Biden (etc) will say that it's important to EXCEED the $250K limit for this bank, because of <<insert garbage reason here>>.
Oprah, Harry, and others will be made completely whole, and receive hundreds of millions of FDIC dollars...each.
They will get away with this because the normies do not pay attention until they are personally affected.
And once the 'widespread banking collapse' happens, there will be nothing left in the FDIC coffers.
It will already have been distributed to Oprah, Harry, and other billionaires.
Sound theory?
So first it’s the white hats crashing this woke bank that’s tied with Soros, but now your theory is the deep state crashed their own money pot to drain FDIC? I don’t see it bro..
At this point, the fog of war is a bit too thick to make any conclusions right now. I would wait until the fog is lifted to see what is true and what is false.
I feel like at this point in the game any moves made by the deep state that succeed are moves allowed to be made by the white hats. If that’s true, then OP’s theory could be true and it would still be considered a “white hat operation”, despite the fact the deep state benefits in the short term.
Imagine that. White hats crash the bank - deep state increases the FDIC limit and gives Oprah, Harry, etc all their money back - FDIC coffers go broke - the rest of the banks crash - people are told that all the money is gone because it was already given out to the SVB “victims” - people get absolutely FURIOUS - then everything comes out showing that the same people who drained the coffers were all involved in child sex trafficking/other serious crimes - furious people hunt them down and end them in the streets. Crazy theory but it would be insane watching that unfold in real time.
Sounds like a great movie 🍿
and when the dollar crashes, Harry and Oprah will need some big ass wheel barrels to cart around their worthless asset
I’ve been racking my brain lately - if dangerous vaccines and record inflation weren’t enough to make people receptive to seeing the depravity of DC and Hollywood, then what would?
This sure as heck would.
Not that I’d bet on this theory, mind you, but I think this would be the precipice if there ever was one.
The pocketbook
[They] did it in 1929...
Same grift for thousands of years
Ask youself if you care should the Central Banks begin to crumble? Q has mentioned many times that as they (DS) get closer to defeat, panic and desperation will emerge and they will throw everything they have in their arsenal at us.
Even if this is their (DS) plan to induce panic for commoners to protect them with collapse threats, what good will it be as their economic debt slave system begins to see more banks implode/fail? Where can they (vile billionaires, etc.) transfer their useless printed paper, or their accounting "bottom lines"? The value of their worth will decline in direct correlation as the printed fiat "Federal Reserve Notes" value rockets towards zero.....
There will be some pain, but necessary to purge the world of this evil, corrupt and repugnant fiat banking/economy (also colluding or bank rolling Big Pharma to keep us sedated) that has ensnared the weak minded to accepting their way as the only way.
"As long as I get to control a nation's finances, I care not who the leader is..." (or something similar to this quite) M. Rothschilde
Abolish the root of evil Federal Reserve and amend Amendment 16 (illegally ratified by the states in 1913) and the world central banking system and we will know peace and prosperity like we have never known!!
Isn’t there a limit on what each bank can be given by the FDIC?
Tbey dont follow laws until they're forced to and by then its too late to do anything about it.
This right here. Regardless of how the bank crashed, I wouldn’t expect to get your deposits back. Maybe you’ll get some of it back in the distant future, but I wouldn’t count on it. This is everyone’s warning to pull cash out.
dunno about the bank, but FDIC only insures deposits up to $250k. 97% of their deposits were over that. Heard Oprah stands to lose over $500MM. TFB.
FDIC only has ruffly 200billion in reserves/funds. It would take everything they have to fully bail SVB.
I think that you are tying the two things together erroneously. Here is my understanding.
Banks crash because depositors want their deposits. Bank does not have the money if every depositor wanted their deposits at the same time because it was loaned out.
I think that banks are able to manage under normal situations because all/most depositors generally don't withdraw their money all at once. Also, loans get paid back, but the cash flow is staggered. I.E. my mortgage payment is not due on the same day as yours - not really the business model but the principle stands.
Some are bad investments and default occurs.
Dollar valuation is separate. Let's go back to the mortgage situation. You and I got loan for our homes.
Let's say you are a good risk - gainfully employed, responsible, mortgage payment for your home is less than 25% of your take home pay.
While I am a crappy risk. I took out a loan on a house way beyond my ability to realistically pay. Eighty to ninety percent of my take home needs to go to pay my mortgage - the bank wrote the loan to me because it had a very, very loose credit policy. I default - 80 to 90% is unsustainable for me.
Now, the $$ is gone. It is tied up in the house - so there is at least an asset. Not sure how or even if the loans at SVB are secured in the venture capital world.
BUT, none of this changes the value of the dollar.
The value of the dollar is changed by the money supply. If the FED prints like crazy, it would mean that there are too many dollars chasing to few goods - inflation.
If the FED contracts the money supply, the value or purchasing power of the dollar increases.
The FED can get away with printing dollars mainly because of our petro dollar status. Oil must be purchased in dollars. BUT, if oil could be purchased from Saudi Arabia in currencies other than dollars, the theory is that there would be a glut of dollars on the market as countries move to the new petro currencies. Massive inflation!
Of course, this assumes that the U.S. would not fight tooth and nail to keep the petro dollar status. Remember, we were willing to blow up a pipeline which provided cheap gas to an ally (so they didn't freeze) and was owned by a nuclear power.
They rewrite laws as they see fit.
Remember when Donald Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 Trillion dollars went missing right before 9/11... how to make money disappear and get the taxpayer to fund the bailout all at the same time.
And the guy who owned the three WTC buildings cashed out the insurance policy on the buildings the night before the "plane crashes" (aka controlled explosion/ free fall demolition). Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams, and that was also the cover story for the largest gold heist in history ie underground tunnel networks underneath. That's why Trump didn't buy the towers after all. Because of the best layout for destruction was in the blueprints
Worthless money is worthless.
Its plausible
Seems plausible. And nothing is beyond these folks.
And then where do they put their money? Another bank that then crashes along with all the rest. :)
This is starting to seem more and more like "certain" EOs going into effect.......
13818, yeah?
except for the fact that Janet Yellin' is saying there will be NO bailout....???
FDIC didn't bail out the banks in 08 a special government program that was created did. FDIC has about 200 billion in funds, it would take it all for the FDIC to bailout SVB.
They are totally broke now, that's why no bailout.
It will be bail INS this time around
Correct. That is what happened in 08 with TARP.
doubtful that this would happen. FDIC is already stretched too thin. It seems more likely that they do something more like only pay out 50k on your 250k guaranteed.
They quietly passed a bill making bail ins legal
She really doesn't matter. In 08 it was Congress that passed a special program that bail out the banks.
Seems a mere side-effect of the 30+Trillion debt the US has accrued. it was a planned crash all along, just like 1929.
Call it a theory of you want, but big tech is exactly who they are in bed with so it is completely reasonable to think this is what is happening. I will believe this is the current operation until proven otherwise.
The real deal at the end of this is that those dollars won't be worth anything so bailouts don't mean much except in the short term. Hyperinflation is likely in our future...
I feel that this is a very sound theory.
Meanwhile the fed will have the printing machines going at full tilt making money for these account holders while saying “there is no burden on the taxpayers”,…. Except the secondary “burden” of inflation running even more rampant than it currently is.
Todays bailout move is to try and keep a full on bank run from happening across the nation tomorrow morning.
The closed door meeting tomorrow with the federal reserve members will have them lower rates to stave off an economic calamity, but it will not be able to keep the house of cards from caving in on itself.
You might be right.
Considering that Americans didn’t protest when countless billions were being sent to Ukraine (just because they thought there was a valid cause for it) the same can happen when they decide to exceed 250k.
If a thief steals your money, you can steal back from the thief..
Nope wrong. FDIC doesn’t insure corporate accounts. Only personal accounts.
Under FDIC rules, all deposits owned by a corporation, partnership or unincorporated entity (including a for-profit or a not-for-profit organization) at the same bank are added together and insured up to $250,000, separately from the personal accounts of the owners or members.,of%20the%20owners%20or%20members.
The FDIC doesn’t have the money.
They'll get it from the printer
Nope. Not this time.
Yep they are bailing them out. Check the news lol
No the bank is still out of business. The investors lose their investments, the depositors are getting their $250-500K and bank assets will be sold off for the rest. This is not a rescue.
This is 100% a bailout. Not sure what you are reading
Even though it will probably be worth the paper to wipe my ass with, i got 15k in savings… time to start with drawing cash now and put in my vault at home… also bought another 50oz of silver yesterday … shit sure is gettin spicy
Yellen is saying no bailout for SVB. Deposits insured to 250k.
If there is a plan, and I hope there is, I'd like to think the White Hats have in under control and this is the scare event for normies.
I wonder how many mega churches had their money in SBV?
At this point I don’t see how any of these alleged “white hat operations” like operation warp speed, letting the economy tank and fake presidency will have less excessive death and bloodshed than simply announcing 7 years ago who these freaks are and what they do.
Don’t be surprised if Ripple buys SVB.