No reason for income taxes at all. Especially not federally. State taxes are a potentially different story as we are (in theory, though not in practice) in more direct control of our local government as reps from California can't come in and throw their vote to raise taxation like they can with the federal government.
Further to the point is that it's like these governments are playing a game of "choose one", with a myriad of different taxation options in front of them, and they just flip the table over and call everyone choice-phobic and cries victim until each other player offers up one concession each until the "choose one" has become "everything".
While I am certain the IRS AND Income tax is illegal, see how they wanna give me abolishing the IRS but they still want to keep getting the money? If they are voting on laws, they are stealing money.Not that I would try to say anything about passing this one.
Agree. I don't know a single American that WANTS to pay tax. Liberals may bitch and moan all day long that people like Trump aren't paying their fair share - one could now argue that anyone that consumes will have to pay a tax. And the ultra rich consume far more than I do. Point is, though, the regular working Democrat is going to have a moment of wondering what it's like to bring home more money in their paychecks. Then their rep will vote against it, and they'll be pissed.
Democrat reps will now claim we need that money for THE WALL, THE MILITARY, THE POLICE, etc, all the things they wanted to defund just a short few weeks ago. This feels like a Trump trap to me lol. I'm going to need more popcorn.
I never hear anyone complain about taxes which boggles my mind. They only complain about wages, forgetting that 20-25% is taken from them just on income alone without even considering sales taxes on top of that.
I don't think that the government should be able to pass anything regarding taxes, spending, etc as they have all proven that they cannot be trusted.
If they want money so badly, let them put it on a ballot in easy to understand language (non of the verbal fuckery that they're so well known for) and let We The People vote on it.
THIS IS NOT THE WAY. I'm very disappointed to see this is the final trump card. Ron Paul showed the way when he said I kind of like a flat tax, but I mean real flat, like zero.
ALL AWAKENED SHOULD BE ABLE TO object to the income tax without replacing it with something much worse and more intrusive. Annual self-reporting versus smart-meters taxing us every second? Don't buy the bait and switch!
If this stands then it's parallel society time for real.
consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
It would actually be a GOOD thing. This idea is the basis of NESARA.
NESARA is a wax nose, whatever people want it to be. If NESARA is about consumption tax, then I don't want NESARA any more, as it never was that for me before today.
The founders gave us taxes, duties, imposts, and excises. The "taxes" category intended include property tax and poll tax (capitation). We did just fine funding the government this way for over a hundred years. Plans for returning the government to this standard have been drawn up in detail, fully balanced in their accounting, and then found unsuitable for the elites.
It's clear now what the big guys want and how they wish to end-run us Constitutionists. We must now seek new guards for our safety.
what you are calling for would require a 90%+ cut to all government spending. While im sure both of us agree the government needs a massive cut, cutting that much overnight is out of the question. I like this idea because we get to keep our entire paychecks and decide for ourselves how much tax we pay based on how much useless crap we buy.
NESARA is much more than just a tax reform BTW... but this bill seems to take its ideas from that.
what you are calling for would require a 90%+ cut to all government spending.
Indeed. In 1981 we cut the primary tax rate dramatically due to Laffer, and it worked fine. In other years we balanced our budget, and in early years we sometimes even repaid our deficit. A government whose trillions in debt can't be tracked because they change from day to day has no business telling us not to cut it even 110%, yes literally. Just like in 1981, those government employees we lay off will become an asset in the private sector and contribute to the economic stability by living out the job of private citizens instead of leeches.
The "Abolish the IRS" movement considers nothing out of the question. Only the feds consider revenue neutrality because of Cogcom 2 fears.
The current method of keeping paychecks is to structure your affairs so as not to earn government-eyed gains. The UNFairTax method is to structure so as not to purchase things on an ever-changing list, which of course we could dismiss as just as "useless" as the gains. But the Constitution and freedom is about forcing the government to exist on subsistence instead of it using its delegated powers of force against its sovereign masters who by definition always have greater force.
I know NESARA is much more than FairTax. But NESARA should never have been about FairTax at all. Therefore citing NESARA is to cite unprovable pie in the sky to get something very evil done right now.
What's most troubling is that neither McCarthy nor Gaetz came out and announced that this was part of the deal, nor did I see it in the rules package, but they agreed on it privately and the rightist media is all over it. Buddy Carter introduced the same bill two years ago and it was nothing and went nowhere, but the buzz about this one is different. I get the same feeling I get when Obama's Wikipedia page was promoted in 2007. I'm so glad my life is not wrapped up in what these idiots do.
This bill DOES NOT eliminate the income tax. All it does is shift the income tax to a sales tax. That STILL TAXES OUR INCOME.
Where do we get the money we spend for food and transportation? Isn't that income? Isn't that what they are going to tax to CONTINUE funding BIG GOVERNMENT?
The Constitution protects the sovereign citizens from taxation in two ways: direct taxes must be apportioned (i.e. directed to the states rather than the citizens), and the other classes of taxes must be uniform (i.e. levied against actions, which are usually avoidable). The income tax has been ruled avoidable because you can avoid income up to a point; yes, that's the short version. If we went to consumption tax, you're right it would amount to the same even if they change the category, because they would say consumption is avoidable. Paging ConsumeProduct.
Well it’s certainly better than having an agency that is weaponized against certain people and political groups, or is allowed to run amok terrorizing its citizens and shaking them down like the mafia. You won’t have people committing suicide because some IRS agent has a hard-on for them and his making their life a living hell over a few thousand dollars owed. My accountant told me one of his clients committed suicide because of an IRS agent who wouldn’t leave him alone. The family ended up suing the gov and winning millions. I’d rather pay a 23% tax on consumption and not have these bastards running around and dealing with the convoluted tax codes and bullshit of filing taxes every year.
consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
Consumption tax is a tax having to do with sales though. A carbon tax would be an emissions tax and would be completely different because the carbon isn’t being consumed by a buyer. This fear from this bill is completely irrational.
Section 8
Powers of Congress
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Amendment 16
Status of Income Tax Clarified.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
[Ratified 2/3/1913]
REVOKE/REPEAL the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Refer back to Section 8, Powers of Congress:
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;"
Congress has the power to Coin We, the peoples money. Not the Federal Reserve, but the United States Congress of, for and by the people.
There you go, heads would explode on that one. I think they are only doing this
try and troll the left like Trump does. letting the enemies of america speak for themselves. I am fairly sure too that the Amendment was shuffled quickly through with the Federal reserve act, so neither is any kind of real law. I for one am always grateful when another patriot knows the reality. Great write up thanks for calling my attention to it.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but do you really think the government will actually abolish any department? Naw, all they'll do is rename it and carry on like before. The only taxes the government is allowed to take is from the importation of goods. Income tax is illegal, and not Constitutional. If the Republicans in the house think they are going to get the IRS eliminated then they are cray-cray. The Senate and the President will veto that bill post haste. Let's see what this Republican congress does in a couple of years, when the new has worn off.
nope. they are talking about abolishing income tax entirely, consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
This will eventually happen but I doubt it is now. Wonderful that they are even talking about presenting a bill to do so though. This can’t happen soon enough.
The federal government should be so small it cannot do anything beyond 1:8:17. Finding other ways to do this extraneous, illegal things beyond direct taxation of the people is wrong. The current size of the Federal government needs reduced.
Except for the fact that they do this now instead of when Republicans controlled the house, senate, and presidency. This is SHOWMANSHIP, not an actual attempt at anything. This will go NOWHERE because it will not get past the presidency.
They are doing this now because they know it will fail but they'll be able to point to it later as a totally real attempt at doing something.
But how will they pay the federal reserve their funny money interest for the fake fiat they print? Abolishing the income tax is a good think but they will just do a flat tax or fair tax on everything. Itll prob make corporate entities mad so this is really just a play we are talking about.
There is absolutely no reason for income taxes when they can and do print all the money they want to
There's absolutely no reason for federal income taxes when the Constitution forbade them.
No reason for income taxes at all. Especially not federally. State taxes are a potentially different story as we are (in theory, though not in practice) in more direct control of our local government as reps from California can't come in and throw their vote to raise taxation like they can with the federal government.
Further to the point is that it's like these governments are playing a game of "choose one", with a myriad of different taxation options in front of them, and they just flip the table over and call everyone choice-phobic and cries victim until each other player offers up one concession each until the "choose one" has become "everything".
See above
While I am certain the IRS AND Income tax is illegal, see how they wanna give me abolishing the IRS but they still want to keep getting the money? If they are voting on laws, they are stealing money.Not that I would try to say anything about passing this one.
See above
It may not win at this moment, but it will put the idea out there in front of everyone. Makes it easy when the time comes.
Who ever votes to keep the IRS is committing suicide
They can pass these things safely I think, since they have the cover that it will never pass in Senate or signed by Biden.
Agree. I don't know a single American that WANTS to pay tax. Liberals may bitch and moan all day long that people like Trump aren't paying their fair share - one could now argue that anyone that consumes will have to pay a tax. And the ultra rich consume far more than I do. Point is, though, the regular working Democrat is going to have a moment of wondering what it's like to bring home more money in their paychecks. Then their rep will vote against it, and they'll be pissed.
Democrat reps will now claim we need that money for THE WALL, THE MILITARY, THE POLICE, etc, all the things they wanted to defund just a short few weeks ago. This feels like a Trump trap to me lol. I'm going to need more popcorn.
I never hear anyone complain about taxes which boggles my mind. They only complain about wages, forgetting that 20-25% is taken from them just on income alone without even considering sales taxes on top of that.
I don't think that the government should be able to pass anything regarding taxes, spending, etc as they have all proven that they cannot be trusted.
If they want money so badly, let them put it on a ballot in easy to understand language (non of the verbal fuckery that they're so well known for) and let We The People vote on it.
I believe that was one of the Rules changes ... we will see how it works.
Absolutely correct!! Exposure. Make the sleepers aware!!!
Shifting the Overton window
and replace it with a national consumption tax
THIS IS NOT THE WAY. I'm very disappointed to see this is the final trump card. Ron Paul showed the way when he said I kind of like a flat tax, but I mean real flat, like zero.
ALL AWAKENED SHOULD BE ABLE TO object to the income tax without replacing it with something much worse and more intrusive. Annual self-reporting versus smart-meters taxing us every second? Don't buy the bait and switch!
If this stands then it's parallel society time for real.
consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
It would actually be a GOOD thing. This idea is the basis of NESARA.
NESARA is a wax nose, whatever people want it to be. If NESARA is about consumption tax, then I don't want NESARA any more, as it never was that for me before today.
The founders gave us taxes, duties, imposts, and excises. The "taxes" category intended include property tax and poll tax (capitation). We did just fine funding the government this way for over a hundred years. Plans for returning the government to this standard have been drawn up in detail, fully balanced in their accounting, and then found unsuitable for the elites.
It's clear now what the big guys want and how they wish to end-run us Constitutionists. We must now seek new guards for our safety.
what you are calling for would require a 90%+ cut to all government spending. While im sure both of us agree the government needs a massive cut, cutting that much overnight is out of the question. I like this idea because we get to keep our entire paychecks and decide for ourselves how much tax we pay based on how much useless crap we buy.
NESARA is much more than just a tax reform BTW... but this bill seems to take its ideas from that.
Indeed. In 1981 we cut the primary tax rate dramatically due to Laffer, and it worked fine. In other years we balanced our budget, and in early years we sometimes even repaid our deficit. A government whose trillions in debt can't be tracked because they change from day to day has no business telling us not to cut it even 110%, yes literally. Just like in 1981, those government employees we lay off will become an asset in the private sector and contribute to the economic stability by living out the job of private citizens instead of leeches.
The "Abolish the IRS" movement considers nothing out of the question. Only the feds consider revenue neutrality because of Cogcom 2 fears.
The current method of keeping paychecks is to structure your affairs so as not to earn government-eyed gains. The UNFairTax method is to structure so as not to purchase things on an ever-changing list, which of course we could dismiss as just as "useless" as the gains. But the Constitution and freedom is about forcing the government to exist on subsistence instead of it using its delegated powers of force against its sovereign masters who by definition always have greater force.
I know NESARA is much more than FairTax. But NESARA should never have been about FairTax at all. Therefore citing NESARA is to cite unprovable pie in the sky to get something very evil done right now.
What's most troubling is that neither McCarthy nor Gaetz came out and announced that this was part of the deal, nor did I see it in the rules package, but they agreed on it privately and the rightist media is all over it. Buddy Carter introduced the same bill two years ago and it was nothing and went nowhere, but the buzz about this one is different. I get the same feeling I get when Obama's Wikipedia page was promoted in 2007. I'm so glad my life is not wrapped up in what these idiots do.
This bill DOES NOT eliminate the income tax. All it does is shift the income tax to a sales tax. That STILL TAXES OUR INCOME.
Where do we get the money we spend for food and transportation? Isn't that income? Isn't that what they are going to tax to CONTINUE funding BIG GOVERNMENT?
This bill is more globalist lies.
The Constitution protects the sovereign citizens from taxation in two ways: direct taxes must be apportioned (i.e. directed to the states rather than the citizens), and the other classes of taxes must be uniform (i.e. levied against actions, which are usually avoidable). The income tax has been ruled avoidable because you can avoid income up to a point; yes, that's the short version. If we went to consumption tax, you're right it would amount to the same even if they change the category, because they would say consumption is avoidable. Paging ConsumeProduct.
Well it’s certainly better than having an agency that is weaponized against certain people and political groups, or is allowed to run amok terrorizing its citizens and shaking them down like the mafia. You won’t have people committing suicide because some IRS agent has a hard-on for them and his making their life a living hell over a few thousand dollars owed. My accountant told me one of his clients committed suicide because of an IRS agent who wouldn’t leave him alone. The family ended up suing the gov and winning millions. I’d rather pay a 23% tax on consumption and not have these bastards running around and dealing with the convoluted tax codes and bullshit of filing taxes every year.
Shoot it. Let's Get this one cross that finish line.
Abolish the FED
Is it just me or the “consumption tax” sounds like “carbon emission tax”, … or they’re just going to rename it later.
Tax reduction by increase? -20, -30, +55?
No RINOs during the vote?
Or it’s just the Great Reset in disguise?
I wish to be wrong.
Time will tell us.
consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
Nonessential sounds like “too much carbon”.
Consumption tax is a tax having to do with sales though. A carbon tax would be an emissions tax and would be completely different because the carbon isn’t being consumed by a buyer. This fear from this bill is completely irrational.
CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Section 8 Powers of Congress The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Amendment 16 Status of Income Tax Clarified. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
[Ratified 2/3/1913]
MOST IMPORTANTLY: REVOKE/REPEAL the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Refer back to Section 8, Powers of Congress:
"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;"
Congress has the power to Coin We, the peoples money. Not the Federal Reserve, but the United States Congress of, for and by the people.
There you go, heads would explode on that one. I think they are only doing this try and troll the left like Trump does. letting the enemies of america speak for themselves. I am fairly sure too that the Amendment was shuffled quickly through with the Federal reserve act, so neither is any kind of real law. I for one am always grateful when another patriot knows the reality. Great write up thanks for calling my attention to it.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but do you really think the government will actually abolish any department? Naw, all they'll do is rename it and carry on like before. The only taxes the government is allowed to take is from the importation of goods. Income tax is illegal, and not Constitutional. If the Republicans in the house think they are going to get the IRS eliminated then they are cray-cray. The Senate and the President will veto that bill post haste. Let's see what this Republican congress does in a couple of years, when the new has worn off.
Nothing. It still has to pass the Senate vote, people. They know this is going to get killed as soon as it's brought up for vote.
Taxes are unconstitutional, period. It’s my money, I should be able to use it how I want to.
nope. they are talking about abolishing income tax entirely, consumption tax is really another word for a federal sales tax on all new nonessential goods... like iphones and TVs. essentials like food, clothing, and medicine would not fall under this. passing it would create massive new demand for used goods as they wouldnt fall under the tax either.
This will eventually happen but I doubt it is now. Wonderful that they are even talking about presenting a bill to do so though. This can’t happen soon enough.
The federal government should be so small it cannot do anything beyond 1:8:17. Finding other ways to do this extraneous, illegal things beyond direct taxation of the people is wrong. The current size of the Federal government needs reduced.
Except for the fact that they do this now instead of when Republicans controlled the house, senate, and presidency. This is SHOWMANSHIP, not an actual attempt at anything. This will go NOWHERE because it will not get past the presidency.
They are doing this now because they know it will fail but they'll be able to point to it later as a totally real attempt at doing something.
Don't fall for the scam!
“We know this will get shot down in the senate, so let’s send them a bill that makes us look good to voters”.
How come these bills never come up when they have full control of the government? Smoke and mirrors, that’s why.
Government should be funded through one means and one means only:
Incoming: liberals who love taxation
But how will they pay the federal reserve their funny money interest for the fake fiat they print? Abolishing the income tax is a good think but they will just do a flat tax or fair tax on everything. Itll prob make corporate entities mad so this is really just a play we are talking about.
Lizard Criminals want poor people as they will be busy fighting poverty instead of fighting Lizards 🦎 Simple!
Lol, the bots are going crazy with "But muh 401K! Now the super rich will get away with everything!" like we're not already there.
All the tax money gets given away to other countries anyway.