"Elite TV news anchors are gone: hypnotic effect crumbling." Very interesting article.
Comments (53)
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Like the actors in Hollywood... nobody CARES anymore about these lying celebrities. Same goes for the TV News Anchors. They are all lying scumbags.
Most of the U.S. public has lost any trust in Main Stream News.
Everyone I know gets their news from other sources online.
I trust this site and PDW far more than "the news".
One of Trump's greatest achievements was showing the world how much the MSM lies. Project Mockingbird = DESTROYED.
A public awake is their greatest fear.
Now that everyone will be getting their news online, the next greatest technology will be Web3. Advantages:
No more middleman! POWER TO THE PEOPLE/PLAYERS ;)
GameStop's old slogan.
You did that on purpose.
Obviously, their major new business model is Web3 gaming.
🦍🚀 Bigly
I only go here and r/wallstreetsilver.
The Pedes here will not let people get away with posting bullshit.
That's really one of my favorite things about this place and PDW. I see bullshit called out, even when it's come from "our side" or our members here. You don't see that many places.
I second that, thank you mods!
Says it all!
The key to this is discerning what is organic/real discussion vs. manufactured "push" narrative to build consensus. The best way to do this is read multiple online forums/comments sections, the more the better. You'll see the push narrative appear nearly simultaneously across any group of significant size. It will appear from 1-3 posters and then be upvoted (if the forum has that feature) and favorably affirmed by many more. The inverse of this narrative is what is usually true. Sometimes you have to wade thru 20-30 of these comments to get to real people either adding their own take or links to other related articles. Once you see it happening you'll see it ever time, it's the immediate bullshit filter.
More -
/i miss voat
It was pretty funny when nearly ALL of the Cabal-controlled media websites had to take down their comment sections, because their illusion of left wing "consensus" was being absolutely OBLITERATED.
There's talk.lol now. I look at it usually once a day.
...and voat.xyz but both are echoes.
Man I miss Katie Couric and her hard hitting questions- non biased journalism at it's finest... but thankfully we have Savannah Guthrie. She sure knows how to interview a sitting POTUS.
Sarc aside, member how Matt Lauer lost his job shortly after going off script when interviewing Hillary when she was running v Trump, prior to election? Bye bye $20mm/yr salary, career poofed. Soft kill Arkencide
Or real kill, like Tim Russert questioning GW Bush about Skull and Bones and their number 322. He died soon after that interview.
Also Michael Hastings of Buzzfeed who was writing about John Brennan.
Car go BOOM!
What happened to Sally Kohn?
We are the news😃😃😃😃
Just as they use dark magic, symbolism, ritual, etc, to try to spread their evil,... we us prayer, meme magic, and red pills of love to spread our message of awakening and unity.
Completely agree. Great article!
The spell is being broken?! Hallelujah!
The stage is nearly set.
Like the proper use of grammar and punctuation.
"Let's eat grandma!"
"Let's eat, grandma!"
"I take top-secret material seriously"
"I take top-secret material, seriously"
...but like, u know like, i'm like really like u know, but like i like using like in every like u know like every sentence, like u understand
Brought to you by Pfizer.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.
"collapse like magnetic fields that have been suddenly switched off" < that was an interesting comment. Collapsing magnetic field produces current in the opposite direction.
I love that article! It's like he's reading my thoughts with perfect precision, but writing it much better than I could. Thanks for posting. This made my day!
As much as I can(when the weather cooperates) I watch antenna TV. Never watch their news but, you'll get these short news updates during commercial breaks during the MASH, Barney Miller, Rockford Files reruns I watch... and I've noticed that all the "News anchors, reporters" look like they are still in high school. My hope is they've all lost so many viewers, revenue that they can't afford to pay top dollar for big time anchors, reporters anymore so they're letting the interns fill in.
My favorite quote from the article,
“Instead, armies of little Globalists and ideologues who don’t realize they’re working for the Globalists have been infiltrating the news business. At best, they’re incompetent.”
Great article and so true.
This next gen does not sit down and watch tv news. Everyone is headlines only or click bait online. Nobody has time for tv stars.
Young people do not watch tv at all. I wonder what the big networks will look like in 10 years.
Any Colorado pedes want to send this to Kyle Clark at channel 9 news in denver? He’s blocked me like any coward does.
Of course, this has given rise to the counterpoint to our movement, in that there are people just as autistic and obsessed, except they buy completely into the media lie.
They don't need a talking head hypnotic anchor, though. They're the instant gratification generation with zero attention span outside of short directed bursts.
That means that it's still possible to brainwash a large swath of the populace with just headlines and repeated language. You don't even need a whole crafted narrative, just headlines to set group A against group B.
Of course, like Burning Bright says (much more eloquently), their system of lies is a shaky house of cards and that each lie requires the shaky system to uphold it. Their narratives can't survive WITHOUT a lucrative political media machine behind them.
Truth doesn't require such a machine to make it's way known, and like water, it will seep through any crack in the wall, reaching hearts and minds long before the dam bursts and the flood of truth is too powerful to stop.
I think we're still in danger of tribalism and thus being manipulated and directed by tribalism.
Outside of the Q stuff, speaking just generally about the "anti-woke" side of new media, I must point out that many people were so intent on "sticking it to the trannies" that they willingly bought Hogwarts Legacy, thus creating this artificial narrative where celebrating witchcraft is somehow the opposite of the Satanic agenda.
While the old media world is losing it's power, make no mistake that we're still easily controllable and pushed into certain decisions by think tanks and outrage.
Excellent article. Makes sense and gives me hope.
All of MSM and especially the talking heads and their 'owners' are guilty of Treason. They are Not stupid enough to believe the lies they tell every day.
The few that still worship their god-MSM-are still being used and until the population puts evil where it belongs it will still be.
Did you know if you mock a Christian and at the same time claim these woke have their right to make a choice—you are in need of discernment.
One of our problems right now in USA is the people who claim Jesus is not real and yet they enable those who claim satan is their god.
Essentially one way to beat this evil is to mock back.
If you see a person with purple hair—laugh at them and call them evil.
They will want those who do arrested but the thing for those in the USA—we have the right to have freedom under our constitution. Might be why it is said—if the USA falls so does the world. We in the USA have the greatest freedom from those who gave it to us. We just don’t know how to fight.
Jesus would rebuke evil… is rebuke mocking evil?
My boomer parents are still hypnotised
Great read. I love the way he writes.
Each has been bypassed, completely and utterly, and want their "old normal" back, yet they were warned, and the old normal they once enjoyed is never returning.
I agree with the overall conclusions, but the writing style makes me think an AI was used in its creation.