There is no way this movie is going to end without J6 being exposed, since everything is interlinked. Hardly matters what Kevin says right now, because whether it comes from congress or from some other means, it will all get exposed as we get closer to the precipice. My bet is that it will be congress that exposes it.
But until then, they will play cat and mouse games "We will release it. Okay, we wont" - and get the puppets to make a lot of mistakes.
There is a rumor that he is going to release the tapes, but I will wait until it's more than words from people in a profession known to be filled with compulsive liars.
Instead, perhaps its " time to" call mcarthy and give him MAGA positive encouragement to release the tapes asap rather than giving in to the Swamp demons.
“We can’t show you what we’ve done to you…bc if you knew what we did, you would drag us all out by our hair and hang us. Like, ALL of us. Then who would be here to “protect” you?! National security. You’re welcome.”
If this is our gov protecting us, then who needs to worry about a foreign power!? Any change would be better than THIS.
And I may not be a betting man, but I GUARANTEE there is a not a SINGLE country out there that, if we actually got PISSED OFF enough to clean our rat infested house, would make a move. Once we finally get to THAT point, NO one of this planet is going to want to stick there hand in this hornets nest. So let’s just HURRY UP and get these tribunals started!
Speaking if information being withheld...
What did he and Joey bag-o-Diapers talk about???
And While I am at it:
Was Epstein Island a FBI run domestic Honeypot operation???
The last time I gave an opinion on something like this I got a one-day ban. I broke the rules so it was deserving. I'll just put it this way. My support for people isn't what it used to be. I'll trust in God and that's it.
A person with common sense would hear this and think, hmm if they don't want us to see what happened, they are obviously scared it would incriminate them. But we don't live in a world of common sense unfortunately.
I love these "How Psywar Savvy Are You?" diagnostic tests.
Took the rage bait? Got triggered?
Psywar savvy upgrade needed. Perhaps read how to put on the Whole Armour of God, again. Then do it.
Recognized the rage bait and avoided getting emotionally triggered?
Out of curiosity was the article read without getting triggered.
After reading the article was a call made to Kevin praising him for what he's done so far and encouraging him to release the tapes asap so he continues to win people over rather than going back to being as hated as McConnell?
Joe Dan Gorman has been hammering mccarthy RELENTLESSLY to get the J6 political prisoners released! Congress has the power to do that. mccarthy is nothing but a snake in the grass ...... "You knew I was a snake when you let me in...."
It's possible this is him stepping out of line, but we should all keep in mind there are layers to this and there's no way of knowing which layer of footage or Fed he's referring to here.
Giant portions of J6 were staged. We have no way of confirming which aspects were staged by white hats and which were staged by black hats, or whether white hats allowed certain black hat ops to go off in a controlled manner, whether black hats had some operational victories, etc.
As long as Trump has McCarthy under his thumb--and that appears to be the case--we can just sit back and enjoy this fake turmoil as it's distributed to the general population.
“Rumors”, uhh… I’ll wait until its more than that
Right, I think this is just a conditioning step. Letting the public know that there is something very wrong with the footage.
When Kevin comes out and says what he has to say, it will more than likely start a shit-storm.
I kinda still feel like they will be released.
Even if he doesn't, that doesn't mean they won't come out. I think this is a timing thing.
There is no way this movie is going to end without J6 being exposed, since everything is interlinked. Hardly matters what Kevin says right now, because whether it comes from congress or from some other means, it will all get exposed as we get closer to the precipice. My bet is that it will be congress that exposes it.
But until then, they will play cat and mouse games "We will release it. Okay, we wont" - and get the puppets to make a lot of mistakes.
Imma have to turn that shit back to you..
There is a rumor that he is going to release the tapes, but I will wait until it's more than words from people in a profession known to be filled with compulsive liars.
Did you see me jumping around that he is going to release any tapes?
time to vote out mccarthy. they put him in on a tiny leash
DC Swamp RuMoRs == "time to vote out mccarthy"
Instead, perhaps its " time to" call mcarthy and give him MAGA positive encouragement to release the tapes asap rather than giving in to the Swamp demons.
“We can’t show you what we’ve done to you…bc if you knew what we did, you would drag us all out by our hair and hang us. Like, ALL of us. Then who would be here to “protect” you?! National security. You’re welcome.”
If this is our gov protecting us, then who needs to worry about a foreign power!? Any change would be better than THIS.
And I may not be a betting man, but I GUARANTEE there is a not a SINGLE country out there that, if we actually got PISSED OFF enough to clean our rat infested house, would make a move. Once we finally get to THAT point, NO one of this planet is going to want to stick there hand in this hornets nest. So let’s just HURRY UP and get these tribunals started!
We knew sooner or later McCarthy would reveal himself!!!
Yeah but it also could be a Trump type tactic where he hides the best part so they make him reveal it & it destroys them. Let's see
👉You’re FIRED!
I see the "rumors " came from Laura Loomer, not exactly stellar sourcing.
Did they!? Nice find!
Kudos?!! 😘
Speaking if information being withheld... What did he and Joey bag-o-Diapers talk about??? And While I am at it: Was Epstein Island a FBI run domestic Honeypot operation???
mmm but I thought CIA was prohibited from operating domestically? USVI is Home turf... The Honorable Pepe, Devil's Advocate....
I will never look at a bag of doughnuts the same way again.
Or appreciate their aroma???.... Hey I thought that they came in boxes?
but then why is the US Intelligence apparatus silent???
well you know they are hiding the truth....fukin swamp
I think that is what this message is supposed to tell the people.
People have to be shown.
National Security is Code for governmental criminal activity and political treason
It seems like he may have been threatened or he was nothing going to do it in the first place.
If that is true, then they absolutely need to be released! All of these fuck wits need to go! They are all complicit.
The left normies will demand it be shown because they think he's hiding it to protect the j6'ers
The right normies will demand it be shown because he promised he would.
The Left: OMG Drumpfs Puppet is hiding stuff. REEEEEeeelease everything!!!
Clever take.
Is it possible so,e of the video showed weaknesses etc or how to get access? If so that’s reasonable
What it shows is Intel agency assets framing patriots.
The last time I gave an opinion on something like this I got a one-day ban. I broke the rules so it was deserving. I'll just put it this way. My support for people isn't what it used to be. I'll trust in God and that's it.
That is most literally, The Way.
A person with common sense would hear this and think, hmm if they don't want us to see what happened, they are obviously scared it would incriminate them. But we don't live in a world of common sense unfortunately.
How? Someone explain one single risk to natsec by releasing the truth? Other than giving up their fed agents. Which would be criminal anywhoo
We would be the threat.
A huge amount of extremely enraged Americans that would go ape-shit on all the turdsacks involved. Which would throw our system into an upheaval.
During which time, Foriegn enemies would potentially strike. And take advantage of the chaos. That's how I could see it being a NATSEC threat.
I could however be totally wrong. Time will tell though. And we will see.
Ah yes, the classic excuse not to reveal deep state crimes.
Sick of all these rumors, surrounding me every day. I just need some time, some time to get away from all these rumors, I can’t take it no more. …
By "risk to national security" maybe he means "risk to his own life".
Intel bureaucracy stepping in?
I would like to hear this pussy explain how video of a supposed ‘insurrection’ would harm National Security.
It would expose the whole thing as a setup and expose all the Feds involved. Fucking swamp protecting the swamp.
I love these "How Psywar Savvy Are You?" diagnostic tests.
Took the rage bait? Got triggered?
Psywar savvy upgrade needed. Perhaps read how to put on the Whole Armour of God, again. Then do it.
Recognized the rage bait and avoided getting emotionally triggered?
Out of curiosity was the article read without getting triggered.
After reading the article was a call made to Kevin praising him for what he's done so far and encouraging him to release the tapes asap so he continues to win people over rather than going back to being as hated as McConnell?
I think he's just trying to draw more attention to it. Building up. I like it
That's what I was thinking. Giving it more exposure before the main course.
We need to be hammering Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene with all our might to release it all !
I believe it will happen. At the opportune moment.
Maybe leave out the white hats stealing the lap top ?
How is it stealing if it is the property of The People.
We paid for all of it. And still do.
All need to shown, at least to whoever can make a just decision.
i was just thinking about this, have not seen anything come out
Yeah former house speaker, current congresswoman is a fuckin traitor, which is a national security thing ain't it ?!
Joe Dan Gorman has been hammering mccarthy RELENTLESSLY to get the J6 political prisoners released! Congress has the power to do that. mccarthy is nothing but a snake in the grass ...... "You knew I was a snake when you let me in...."
Have you called McCarthy to release the J6ers and explained how? And MTG?
Have you gotten other people to make calls?
This is up to you and me and everyone outside of DC; not just Kevin.
Probably will put national security at risk seeing how the people would overthrow this corrupt regime!
It's possible this is him stepping out of line, but we should all keep in mind there are layers to this and there's no way of knowing which layer of footage or Fed he's referring to here.
Giant portions of J6 were staged. We have no way of confirming which aspects were staged by white hats and which were staged by black hats, or whether white hats allowed certain black hat ops to go off in a controlled manner, whether black hats had some operational victories, etc.
As long as Trump has McCarthy under his thumb--and that appears to be the case--we can just sit back and enjoy this fake turmoil as it's distributed to the general population.
That's what I am talking about!!!
Withheld information is withheld justice. There is no acceptable reason.
Pretty Much. But at what stage of the game do you play the Trump Card?
Approve of Bannons arrest for withholding information from Congress?
Ohhh. They just need more time to pixelate all the glowie faces.