There is one DWAC. But the DWAC stock also has warrants (DWACW) and units (DWACU). I am not sure what the difference is between everything except the DWAC is the actual stocks, which is what I bought as well.
DWACW is a warrant, which is a discounted way to claim a share at a later date. After the merger with TMTG, you can exercise the warrant into a TMTG share for $11 per. The risk is that the merger may not happen (though we know it will.)
DWACU is 1 share of DWAC plus half a warrant. It's a convenient way to get a little bang for your buck.
I was doing warrants but now I’ve been just doing the class As, since the cost is just like buying a warrant and executing it; 3.50 + 11.50 = 15
More votes and not much potential downside. My average is like high 40s now. Stopped drinking alcohol, a beer is like a share after a tip anymore. Not worth.
I hear you. I'm not doing any car repairs or home improvement because I'm like "Man I could buy 100 shares with that money."
I was considering buying shares instead of warrants, but my goal is to just lock in my position now while the warrant price is super low. When it comes time to exercise the warrants, I'll use the profit from my DWAC stock to pay for it. So by the time the price skyrockets, I'll have thousands of warrants instead of hundreds of shares.
Or you could be locked up in DC for thought crime, not making any money, paying for lawyers, not seeing family, business/ house trouble. We got here because speech was suppressed by the government.
We must own speech; not BlackRock, not Vanguard, us.
I bought 100 at 90$, but I’ve bought all over the place. If 300k Americans held 100 shares that would be all the shares right now. We will see continued volatility imo.
Just for giggles, I think I'll go back and read through some of those old posts on the topic. Back when we were all going to be so rich when TS became the new Twitter. 🤣
Historically, the stock market in the US was looked upon as a gambling syndicate in the 20s and 30's...only later was it legitimized by allowing a select number of winners!
It is @ $14.90 on my Robinhood account? Bought in way higher myself. Praying for a HUGE increase!
I think this is DWACU and not DWAC?
I thought there was only one DWAC? That is what I bought.
DWAC is the main stock. DWACU is the stock + options or something like that.
OK. Thank you.
There is one DWAC. But the DWAC stock also has warrants (DWACW) and units (DWACU). I am not sure what the difference is between everything except the DWAC is the actual stocks, which is what I bought as well.
DWACW is a warrant, which is a discounted way to claim a share at a later date. After the merger with TMTG, you can exercise the warrant into a TMTG share for $11 per. The risk is that the merger may not happen (though we know it will.)
DWACU is 1 share of DWAC plus half a warrant. It's a convenient way to get a little bang for your buck.
I am personally loading up on DWACW warrants.
I was doing warrants but now I’ve been just doing the class As, since the cost is just like buying a warrant and executing it; 3.50 + 11.50 = 15 More votes and not much potential downside. My average is like high 40s now. Stopped drinking alcohol, a beer is like a share after a tip anymore. Not worth.
I hear you. I'm not doing any car repairs or home improvement because I'm like "Man I could buy 100 shares with that money."
I was considering buying shares instead of warrants, but my goal is to just lock in my position now while the warrant price is super low. When it comes time to exercise the warrants, I'll use the profit from my DWAC stock to pay for it. So by the time the price skyrockets, I'll have thousands of warrants instead of hundreds of shares.
I vote yes
That’s wild. Also I’ve lost my shirt in this investment .
You don't gain or lose anything until you sell. All the ups and downs in the meanwhile don't matter in the end. Good things come to those who wait.
Or you could be locked up in DC for thought crime, not making any money, paying for lawyers, not seeing family, business/ house trouble. We got here because speech was suppressed by the government.
We must own speech; not BlackRock, not Vanguard, us.
I bought in at $40 😆 hope it goes way up
It will - to the moon, baby!! :D
I bought in on day 3 at $87…so you are in a much better position than me.😩
Long way from $137
Note to self, don't chase stock tips ;p
I bought 100 at 90$, but I’ve bought all over the place. If 300k Americans held 100 shares that would be all the shares right now. We will see continued volatility imo.
This has to be divine intervention!
Or “the markets are rigged” comms. It’s happened a few times before.
Yeah, I remember the 666pt drop during Trump.
Or some other kinds of intervention.
Someone with enough money can have a standing buy order at 16.99 which would push it to 17.00
Just for giggles, I think I'll go back and read through some of those old posts on the topic. Back when we were all going to be so rich when TS became the new Twitter. 🤣
But, yeah, that is a pretty freaky occurrence.
Well, we were for a minute when it spiked at $175! 😁
That guy claiming to be a Rothschild said:
The price stopped here for a reason.
Patriots in control.
That's neat. 1/5 my all in price though.
I have the other one, DWAC. I bought it for some high price i think the day it came out and i think i goofed.
DWAC is the main one you want, I believe.
nevermind it's DWACW.
pic shows DWACU
It would almost make you think the market can be manipulated! (PS. It can)
PPS. It is
Good hopium for the next year of trials and tribulations
, adventures and victories!
Buy the dip... bye, the dip.
It closed at 15, this is false
Nope, closed at 17.
My apologies you are correct
Fact check
ameritrade account shows $14.9001 so $15 is good enough for me.
I did notice low for GME was 17.02 other day. Maybe reached 17 on the bid/ask.
What does 17 mean? Or will it be going up to 76?
That’s cool but can we do $71 instead
Happy New Year!