Chauvin did not kill floyd. There are numerous example of knees to the neck from israeli military to subdue a subject. Also chauvin and floyd worked together moonlighting at the same night club El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years. They’ve known each other for 17 years before the day floyd died.
What struck me odd is there was like a white person on black persons neck in other countries at the exact same time. The same script just different actors and locations
I even hate morphine. Twleve years ago, I had serious heart surgery, and I was o morphine for days afterward. I guess it made the pain bearable, but I hated the stuff. I was so groggy and disoiented that I could barely string words together to form a coherent sentence.
The idea of voluntarily injecting that crap boggles my mind.
Most people who take it didn't know they are taking it. At best, it's being added to drugs that are cut to try to keep their potency. It's just greed by the dealers. At worst, it's an attempt to kill drug users by the CCP.
Drug users are requesting their drug of choice like heroin, cocaine and ecstasy and are receiving drugs with fentanyl in it. Many drug overdoses in America are by design. The drug user is being targeted with fentanyl products that they may or may not be fully aware of.
Beats me. I do think that maybe the angle of "he was credible at the Floyd trial" vs. "his opinion on Ivermectin is not credible" may come into play at some point..
The amount of free morphine in his urinalysis was unreal, the dose this dude took could have killed a horse. We have video of him picking something up off his middle console in the vehicle, video of him with something white in his mouth, video of him dropping baggies and they found two fentanyl pills in the back of the police cruiser. Dude shoved a 10X lethal dose of drugs in his mouth because he was stupid and already stoned out of his head. He was also a five time felon, so good riddance.
As he should. George Floyd’s family got a sweet payout, not only via on line but also local government reportedly. Did the money really come from local government? Follow the money trail. What is Floyd’s family doing with the money? Do they live in the same place. Why has media dropped all reporting and moved on?
Serum samples from the hospitalized patients analyzed at UCSF demonstrated fentanyl levels of 0.5–9.5 ng/mL (Table 2) (therapeutic range for analgesia = 0.6–3.0 ng/mL) (4); postmortem levels in the first two patients who died were 11 ng/mL (patient E) and 13 ng/mL (patient I). Norfentanyl, a major metabolite of fentanyl, was detected in the serum of nine patients; norfentanyl was not detected in postmortem testing of patients E and I, presumably because death occurred before metabolism of fentanyl to norfentanyl. All hospitalized patients had detectable serum levels of cocaine, cocaine metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester), cocaethylene (a compound formed in vivo when ethanol is ingested in the presence of cocaine), or levamisole by LC-HRMS confirmatory testing (Table 2), all suggesting recent cocaine use. The absence of other opioids, such as heroin, methadone, or oxycodone, in serum (only one patient [D] was hydrocodone positive) was consistent with reports by the patients that most were not habitual opioid users.
The above indicates the 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl in George Floyd was at a level that is considered toxic. The 5.6 ng/ml Norfentanyl is a metabolite of Fentanyl. It is a powerful, fast-acting synthetic narcotic analgesic with a fast action duration. This would only amplify and exasperate the effects of Fentanyl.
The Methamphetamine found in Floyd's blood of 19 ng/ml is considered to be in the normal range. Methamphetamine level of <20 ng/mL (nanogram/millilitre) in blood is considered to be normal.
It's abundantly clear the Fentanyl would have been a contributing factor to Floyd's death. This should have been a major piece of evidence providing 'reasonable doubt' that Derek Chauvin purposely caused the death of George Floyd. In fact, the immobilization tactic used by Chauvin is a standard tactic taught in police academies across the nation (and world) in cases of resisting arrest. He properly used the tactic. George Floyd did not peaceably submit to arrest and resisted arrest.
This trial was a 'show trial' to appease the mob and an innocent man is jailed. This travesty of justice is from a lack of leadership caused by the Minneapolis mayor and the governor, who not only refused to act in securing the peace, but was complicit in fanning the flames of the riots. They had all the resources to prevent the riots from occurring. The governor was even provided Intel from the federal government. Instead, the governor allowed his daughter this Intel to be passed onto Antifa and BLM. The judge in this show trial acted wittingly to sacrifice the reputation and life of a police officer to the mob.
CASH CAB actor Ben Bailey is in video of the "performance" - not Derek Chauvin. Also floyd was SACRIFICED for the movement to start the Burn Loot Murder bullshit. Golden Coffin - SACRIFICE
Get out of here with this nonsense. They may resemble each other but not everyone is an actor. Derek Chauvin isn’t being portrayed by Ben Bailey. Plus, Ben is easily 10 years older than Chauvin.
every aspect of this case has been timed to maximize election results....this will drag on and really begin to make headlines just in time for the 24 election season...
Maybe in some places there will be rioting again but I wonder how many could be bothered to be made to care again given how they mostly moved on to the next current thing. Plus they'd have to get all of the other factors back into place that encouraged and enabled the riots last time. Did LA have any riots over that dipshit cousin of a BLM founder getting himself killed a couple weeks back?
Him killing floyd is like saying some officer killed a subject resisting arrest with the use of taser when the suspect had heart problems . Some departments do classify tasers as lethal force, because some cases where it has caused the death of a person. But the intent is apprehend, not to take the life. In this case they would still need to prove that the officer intended on killing floyd, vs simply performing his duty. The subject died while being restrained, due to his uncooperative behavior. But this is the same reason many don’t want to be cops anymore, anyone can be made a political example.
More riots orchestrated by the Commies are coming to distract the Jussies from the shit economy, stolen top secret docs, Crackhead's illegal activities and about 30 other things.
Chauvin did not kill floyd. There are numerous example of knees to the neck from israeli military to subdue a subject. Also chauvin and floyd worked together moonlighting at the same night club El Nuevo Rodeo for 17 years. They’ve known each other for 17 years before the day floyd died.
What struck me odd is there was like a white person on black persons neck in other countries at the exact same time. The same script just different actors and locations
I have been given fentanyl in a medical setting, back in 1990, where I participated in a medical study.
HOW is this a recreational drug, I truly don't get it... all I remember is throwing up
I even hate morphine. Twleve years ago, I had serious heart surgery, and I was o morphine for days afterward. I guess it made the pain bearable, but I hated the stuff. I was so groggy and disoiented that I could barely string words together to form a coherent sentence.
The idea of voluntarily injecting that crap boggles my mind.
Try Toradol.... Same thing.
Most people who take it didn't know they are taking it. At best, it's being added to drugs that are cut to try to keep their potency. It's just greed by the dealers. At worst, it's an attempt to kill drug users by the CCP.
Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine. 50 times more potent than heroin. This tells me anyone messing with this stuff is bat shit crazy.
Well it didn’t work on you! You still scratch the shit out of everyone and attempt to pluck eyes out like grapes. Kek Kek!
Drug users are requesting their drug of choice like heroin, cocaine and ecstasy and are receiving drugs with fentanyl in it. Many drug overdoses in America are by design. The drug user is being targeted with fentanyl products that they may or may not be fully aware of.
...and yet my fiance's psychopathic, drug-addicted aunt is still alive...
not disagreeing, by the way, just bemoaning the unfairness, lol.
Mind blowing aside: Ivermectin guru Pierre Kory testified on Floyd's behalf as an expert witness that it was not the drugs.
Explain that one to me!
He's probably a libertarian psychonaut. Advocate of all illicit drugs. Gonzo style.
Beats me. I do think that maybe the angle of "he was credible at the Floyd trial" vs. "his opinion on Ivermectin is not credible" may come into play at some point..
The whole thing was a Ma$0n!c psyop ritual
Wondering if he really is dead!
..and I think it's gonna start in the autonomous zone in georgia...
The amount of free morphine in his urinalysis was unreal, the dose this dude took could have killed a horse. We have video of him picking something up off his middle console in the vehicle, video of him with something white in his mouth, video of him dropping baggies and they found two fentanyl pills in the back of the police cruiser. Dude shoved a 10X lethal dose of drugs in his mouth because he was stupid and already stoned out of his head. He was also a five time felon, so good riddance.
That particular part of the population cares not about facts, all they care about is can we loot and burn down civilization!
As he should. George Floyd’s family got a sweet payout, not only via on line but also local government reportedly. Did the money really come from local government? Follow the money trail. What is Floyd’s family doing with the money? Do they live in the same place. Why has media dropped all reporting and moved on?
Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
Serum samples from the hospitalized patients analyzed at UCSF demonstrated fentanyl levels of 0.5–9.5 ng/mL (Table 2) (therapeutic range for analgesia = 0.6–3.0 ng/mL) (4); postmortem levels in the first two patients who died were 11 ng/mL (patient E) and 13 ng/mL (patient I). Norfentanyl, a major metabolite of fentanyl, was detected in the serum of nine patients; norfentanyl was not detected in postmortem testing of patients E and I, presumably because death occurred before metabolism of fentanyl to norfentanyl. All hospitalized patients had detectable serum levels of cocaine, cocaine metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester), cocaethylene (a compound formed in vivo when ethanol is ingested in the presence of cocaine), or levamisole by LC-HRMS confirmatory testing (Table 2), all suggesting recent cocaine use. The absence of other opioids, such as heroin, methadone, or oxycodone, in serum (only one patient [D] was hydrocodone positive) was consistent with reports by the patients that most were not habitual opioid users.
The above indicates the 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl in George Floyd was at a level that is considered toxic. The 5.6 ng/ml Norfentanyl is a metabolite of Fentanyl. It is a powerful, fast-acting synthetic narcotic analgesic with a fast action duration. This would only amplify and exasperate the effects of Fentanyl.
The Methamphetamine found in Floyd's blood of 19 ng/ml is considered to be in the normal range. Methamphetamine level of <20 ng/mL (nanogram/millilitre) in blood is considered to be normal.
It's abundantly clear the Fentanyl would have been a contributing factor to Floyd's death. This should have been a major piece of evidence providing 'reasonable doubt' that Derek Chauvin purposely caused the death of George Floyd. In fact, the immobilization tactic used by Chauvin is a standard tactic taught in police academies across the nation (and world) in cases of resisting arrest. He properly used the tactic. George Floyd did not peaceably submit to arrest and resisted arrest.
This trial was a 'show trial' to appease the mob and an innocent man is jailed. This travesty of justice is from a lack of leadership caused by the Minneapolis mayor and the governor, who not only refused to act in securing the peace, but was complicit in fanning the flames of the riots. They had all the resources to prevent the riots from occurring. The governor was even provided Intel from the federal government. Instead, the governor allowed his daughter this Intel to be passed onto Antifa and BLM. The judge in this show trial acted wittingly to sacrifice the reputation and life of a police officer to the mob.
CASH CAB actor Ben Bailey is in video of the "performance" - not Derek Chauvin. Also floyd was SACRIFICED for the movement to start the Burn Loot Murder bullshit. Golden Coffin - SACRIFICE
Get out of here with this nonsense. They may resemble each other but not everyone is an actor. Derek Chauvin isn’t being portrayed by Ben Bailey. Plus, Ben is easily 10 years older than Chauvin.
every aspect of this case has been timed to maximize election results....this will drag on and really begin to make headlines just in time for the 24 election season...
I wouldn’t mind if Seattle burnt to the ground.
Add Portland, San Francisco, Phoenix, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, and New York and we would finally have true happiness and world peace.
Los Angeles
well, duh, clearly he died of COVID. (check bullet-point IV)
Typically an appeal must rely on errors in the law and how it was carried out. Appeals based on facts of the case are very rarely successful.
Maybe in some places there will be rioting again but I wonder how many could be bothered to be made to care again given how they mostly moved on to the next current thing. Plus they'd have to get all of the other factors back into place that encouraged and enabled the riots last time. Did LA have any riots over that dipshit cousin of a BLM founder getting himself killed a couple weeks back?
When athletes and politicians take a knee, they are using the same posture that Chauvin used, and in fact, honoring it.
How dare you let facts get in the way. Shame on you.
We should have never let Mossad train our police forces. They trained them to lean on someone's neck
The summer of love 2.0 in 2024 would be the "right" time for them to stir up the low IQ voters before yet another stolen election.
Him killing floyd is like saying some officer killed a subject resisting arrest with the use of taser when the suspect had heart problems . Some departments do classify tasers as lethal force, because some cases where it has caused the death of a person. But the intent is apprehend, not to take the life. In this case they would still need to prove that the officer intended on killing floyd, vs simply performing his duty. The subject died while being restrained, due to his uncooperative behavior. But this is the same reason many don’t want to be cops anymore, anyone can be made a political example.
More riots orchestrated by the Commies are coming to distract the Jussies from the shit economy, stolen top secret docs, Crackhead's illegal activities and about 30 other things.
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter because this case will go absolutely nowhere. They can’t allow it to… #Truth
Wait….. what if he’s the one to arrest Soros and kneels on Soros’s neck to the point of demise? Will there still be riots over that?
Personally I’d think it would be a call to celebrate at Chucky Cheese’s. :) :) :)
Interesting timing that he appeals now and didn't right away
Obviously died of covid