Swallow-well, if we had wanted to take over the capitol, we would have. That was never the point, the point was to shine a light on the treasonous acts of our elected officials.
Agent Fang Fang goes down in China crash March 22, 2022 12:44 pm by IWB
How strange, special agent Fang Fang, who was banging U.S. Rep Eric Swallwell (chief architect of the Russian election hacking hoax) was among the folks in the China air disaster. Nothing to see here, folks, nothing. Move along.
Dingdong, oops I meant Dinglong Culture, a Guangzhou company in both mining and TV and movie production, said in a statement to the Shenzhen stock exchange that its CFO, Fang Fang, was a passenger. Zhongxinghua, an accounting firm used by Dinglong, said that two of its employees were also on the flight. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/agent-fang-fang-goes-down-in-china-crash/
Why do they keep bandying 'insurrection' about in a pejorative sense? It's a neutral verb.
in·sur·rec·tion (ĭn′sə-rĕk′shən)
The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin īnsurrēctiō, īnsurrēctiōn-, from Latin īnsurrēctus, past participle of īnsurgere, to rise up; see insurgent.]
Unless I'm missing something, at what point was it decided that revolt was a bad thing by default?
If all those patriots had wanted insurrection, they would have come to DC armed with more than coffee to-go mugs. Somehow all the left thinks they are some kind of Great Modern Heroes for killing one unarmed woman that day.
Boy this is good news. It is not clear to us what the hell is happening, but if the satanic pedos are pissed off, that means what is coming is good for us. Bigly.
LOL it is so beautiful.
"We NEEDED McCarthy to win.....but not like this! Not in a manner that doesn't save us!"
Schiff is in tears as well.
It didn't work out how they needed it.
America was founded via insurrection, it's literally baked into its soil and blood and also the Constitution, hence the reason for 2A to take out a tyrannical government (like this one) whenever necessary.
Why does no-one bring this up to these people in Congress and on the Senate floor??
That's not panic. It's framing to discredit any work done from here on out. Don't mistake any of these tweets as panic. It's not. These tweets should be seen as attempts to discredit and deflect.
And if they have their way, that's not all they'll be taking over.
Someone's playing Sat nite gifs I see.
Think I will join in.
Swallow-well, if we had wanted to take over the capitol, we would have. That was never the point, the point was to shine a light on the treasonous acts of our elected officials.
High school must have been a bitch!
The Republican Party was taken over by the people who voted them in. That’s the way it’s suppose to work.
not if youre a swamp rat who bangs Chinese spies
And now the Republican party has a spine and united like a closed fist.
Just like demons when they hear the word, Jesus
And just like parasites when they hear IVR.
Or suave movie vampires when they realize the Dawn/Don is coming and there's no where to hide.
January 6 == Western Christian Feast of the Epiphany celebrating when Gods Light, Christ, is revealed. Eastern Christian Christmas Eve.
January 7 == Eastern Christian Feast of the Nativity celebrating Christs birth.
The darkness now has a Light.
This proves they are willing to call anything an insurrection.
"My 2023 Fang Fang Bang Bang bill didn't get the votes to pass, this insurrection will be remembered through the ages."
It also proves that he believes he is greater than his equals in representation, which is absolutely not true.
Agent Fang Fang goes down in China crash March 22, 2022 12:44 pm by IWB
How strange, special agent Fang Fang, who was banging U.S. Rep Eric Swallwell (chief architect of the Russian election hacking hoax) was among the folks in the China air disaster. Nothing to see here, folks, nothing. Move along.
Dingdong, oops I meant Dinglong Culture, a Guangzhou company in both mining and TV and movie production, said in a statement to the Shenzhen stock exchange that its CFO, Fang Fang, was a passenger. Zhongxinghua, an accounting firm used by Dinglong, said that two of its employees were also on the flight. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/agent-fang-fang-goes-down-in-china-crash/
Fang-Fang and Swalwell photo: https://etindonesia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fang-fang-800x450-1-1068x601.jpg
Eat it spy fucker.
That's Mister spy fucker to you!
Why do they keep bandying 'insurrection' about in a pejorative sense? It's a neutral verb.
in·sur·rec·tion (ĭn′sə-rĕk′shən) n. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin īnsurrēctiō, īnsurrēctiōn-, from Latin īnsurrēctus, past participle of īnsurgere, to rise up; see insurgent.]
Unless I'm missing something, at what point was it decided that revolt was a bad thing by default?
"Why do they keep bandying 'insurrection' about as a pejorative"?
They're programming the normies.
Big Brother Government == Good. Obedience == Good.
Questioning == Bad. Resisting == Very Bad
Resisting == terrorist/insurrection worthy of prison or death bad.
Ever since the Order of the Black Sun took over, that's when!
If all those patriots had wanted insurrection, they would have come to DC armed with more than coffee to-go mugs. Somehow all the left thinks they are some kind of Great Modern Heroes for killing one unarmed woman that day.
They killed two unarmed women that day.
I just know of Ashli
Rosanne Boylan was beaten to death by Capitol Hill police.
Suck it up commie.
Point. Since pelosi planned and directed every move of Jan. 6 and 'they' all know it and knew it then, swalwell is admitting his part.
Ray Epps is the guy.
Boy this is good news. It is not clear to us what the hell is happening, but if the satanic pedos are pissed off, that means what is coming is good for us. Bigly.
Bang Fang fgt.
A proud son of Sac City, Iowa--The Cob Goblin.
The gassy one speaks. No one is listening.
Swallows well is a knob!
Sounds to me like it worked. Just took a bit longer as people woke up to the fact that our government does not represent us.
I hope this asshole has indictments coming.
McCarthy is simply feckless as opposed to evil, as was his predecessor.
"Simply feckless"
Isn't that a more apt description of well intentioned Fox News tranced normies duped into being De Santis2024 supporters?
McCarthy strikes me as a very useful snek and I personally I prefer him to still useful sneks like Cruz. Apparently so does President Trump.
As in:
Ewww. you is one of them In-sigh-rectionists, ain't ya?
I wish either of these statements were true
This guy is a low-hanging fruit, but he is funny anyway.
LOL it is so beautiful. "We NEEDED McCarthy to win.....but not like this! Not in a manner that doesn't save us!" Schiff is in tears as well. It didn't work out how they needed it.
Go smoke a jenkem jar you fuckin commie faggot!
Swallowswell lies well too.
America was founded via insurrection, it's literally baked into its soil and blood and also the Constitution, hence the reason for 2A to take out a tyrannical government (like this one) whenever necessary.
Why does no-one bring this up to these people in Congress and on the Senate floor??
That's not panic. It's framing to discredit any work done from here on out. Don't mistake any of these tweets as panic. It's not. These tweets should be seen as attempts to discredit and deflect.
Hopefully helpful feedback:
Stating opinions as if they are facts still doesn't make those guesses true. Such certainty can mislead readers as well as the author.
Imagining that malevolents only have one reason for what they do can lead to overlooking other reasons once one is discovered.
Cry harder and cope, faggot.
Cry harder and cope, faggot.
Cry harder and cope, faggot.
You can say that again.
He thinks his constituents are this stupid!
I think so.