along with it. Not worth it.
I know it's hard with the shit video quality and deepfake technology out there but I believe it's real.
Just listening to the guy gives me the creeps at times . Not all the time but at times.
I think alot of dudes are fanboys of the guy because they believe he will guide them to freedom. Freedom to fuck as many broads as they please. Fuck outta here with that shit.
Take away his glitter - gold and all his girlfriends and he ain't shit.
Forsaken1 6 points 6 hours ago +8 / -2
Well, there is a video of him beating a woman on camera.
That alone ...
I am sorry you don't get the sehks bro.
If you would have had sex more than a few times in your life and with more than one woman, you'd know that women actually like more than Missionary position #1.
So, I've only had sex a few times and I am unaware of the hundreds of sexual positions out there which according to the Tates and Thots of this sick world, includes beating one another. Ooooooohh sick burn bruh.
You mean I'm not part of the degenerate masses?
May God forgive me.
There's a video of the guy hitting and whipping a woman (not in self defense)..
tells me that this "man" is a sick degenerate fuck who's whore of a mother should've swallowed.
What you and yours do in the privacy of your home, no matter how fucked up it might be, is none of my business and don't really care to know about really. But if you post videos and share your fucked up behaviors with the internets, don't fucking whine about it when we go on patrol and come across your degenerate ass and start calling it out as degeneracy.
The world is screwed. As you will see by many comments.
The porn industry has caused these women to want to be beat up in bed, among other things. It’s not just the porn industry. As you will see, it has caused many men to think it’s “masculine” which is exactly what “they” want since this is just another psyop. Additionally, It’s not healthy, and it’s not normal, it’s actually a mental disorder to want to be beat up.
I know when a disgusting man has entered my life, and that would be the equivalent to Tate, albeit I have never met a man as vile as this one and I hope I never will.
This is because this is the second time he's been accused of it.
The first time it was a girl that was having sex with his brother who was caught on camera making the phone call about it and then going out of the complex to grab food, and then she went back. She made up the story because she had a boyfriend back home that was looking for her.
Then it's the timing: Gets into a twitter spat with the Rothschild tranny-boy and then magically gets accused again? sus🤔
This Tate show is not for us, it’s for the younger crowd of normies that follow him and that are on the verge of following him. With the addition of a few “Q” followers who are not fully aware of the many psychological operations out there.
Have you noticed this board is talking about him a lot? In a fairly good light? They want that.
He made the news a few months back about being cancelled. Then, all of this now? Not to mention him making a video on Satanic crap within the world and higher ups?
It’s a show, but it’s a show for the younger generation of men who are lost and think that the key to happiness is being like this God Foresaken Andrew Tate. Which is just another psyop to destroy the family unit, along with God and Jesus Christ.
Edit: Must be over the target, the shills have been unleashed to downvote. LOL
Now, instead of listening to a man with CIA connections has to say, how about you and many other individuals do some research outside of this controlled website.
Notice, how things relating to Tate have been stickied.
yesterday "they're gonna come get me" today - cops come get him, almost like they're trying to scare us into shutting up. its all too convenient, imo
If you missed it, he and his brother were released with no charges.
Elevate the headline, bury the body.
ty for update
What you missed was, that was from April. Pay attention.
That’s because Andrew Tate is a mossad agent psyop.
Video in article with AT saying so. I don't know anything else about this guy other than what I've read recently, had never heard of him a few days ago.
American, enlisted in the Air Force, tested very well (high IQ), ended up a Linguist for the CIA
This is not the proper response, if it takes 5 seconds to write that comment, you can post a link instead.
Don't be rude. If you don't want to be helpful, then don't reply.
Are you here to be a conduit of information or to impede flow? You said it took FIVE SECONDS to find it. That's not some doctoral thesis.
Do what you like, I'm just saying it's not helpful.
I agree with you on a lot of things and I disagree on a lot of things, but this is way off the mark.
If you make a claim, be prepared to provide the source for that claim. This is part of the scientific method, and it is also a part of any form of legitimate debate.
If you don't have the time to provide any sources, don't snap at them for asking. You don't even need to respond.
Often, someone else will provide the source in your stead if you're too busy or can't source it.
Gave it the 5 minutes.........
He's a chess master
You shut your mouth when you’re taking to me!
I do think all of this is very "pat". Very Problem>Reaction>Solution and very tied-up-with-a-bow. And of course it all happened to provide Search Bar "Cover" for JP Morgan.
All the world is a stage.
"every informed well off masculine male is a mossad agent"
I'm a well informed masculine male mossad agent. Prove me wrong. kek
I meant to say “well off” but still funny lol
Not that I disagree, very well could be I know his father was CIA, but what would the particular psyop be? Isn't most of what he says anti establishment and encourages men to take personal responsibility?
He said all that to gain trust and followers. This is his betrayal and the taking down of a narrative about child sex trafficking.
The same could be said about Q. And Trump. Smacks of paranoia.
Some say the paranoid are that way because they just have all the facts.
I've listened to a lot of his interviews and seen some of his vlog-style videos. I'm open to seeing facts proving he is pro-child-trafficking.
I'm certainly not saying there are not good reasons for being concerned. A lot of people are concerned in this day and probably everyone who posts here is on someone's list.
I don't know anything about him other than he really, really, really loves his ego.
This mondodismo is getting way too much press!
Well he chose a God that needs mere mortals to defend him.
Everyone is looking for a perfect person to save them. This is a bloody war. Trump is messy. Tate is Messy. Q is Messy. Everyone is messy. People didn't even trust Jesus.
What is the reasonable expectation for an agent of change?
Is the rut we live in so deep we can't make changes without God Almighty coming down and picking us up and kicking us down the path?
I've already been saved by the man Jesus Christ who is also the only begotten Son of God. I wait for no one else.
the danger is in people who can't discern the difference.
one person hears: "there's something really weird going on in Ukraine"
the other hears:"women are property, fuck bitches, get money (this is Satan speaking)
Great perspective that I’ve overlooked for years. It’s totally a spectrum.
It's a spectrum that is more fluid than a leftist's gender. New things occur every day, which shifts your positioning on that spectrum.
This whole thing stinks of being some kind of psyop. He tweets about 33 cars, with 33 being a cabal number.
He gets into spat with Greta and gets accused of trafficking while GRETA (Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings) is an anti trafficking organization. Come on, that CANNOT be a coincidence. Is this meant for us to get eyes on GRETA (the organization, not the girl)?
**The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has urged Romania to ensure that human trafficking offences lead to effective and dissuasive sanctions and that victims of trafficking have access to compensation.
In a report published today evaluating access to justice and effective remedies for victims of trafficking in human beings, GRETA notes that Romania has continued to develop the legislative and policy framework relevant to action against trafficking. The Criminal Code was amended in 2020 to increase the minimum penalty for trafficking in children, and the authorities have adopted a new national strategy against human trafficking for 2018-2022.
This ties into the Elon Matrix meme that includes hints of pedo joe and the cow jumping over the moon. Also the grumpy Greta meme.
But now I'm gonna go way off the rails and note the connection of Cobratate (snake) with the matrix and a google search leads to this.
That mentions some game with a 10x10 grid, which reminded me of a Q decode blog (or reddit post, I forget where) that claimed Q907 showed how to decode some Trump tweets on NK with an 11x11 grid of anagrams. And honestly the "Joe pedo" and other anagrams in Elon's Matrix tweet also reminds me of that.
Are we seeing instructions for some 10x10 grid decodes? Or maybe it's simpler than that because I see the usual 22 and 23 in the game instructions, and I'm seeing those everywhere I turn now as we approach the new year....
He’s being accused of child trafficking. Thoughts?
Here is a thing. We need to be objective or we lose everything. If Tate is trafficking children (or adults) then he is an enemy. Period. No matter his politics. No matter how many people he has redpilled. We need to stand up to that shit no matter what.
If Trump himself was found to be guilty of this we would need to stand up to it or we LOSE all credibility (and rightly so). Truth and right are absolute.
Tate is also just generally a degenerate piece of crap. I thought he was cool at first, with the pro-masculinity message, but after actually looking into him: he's on video literally beating a woman and calling her a whore while he's surrounded by several men, he promotes whores, promotes degenerate sexual shit. I could actually see him being guilty of what he's being accused of.
It’s true. He made his fortune pimping camwhores.
You sound like a cucked incel bro.
*For the fags that are like leftists... and can't hold more than 1 opinion at the same time... if he is trafficking people that does NOT TAKE AWAY THAT THE VIDEO THE CUCK IS DESCRIBING WAS STILL A CONSENSUAL SEX ACT USED TO DISCREDIT HIM!
It's fucking amazing how you people "can see the media manipulation" in one set of videos but completely ignore it in others.
Are you really awake, or are you a parrot?
Regardless, it's degeneracy. Thats the kinda shit you do when you're 20 and a leftist, not a thirty year old man. If you think a guy who gets off on violence, promotes promiscuous sex with whores, and is an overall douchebag is "on our side" simply because he calls out woke culture, you're gonna be the death of this movement. Any random fag can act macho and call out globohomo, that doesn't mean they're on our side.
So join the LGBTQ brigade if you feel that way, morals DEFINITELY matter and clearly help identify who is part of the DS and their agenda.
How is beating a woman consensual??
Everyone is susceptible to their beliefs and biases, it's human nature. Consensual rough sex is not for me, but if that's their thing that's their thing.
Personally even if my girlfriend was super into that, I wouldn't do it because again, that's not me. We have degenerates on our side too, but that's important. Purity tests are pointless when this fight is a numbers game. They'll either be on their side, or they'll be on our side. We need greater numbers.
No one's perfect.
If that were true, you would have posted a link to the video in question.
go through this thread, it's been posted multiple times
Ah I found it. Then I found another link of the same girl saying it was basically her fetish and she asked for it. I've had plenty of women who like being slapped and choked. One girl even had a rape fantasy and wanted to struggle while screaming "no, stop" the whole time. Would be mighty awkward if one of my sex tapes came out from an act the girl literally begged me for.
Women are kinky, who are you to kink shame?
And if the video is a deception we need to have discernment
Best comment yet!
Hm. While this is demonstrably not the case, I think one would be surprised how many people would stick by him. Fortunately, they tried this angle. They tried painting his parental affections towards Ivanka as grossly incestuous, too.
The fact is, I think, that they could never have any evidence be trusted anymore. They've fired too many shots at Trump and missed.
The boy who cried wolf effect is in full swing for the leftists; we will never end up believing their slander of Trump.
That said, if Tate were actually trafficking humans, he'd just be controlled opposition. There'd be no need to burn him unless they couldn't control him.
Human trafficking not child trafficking. He’s been open about his webcam business and he openly told the women who he “finds” what the business is and they agree to the terms. The first time he was alleged to be trafficking women, the cops came to his house and saw that no one was being held against their will. His own secuity cams show that the woman who called saying she was being held left the house to get food and then WENT BACK INSIDE!
Here's what I do know. I know ive been posting many times about Tates war on masculinity and how he's been fighting the good fight. And if he truly was part of a human trafficking ring he would not be flaunting himself all over the internet attacking the deep state (or matrix) at every chance.
I know he was cancelled for his role in teaching young boys to become men. And many of these men can filter his points out. Many of them care about being successful and not letting women walk all over them.
I know he pointed out he has 3 strikes and right now his arrest is the 2nd strike. 1st was cancellation. 2nd was arrest over bogus charges and the 3rd is they will try to kill him.
Not bending over backward for anyone. It's just interested they go after him after he attacks the lefts favorite climate reta... i mean activist
I'm surprised people went ape shit over that, considering we haven't heard much from that fetal alcohol syndrome victim recently.
Epstein got his wealth and status by blackmailing men like the tate brother.
Trafficking is always trafficking, but trafficking children is an additional thing that is not always true.
If your trafficking business only traffics 30 year old adults and never, ever children, you are not trafficking children and any statement to the contrary falls flat as trafficking an adult does not make you a pedophile.
Also the fact that leftists have latched on to this so strongly is something that piques my interest.
Well, there is a video of him beating a woman on camera.
That alone ...
I heard that woman admitted it was a consensual act.
Some girls like being spanked? What’s it to you?
Beta males, are the only males who stick up for a degenerate like this one.
well SOMEONE doesn't like being in Top G's shadow
First he was mossad. Now he's a degenerate.
Bahahaha, do some research.
you made the claim. Back it up, Mrs. Blasey Ford
So they are both fucked up is what your saying? Agree
someone you're the only one who knows this. Maybe you should back that claim
Nice, now Tate’s getting the Jone’s treatment with completely baseless accusations about being Mossad.
as bad as that video is im still team top G for now. he's seemingly doing far more good than harm
It was consensual. She’s just a gal who likes to get spanked
This just in: Women like strong dominant men.
Can confirm but morally I don't like that too much.
Even moreso would be that after #MeToo, any consensual act could retroactively be revoked and your life could be ruined for going along with it. Not worth it.
The girl speaking about the video:
Proof this is Tate?
I know it's hard with the shit video quality and deepfake technology out there but I believe it's real.
Just listening to the guy gives me the creeps at times . Not all the time but at times.
I think alot of dudes are fanboys of the guy because they believe he will guide them to freedom. Freedom to fuck as many broads as they please. Fuck outta here with that shit.
Take away his glitter - gold and all his girlfriends and he ain't shit.
he's a tool of the devil, hopelessly lost
Saul murdered Christians, and wrote like half the New Testament.
The girl speaking about the video:
It's him.
I am sorry you don't get the sehks bro.
If you would have had sex more than a few times in your life and with more than one woman, you'd know that women actually like more than Missionary position #1.
Here is the woman he "beat up" admitting she likes it rough.
I know you don't know how embarrassing it is to morality patrol other people's HETERO sex lives.
But here's a hint, it is.
*And the disclaimer I now have to put... if he trafficked women, that is a SEPARATE INCIDENT TO THIS VIDEO YOU ARE TRYING TO PORTRAY HIM WITH.
So, I've only had sex a few times and I am unaware of the hundreds of sexual positions out there which according to the Tates and Thots of this sick world, includes beating one another. Ooooooohh sick burn bruh.
You mean I'm not part of the degenerate masses?
May God forgive me.
There's a video of the guy hitting and whipping a woman (not in self defense)..
tells me that this "man" is a sick degenerate fuck who's whore of a mother should've swallowed.
What you and yours do in the privacy of your home, no matter how fucked up it might be, is none of my business and don't really care to know about really. But if you post videos and share your fucked up behaviors with the internets, don't fucking whine about it when we go on patrol and come across your degenerate ass and start calling it out as degeneracy.
The world is screwed. As you will see by many comments.
The porn industry has caused these women to want to be beat up in bed, among other things. It’s not just the porn industry. As you will see, it has caused many men to think it’s “masculine” which is exactly what “they” want since this is just another psyop. Additionally, It’s not healthy, and it’s not normal, it’s actually a mental disorder to want to be beat up.
I know when a disgusting man has entered my life, and that would be the equivalent to Tate, albeit I have never met a man as vile as this one and I hope I never will.
Charges are probably Legit. He runs a web porn business. The man is human garbage
Man, I want to stick up for the awake folks out there but this guy is super-douchey and I'm finding it hard to give a fuck what happens to him.
Lots of people think Trump is an ego maniac also.
He is pretty sus, and not to be trusted.
Another distraction.
As if he is Neo....
Andrew Tate is Top G.
Well shoot, accuse me of trafficking and that will be my biggest evidence too.
Is that how accusations work in your mind, that you need negative evidence to dispute the claim instead of positive evidence to assert the claim?
This is because this is the second time he's been accused of it.
The first time it was a girl that was having sex with his brother who was caught on camera making the phone call about it and then going out of the complex to grab food, and then she went back. She made up the story because she had a boyfriend back home that was looking for her.
Then it's the timing: Gets into a twitter spat with the Rothschild tranny-boy and then magically gets accused again? sus🤔
Who said that, that you are quoting?
This Tate show is not for us, it’s for the younger crowd of normies that follow him and that are on the verge of following him. With the addition of a few “Q” followers who are not fully aware of the many psychological operations out there.
Have you noticed this board is talking about him a lot? In a fairly good light? They want that.
He made the news a few months back about being cancelled. Then, all of this now? Not to mention him making a video on Satanic crap within the world and higher ups?
It’s a show, but it’s a show for the younger generation of men who are lost and think that the key to happiness is being like this God Foresaken Andrew Tate. Which is just another psyop to destroy the family unit, along with God and Jesus Christ.
Edit: Must be over the target, the shills have been unleashed to downvote. LOL
Anyone who disagrees with you is a shill?
If you don’t realize there is a very real psychological operation going on here, I don’t know what to tell you.
But nitpicking gets one nowhere.
Alternate idea: people are downvoting you because they disagree.
I do get there's psychological operations going on right now, but I'd venture to guess they aren't specifically targeting you, fren.
Your original post has a lot of opinions, theories, and emotions in it that people (like me) find disagreeable... That doesn't make me or them shills.
Idk man, I'm not trying to attack YOU, but you have to keep your ego in check.
That said, I think tate is a weird egomaniac at best, and a psyop at worst.
I downvoted you in case you wanted to know who the “shills” downvoting you were. Lol.
Now, instead of listening to a man with CIA connections has to say, how about you and many other individuals do some research outside of this controlled website.
Notice, how things relating to Tate have been stickied.
Controlled Opposition. Controlled Operation.