They have investigated the biolabs in Ukraine and they have submitted evidence to the UN about bioweapons production and testing. The UN has ignored this evidence.
Zelensky may have burned documents recently. But Russia already had plenty of those documents from their successful raids on these biolabs and command/control centers in Ukraine, and probably also from other espionage means of capture.
Sadly, George Webb was adamant in reporting Mattie Benassi as patient 0 in the Wuhan Games in 2019. This was a perfect staging of the wet market theory.
Meanwhile, my theory is that Ukraine Biolabs funded by Seneca (that's Hunter) and Metabiota and built by Black and Veech churned out their deadly products.
what i've believed from the start, is that they take naturally occuring coronavirus variants, of which there are likely an infinite amount (ie; no cure for the common cold), isolate them in labs & then perform G.o.F. to engineer unnatural entities, biological weapons.
now, whether one of these ever got "leaked" or released into the public, i have no idea, because whatever they are claiming kick started the scamdemic, has never been officially isolated, where people can point at it & say "that's what started all of this. let's study it & find out where it came from."
all we have to go on, are garbage "made in china" tests, that have basically predetermined results, whether someone is positive for "C19" or not.
that's not how real-world science works. IF THERE IS a virus, scientists & doctors should be able to PINPOINT it, throw it UNDER A MICROSCOPE & have it IDENTIFIED.
That has not happened. All we get are scammy PCR tests, nasal swabs & literally poisonous jabs, in which no official 100% full ingredient lists have been released & all manufacturers of the jabs, have no legal fault if/when people die from them.
Its something tho. I had it for a few days and the first couple days, my head felt unlike anything I've ever had before. Almost like I was loaded. Or on acid. I did not lose my sense of taste or smell, however my mom did. I have horrible allergies and frequently have a head cold so it's not an infrequent occurrence for me. I didn't feel anything like I've ever felt in 56 years with a cold or the flu.
All of them are deep-state and running money laundering in Ukraine.
It should surprise no one that Ukraine biolabs produced the weapon, even if it was released in China. All these parties are conspiring together against The People.
Might be glowies, might just be well meaning people who are scientifically illiterate.
Example: Ivermectin is known to kill parasites, but is also effective at mitigating Covid symptoms and MIGHT have anti cancer properties. Many then mistakenly conclude that Covid and cancer are parasites and that itβs fungi/parasites instead of viruses and rogue cells.
"mistakenly". nice, see what ya did there. kinda like the debunk thing. just say it and it must be true. I'm not here to say you're wrong, but rather to say you don't know if you're right. I'd suggest humility is intelligence
Assumption 1: Ivermectin has anti parasitic properties
Assumption 2: Ivermectin mitigates Covid symptoms
Conclusion: Covid is a parasite instead of a virus and viruses donβt actually exist at all, theyβre just parasites/fungi, or misaligned chakras.
The above assumptions are correct, but the conclusion does not follow because it does not consider that other properties of ivermectin may be at play and it ignores all the data that suggests that viruses do exist.
Is it possible that Covid and all viruses are just parasites? Yes, in the sense that that scenario doesnβt violate the laws of physics, but the fact that Ivermectin works against Covid is insufficient to prove this assertion.
Iβm not here to say youβre wrong, but rather to say you donβt know youβre right.
How do I know Iβm wrong until someone provides evidence contradicting my argument? If someone is going to convince me that Iβm incorrect, then theyβll need to provide a sound argument backed by evidence. Asserting that your opponent canβt possibly know that theyβre right isnβt a counter argument, itβs a cop out and a tacit admission that you donβt have a case for your own position.
Humility is not intelligence, and demanding evidence and sound arguments is not pride.
you not knowing is not a personal attack on you. for all I know you may be the top most knowledgeable person on this topic, but that will not change my opinion that you or anyone can't KNOW. that's not to suggest you or others might not have a very high level of certainty based upon research/evidence, but it should always leave room for healthy doubt.
this quote has been provided in slightly different forms, but it's always along the lines with the same message: "I now know I'm intelligent, because I realize I know nothing". Socrates quote presumably later in life when he came to this philosophical realization
What you call "Covid" was a whole bunch of different things. It's not "one dis-ease". If it were, everyone would have the same symptoms, which they didn't.
For those who felt they had a "new thing", the cause of this new thing was the throwing off of old/dead/repressed thought/belief that had hardened into the body. This is age-old wisdom that your ruling cabal wishes you not learn about.
And since everybody is holding different versions, strengths, and intensities of repressed trauma, false beliefs, bad information in their bodies that they have not yet released, everybody has different experiences in terms of symptoms, intensities and durations of illness.
And it's all part of the "great awakening". Light displaces dark. And most of humanity still unwittingly holds onto pockets of darkness in their minds, and therefore their body.
"Covid" was a wave of light displacing darkness. An explanation few are yet willing to accept. So be it.
What can be said with provable scientific certainty is that no such thing as a "virus" has ever been proven to exist. So there must be another explanation.
Im not doubting the possibility that i am wrong snd you are right. That because i was primed to believe this was a new virus that i then convinced myself the symptoms were diffirent.
However, as the other anon pointed out it did feel diffirent. I would say the main diffirential symptom is the loss of smell. While true that is not totally unique i have never heard of a flu or cold on this scale completely altering peoples sense of smell.
Mine has never recovered and this was 2 years ago, i am still unable to smell certain things. This is the same in atleast 4 people i know also.
Ghosty, do you experience phantom odors? It's been over a year since recovering from the Coof. Acutely, my husband and I lost our sense of smell. Certain smells began returning after about a month, but about 2 months into our recovery my husband says, "why do I smell smoke?". I didn't smell it, but got worried and began checking the furnace, outlets, anything that I could think of that may start a fire. What I had not told my husband was occasionally I would smell a strange odor; I can only describe it as a cross between microwave butter popcorn and something husband's phantom odor was smoke or cigarette smoke. These phantom episodes became less frequent as 2022 went on. There are still times when I experience the phantom odors, but now my odor has turned into a rancid hot oil/grease smell. Not sure if this info will be of use to Morpheus...
Same for me and my wife. Itβs been a little over a year now; itβs gotten a bit better but my brain still processes certain scents strangely. Anything vaguely nutty or savory β peanut butter, meat, coffee grounds β smells weirdly stale, burnt, ashy β¦ you called it with the old oil/grease smell.
How many times did you get the cranial scrape "nasal swab" test?
I agree, Covid is different than flu/fever/colds/pneumonia, none of which are caused by any unicorn-virus however as none have ever been proven to exist.
I'm collecting data on the long-term loss of smell/taste issue and would appreciate your feedback. I can explain the short term loss, as the purpose was to curtail the appetite and allow the body to purge without having the extra job of digestion, which is the hardest work the body does each day.
But I cannot yet explain these cases of long-term smell/taste loss.
Also, can you tell me which extremities you're having the tingling/numbness in? Both hands/arms, both legs/feet? Or is it exclusive to one side, right or left, or the other?
How many nasal swab tests were you subjected to? Are you saying you still have no taste/smell today or you lost it only for a period of time concurrent with your illness?
Also, how frequently and what duration of time did you wear masks during the lockdown period?
Neuropathy is a different situation. Tell me, are your hands and feet cold or warm today?
Wife lost her smell/taste also. After about day 13 I got my smell/taste back. On the day those things returned, I lost feeling in my extremities. My feet were extremely painful, like a thousand bees stinging them for 24-48 hours. I took a fairly high dosage of ivermectin for my body weight, and because I took it faster (1 27 mg every 12 hours) than I was supposed to take, I could not be certain the ivermectin my compounding pharmacy made for me was not somehow contributing to my severe side effects.
I've been doing magnesium baths and exercising more often to increase blood flow. I do still have cold/clammy hands and feet, but these two things are helping with them. But I still have tingling in my extremities.
I just started taking Thorne Labs NAC just this week and I continue to take x2 500 mg L-Glutamine for my gut issues. These two supplements appear to be having a very significant impact, mostly positive, of my vagnus nerve / nervous system damage. Today is day 4 and I am improving more this week than since I got sick again with a covid like illness in August of 2022.
if it were the same disease, everyone would have the same symptoms, which they didnβt.
People have slightly different reactions to the same disease or the same drug all the time, often due to individual health and genetics. A 100-lb woman whoβs never drunk before doesnβt have the same reaction to the same shot of vodka as a 250-lb man whoβs been drinking for years. Doesnβt mean they didnβt get the same shot. People with preexisting conditions or unhealthy lifestyles generally had a harder time dealing with Covid.
While stress, including stress induced by trauma, can inhibit the immune system, adhering to false beliefs or believing incorrect information does not have such an effect. At best this would be the Placebo effect.
Covid was a wave of light displacing darkness
No, Covid was a DS attempt to start their Great Reset by instituting lockdowns, Covid passes, and election fraud. Anon efforts to expose the true origin and nature of Covid and its jabs are the wave of light, metaphorically speaking.
no such thing as a virus has ever been proven to exist.
Just because you deny the evidence doesnβt mean it doesnβt exist. Viruses have been proven to exist, and if you want to contradict that, then you need to come up with a model for virus-based diseases that explains the symptoms and spread of such diseases more accurately and in a more concise manner than viruses.
People have slightly different reactions to the same disease
Of course they do. The reason is, perception is subjective. As such, a conflict event that might cause you to fear death, may have no effect on me, or vice versa. Additionally, the duration and intensity of the conflict event determines duration and intensity of the dis-ease. If I fear I'm going to die for a day, I get undetectable lung cancer for a day, followed by undetectable tuberculosis for a day. If I'm afraid I'm going to die for a year, I'm going to get easily detectable lung cancer for a year should I be foolish enough to get an "annual checkup". I'm actually perfectly healthy during this time, receiving more oxygen than normal to all my organs, which is the purpose of the excess lung alveoli tissue. Now, should I resolve my conflict and no longer fear death, I'm going to have a year of coughing up blood and blood in my sputum - aka "tuberculosis". Should I be foolish enough to run to an allopathic doctor in the western world, I'm going to be told I have quite possibly "incurable" lung cancer. If I'm in a poorer country, I will be told I have tuberculosis and given round after round of anti-biotics (against-lifes) which prevent the TB mycobacteria from removing the excess lung tissue, thus leaving an encapsulated cyst of the no longer needed lung alveoli. Should I then have the misfortune of moving to a first world country later on, and am foolish enough to get an "annual checkup" with a western allopahtic doctor, I'll now be told I have a "benign tumor" and will be heavily coerced into getting it surgically removed - an entirely unnecessary procedure that will only cause me more long-term harm.
Dis-eases are not caused by "germs" or "substances". Everything we've been told about them is 100% wrong. And this is easy to understand once you realize the germ theory model is a total lie, just as is the fraudulent "genetic dis-ease model" is a lie, just as is the "lifestyle/habits model" is a lie, just as is the "family history model", just as is the "carcinogen model" and on and on we go. None are even remotely accurate or true. Western medicine is 90% lies, the only saving grace is emergency/trauma care.
Your alcohol example is not an example of dis-ease, it is an example of a poisoning. It's immediate and the direct cause is evident. I drink too much for my size and tolerance level, my body has to go into overdrive to purge the poison. Simple.
While stress, including stress induced by trauma, can inhibit the immune system, adhering to false beliefs or believing incorrect information does not have such an effect. At best this would be the Placebo effect.
Stress is the wearing down of the body - lack of ease, pease, sleep, etc. can and often does lead to a period of vitality drain. Again, duration and intensity determine the degree of sickness. But, like your alcohol example, it's not the cause of a well-defined "dis-ease", but rather forces a period of heavy rest to rebalance. Stress/Anxiety is not the cause of any dis-eases like cancers, heart dis-ease, diabetes, fake auto-immune diseases, and on and on. Each of these has a well-defined and specific conflict event that precedes them. Now, could a certain conflict event ALSO cause one stress/anxiety. Of course. If I'm afraid I'm going to die, I get lung cancer as from the example above. That can cause me a lot of stress and anxiety, obviously, but in and of itself, is not the cause of lung cancer.
Here's a good example of what I'm saying. Imagine a presumably happily married couple, They have their normal issues and spats, but nothing out of the ordinary. One day the husband approaches the wife after dinner and tells her he wants a divorce. Just like that. The wife didn't see it coming. This is a "Conflict shock event". She's caught off guard and her own subjective perception of the event leads to her eventual dis-ease down the road. If she felt she becomes scared of what will happen to her, she gets bronchitis, whooping cough, throat/larynx issues. If she then has an existential/abandonment crisis on top of the the scare conflict, in time she gets pneumonia - water retention in the lungs. If she feels she can't earn a living to care for her children, she gets a starvation conflict which causes liver cancer. If she fears her husband will take the kids, she has a separation conflict and gets ductal breast cancer. If she becomes angry, she gets hepatitis. If she becomes extremely angry, she gets stomach cancer. If it turns out her husband was actually having a homosexual affair and perceives this as a "dirty conflict" and gets bladder or colon cancer. If she decides to retaliate and get revenge through a brutal fight over the property and money she gets pancreatic cancer. And on and on. There's a very specific biological reason for each that is initiated by her subjective perception of the situation. Her psyche makes certain tissue alterations to help her through the conflict. When she resolves her conflict, the psyche reverses the changes and this is normally we we "get sick". And to wit, another woman might be secretly relieved and feel liberated in this event. She doesn't get sick at all. This is a demonstration of the subjective nature of 'conflict events".
The Placebo/Nocebo effect is very real. The irony of this situation is, 90% of what we call "dis-eases" are already in the healing/restoring/rebalancing phase when we run to the doctor. And this is why you will hear of a thousand different remedies for all manner of dis-eases from people out there. The medication/herb/tincture/formula/treatment/healing-modality/etc. that they sought out had nothing whatsoever to do with their healing. It was already underway. And likewise, when the white-robed priest tells the patient they have cancer or some other life-threatening dis-ease, this creates a "diagnosis shock" and the patient spirals downward into all sorts of terminal illnesses, just from hearing the bad news from "the expert doctor". The iatrogenesis category of death statistics should be 100x what is attributed to it today.
No, Covid was a DS attempt to start their Great Reset by instituting lockdowns, Covid passes, and election fraud.
Well we agree on this. Imagine all the conflict shocks that resulted from this propaganda campaign. But the DS was well aware of the new infusions of light and how best to time their propaganda. I know several people, including 2 family members and 7 friends who swear up and down they "caught Covid" earlier in 2019 before it was even a "thing". The peak intensity of these light waves was 2020 so this is when the DS decided to put their propaganda into full throttle.
Just because you deny the evidence doesnβt mean it doesnβt exist.
I don't DENY EVIDENCE.... EVER. I ACCEPT EVIDENCE always. You've got things backwards. If you BELIEVE in viruses, you have unwittingly ACCEPTED FRAUDULENT NON-EVIDENCE to come to your conclusions.
The truth is, nobody has ever produced even a modicum of evidence of the existence of viruses. From 1875 and the onslaught of the insane Louis Pastuer, until the mid 1930s, nobody could even SEE/FIND a so-called virus due to technological limitations as the electron microscope was not yet in use. But that didn't stop them from blaming all sorts of dis-eases on these theoretical boogeymen. Rabies, smallpox, polio, Spanish flu, etc. From about 1935 to 1954 scientific researchers frantically tried to find our boogeymen, but to no avail. Virology was dead in the water until Jon Enders came along and designed the fraudulent "viral culturing" technique which is nothing more than the poisoning of green monkey kidney cells. They take pictures of the decayed particles of this witches brew and say "here look, a virus"...and everybody blindly believes them to such a degree, they never even tried to purify these tissue particles and attempt to infect a healthy host with them - the ruse was that good. Talk about BLIND BELIEF IN AUTHORITY on steroids! The more modern "sequencing" techniques for allegedly finding viruses is really even dumber. They just assemble human RNA/DNA strands into their boogeyman in a software program and the brainwashed minions once again blindly believe. Funny how their tissue samples never contain a single FULLY INTACT VIRAL GENOME. All these brilliant researchers can ever find are tiny strands of what they fraudulent claim were once part of viruses. It's all a massive lie.
Viruses have been proven to exist,
Wrong you are. The above two MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES is what they call their "proof". You can BELIEVE them at your own peril if you choose. But the fact remains, nobody has ever found a virus in nature, in the real world, in the fluids or tissues of any living organism. Should you dare to investigate, you'll get a big chuckle out of their excuses - "there's not enough there" or "they're hidden within the cell membrane". Laughable excuses from the virologists. They want you to believe this while at the same time inducing fear into your mind that a person standing 5.99 feet or less away from you can conjure up a microscopic piece of spittle inadvertently sent in your direction that's teaming with millions of unicorn-viral particles. These two positions cannot be reconciled. It's pure insanity to believe such absurdities.
Then you need to come up with a model for virus-based diseases that explains the symptoms and spread of such diseases more accurately and in a more concise manner than viruses.
I did do this here on GA about 4 months ago for about a dozen different popular alleged "viral-diseases" - colds, flus, measles/rubella, mumps, chicken pox, spanish flu, polio, rabies, HIV, pneumonia and tuberculosis (bacterial). Those should be more than enough to satisfy your standards. Which one would you like an answer for? I'll point you to it.
Thanks for engaging with your counter-arguments. This is how we all learn. I've been intensely studying this topic for over 3 years now, since the onset of Covid. I too was once a virus-believer until I decided to stop blindly trusting the experts and find out for myself.
For your tuberculosis/lung cancer example, how does living in fear of death cause these diseases to manifest? Most people are at least partially worried about their mortality for (hopefully) brief periods, but not even a correlation between this state of mind and cancer/tuberculosis has ever been established. I myself have never had either of these diseases, either after bouts of existential crisis or more acute episodes where I thought I was about to die. Furthermore, you speak of excess alveoli tissue that the bacterium responsible for TB allegedly gets rid of, yet you do not explain where this excess tissue comes from or how the TB bacterium gets rid of this excess tissue. Why would the human body make excess lung tissue if it's just going to cause potentially lethal TB later?
IF germ theory is incorrect, then why were the lowest death rates during the Black Plague in Poland and Milan? The former saw low infection/death rates because of their high Jewish population with their stringent hygiene practices from the OT, and the latter because they burned down the houses of anyone who caught the sickness, with the sick still inside. Both extreme (for the time) hygiene and extreme (in general) quarantine measures slowed the spread, despite the fact that these people would have still been afraid of infection and death.
IF germ theory is incorrect, then how do viral and bacterial infections spread? We know they are contagious irrespective of the mental/emotional states of the spreader and recipient, which contradicts your model that sickness is ultimately caused by mental imbalance or stress.
IF germ theory is incorrect, then why does limiting human exposure to mosquitos retard the spread of malaria and other diseases? Again, humans are still concerned about contracting these diseases, so if it was their concern over their own health or mortality that made them sick in the first place, then limiting mosquito exposure would not decrease the probability of infection.
IF germ theory is incorrect, why then do SOME traditional vaccines work? Even back in the 1700's smallpox inoculations were proven to reduce the transmission of smallpox and drastically reduce its lethality.
Your divorce analogy makes no sense whatsoever. Why does the wife's worry about the future manifest as whooping cough instead of the flu? Why does fear of abandonment cause pneumonia and not muscle cramps? Why does fear of starvation cause liver cancer and not problems elsewhere in the digestive system? And how on earth does anger cause hepatitis, which is primarily an STD??? (Which strain of hepatitis are you referring to anyway?) You're randomly associating different fears with different illnesses with no rhyme or reason. This isn't even pseudoscience, it's pure conjecture with no rational basis.
Her psyche makes tissue alterations
How does the mind alter bodily tissue? What hormones specifically does the brain release to cause each of the diseases and disorders mentioned in your divorce example? I'd very much like to know which hormone stimulates hepatitis so that I can patent a procedure to inhibit this hormone and make millions off your hepatitis cure.
And this is why you hear of a thousand different remedies for all manner of diseases
You can hear about as many remedies as you want, that doesn't mean that they all work or work equally well. Personal hygiene, pre-existing conditions, other medications taken simultaneously, the specific mechanism a particular drug uses and whether it treats the symptoms or the root cause, all play a role in how well a given remedy works. Part of the job of doctors and pharmacists is to sort through all of these factors to give you the best treatment reasonably possible for your particular ailment.
I know of several people who claim to have gotten COVID in 2019 before it was a thing
Covid did exist in 2019, albeit in Oct/Nov. However, a simpler explanation is that the virus was released a few weeks/months before and the Chinese either didn't figure it out until Nov or kept it under wraps until they couldn't hide it anymore. Both of these explanations are far simpler than throwing out all of germ theory.
I'm perplexed by your argument that viruses were theorized in 1875 but not isolated until the 1950's, therefore viruses are bogus. Isaac Newton invented the theory of gravity, and to this day we've never "isolated" it, but we know it exists and can predict its effects with great accuracy. The seeds of germ theory go all the way back to ancient times; they may not have been able to see bacteria/viruses but they knew there was something that they couldn't see that spread by physical contact or just being around someone who was ill. There's a reason the hygiene laws in the OT are so strict.
[on viral culturing] they never even tried to purify these tissue particles and attempt to infect a healthy host with them
That took me two minutes to find. Of course you don't DENY evidence, you just can't bother yourself to look for it in the first place.
Lastly, you try to find a contradiction between those who say that viruses are hidden in the cell membrane and those who say that the viruses are in the spray from someone coughing or sneezing. The problem is that no one is saying that viruses permanently stay inside cells; once viruses replicate inside a cell enough the cell dies due having all its energy and nutrients used up; allowing the new viruses to spread elsewhere, especially through mucous membranes like in your nose and mouth. This is a basic tenant of virology that even I know as a layman; so this is a pretty blatant straw-man argument on your part.
So to summarize:
Your model for viral and bacterial-based illnesses depends entirely on psychoanalyzing the patient to see what they're state of mind is, then randomly assigning different fears or phobias to different ailments, everything from the common cold to lung cancer can be explained by whether someone's worst fear is abandonment or starvation. This model conveniently ignores all the people who get stressed out over something without getting sick, and all the people who get sick in spite of complete lack of fear or stress at the time of infection. Nor is there an explanation of what level of fear or stress is needed to trigger illness.
Then you assert that you don't deny evidence while simultaneously claiming that no viruses have ever been isolated from nature, when less than two minutes of searching reveals papers of viruses isolated from nature. If you're going to propose a new theory or mechanism in any field of science, your first step should be to try to disprove your own theory in every way possible, not ignore evidence that contradicts your theory. Any theory should be able to stand up to scrutiny.
Lastly, you have demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding, if not a willful ignorance of, the actual principles of germ theory in an attempt to discredit it. If you want yourself and your alternate theory to be taken seriously, straw-manning your opponent is not going to get you there.
Upon fully reading your rant this afternoon, I see you have zero interest in finding the truth but rather a blind desire to uphold the mainstream lies. A shocking position to take on this board where lies are exposed on a daily basis.
Basically you're here to tell me that I'm all wrong and the medical establishment is all right. Do I have your position accurately summarized?
Why are you here on GA? To set us crazy conspiracy theorists straight?
Do you trust the media? Do you trust academia? You must, right? You keep citing both again and again as if we can trust them. Are you kidding me?
You trust "Smithsonian Mag" and the "Academy of Sciences" at this stage of the game as they collude with the government, legal and medical establishments to genocide the human population?
The problem you're having is that you don't know how to do your own critical thinking because you've outsourced your own intellectual sovereignty to the "experts and authorities" on every occasion throughout your rant.
What might be shocking to you is, all of our "experts and authorities" today did exactly the same thing. They BELIEVED & TRUSTED the "experts and authorities" who taught them. The blind leading the blind. And who can blame them, right? Because if you go against the experts and authorities, you'll have a short-lived career in your field of study. I can think of no field of study where this is truer than in allopathic medicine and research. You go along to get along or you're expelled from the profession, likely to suffer a lifetime of ridicule and disdain from your once former colleagues.
Do you disagree? Are you unfamiliar with all the alternative medical doctors, scientists and researchers who have lost their careers, reputations, income and sometimes their lives these past 100 years?
We can't move forward one iota with this dialogue without agreement on the above basic, freshmen year 101-level facts.
Let's find out where you stand. Tell me who you trust in the field of science and medicine and, more importantly, why you trust them at this very late stage of the game.
So pointing out flaws in your theory and offering counter evidence is a rant?
Basically you're here to tell me that I'm all wrong and the medical establishment is all right. Do I have your position accurately summarized?
I'm saying that viral and bacterial pathology does a better job of articulating its ideas, making accurate predictions, and providing evidence than you have.
Do you trust the media? Do you trust academia? You must, right? You keep citing both again and again as if we can trust them. Are you kidding me?
It's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of who has better arguments and evidence. Your model doesn't even accurately model the spread of communicable diseases because it denies that people catch bacteria from others and denies the viruses exist entirely. And I'll take the establishment's evidence over your complete lack of evidence any day, because at least they try to defend their position.
We know Covid is an engineered bioweapon because there's evidence.
We know the masking and social distance policies were ineffective and tyrannical because there's evidence
We know the Covid jabs are ineffective and have lethal side effects because there's evidence.
We know the medical establishment is wrong on the above items specifically because there's evidence. If you switch to the topic of viruses and bacteria not existing or not being pathogenic at all, that is a different set of claims, and it's your job to justify your own claims.
The establishment isn't wrong just because they're the establishment. If you're going to assert that anyone is wrong on any given subject, it's your responsibility to explain why and provide evidence. Simply screaming that they're the establishment isn't an argument, it's an inversion of the appeal to authority fallacy. Being anti-establishment for the sake of being anti-establishment isn't helpful. Such an attitude, when not based on evidence and rational arguments, is purely emotional thinking.
Why are you here on GA? To set us crazy conspiracy theorists straight?
Why are you here? To make us look like unhinged kooks like the flat-earthers and NESARA scammers do? To kill us off with bad medical advice? I can make random accusations too.
My aim is to help people think critically about everything, and this includes analyzing evidence and arguments both for and against your current position. Only looking at "evidence" that supports your pet theory is how flat earthers get to where they are. My aim is exact high standards for evidence and arguments so that this community doesn't get to that place, as it wastes time and turns newcomers off from our movement if they see that its members ignoring basic facts and logic.
You have provided neither evidence nor rational arguments for your position. You randomly associate various phobias to random diseases with no rhyme, reason, or explanation; claim that all diseases boil down to mind games, claim that cancer tissues are temporary and beneficial, claim that the human body creates bacteria, claim that viruses don't exist at all, and claim that TB has a less than 1% mortality rate. All of this without any supporting evidence, and when opposing evidence is presented you kick and scream that it's not true because it comes from people you don't like and it contradicts your position. This is not the mindset of a rational adult or truth-seeker, this is the mindset of an irrational child.
Lots to cover here. Will have to be done in multiple replies. Let's begin:
how does living in fear of death cause these diseases to manifest?
It's the sudden and lasting fear of death that triggers the psyche's response. This is a primordial, evolutionary, involuntary response. As the quickest way to die is through lack of oxygen, the psyche, having no awareness of time (because it truthfully does not exist), starts an immediate biological program to enable the individual to get more oxygen.
but not even a correlation between this state of mind and cancer/tuberculosis has ever been established.
If you're waiting for the cabal medical establishment to tell you the truth, you're going to be waiting a long time. The doctor that figured this out some 40 years ago had his life destroyed, medical license taken, kicked out of his own country, thrown in prison in another country and otherwise led a life of exile and persecution. What your response to me clearly demonstrates is that you still believe the establishment is telling the truth. When the reality of the matter is, they're telling you almost all lies. Apparently I'm under the mistaken impression that people on this board are keenly aware of this.
I myself have never had either of these diseases, either after bouts of existential crisis or more acute episodes where I thought I was about to die.
An existential crisis leads to either a kidney biological program that causes water retention or bone cancer - it depends on the subjective content of your crisis. Most of the time this is relatively harmless but if you were running a fear program in the lungs at the same time, you'd get pneumonia - what we call the "hospitalization conflict" - abandonment/existence conflict.
Anybody who has had a close call death experience probably had a teensy-weensy bit of lung cancer, assuming they got over it in an hour/day/week. The longer one holds onto their conflict, the more excess alveoli are produced and this then becomes detectable by scans. It's no accident that lung cancer is the #1 "secondary cancer" sold under the lie of "metastasis". When a person is told by the doctor they only have a year to live due to, say prostate cancer, they start a brand new conflict - fear of death. The next most common type of "secondary cancer" psuedo-metastasis is bone cancer, which is caused by a profound existential crisis ("what am I going to do with my life now?").
Furthermore, you speak of excess alveoli tissue that the bacterium responsible for TB allegedly gets rid of, yet you do not explain where this excess tissue comes from or how the TB bacterium gets rid of this excess tissue.
There's not enough room here to explain every last detail of every last thing I say. I'm sharing summaries and primers to stimulate new critical thinking. Your accusatory tone lacks tact and good-natured dialogue. If you have a question, ask it.
Just as your body generates new cells and tissues 24x7x365, it does the same with the lung alveoli. And it even does one better. In cases where the tissue is only to be temporary, it generates a slightly different type of tissue, what our insane medical establishment calls "cancer tissue". This is done so the TB mycobacteria can recognize what needs to be removed after conflict resolution. There's a condition called "latent tuberculosis" that researchers discovered approximately a hundred years ago. This is what all people with "lung cancer" have as the TB mycobacteria are also created by your body at the same time and pace as the excess alveoli. They remain dormant throughout the "fear of death" fright and only activate once somebody gets over their fear. Nothing complicated about any of this other than perhaps you don't realize your body creates bacteria. That you catch them from others is yet another deception passed off by the establishment - a lie that's never, ever been demonstrated in scientific experiments. The rodent vivisection lab torture proves absolutely nothing other than you shouldn't inject helpless creatures with toxic brews without causing problems - like 5th grade level science logic here.
Why would the human body make excess lung tissue if it's just going to cause potentially lethal TB later?
99% of the time, there's nothing "lethal" about this perfectly natural process. If you really want to understand what I'm saying you'll have to flip your understanding of dis-ease and health on its head because everything we've been taught is bass-ackwards. The excess lung tissue provides more oxygen to your organs and tissue. When you fear death, your breath becomes increasingly shallow. This is a primordial, involuntary instinct. Think predator/prey model. The people that died of TB in the past were generally poor and had little access to protein. Something the bacteria require to perform their work. As such, tuberculosis was coined "the poor man's dis-ease" for many decades. The entire Spanish flu event was riddled with soldiers that died of TB. Some of them feared death on a daily basis for 2+ years which created a lot of excess alveoli. Even then, it's survivable if their doctors would have the proper understanding of what was happening. But instead, they tried all kinds of crazy interventions to try and circumvent this natural process, which then led to greater problems. I realize it's an incredible leap of logic considering all our brainwashing, but the body knows EXACTLY what it's doing at all times. If we were simply to follow its promptings and urges, everything would be find. But nope, we've been brainwashed into denying the body and running to the white-robed priest, outsourcing our intellectual sovereignty and suffering the detrimental results. It's also worth noting that there is a "survival of the fittest" mechanism in play as well. For people who can't get over their conflicts and continue to re-hash them over and over again on a daily basis, unable to forgive and forget, unable to move on in life, nature deems them unfit for reproduction. So eventually, all of these natural biological programs will remove the individuals that are least likely to produce viable offspring. It's a harsh reality, but we have received guidance all our lives about not dwelling on our past insults and grievances. Some simply refuse to let go and suffer the consequences.
As the quickest way to die is through lack of oxygen, the psyche, having no awareness of time (because it truthfully does not exist), starts an immediate biological program to enable the individual to get more oxygen.
So... does the body trigger it's program to get more oxygen before or after it realizes it's lacking oxygen? Kind of hard to tell if time doesn't exist.
An existential crisis leads to either a kidney biological program that causes water retention or bone cancer - it depends on the subjective content of your crisis. Most of the time this is relatively harmless but if you were running a fear program in the lungs at the same time, you'd get pneumonia - what we call the "hospitalization conflict" - abandonment/existence conflict.
Well, I've never had any of those conditions either despite existential crises and brushes with death, so your theory isn't very good at making accurate predictions. It's also rather convenient that a brush with death only causes "mild" lung cancer that only lasts a day. I'd like to see the slightest shred of evidence that any form of lung cancer has only lasted a day and resolved on its own.
There's not enough room here to explain every last detail of every last thing I say.
Translation: I can't be bothered to defend my own theory, even when others ask for proof.
Your accusatory tone lacks tact and good-natured dialogue.
Asking a question about where excess alveoli tissue comes from is accusatory? All I did was point out that you did not explain this facet of your theory, you just stated it as if it were indisputable fact or common knowledge.
Since when is lung cancer tissue temporary? Even benign tumors stay in place and don't go away unless they are removed.
They remain dormant throughout the "fear of death" fright and only activate once somebody gets over their fear.
So if I fear death I get bone cancer, but if I get over my fear of death I get pneumonia or TB. So I'm screwed either way. Wonderful. /s
perhaps you don't realize your body creates bacteria.
If the human body created bacteria, then that bacteria would have the exact same DNA as the rest of the body. They do not; bacteria are vastly genetically different than humans; they don't even have the same number of chromosomes. Which organs or tissues of the body are responsible for bacteria production, and how do they manufacture something that it doesn't share DNA with?
That you catch them from others is yet another deception passed off by the establishment - a lie that's never, ever been demonstrated in scientific experiments.
You don't catch bacteria/viruses from others? Then how on earth do these diseases spread? Viral and bacterial infections spread regardless of the state of mind of any of the humans involved. Most of the time there's even an incubation period lasting several days before an infected person manifests symptoms, where the person has no idea they're infected, and would therefore not be worried about their health or mortality. "You fear death, therefore you get sick" doesn't explain this spread at all.
99% of the time, there's nothing "lethal" about this perfectly natural process. [Tuberculosis]
In 2010 there were 8.8 million cases of TB worldwide, with an estimated 1.20-1.45 million deaths resulting from those cases. That's a 13.6-16.5% mortality rate. In the US that mortality rate is going to be lower because we have better healthcare and hygiene. Which leads to the following question: why do developing countries have a harder time dealing with contagious diseases and have higher mortality rates? Do they have more psychological stress or a greater fear of death than those living in developed countries, and if so why?
Gravity exists. Viruses exist. There is a lot of bad info about what they actually are and how they actually work but they are real. Also, the water was poisoned with snake venom or some kind of poison derived from snake venom. A lot of the people who had the worst "covid19" symptoms were actually poisoned. There is a lot of evidence that it happened
There has never been proven any such THING known as gravity. You've fallen for the Jesuit propaganda. Find your favorite astrophysicist and he/she will reluctantly admit this is truth. Now, is there are phenomenon known as the "gravitational effect". Of course there is. What goes up must come down. But there is no THING called "gravity" that is causing this. It's caused by electrostatics - a real THING. That being said, when you research what electricity is, you'll find out that nobody can really say "what it is", just what it does and how to harness it. You can thank the cabal for squashing the scientists who knew all about it around the turn of the 20th century and chose instead to promote bald-faced liars like Einstein and Bohr. Relativity and quantum mechanics are all lies.
Just like muh gravity, nobody has ever found a single "virus" in the real world, in history, since time immemorial. Never been accomplished. And further, nobody has yet been able to take a mixture of bodily fluids, snot, saliva, urine, blood, tissue, etc. from a sick person, give it to a healthy person and spread dis-ease through the giant lie known as "contagion". It's literally never been accomplished in the history of scientism.
Dr. Bryan Ardis snake venom THEORY is only just that. He doesn't have a shred of proof because he doesn't understand the many ways he's been deceived in reading fraudulent medical papers. Here's Dr. Ardis being courageous enough to join a talk with doctors Kaufman and Cowan who broke the "no virus" story wide open. I applaud Dr. Ardis for showing up and listening to what they had to say. He has good intentions and he's not out to protect his livelihood like so many other "experts" out there today. That being said, he gets taught quite a few lessons in this chat.
I have not seen any evidence of any "poisoning" in the 3 years since the giant Covid propaganda campaign hit us. If you've got evidence of poisoning, please share. I have yet to find any that holds up. Merely speculation thus far...
Covid is/was, the penetration of light into the body to root out darkness. Dark to light. It hit those the hardest who were holding onto the most darkness and/or those who do not have enough peace/ease/rest in their daily routine. The "light" touched every one of us and no doubt we all hold certain amounts of "darkness". Said darkness is being incrementally rooted out of the human population. This is a big part of the "great awakening".
You can study the ancient Yogi books from thousands of years ago and see quite clearly they knew all about this. Hence, the yoga asanas are just a part of yogic practices. The asanas are designed to dislodge the traumas/fears/angers/worries that we are unwilling to "feel" that get stored in the body because of this. As well, meditation practice allows these negative emotions/energies we were unwilling to feel to come to the surface during periods of stillness and, when properly done, these energies are allowed to be "felt" and thus gracefully released from the body.
The incoming light is FORCING the release of these trapped emotions from humanity. And this is "Covid".
If you know some people who have regular yoga and meditation practices, I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all ever "got Covid". I know several and, like myself, none of us ever "got Covid". If nothing else, this is an intriguing idea...
The Russians will know either way.
They have investigated the biolabs in Ukraine and they have submitted evidence to the UN about bioweapons production and testing. The UN has ignored this evidence.
Because Putin. Select: Kills Journos, Hates Gays, Former KGB, Disinformation Campaigns, Seeks Empire, Is Hitler⦠etc etc.
It almost makes me wish Vlad would appoint a successor that makes him look βprogressiveβ. Iβd prefer he stay. Gulags are unseemly.
Full disclosure: For me itβs religious. Iβm on Team Orthodox. With Vlad. Not on team Antichrist with Zelenski.
Same understanding here.
Zelensky may have burned documents recently. But Russia already had plenty of those documents from their successful raids on these biolabs and command/control centers in Ukraine, and probably also from other espionage means of capture.
Not to mention we don't know yet what all Space Force gathered in the 900+ days up there in space.
I love the thought of the deep state occasionally having to look up into the night sky and saying.............FUCCCCKKKKK.
Whether Ukraine or Chyna, the Xidens have a hand and foot in both countries.
Isn't Chyna a town in Ukraine? Or something like Chy-na...
Shpyl'chyna Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 81222
DJT took great care in pronouncing it.
My god he did
More truth bombs.
I believe Ukraine is the center of all the filth in the world. All of Satans spawn are trying to protect it.
Sadly, George Webb was adamant in reporting Mattie Benassi as patient 0 in the Wuhan Games in 2019. This was a perfect staging of the wet market theory.
Meanwhile, my theory is that Ukraine Biolabs funded by Seneca (that's Hunter) and Metabiota and built by Black and Veech churned out their deadly products.
what i've believed from the start, is that they take naturally occuring coronavirus variants, of which there are likely an infinite amount (ie; no cure for the common cold), isolate them in labs & then perform G.o.F. to engineer unnatural entities, biological weapons.
now, whether one of these ever got "leaked" or released into the public, i have no idea, because whatever they are claiming kick started the scamdemic, has never been officially isolated, where people can point at it & say "that's what started all of this. let's study it & find out where it came from."
all we have to go on, are garbage "made in china" tests, that have basically predetermined results, whether someone is positive for "C19" or not.
that's not how real-world science works. IF THERE IS a virus, scientists & doctors should be able to PINPOINT it, throw it UNDER A MICROSCOPE & have it IDENTIFIED.
That has not happened. All we get are scammy PCR tests, nasal swabs & literally poisonous jabs, in which no official 100% full ingredient lists have been released & all manufacturers of the jabs, have no legal fault if/when people die from them.
Its something tho. I had it for a few days and the first couple days, my head felt unlike anything I've ever had before. Almost like I was loaded. Or on acid. I did not lose my sense of taste or smell, however my mom did. I have horrible allergies and frequently have a head cold so it's not an infrequent occurrence for me. I didn't feel anything like I've ever felt in 56 years with a cold or the flu.
Spot on.
The Clintons were China puppets.
Obama was likely also a China puppet.
Biden is clearly a China puppet.
All of them are deep-state and running money laundering in Ukraine.
It should surprise no one that Ukraine biolabs produced the weapon, even if it was released in China. All these parties are conspiring together against The People.
I 100% agree with her assertion. Russia I believe has all the evidence of this already, but the MSM is in full "Russia bad and Russia lies" mode.
I do not think it is a virus. I do think it has something to do with 5G. Wuhan has some of the densest concentrations of 5G.
So⦠how then did Covid spread all over the US, even in areas that had little to no 5G coverage?
Man some people have gone off the deep end on this site.
Viruses aren't real, 5g causes Covid etc. Sometimes I think the glowies are posting to make us seem tarded.
Might be glowies, might just be well meaning people who are scientifically illiterate.
Example: Ivermectin is known to kill parasites, but is also effective at mitigating Covid symptoms and MIGHT have anti cancer properties. Many then mistakenly conclude that Covid and cancer are parasites and that itβs fungi/parasites instead of viruses and rogue cells.
"mistakenly". nice, see what ya did there. kinda like the debunk thing. just say it and it must be true. I'm not here to say you're wrong, but rather to say you don't know if you're right. I'd suggest humility is intelligence
The example I used illustrates a logical fallacy.
Assumption 1: Ivermectin has anti parasitic properties Assumption 2: Ivermectin mitigates Covid symptoms Conclusion: Covid is a parasite instead of a virus and viruses donβt actually exist at all, theyβre just parasites/fungi, or misaligned chakras.
The above assumptions are correct, but the conclusion does not follow because it does not consider that other properties of ivermectin may be at play and it ignores all the data that suggests that viruses do exist.
Is it possible that Covid and all viruses are just parasites? Yes, in the sense that that scenario doesnβt violate the laws of physics, but the fact that Ivermectin works against Covid is insufficient to prove this assertion.
How do I know Iβm wrong until someone provides evidence contradicting my argument? If someone is going to convince me that Iβm incorrect, then theyβll need to provide a sound argument backed by evidence. Asserting that your opponent canβt possibly know that theyβre right isnβt a counter argument, itβs a cop out and a tacit admission that you donβt have a case for your own position.
Humility is not intelligence, and demanding evidence and sound arguments is not pride.
you not knowing is not a personal attack on you. for all I know you may be the top most knowledgeable person on this topic, but that will not change my opinion that you or anyone can't KNOW. that's not to suggest you or others might not have a very high level of certainty based upon research/evidence, but it should always leave room for healthy doubt.
this quote has been provided in slightly different forms, but it's always along the lines with the same message: "I now know I'm intelligent, because I realize I know nothing". Socrates quote presumably later in life when he came to this philosophical realization
curiously, have you had covid? if you have you'd know its different.
I haven't been sick in over 40 years.
What you call "Covid" was a whole bunch of different things. It's not "one dis-ease". If it were, everyone would have the same symptoms, which they didn't.
For those who felt they had a "new thing", the cause of this new thing was the throwing off of old/dead/repressed thought/belief that had hardened into the body. This is age-old wisdom that your ruling cabal wishes you not learn about.
And since everybody is holding different versions, strengths, and intensities of repressed trauma, false beliefs, bad information in their bodies that they have not yet released, everybody has different experiences in terms of symptoms, intensities and durations of illness.
And it's all part of the "great awakening". Light displaces dark. And most of humanity still unwittingly holds onto pockets of darkness in their minds, and therefore their body.
"Covid" was a wave of light displacing darkness. An explanation few are yet willing to accept. So be it.
What can be said with provable scientific certainty is that no such thing as a "virus" has ever been proven to exist. So there must be another explanation.
Virus first researched in 1892 on tobacco leaves. Itβs a thing.
Nah, this is actually one of the funniest attempts by mainstream SCIENTISM to fool the gullible masses.
Dr. Sam Bailey eviscerates this fraudulent "Tobacco Mosaic" story in 17 minutes - she could have done it in 5.
Louis Pasteur and everybody who followed him, right up to Fauci, are all liars and or easily duped tools of the establishment.
Im not doubting the possibility that i am wrong snd you are right. That because i was primed to believe this was a new virus that i then convinced myself the symptoms were diffirent.
However, as the other anon pointed out it did feel diffirent. I would say the main diffirential symptom is the loss of smell. While true that is not totally unique i have never heard of a flu or cold on this scale completely altering peoples sense of smell.
Mine has never recovered and this was 2 years ago, i am still unable to smell certain things. This is the same in atleast 4 people i know also.
Ghosty, do you experience phantom odors? It's been over a year since recovering from the Coof. Acutely, my husband and I lost our sense of smell. Certain smells began returning after about a month, but about 2 months into our recovery my husband says, "why do I smell smoke?". I didn't smell it, but got worried and began checking the furnace, outlets, anything that I could think of that may start a fire. What I had not told my husband was occasionally I would smell a strange odor; I can only describe it as a cross between microwave butter popcorn and something husband's phantom odor was smoke or cigarette smoke. These phantom episodes became less frequent as 2022 went on. There are still times when I experience the phantom odors, but now my odor has turned into a rancid hot oil/grease smell. Not sure if this info will be of use to Morpheus...
Same for me and my wife. Itβs been a little over a year now; itβs gotten a bit better but my brain still processes certain scents strangely. Anything vaguely nutty or savory β peanut butter, meat, coffee grounds β smells weirdly stale, burnt, ashy β¦ you called it with the old oil/grease smell.
How many times did you get the cranial scrape "nasal swab" test?
I agree, Covid is different than flu/fever/colds/pneumonia, none of which are caused by any unicorn-virus however as none have ever been proven to exist.
I'm collecting data on the long-term loss of smell/taste issue and would appreciate your feedback. I can explain the short term loss, as the purpose was to curtail the appetite and allow the body to purge without having the extra job of digestion, which is the hardest work the body does each day.
But I cannot yet explain these cases of long-term smell/taste loss.
Lost my taste/smell and gained neuropathy in my extremities from my covid infection. I have never been the same since.
Also, can you tell me which extremities you're having the tingling/numbness in? Both hands/arms, both legs/feet? Or is it exclusive to one side, right or left, or the other?
How many nasal swab tests were you subjected to? Are you saying you still have no taste/smell today or you lost it only for a period of time concurrent with your illness?
Also, how frequently and what duration of time did you wear masks during the lockdown period?
Neuropathy is a different situation. Tell me, are your hands and feet cold or warm today?
Wife lost her smell/taste also. After about day 13 I got my smell/taste back. On the day those things returned, I lost feeling in my extremities. My feet were extremely painful, like a thousand bees stinging them for 24-48 hours. I took a fairly high dosage of ivermectin for my body weight, and because I took it faster (1 27 mg every 12 hours) than I was supposed to take, I could not be certain the ivermectin my compounding pharmacy made for me was not somehow contributing to my severe side effects.
I've been doing magnesium baths and exercising more often to increase blood flow. I do still have cold/clammy hands and feet, but these two things are helping with them. But I still have tingling in my extremities.
I just started taking Thorne Labs NAC just this week and I continue to take x2 500 mg L-Glutamine for my gut issues. These two supplements appear to be having a very significant impact, mostly positive, of my vagnus nerve / nervous system damage. Today is day 4 and I am improving more this week than since I got sick again with a covid like illness in August of 2022.
People have slightly different reactions to the same disease or the same drug all the time, often due to individual health and genetics. A 100-lb woman whoβs never drunk before doesnβt have the same reaction to the same shot of vodka as a 250-lb man whoβs been drinking for years. Doesnβt mean they didnβt get the same shot. People with preexisting conditions or unhealthy lifestyles generally had a harder time dealing with Covid.
While stress, including stress induced by trauma, can inhibit the immune system, adhering to false beliefs or believing incorrect information does not have such an effect. At best this would be the Placebo effect.
No, Covid was a DS attempt to start their Great Reset by instituting lockdowns, Covid passes, and election fraud. Anon efforts to expose the true origin and nature of Covid and its jabs are the wave of light, metaphorically speaking.
Just because you deny the evidence doesnβt mean it doesnβt exist. Viruses have been proven to exist, and if you want to contradict that, then you need to come up with a model for virus-based diseases that explains the symptoms and spread of such diseases more accurately and in a more concise manner than viruses.
Of course they do. The reason is, perception is subjective. As such, a conflict event that might cause you to fear death, may have no effect on me, or vice versa. Additionally, the duration and intensity of the conflict event determines duration and intensity of the dis-ease. If I fear I'm going to die for a day, I get undetectable lung cancer for a day, followed by undetectable tuberculosis for a day. If I'm afraid I'm going to die for a year, I'm going to get easily detectable lung cancer for a year should I be foolish enough to get an "annual checkup". I'm actually perfectly healthy during this time, receiving more oxygen than normal to all my organs, which is the purpose of the excess lung alveoli tissue. Now, should I resolve my conflict and no longer fear death, I'm going to have a year of coughing up blood and blood in my sputum - aka "tuberculosis". Should I be foolish enough to run to an allopathic doctor in the western world, I'm going to be told I have quite possibly "incurable" lung cancer. If I'm in a poorer country, I will be told I have tuberculosis and given round after round of anti-biotics (against-lifes) which prevent the TB mycobacteria from removing the excess lung tissue, thus leaving an encapsulated cyst of the no longer needed lung alveoli. Should I then have the misfortune of moving to a first world country later on, and am foolish enough to get an "annual checkup" with a western allopahtic doctor, I'll now be told I have a "benign tumor" and will be heavily coerced into getting it surgically removed - an entirely unnecessary procedure that will only cause me more long-term harm.
Dis-eases are not caused by "germs" or "substances". Everything we've been told about them is 100% wrong. And this is easy to understand once you realize the germ theory model is a total lie, just as is the fraudulent "genetic dis-ease model" is a lie, just as is the "lifestyle/habits model" is a lie, just as is the "family history model", just as is the "carcinogen model" and on and on we go. None are even remotely accurate or true. Western medicine is 90% lies, the only saving grace is emergency/trauma care.
Your alcohol example is not an example of dis-ease, it is an example of a poisoning. It's immediate and the direct cause is evident. I drink too much for my size and tolerance level, my body has to go into overdrive to purge the poison. Simple.
Stress is the wearing down of the body - lack of ease, pease, sleep, etc. can and often does lead to a period of vitality drain. Again, duration and intensity determine the degree of sickness. But, like your alcohol example, it's not the cause of a well-defined "dis-ease", but rather forces a period of heavy rest to rebalance. Stress/Anxiety is not the cause of any dis-eases like cancers, heart dis-ease, diabetes, fake auto-immune diseases, and on and on. Each of these has a well-defined and specific conflict event that precedes them. Now, could a certain conflict event ALSO cause one stress/anxiety. Of course. If I'm afraid I'm going to die, I get lung cancer as from the example above. That can cause me a lot of stress and anxiety, obviously, but in and of itself, is not the cause of lung cancer.
Here's a good example of what I'm saying. Imagine a presumably happily married couple, They have their normal issues and spats, but nothing out of the ordinary. One day the husband approaches the wife after dinner and tells her he wants a divorce. Just like that. The wife didn't see it coming. This is a "Conflict shock event". She's caught off guard and her own subjective perception of the event leads to her eventual dis-ease down the road. If she felt she becomes scared of what will happen to her, she gets bronchitis, whooping cough, throat/larynx issues. If she then has an existential/abandonment crisis on top of the the scare conflict, in time she gets pneumonia - water retention in the lungs. If she feels she can't earn a living to care for her children, she gets a starvation conflict which causes liver cancer. If she fears her husband will take the kids, she has a separation conflict and gets ductal breast cancer. If she becomes angry, she gets hepatitis. If she becomes extremely angry, she gets stomach cancer. If it turns out her husband was actually having a homosexual affair and perceives this as a "dirty conflict" and gets bladder or colon cancer. If she decides to retaliate and get revenge through a brutal fight over the property and money she gets pancreatic cancer. And on and on. There's a very specific biological reason for each that is initiated by her subjective perception of the situation. Her psyche makes certain tissue alterations to help her through the conflict. When she resolves her conflict, the psyche reverses the changes and this is normally we we "get sick". And to wit, another woman might be secretly relieved and feel liberated in this event. She doesn't get sick at all. This is a demonstration of the subjective nature of 'conflict events".
The Placebo/Nocebo effect is very real. The irony of this situation is, 90% of what we call "dis-eases" are already in the healing/restoring/rebalancing phase when we run to the doctor. And this is why you will hear of a thousand different remedies for all manner of dis-eases from people out there. The medication/herb/tincture/formula/treatment/healing-modality/etc. that they sought out had nothing whatsoever to do with their healing. It was already underway. And likewise, when the white-robed priest tells the patient they have cancer or some other life-threatening dis-ease, this creates a "diagnosis shock" and the patient spirals downward into all sorts of terminal illnesses, just from hearing the bad news from "the expert doctor". The iatrogenesis category of death statistics should be 100x what is attributed to it today.
Well we agree on this. Imagine all the conflict shocks that resulted from this propaganda campaign. But the DS was well aware of the new infusions of light and how best to time their propaganda. I know several people, including 2 family members and 7 friends who swear up and down they "caught Covid" earlier in 2019 before it was even a "thing". The peak intensity of these light waves was 2020 so this is when the DS decided to put their propaganda into full throttle.
I don't DENY EVIDENCE.... EVER. I ACCEPT EVIDENCE always. You've got things backwards. If you BELIEVE in viruses, you have unwittingly ACCEPTED FRAUDULENT NON-EVIDENCE to come to your conclusions.
The truth is, nobody has ever produced even a modicum of evidence of the existence of viruses. From 1875 and the onslaught of the insane Louis Pastuer, until the mid 1930s, nobody could even SEE/FIND a so-called virus due to technological limitations as the electron microscope was not yet in use. But that didn't stop them from blaming all sorts of dis-eases on these theoretical boogeymen. Rabies, smallpox, polio, Spanish flu, etc. From about 1935 to 1954 scientific researchers frantically tried to find our boogeymen, but to no avail. Virology was dead in the water until Jon Enders came along and designed the fraudulent "viral culturing" technique which is nothing more than the poisoning of green monkey kidney cells. They take pictures of the decayed particles of this witches brew and say "here look, a virus"...and everybody blindly believes them to such a degree, they never even tried to purify these tissue particles and attempt to infect a healthy host with them - the ruse was that good. Talk about BLIND BELIEF IN AUTHORITY on steroids! The more modern "sequencing" techniques for allegedly finding viruses is really even dumber. They just assemble human RNA/DNA strands into their boogeyman in a software program and the brainwashed minions once again blindly believe. Funny how their tissue samples never contain a single FULLY INTACT VIRAL GENOME. All these brilliant researchers can ever find are tiny strands of what they fraudulent claim were once part of viruses. It's all a massive lie.
Wrong you are. The above two MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES is what they call their "proof". You can BELIEVE them at your own peril if you choose. But the fact remains, nobody has ever found a virus in nature, in the real world, in the fluids or tissues of any living organism. Should you dare to investigate, you'll get a big chuckle out of their excuses - "there's not enough there" or "they're hidden within the cell membrane". Laughable excuses from the virologists. They want you to believe this while at the same time inducing fear into your mind that a person standing 5.99 feet or less away from you can conjure up a microscopic piece of spittle inadvertently sent in your direction that's teaming with millions of unicorn-viral particles. These two positions cannot be reconciled. It's pure insanity to believe such absurdities.
I did do this here on GA about 4 months ago for about a dozen different popular alleged "viral-diseases" - colds, flus, measles/rubella, mumps, chicken pox, spanish flu, polio, rabies, HIV, pneumonia and tuberculosis (bacterial). Those should be more than enough to satisfy your standards. Which one would you like an answer for? I'll point you to it.
Thanks for engaging with your counter-arguments. This is how we all learn. I've been intensely studying this topic for over 3 years now, since the onset of Covid. I too was once a virus-believer until I decided to stop blindly trusting the experts and find out for myself.
Wow, a lot to go over here.
For your tuberculosis/lung cancer example, how does living in fear of death cause these diseases to manifest? Most people are at least partially worried about their mortality for (hopefully) brief periods, but not even a correlation between this state of mind and cancer/tuberculosis has ever been established. I myself have never had either of these diseases, either after bouts of existential crisis or more acute episodes where I thought I was about to die. Furthermore, you speak of excess alveoli tissue that the bacterium responsible for TB allegedly gets rid of, yet you do not explain where this excess tissue comes from or how the TB bacterium gets rid of this excess tissue. Why would the human body make excess lung tissue if it's just going to cause potentially lethal TB later?
IF germ theory is incorrect, then why were the lowest death rates during the Black Plague in Poland and Milan? The former saw low infection/death rates because of their high Jewish population with their stringent hygiene practices from the OT, and the latter because they burned down the houses of anyone who caught the sickness, with the sick still inside. Both extreme (for the time) hygiene and extreme (in general) quarantine measures slowed the spread, despite the fact that these people would have still been afraid of infection and death.
IF germ theory is incorrect, then how do viral and bacterial infections spread? We know they are contagious irrespective of the mental/emotional states of the spreader and recipient, which contradicts your model that sickness is ultimately caused by mental imbalance or stress.
IF germ theory is incorrect, then why does limiting human exposure to mosquitos retard the spread of malaria and other diseases? Again, humans are still concerned about contracting these diseases, so if it was their concern over their own health or mortality that made them sick in the first place, then limiting mosquito exposure would not decrease the probability of infection.
IF germ theory is incorrect, why then do SOME traditional vaccines work? Even back in the 1700's smallpox inoculations were proven to reduce the transmission of smallpox and drastically reduce its lethality.
Your divorce analogy makes no sense whatsoever. Why does the wife's worry about the future manifest as whooping cough instead of the flu? Why does fear of abandonment cause pneumonia and not muscle cramps? Why does fear of starvation cause liver cancer and not problems elsewhere in the digestive system? And how on earth does anger cause hepatitis, which is primarily an STD??? (Which strain of hepatitis are you referring to anyway?) You're randomly associating different fears with different illnesses with no rhyme or reason. This isn't even pseudoscience, it's pure conjecture with no rational basis.
How does the mind alter bodily tissue? What hormones specifically does the brain release to cause each of the diseases and disorders mentioned in your divorce example? I'd very much like to know which hormone stimulates hepatitis so that I can patent a procedure to inhibit this hormone and make millions off your hepatitis cure.
You can hear about as many remedies as you want, that doesn't mean that they all work or work equally well. Personal hygiene, pre-existing conditions, other medications taken simultaneously, the specific mechanism a particular drug uses and whether it treats the symptoms or the root cause, all play a role in how well a given remedy works. Part of the job of doctors and pharmacists is to sort through all of these factors to give you the best treatment reasonably possible for your particular ailment.
Covid did exist in 2019, albeit in Oct/Nov. However, a simpler explanation is that the virus was released a few weeks/months before and the Chinese either didn't figure it out until Nov or kept it under wraps until they couldn't hide it anymore. Both of these explanations are far simpler than throwing out all of germ theory.
I'm perplexed by your argument that viruses were theorized in 1875 but not isolated until the 1950's, therefore viruses are bogus. Isaac Newton invented the theory of gravity, and to this day we've never "isolated" it, but we know it exists and can predict its effects with great accuracy. The seeds of germ theory go all the way back to ancient times; they may not have been able to see bacteria/viruses but they knew there was something that they couldn't see that spread by physical contact or just being around someone who was ill. There's a reason the hygiene laws in the OT are so strict.
Infecting an embryo with viruses to make more viruses is literally part of the viral culturing process:
Oh look, they found viruses in Yellowstone National Park:
And more from a Tibetan Glacier:
That took me two minutes to find. Of course you don't DENY evidence, you just can't bother yourself to look for it in the first place.
Lastly, you try to find a contradiction between those who say that viruses are hidden in the cell membrane and those who say that the viruses are in the spray from someone coughing or sneezing. The problem is that no one is saying that viruses permanently stay inside cells; once viruses replicate inside a cell enough the cell dies due having all its energy and nutrients used up; allowing the new viruses to spread elsewhere, especially through mucous membranes like in your nose and mouth. This is a basic tenant of virology that even I know as a layman; so this is a pretty blatant straw-man argument on your part.
So to summarize:
Your model for viral and bacterial-based illnesses depends entirely on psychoanalyzing the patient to see what they're state of mind is, then randomly assigning different fears or phobias to different ailments, everything from the common cold to lung cancer can be explained by whether someone's worst fear is abandonment or starvation. This model conveniently ignores all the people who get stressed out over something without getting sick, and all the people who get sick in spite of complete lack of fear or stress at the time of infection. Nor is there an explanation of what level of fear or stress is needed to trigger illness.
Then you assert that you don't deny evidence while simultaneously claiming that no viruses have ever been isolated from nature, when less than two minutes of searching reveals papers of viruses isolated from nature. If you're going to propose a new theory or mechanism in any field of science, your first step should be to try to disprove your own theory in every way possible, not ignore evidence that contradicts your theory. Any theory should be able to stand up to scrutiny.
Lastly, you have demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding, if not a willful ignorance of, the actual principles of germ theory in an attempt to discredit it. If you want yourself and your alternate theory to be taken seriously, straw-manning your opponent is not going to get you there.
Upon fully reading your rant this afternoon, I see you have zero interest in finding the truth but rather a blind desire to uphold the mainstream lies. A shocking position to take on this board where lies are exposed on a daily basis.
Basically you're here to tell me that I'm all wrong and the medical establishment is all right. Do I have your position accurately summarized?
Why are you here on GA? To set us crazy conspiracy theorists straight?
Do you trust the media? Do you trust academia? You must, right? You keep citing both again and again as if we can trust them. Are you kidding me?
You trust "Smithsonian Mag" and the "Academy of Sciences" at this stage of the game as they collude with the government, legal and medical establishments to genocide the human population?
The problem you're having is that you don't know how to do your own critical thinking because you've outsourced your own intellectual sovereignty to the "experts and authorities" on every occasion throughout your rant.
What might be shocking to you is, all of our "experts and authorities" today did exactly the same thing. They BELIEVED & TRUSTED the "experts and authorities" who taught them. The blind leading the blind. And who can blame them, right? Because if you go against the experts and authorities, you'll have a short-lived career in your field of study. I can think of no field of study where this is truer than in allopathic medicine and research. You go along to get along or you're expelled from the profession, likely to suffer a lifetime of ridicule and disdain from your once former colleagues.
Do you disagree? Are you unfamiliar with all the alternative medical doctors, scientists and researchers who have lost their careers, reputations, income and sometimes their lives these past 100 years?
We can't move forward one iota with this dialogue without agreement on the above basic, freshmen year 101-level facts.
Let's find out where you stand. Tell me who you trust in the field of science and medicine and, more importantly, why you trust them at this very late stage of the game.
So pointing out flaws in your theory and offering counter evidence is a rant?
I'm saying that viral and bacterial pathology does a better job of articulating its ideas, making accurate predictions, and providing evidence than you have.
It's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of who has better arguments and evidence. Your model doesn't even accurately model the spread of communicable diseases because it denies that people catch bacteria from others and denies the viruses exist entirely. And I'll take the establishment's evidence over your complete lack of evidence any day, because at least they try to defend their position.
We know Covid is an engineered bioweapon because there's evidence.
We know the masking and social distance policies were ineffective and tyrannical because there's evidence
We know the Covid jabs are ineffective and have lethal side effects because there's evidence.
We know the medical establishment is wrong on the above items specifically because there's evidence. If you switch to the topic of viruses and bacteria not existing or not being pathogenic at all, that is a different set of claims, and it's your job to justify your own claims.
The establishment isn't wrong just because they're the establishment. If you're going to assert that anyone is wrong on any given subject, it's your responsibility to explain why and provide evidence. Simply screaming that they're the establishment isn't an argument, it's an inversion of the appeal to authority fallacy. Being anti-establishment for the sake of being anti-establishment isn't helpful. Such an attitude, when not based on evidence and rational arguments, is purely emotional thinking.
Why are you here? To make us look like unhinged kooks like the flat-earthers and NESARA scammers do? To kill us off with bad medical advice? I can make random accusations too.
My aim is to help people think critically about everything, and this includes analyzing evidence and arguments both for and against your current position. Only looking at "evidence" that supports your pet theory is how flat earthers get to where they are. My aim is exact high standards for evidence and arguments so that this community doesn't get to that place, as it wastes time and turns newcomers off from our movement if they see that its members ignoring basic facts and logic.
You have provided neither evidence nor rational arguments for your position. You randomly associate various phobias to random diseases with no rhyme, reason, or explanation; claim that all diseases boil down to mind games, claim that cancer tissues are temporary and beneficial, claim that the human body creates bacteria, claim that viruses don't exist at all, and claim that TB has a less than 1% mortality rate. All of this without any supporting evidence, and when opposing evidence is presented you kick and scream that it's not true because it comes from people you don't like and it contradicts your position. This is not the mindset of a rational adult or truth-seeker, this is the mindset of an irrational child.
Lots to cover here. Will have to be done in multiple replies. Let's begin:
It's the sudden and lasting fear of death that triggers the psyche's response. This is a primordial, evolutionary, involuntary response. As the quickest way to die is through lack of oxygen, the psyche, having no awareness of time (because it truthfully does not exist), starts an immediate biological program to enable the individual to get more oxygen.
If you're waiting for the cabal medical establishment to tell you the truth, you're going to be waiting a long time. The doctor that figured this out some 40 years ago had his life destroyed, medical license taken, kicked out of his own country, thrown in prison in another country and otherwise led a life of exile and persecution. What your response to me clearly demonstrates is that you still believe the establishment is telling the truth. When the reality of the matter is, they're telling you almost all lies. Apparently I'm under the mistaken impression that people on this board are keenly aware of this.
An existential crisis leads to either a kidney biological program that causes water retention or bone cancer - it depends on the subjective content of your crisis. Most of the time this is relatively harmless but if you were running a fear program in the lungs at the same time, you'd get pneumonia - what we call the "hospitalization conflict" - abandonment/existence conflict.
Anybody who has had a close call death experience probably had a teensy-weensy bit of lung cancer, assuming they got over it in an hour/day/week. The longer one holds onto their conflict, the more excess alveoli are produced and this then becomes detectable by scans. It's no accident that lung cancer is the #1 "secondary cancer" sold under the lie of "metastasis". When a person is told by the doctor they only have a year to live due to, say prostate cancer, they start a brand new conflict - fear of death. The next most common type of "secondary cancer" psuedo-metastasis is bone cancer, which is caused by a profound existential crisis ("what am I going to do with my life now?").
There's not enough room here to explain every last detail of every last thing I say. I'm sharing summaries and primers to stimulate new critical thinking. Your accusatory tone lacks tact and good-natured dialogue. If you have a question, ask it.
Just as your body generates new cells and tissues 24x7x365, it does the same with the lung alveoli. And it even does one better. In cases where the tissue is only to be temporary, it generates a slightly different type of tissue, what our insane medical establishment calls "cancer tissue". This is done so the TB mycobacteria can recognize what needs to be removed after conflict resolution. There's a condition called "latent tuberculosis" that researchers discovered approximately a hundred years ago. This is what all people with "lung cancer" have as the TB mycobacteria are also created by your body at the same time and pace as the excess alveoli. They remain dormant throughout the "fear of death" fright and only activate once somebody gets over their fear. Nothing complicated about any of this other than perhaps you don't realize your body creates bacteria. That you catch them from others is yet another deception passed off by the establishment - a lie that's never, ever been demonstrated in scientific experiments. The rodent vivisection lab torture proves absolutely nothing other than you shouldn't inject helpless creatures with toxic brews without causing problems - like 5th grade level science logic here.
99% of the time, there's nothing "lethal" about this perfectly natural process. If you really want to understand what I'm saying you'll have to flip your understanding of dis-ease and health on its head because everything we've been taught is bass-ackwards. The excess lung tissue provides more oxygen to your organs and tissue. When you fear death, your breath becomes increasingly shallow. This is a primordial, involuntary instinct. Think predator/prey model. The people that died of TB in the past were generally poor and had little access to protein. Something the bacteria require to perform their work. As such, tuberculosis was coined "the poor man's dis-ease" for many decades. The entire Spanish flu event was riddled with soldiers that died of TB. Some of them feared death on a daily basis for 2+ years which created a lot of excess alveoli. Even then, it's survivable if their doctors would have the proper understanding of what was happening. But instead, they tried all kinds of crazy interventions to try and circumvent this natural process, which then led to greater problems. I realize it's an incredible leap of logic considering all our brainwashing, but the body knows EXACTLY what it's doing at all times. If we were simply to follow its promptings and urges, everything would be find. But nope, we've been brainwashed into denying the body and running to the white-robed priest, outsourcing our intellectual sovereignty and suffering the detrimental results. It's also worth noting that there is a "survival of the fittest" mechanism in play as well. For people who can't get over their conflicts and continue to re-hash them over and over again on a daily basis, unable to forgive and forget, unable to move on in life, nature deems them unfit for reproduction. So eventually, all of these natural biological programs will remove the individuals that are least likely to produce viable offspring. It's a harsh reality, but we have received guidance all our lives about not dwelling on our past insults and grievances. Some simply refuse to let go and suffer the consequences.
That's all for now...more later..
So... does the body trigger it's program to get more oxygen before or after it realizes it's lacking oxygen? Kind of hard to tell if time doesn't exist.
Well, I've never had any of those conditions either despite existential crises and brushes with death, so your theory isn't very good at making accurate predictions. It's also rather convenient that a brush with death only causes "mild" lung cancer that only lasts a day. I'd like to see the slightest shred of evidence that any form of lung cancer has only lasted a day and resolved on its own.
Translation: I can't be bothered to defend my own theory, even when others ask for proof.
Asking a question about where excess alveoli tissue comes from is accusatory? All I did was point out that you did not explain this facet of your theory, you just stated it as if it were indisputable fact or common knowledge.
Since when is lung cancer tissue temporary? Even benign tumors stay in place and don't go away unless they are removed.
So if I fear death I get bone cancer, but if I get over my fear of death I get pneumonia or TB. So I'm screwed either way. Wonderful. /s
If the human body created bacteria, then that bacteria would have the exact same DNA as the rest of the body. They do not; bacteria are vastly genetically different than humans; they don't even have the same number of chromosomes. Which organs or tissues of the body are responsible for bacteria production, and how do they manufacture something that it doesn't share DNA with?
You don't catch bacteria/viruses from others? Then how on earth do these diseases spread? Viral and bacterial infections spread regardless of the state of mind of any of the humans involved. Most of the time there's even an incubation period lasting several days before an infected person manifests symptoms, where the person has no idea they're infected, and would therefore not be worried about their health or mortality. "You fear death, therefore you get sick" doesn't explain this spread at all.
In 2010 there were 8.8 million cases of TB worldwide, with an estimated 1.20-1.45 million deaths resulting from those cases. That's a 13.6-16.5% mortality rate. In the US that mortality rate is going to be lower because we have better healthcare and hygiene. Which leads to the following question: why do developing countries have a harder time dealing with contagious diseases and have higher mortality rates? Do they have more psychological stress or a greater fear of death than those living in developed countries, and if so why?
Gravity exists. Viruses exist. There is a lot of bad info about what they actually are and how they actually work but they are real. Also, the water was poisoned with snake venom or some kind of poison derived from snake venom. A lot of the people who had the worst "covid19" symptoms were actually poisoned. There is a lot of evidence that it happened
There has never been proven any such THING known as gravity. You've fallen for the Jesuit propaganda. Find your favorite astrophysicist and he/she will reluctantly admit this is truth. Now, is there are phenomenon known as the "gravitational effect". Of course there is. What goes up must come down. But there is no THING called "gravity" that is causing this. It's caused by electrostatics - a real THING. That being said, when you research what electricity is, you'll find out that nobody can really say "what it is", just what it does and how to harness it. You can thank the cabal for squashing the scientists who knew all about it around the turn of the 20th century and chose instead to promote bald-faced liars like Einstein and Bohr. Relativity and quantum mechanics are all lies.
Just like muh gravity, nobody has ever found a single "virus" in the real world, in history, since time immemorial. Never been accomplished. And further, nobody has yet been able to take a mixture of bodily fluids, snot, saliva, urine, blood, tissue, etc. from a sick person, give it to a healthy person and spread dis-ease through the giant lie known as "contagion". It's literally never been accomplished in the history of scientism.
Dr. Bryan Ardis snake venom THEORY is only just that. He doesn't have a shred of proof because he doesn't understand the many ways he's been deceived in reading fraudulent medical papers. Here's Dr. Ardis being courageous enough to join a talk with doctors Kaufman and Cowan who broke the "no virus" story wide open. I applaud Dr. Ardis for showing up and listening to what they had to say. He has good intentions and he's not out to protect his livelihood like so many other "experts" out there today. That being said, he gets taught quite a few lessons in this chat.
I have not seen any evidence of any "poisoning" in the 3 years since the giant Covid propaganda campaign hit us. If you've got evidence of poisoning, please share. I have yet to find any that holds up. Merely speculation thus far...
Good insights.
Covid is/was, the penetration of light into the body to root out darkness. Dark to light. It hit those the hardest who were holding onto the most darkness and/or those who do not have enough peace/ease/rest in their daily routine. The "light" touched every one of us and no doubt we all hold certain amounts of "darkness". Said darkness is being incrementally rooted out of the human population. This is a big part of the "great awakening".
You can study the ancient Yogi books from thousands of years ago and see quite clearly they knew all about this. Hence, the yoga asanas are just a part of yogic practices. The asanas are designed to dislodge the traumas/fears/angers/worries that we are unwilling to "feel" that get stored in the body because of this. As well, meditation practice allows these negative emotions/energies we were unwilling to feel to come to the surface during periods of stillness and, when properly done, these energies are allowed to be "felt" and thus gracefully released from the body.
The incoming light is FORCING the release of these trapped emotions from humanity. And this is "Covid".
If you know some people who have regular yoga and meditation practices, I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all ever "got Covid". I know several and, like myself, none of us ever "got Covid". If nothing else, this is an intriguing idea...