So let me get this straight: the whole medical interventions and working solutions presented on our TV sets were a total farce and under these rules:
No clinical trials were needed and the ones that were supposedly carried were JUST OPTICS (explains why they all were allowed to fail but still the vax was pushed through)
The CURES Act (Obama) didn't require the testing staff to give informed consent to patients about what they were taking or potential consequences
They were completely bulletproof under these rules and no legal consequences could come of their actions under the circumstances of 'Pandemic'
What was referred to as vaccines were NOT and they were ALLOWED TO DO THIS and not get in trouble for calling them vaccines when they definitionally are NOT
This was because all treatments were under the umbrella of Countermeasures in this scenario
Technically this was considered, at a legal and Head of State level as an act of WAR and not a medical/biological crisis
While treating this as a hostile action by a foreign adversary, they buried the lab leak theory for over a year and engaged in mass censorship to achieve this
The normal EUA standards for FDA weren't even applied; again, because these were COUNTERMEASURES in a WAR
Hold on guys, my jaw fell. It's around here somewhere.... 🙄 😶
Correct, they were shielded under the guise that the public would have never found out their treachery…
But they neglected one thing….
“And frogs…. Which destroyed them”
Yes. We obviously do not have equal justice under the law. The people really are no longer obligated to be civil. Which is why I am so surprised the WEF’s little Davos confab is being held.
The DoD has a plan to address a bio-weapon attack.
Early on, the DoD views C-19 as a bio-weapon attack - an act of war.
They quietly implement "Countermeasures" in response.
Public is kept in the dark. No need to raise tension and risk a bigger "war."
Liability immune DoD efforts are granted and then extended to FDA, CDC, ...
FDA, CDC, ... efforts are extended to WHO, HHS, ...
Global community sees this as an opportunity. Never let a "crisis" go to waste. And they take the lead on mandating no-liability "countermeasures" toward their own objectives.
The DoD quiets down and lets the Globalists "take the lead."
Global community sees this as an opportunity. Never let a "crisis" go to waste. And they take the lead on mandating no-liability "countermeasures" toward their own objectives.
This is the only problem I have with your summary. What this lady is saying is that this was a premeditated attack going back at least as far as the "Cures" Act in 2013.
Agree on your comment. That was my understanding also. The "premeditated' part coming from the DoD in setting up bio-weapon attack countermeasures.
I would not rule out any links to the Global Community in those early stages. I am not aware that such links existed in the DoD world 10 or 15 years ago. I believe that Obama and Biden have done much to more firmly align the two (Global & DoD) - to the corruption and weakening of the Military.
Note: I do not generally align the DoD (Senior leadership - Leans Political) and the Military (Leans Patriotic.)
What kind of an "act of war" is it when it is not brought to light and the perpetrators are not made to pay? act of war from one's own government.
I prefer the traitors choose the order of hanging. We can put them in a large penitentiary city (NY, LA) with no guards inside. They must execute one traitor per hour while live streaming. If an hourly execution is missed, then four are executed randomly from a distance. Just keep filling the city with anyone who pushed and profited from Russia hoax, covid hoax, vax hoax, dominion scam, election theft, Ukraine Nazi funding, Isis funding, trafficking, kid mutilation, or pedos. Let them sort themselves out.
Admit it. That's a good model. Maybe a continent like Australia is better for them but there is the risk of escape and reinvention of the normal population
Consider that Gain of Function was banned, then under Obama the lab in China was opened for the express purpose of doing GoF. I gather this is when the pathogens from FT Dietrich were sent to the lab in China (probably also Ukraine) potentially via Harvard and UNC Chapel Hill. There are videos of Obama touring the facility in China and we know from the patents it has long been in the works. 2003 SARs was a trial, as was MERS likely. It was treason. Massive crimes against humanity, genocide, etc. The evidence has been available from almost day 1 of the supposed pandemic that it was man-made and the jabs were a bioweapon. I had looked into the original SARs and their attempts to make a Vax, back then and knew the jabs would absolutely be deadly. These people are incredibly evil, satanic, probably possessed.
The fact is they could’ve approved saline shots if the countermeasures were all just theater. Because they experimented on humans with a known toxin - known because they were intimately involved in DESIGNING IT - they must be held accountable under some tribunal system.
Another thing to consider - this operation was likely DESIGNED to weaken US military/intelligence standing in the world (as if 9-11 wasn’t enough) to justify a global entity taking over. Now the stage is set and the globalist talking heads will be DEMANDING it. Hegelian dialectic in its most evil form.
Pandemic Enterprise (PAMCE?) set up in 2013, a quasi private quasi government Enterprise?
Heads of 10 federal agencies, Including;
NIH, FDA, HHS, Dept of Defense, Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Energy, VA, etc.?
A cabal was formed by America hating immigrant Obama and his administration.
The EVIL EMPIRE that Regan warned us about is not Russia, it is the USA.
...When a government becomes destructive to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness...
It is brought to you by the DEMOCRATS, assisted by the REPUBLICANS Otherwise known as the uni-party or what history will call, the evil empire
When do we remove this malignant tumor from the anus (Washington DC) of America?
We all knew it was our government, over a year ago, some of us just refused to consciously accept it.
Just when you think the gov't has done its worst. I like to think that I am not naive but crap on a cracker this blows my mind. An act of war against US citizens by their own gov't. We don't have to worry about China, N Korea, etc. we have our own DoD trying to kill us.
I dont think Trump was 'pushing this crap'. He always left it to us to decide and provided alternative solutions while hinting at hidden medtech like UV light therapies and chlorine dioxide. He is the person who brought hydroxychloroquine to widespread attention. He was the one who pushed monoclonal antibodies into the public consciousness.
Consider the consequences of Trump actively pushing back. Impeachment most likely would have succeeded. Trump and his family arrested, tried, convicted and possibly executed. Internecine violence would have erupted. Millions would have been killed or arrested and sent to the gulags. Every single one of us would now be a patented version of humanity through forced innoculation.
I think if Trump had pushed against this hard we would now be caught in the cabals dystopian wet dreams. Trumps actions delayed their 'final solution' and at the same time sped up the timeline for their destruction.
Future historians will build careers around these times.
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if there was a better way without so much collateral damage but then again, without Trump, what would the collateral damage be!!
Assuming he was even read into this operation, or knew of it but couldn’t disclose it publicly, I believe he would’ve been a target for assassination. Or, members of his family may have been threatened. I’ve wondered the same thing and there are many possibilities. I keep thinking back to his quote during the pandemic that he may need to go away for a while because there are some very rich powerful people who don’t like what he’s doing.
I guess they used SARS and the other virus that went around during the Obama/Biden terms to test the citizenry. See how much they could get away with. I do remember they didn't do much with SARS, and I forget the other illness, they just kind of let them run their course, I think. I do remember some vaccine was stopped because they had less adverse reactions than the COVID vaccines, I think.
These people that did this, as we all know, are sick, evil, and disgusting-they should be hanged and hopefully they will be.
I think this substack is interesting and moves the conversation.
Will We Fall For the Latest Expert Psyop Protecting Pfizer from Criminal Liability? ( Have you noticed that the ongoing ‘breaking patriot news’ from our trusted experts on the regulatory scandals for the FDA approval of Pfizer’s mRNA injections all protect Pfizer? The latest story is from Sasha Latypova claiming that the FDA-authorization and approval was ‘political theatre’ done under a secret military operation and therefore didn’t really happen. Remember when Dr. Malone told us the FDA-approval for Pfizer was actually for BioNTech, not Pfizer, and that was why it didn’t really happen?
Also, you might be interested in Lara Logan & Sasha Latypova on DoD total control of Vaxx (excerpt of Webcast)
Lara Logan & Sasha Latypova on DoD total control of Vaxx (excerpt of Webcast) (
Is this cover being laid for the “Rank and File”? When investigations start then only a “few people” actually knew this was a scam and everyone else was just an actor with no knowledge. So you just need a couple scape goats that get slaps on the wrist or some white collar sentences. Then the system gets to stay in place and ready for the next time they want to use.
That’s my interpretation of how the higher ups define the term “Justice” exactly that way. The main goal for them is to keep the ship floating. I don’t trust them.
Once Justice begins in earnest, and the full weight and breadth of what these demons have done becomes Public knowledge, the People will not allow "I was just following orders" be used to escape. Too many have loved ones who have died, too many have had their lives destroyed.
The Obama and Biden administration used the outbreak of SARS-CoV2 as an "act of war". An act of war has a hostile 'actor' or 'actors'. Consider what foreign government(s) are involved? This has never been officially declared. We have heard claims of China being 'responsible', but China has never been 'officially' declared as the hostile actor. What we are left with is a war that's been declared on SARS-CoV2; a purported virus. Something that has never been really isolated or purified. To all those claiming otherwise I submit to you that the 'scientific method' is the basis of all scientific investigation and used universally in all fields of science without exception, except for 'virology'. Dr. Tom Cowan tells in historical detail how virologists used fraud to perpetrate the virus myth. Despite claiming otherwise, the scientific method is not used.
The DoD has declared war on a virus; a fiction that is no worse than the seasonal flu. A declaration of war is a formal act by which one State announces existing or impending war activity against another. Anything contrary to this is not a war at all, but a perversion used for implementing a police state; a tyranny. An extension to the war on 'COVID19' is the former official declaration of 'war on terrorism'; another irrational fiction that is endlessly enforced. What specifically constitutes 'terrorism'? Who specifically is the enemy? Terrorism is not ever really defined. It can be anywhere, anyone at anytime. The root word for 'terrorism' is 'terror' and is defined when a person or people feels "intense, sharp, overmastering fear", whether real or not. In other words, it is a emotional state of mind. It is impossible to declare war on an emotional state of mind. Yet, this is precisely what has occurred. The word is constantly evolving and now can mean a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant.
The 'war on terrorism' is a PsyOp used on the American people that I believe has it's origins in the divorce industry used to weaponize custody battles. The Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) has institutionalized the State's issuance of ex parte orders of protection by the mere allegation whether real or fraudulent. As a result, a male is required to prove his innocence if a female accuses him of any type of domestic abuse or harassment. Advocates for the battered women’s shelter supported by public money, serve primarily to promote the expulsion of men from their homes without due process of law. This is the first step in taking children away from the father and granting of custody to the State approved 'guardian-ward'; the mother. These centers also serve to promote abortion, divorce, and the prevention of reconciliation between husband and wife. The affidavit forms have become entirely automated for women to file and be processed. All a female needs to claim is that she “fears for her safety.” An ensuing exparte order will be signed by a judge or administrative officer to remove the accused male from his home and prohibiting further contact with his wife and children. Evidence for physical abuse is not required and the only female rationale needed is being fearful of the male to trigger domestic abuse laws. As part of domestic abuse law is "terroristic threats", which legally means to threaten, directly or indirectly or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or in a reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. A “fear” crime is ambiguous and extremely difficult to be vindicated of. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false.1 Incarceration is quite common for the male. After his release, he is always expelled from his own home and ordered not to return. A magistrate will hear the case, but he will not be able to return to his house unless she allows him too. Not since prior to the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 AD, which guaranteed a sovereign citizen’s right not to be ordered from their home, have such police powers been carried out. Tens of thousands of innocent men have been thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, unsheltered, often on perjured affidavits. Nobody is ever prosecuted for these perjured affidavits, even where the proof is abundant. It is a weaponized system to prevent reconciliation and to criminalize an entire demographic of males. It's been a very successful operation and 'terrorism' has since extended to other demographics, such as MAGA supporters, military, constitutionalists, Christians, and patriots, while Antifa, BLM, satanists, pedophiles, and radical communists are not considered 'terrorists'. The war on 'COVID' is yet another expansion of their PsyOp for control and designed to remove all our rights and enslave us all.
What were they going to use the most extensive bio research collection in the history of humans for?
The only thing I can think of comes back to engineered bioweapons capable of targeting specific individuals or DNA (so pretty much metal gear solid and no time to die).
If anyone else has different thoughts would love to hear them. Can't think past targeted bio weapons.
So let me get this straight: the whole medical interventions and working solutions presented on our TV sets were a total farce and under these rules:
Hold on guys, my jaw fell. It's around here somewhere.... 🙄 😶
Correct, they were shielded under the guise that the public would have never found out their treachery… But they neglected one thing…. “And frogs…. Which destroyed them”
now they all lose
Yes. We obviously do not have equal justice under the law. The people really are no longer obligated to be civil. Which is why I am so surprised the WEF’s little Davos confab is being held.
What is this social contract of which you speak? In what country?
Let me think about this:
The DoD has a plan to address a bio-weapon attack.
Early on, the DoD views C-19 as a bio-weapon attack - an act of war.
They quietly implement "Countermeasures" in response.
Public is kept in the dark. No need to raise tension and risk a bigger "war."
Liability immune DoD efforts are granted and then extended to FDA, CDC, ...
FDA, CDC, ... efforts are extended to WHO, HHS, ...
Global community sees this as an opportunity. Never let a "crisis" go to waste. And they take the lead on mandating no-liability "countermeasures" toward their own objectives.
The DoD quiets down and lets the Globalists "take the lead."
Is that the proper summary / understanding?
This is the only problem I have with your summary. What this lady is saying is that this was a premeditated attack going back at least as far as the "Cures" Act in 2013.
Agree on your comment. That was my understanding also. The "premeditated' part coming from the DoD in setting up bio-weapon attack countermeasures.
I would not rule out any links to the Global Community in those early stages. I am not aware that such links existed in the DoD world 10 or 15 years ago. I believe that Obama and Biden have done much to more firmly align the two (Global & DoD) - to the corruption and weakening of the Military.
Note: I do not generally align the DoD (Senior leadership - Leans Political) and the Military (Leans Patriotic.)
What kind of an "act of war" is it when it is not brought to light and the perpetrators are not made to pay? act of war from one's own government.
Who is the journalist I recognize him but can't place?
Redacted Clayton Morris I think he used to be on Fox
We damn well better see thousands of people hanged on live TV for this treason.
They can start with Obama and Fauci as the first two.
I prefer the traitors choose the order of hanging. We can put them in a large penitentiary city (NY, LA) with no guards inside. They must execute one traitor per hour while live streaming. If an hourly execution is missed, then four are executed randomly from a distance. Just keep filling the city with anyone who pushed and profited from Russia hoax, covid hoax, vax hoax, dominion scam, election theft, Ukraine Nazi funding, Isis funding, trafficking, kid mutilation, or pedos. Let them sort themselves out.
Sorry to say, I love this idea. 😱 It shocks me how much this treasonous time has zapped my compassion for people.
Someone likes Escape from NY/LA.
Admit it. That's a good model. Maybe a continent like Australia is better for them but there is the risk of escape and reinvention of the normal population
Isn't that called the Hunger Games?
Let me stretch out and then I'm ready.
Let’s not forget Gate’s part in this!
Consider that Gain of Function was banned, then under Obama the lab in China was opened for the express purpose of doing GoF. I gather this is when the pathogens from FT Dietrich were sent to the lab in China (probably also Ukraine) potentially via Harvard and UNC Chapel Hill. There are videos of Obama touring the facility in China and we know from the patents it has long been in the works. 2003 SARs was a trial, as was MERS likely. It was treason. Massive crimes against humanity, genocide, etc. The evidence has been available from almost day 1 of the supposed pandemic that it was man-made and the jabs were a bioweapon. I had looked into the original SARs and their attempts to make a Vax, back then and knew the jabs would absolutely be deadly. These people are incredibly evil, satanic, probably possessed.
The fact is they could’ve approved saline shots if the countermeasures were all just theater. Because they experimented on humans with a known toxin - known because they were intimately involved in DESIGNING IT - they must be held accountable under some tribunal system.
Another thing to consider - this operation was likely DESIGNED to weaken US military/intelligence standing in the world (as if 9-11 wasn’t enough) to justify a global entity taking over. Now the stage is set and the globalist talking heads will be DEMANDING it. Hegelian dialectic in its most evil form.
Covid contracts were written including COVID 19 prior to covid announcement in 2019. We have known that for years.
It's ok. Newbies still need to see it.
This is going a little bit deeper than that. Unless nothing in my comment surprises you and I'm just late to the party. Feel free to tell me if so
Pandemic Enterprise (PAMCE?) set up in 2013, a quasi private quasi government Enterprise? Heads of 10 federal agencies, Including; NIH, FDA, HHS, Dept of Defense, Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Energy, VA, etc.?
A cabal was formed by America hating immigrant Obama and his administration.
The EVIL EMPIRE that Regan warned us about is not Russia, it is the USA.
...When a government becomes destructive to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness... It is brought to you by the DEMOCRATS, assisted by the REPUBLICANS Otherwise known as the uni-party or what history will call, the evil empire
When do we remove this malignant tumor from the anus (Washington DC) of America?
We all knew it was our government, over a year ago, some of us just refused to consciously accept it.
we all knew it was our government in 1963....1995.....2001....
I guess I am just grateful that most of MSM took the jab. It could have been so much worse if they hadn’t. They might live to screw us another day.
We don't know exactly who got the saline solution.
If they'd been truly jabbed, I'd think we'd have seen a great many of them dead or disabled by now. IMHO
Just when you think the gov't has done its worst. I like to think that I am not naive but crap on a cracker this blows my mind. An act of war against US citizens by their own gov't. We don't have to worry about China, N Korea, etc. we have our own DoD trying to kill us.
Is it just me or is anyone else wondering WHY Trump was pushing this crap?
I dont think Trump was 'pushing this crap'. He always left it to us to decide and provided alternative solutions while hinting at hidden medtech like UV light therapies and chlorine dioxide. He is the person who brought hydroxychloroquine to widespread attention. He was the one who pushed monoclonal antibodies into the public consciousness.
Consider the consequences of Trump actively pushing back. Impeachment most likely would have succeeded. Trump and his family arrested, tried, convicted and possibly executed. Internecine violence would have erupted. Millions would have been killed or arrested and sent to the gulags. Every single one of us would now be a patented version of humanity through forced innoculation.
I think if Trump had pushed against this hard we would now be caught in the cabals dystopian wet dreams. Trumps actions delayed their 'final solution' and at the same time sped up the timeline for their destruction.
Future historians will build careers around these times.
Yeah, sometimes I wonder if there was a better way without so much collateral damage but then again, without Trump, what would the collateral damage be!!
Assuming he was even read into this operation, or knew of it but couldn’t disclose it publicly, I believe he would’ve been a target for assassination. Or, members of his family may have been threatened. I’ve wondered the same thing and there are many possibilities. I keep thinking back to his quote during the pandemic that he may need to go away for a while because there are some very rich powerful people who don’t like what he’s doing.
He certainly was surrounded by traitors!
I guess they used SARS and the other virus that went around during the Obama/Biden terms to test the citizenry. See how much they could get away with. I do remember they didn't do much with SARS, and I forget the other illness, they just kind of let them run their course, I think. I do remember some vaccine was stopped because they had less adverse reactions than the COVID vaccines, I think. These people that did this, as we all know, are sick, evil, and disgusting-they should be hanged and hopefully they will be.
Swine flu
That was the one I couldn't think of, thanks.
Bird flu, as well....
I think this substack is interesting and moves the conversation. Will We Fall For the Latest Expert Psyop Protecting Pfizer from Criminal Liability? ( Have you noticed that the ongoing ‘breaking patriot news’ from our trusted experts on the regulatory scandals for the FDA approval of Pfizer’s mRNA injections all protect Pfizer? The latest story is from Sasha Latypova claiming that the FDA-authorization and approval was ‘political theatre’ done under a secret military operation and therefore didn’t really happen. Remember when Dr. Malone told us the FDA-approval for Pfizer was actually for BioNTech, not Pfizer, and that was why it didn’t really happen?
Also, you might be interested in Lara Logan & Sasha Latypova on DoD total control of Vaxx (excerpt of Webcast) Lara Logan & Sasha Latypova on DoD total control of Vaxx (excerpt of Webcast) (
so THAT's how informed consent is not in play ... fucking Obama.
Is this cover being laid for the “Rank and File”? When investigations start then only a “few people” actually knew this was a scam and everyone else was just an actor with no knowledge. So you just need a couple scape goats that get slaps on the wrist or some white collar sentences. Then the system gets to stay in place and ready for the next time they want to use.
That’s my interpretation of how the higher ups define the term “Justice” exactly that way. The main goal for them is to keep the ship floating. I don’t trust them.
Once Justice begins in earnest, and the full weight and breadth of what these demons have done becomes Public knowledge, the People will not allow "I was just following orders" be used to escape. Too many have loved ones who have died, too many have had their lives destroyed.
The Obama and Biden administration used the outbreak of SARS-CoV2 as an "act of war". An act of war has a hostile 'actor' or 'actors'. Consider what foreign government(s) are involved? This has never been officially declared. We have heard claims of China being 'responsible', but China has never been 'officially' declared as the hostile actor. What we are left with is a war that's been declared on SARS-CoV2; a purported virus. Something that has never been really isolated or purified. To all those claiming otherwise I submit to you that the 'scientific method' is the basis of all scientific investigation and used universally in all fields of science without exception, except for 'virology'. Dr. Tom Cowan tells in historical detail how virologists used fraud to perpetrate the virus myth. Despite claiming otherwise, the scientific method is not used.
The DoD has declared war on a virus; a fiction that is no worse than the seasonal flu. A declaration of war is a formal act by which one State announces existing or impending war activity against another. Anything contrary to this is not a war at all, but a perversion used for implementing a police state; a tyranny. An extension to the war on 'COVID19' is the former official declaration of 'war on terrorism'; another irrational fiction that is endlessly enforced. What specifically constitutes 'terrorism'? Who specifically is the enemy? Terrorism is not ever really defined. It can be anywhere, anyone at anytime. The root word for 'terrorism' is 'terror' and is defined when a person or people feels "intense, sharp, overmastering fear", whether real or not. In other words, it is a emotional state of mind. It is impossible to declare war on an emotional state of mind. Yet, this is precisely what has occurred. The word is constantly evolving and now can mean a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant.
The 'war on terrorism' is a PsyOp used on the American people that I believe has it's origins in the divorce industry used to weaponize custody battles. The Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) has institutionalized the State's issuance of ex parte orders of protection by the mere allegation whether real or fraudulent. As a result, a male is required to prove his innocence if a female accuses him of any type of domestic abuse or harassment. Advocates for the battered women’s shelter supported by public money, serve primarily to promote the expulsion of men from their homes without due process of law. This is the first step in taking children away from the father and granting of custody to the State approved 'guardian-ward'; the mother. These centers also serve to promote abortion, divorce, and the prevention of reconciliation between husband and wife. The affidavit forms have become entirely automated for women to file and be processed. All a female needs to claim is that she “fears for her safety.” An ensuing exparte order will be signed by a judge or administrative officer to remove the accused male from his home and prohibiting further contact with his wife and children. Evidence for physical abuse is not required and the only female rationale needed is being fearful of the male to trigger domestic abuse laws. As part of domestic abuse law is "terroristic threats", which legally means to threaten, directly or indirectly or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or in a reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. A “fear” crime is ambiguous and extremely difficult to be vindicated of. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false.1 Incarceration is quite common for the male. After his release, he is always expelled from his own home and ordered not to return. A magistrate will hear the case, but he will not be able to return to his house unless she allows him too. Not since prior to the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 AD, which guaranteed a sovereign citizen’s right not to be ordered from their home, have such police powers been carried out. Tens of thousands of innocent men have been thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, unsheltered, often on perjured affidavits. Nobody is ever prosecuted for these perjured affidavits, even where the proof is abundant. It is a weaponized system to prevent reconciliation and to criminalize an entire demographic of males. It's been a very successful operation and 'terrorism' has since extended to other demographics, such as MAGA supporters, military, constitutionalists, Christians, and patriots, while Antifa, BLM, satanists, pedophiles, and radical communists are not considered 'terrorists'. The war on 'COVID' is yet another expansion of their PsyOp for control and designed to remove all our rights and enslave us all.
Seems to me, we got enough "out in the public light" evidence now to arrest Obama, and Biden.
How many people have died
What i want to know...
What were they going to use the most extensive bio research collection in the history of humans for?
The only thing I can think of comes back to engineered bioweapons capable of targeting specific individuals or DNA (so pretty much metal gear solid and no time to die).
If anyone else has different thoughts would love to hear them. Can't think past targeted bio weapons.
interesting. from redacted on yt-
Sasha did not kill herself.
Excellent SAUCE
Just like Trump said, Chinah virus.
Sauce!!!! Nice post