It's just a personal pet peeve of mine. No thanks to politicians on both side of the isle, people misunderstand what middle class is and historically was.
Americans, ever believing themselves to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires, had been led to believe owning a home and a car and having a decent paying job made them middle class, when it reality they're working class doing decently.
A great example of what was historically considered middle class was is Mr. Sheffield from The Nanny. Has a butler and a nanny, but no other staff and still does have some sort of career. He's moderately rich, but not wealthy. When politicians talk about about cutting taxes on the middle class, it's people like Mr. Sheffield they're referring to, not people living in suburbia.
Translation; Their Democracy = Corrupt Bureaucratic System.
Translation; ...fight too and nail against these attacks (Corrupt Bureaucratic System) = commence the lawfare, more false flags & initiate nefarious activities by the corrupt FBI/DOJ thugs to do their bidding.
Translation: "If Citizens keep waking up and realizing that we are destroying the Constitution, our power is weakened considerably. We will do everything we can to forge a stronger alliance with China and the Deep State to stop you from realizing that we should be listening to our Constituents as opposed to robbing you blind, laundering your tax dollars and ignoring our Oaths of Office."
This reads like a dog whistle for their Antifa thugs
Round two with antifa will be much different this time.
Well it certainly doesn't make sense in any version of the English language otherwise.
If you can hear the dogwhistle, you're the dog
or an anon who has been trained by Q to "learn our comms"?
Thankfully most of the working class don’t care what he says because they are MAGA.
They must be desperate if they're actually using the term working class instead of middle class.
That's quite a prescient observation. When the pressure is on, their true colors shine through. Every time!
It's just a personal pet peeve of mine. No thanks to politicians on both side of the isle, people misunderstand what middle class is and historically was.
Americans, ever believing themselves to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires, had been led to believe owning a home and a car and having a decent paying job made them middle class, when it reality they're working class doing decently.
A great example of what was historically considered middle class was is Mr. Sheffield from The Nanny. Has a butler and a nanny, but no other staff and still does have some sort of career. He's moderately rich, but not wealthy. When politicians talk about about cutting taxes on the middle class, it's people like Mr. Sheffield they're referring to, not people living in suburbia.
Translation; Their Democracy = Corrupt Bureaucratic System.
Translation; ...fight too and nail against these attacks (Corrupt Bureaucratic System) = commence the lawfare, more false flags & initiate nefarious activities by the corrupt FBI/DOJ thugs to do their bidding.
As a general rule, it's a good idea to do whatever Chuck Schumer says not to do.
Chuck --- YOU are the expense of the working class.
I smell rotting carcasses of donkeys and elephants.
dont forget the rinos
Translation: "If Citizens keep waking up and realizing that we are destroying the Constitution, our power is weakened considerably. We will do everything we can to forge a stronger alliance with China and the Deep State to stop you from realizing that we should be listening to our Constituents as opposed to robbing you blind, laundering your tax dollars and ignoring our Oaths of Office."
"Our democracy." There's that phrase again, over and over.
"Our democracy" really means "Our elite cabal."
Their democracy is not OUR democracy.
go ahead, your teeth are soft from being a vegan and your nails are plastic press-ons
What the fuck is this old man even talking about?
Meh... 🥱🥱🥱
Blah blah blah, Cryin' Chuck is cryin' again.
Tax me MOAR shifty Schiff.
Shut up Chuckles.
Because sucking leftwing dick has got them so very far.
Be on the lookout for the phrase "fight tooth and nail". It may be the new "fight like hell".
Chuck you Schumer!!
So hateful.
Good luck.
I thought an if:then statement was supposed to be a logical argument???
He should have added a crying emoji.
Khazarian love letters.
Remember in the last impeachment of Trump they played a montage of Trump saying the word "fight" in order to "prove" he instigated the "attack"?
The 'democracy' of schumer is NY and Cal. RULE over The US. Republic.
That's ok Chucky. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.