Catholic School Boy Who Was Kicked Out of School for Saying There Are Only Two Genders Is Arrested
The Catholic Schoolboy who spoke out against transgenders in the school’s women’s bathrooms and who shared that there are only two genders has been arrested. On Sunday TGP reported on a high school student in a Catholic school in Canada who was suspended ...
If you are arrested for saying there are only two genders... which prison do they put you in? The Men's prison... or the Women's prison?
The irony that proves him 100% correct.
Just need a sound byte now, of the guy's lawyer asking the judge if he'd be sent to a men's or women prison. Can you see the confused look on the judge's face? The guy's not a tranny so....and then the lawyer saying, "We ask because there's only 2 genders of prisons" lol
There are only two sexes. They distorted the term gender (which applies to modifiers in language, not biology!) to distort the reality of SEX as a biological determinant. I was against this language manipulation using gender decades ago.
This is all smoke and mirrors, abuse of language and reality.
Just say: there are only two SEXES, and gender is used in in some languages (but not English!) to distinguish between m f n nouns and etc. and has nothing to do with biology.
One is determined and fixed, the other is fluid and arbitrary. Which is more useful to those trying to destroy a society?
Yes, arbitrary describes it!
The sad thing is how successful this manipulation has been. So successful that many here at GAW have totally bought into the particular word gender. They cite dictionary references to me, not realizing how much, and how easily on-line dictionaries have been changed.
exactly; they need to get an older hard-bound dictionary.
Gender was always applied to language, not people..
He was arrested because he went back to the school anyway. In other words he wanted to be arrested. The headline implies he was arrested for the speech, which is why you have to read the whole thing.
He’s making a point.
He had every God given right and duty to speak up
And he was prohibited to go to school for the speech, therefore...
And yet he should not have been suspended for speaking on biological fact.
We must start demanding that ALL our govt. employees start doing their jobs correctly. What on earth are cops doing arresting a child for telling the truth!!! This wasn't an arrest, it was a kidnapping because no laws were broken.
At high school graduation, they will say, “ladies and gentlemen…” and get booed
Because alphabet soup is a serious mental illness for which the demonic Spirits of confusion, depravity, sexual immorality, homosexuality, Moloch and Isis, Pedophilia and many more SHALL NOT BE CODDLED TO and SNOWFLAKES and their safe spaces I BIND and REBUKE and CAST OUT ALL of THESE SPIRITS IN JESUS ALMIGHTY NAME and I SLAM THAT DOOR ON YOU AND COVER with THE PRECIOUS and HOLY BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST-BE GONE and NEVER RETURN
For context, in Ontario there are 4 government funded school boards (Public, Catholic, French Public, and French Catholic). However, the government funded Catholic school boards have not been Catholic in any meaningful way for years. Because they are entirely government funded, they tow the government line completely. A better name for these school boards and they are even sometimes formally called that is the "Separate School Boards" because that is all they are. In Ontario, private schools are only affordable to the really wealthy. The government offers no tax credits of any kind for parents who don't want to send their kids to the government funded propaganda machines. What that means is that parent who don't want their kid brainwashed will still have to fully fund the brainwashing factories with their taxes and then, only with whatever money they may have left, they can pay full price to send their own kids to a private school that might actually teach them something. Only the rich people can afford to do that.
So basically the school is Catholic in a name only. Just like many Catholic Colleges here in the USA
At my Catholic University they had "safe space" rainbow stickers on the RA windows or other offices for student help. This was 10 years ago. I can't imagine what it's like now.
And elementary schools and hospitals and charities...
Pedos entering the chat in droves
Speak for yourself, not us.
Sorry fren. It was just a joke. Under the quote, I had another option:
Welcome new user ASchiff23 to GAW forum.
It’s ok, I just can’t stand the notion that when people care some are wrongfully labeled as pedos.
I mistook your words and I apologize for that. I do like that second comment a lot
No-no-no....not what I meant at all. I care about this story a great deal (and children's safety in general) as I'm sure you do, which is why we read it and its so impactful. I just made a bad joke that the creeps that saw the first three words of the headline entered the chat looking for what a creep would look for.
Totally understand how my words could be misinterpreted. Apologies for the confusion. Confident we're on the same wavelength but sometimes hard via a message board format. Cheers fren!
Yeah the text/typing can always be misconstrued but glad to know for a fact that you are in good faith about it all. Thank you for clarifying fren, God be with you.
Hope you take care of yourself:)
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
The kid shouldn't make this only about religious freedom. This is also about the freedom to not be insane.
Of course it was Canada, the Devil's Playground.
If it was the 80s he would have been cast as a young Tom Cruise or Ashton Kutcher for his beautiful face, but in 2023 he is a villain instead of a hero. Everything is Upside Down, like a devil's world.
Sounds like he's got quite the lawsuit on his hands- government harassment, unlawful arrest & prosecution. Another Sandman in the making.
We are now in Nazi camp.
So are they saying that God forgot about the dozens of other genders he created?
What, "god" are they teaching about in Catholic School?