There are those freaking out that Trump might get arrested (thankfully most of them not on this site).
Then there are those amongst us, getting too excited that BIG things are HABBENING soon.
Both of these ways of thinking leads to mental anguish, depression and the dreaded bout of blackpill.
We all know there are many more moves left in the chess games, before the curtains can fall. We also know we are yet to hit the precipice. Why get distracted with things that are absolutely meant to be distractions? Lets be smarter than this. Lets take a deep breath, enter the ZEN mode, and just watch all these events passing by, knowing full well that we are getting closer and closer to the final scene. And it will be glorious. But until then, lets not fall the psyops - good or bad.
Remember, only 20% of the ops are public, 80% is covert. So, there is a WHOLE LOT more going on than we know. We must pray for those who do know, especially Trump, and that everything goes smoothly.
Q later changed that to 40 / 60
You know it is funny because when I started reading this thread, I was thinking how this reminds me of soap operas. and this post mentions As the World Turns.
I don't even know how many of the old soap opera shows are on anymore, but back in the day, I did watch Days of Our Lives in the late 80s, early 90s. One thing I remember is that there would be times when the story lines would just drag. Then there would be bursts where a lot would happen to move the story forward, and interest would be rekindled. A lot of what is going on in terms of how and what we are being told/shown reminds me of that method.
Because of the nature of soaps, it is impossible to have action going on all the time. The film schedule is to produce five shows per week all year long, and there are no re-runs. Actors come and go, but the characters remain. There has to be downtime to allow new viewers to catch on, etc. The writing is such that there is always a lot of emphasis on names and previous events. I haven't watched in years, but when I was first working and if I was home sick, I would watch, and it was very easy to catch up and follow along.
Sometimes, I feel like there is so much going on in the world; it is overwhelming and hard to keep up. Then we get these respite periods. You are watching a movie come up a lot, but the way things are playing out, maybe we are really watching a soap opera. Complete with heroes and villians, people coming back after long absences (hello Stormy Daniels), etc. And it can go on for years, but the stories do eventually get resolved.
Good insight, and I think spot on as regards to pacing and structure of "The Show".
I could expand on this, and provide that David Lynch used the soap opera format in Twin Peaks to great effect to slow roll the unveil of a deep, dark plot involving sexual crimes against children (IMO involving C_A and definitely Flowers by Irene) to a sleeping, early 90s, pre-internet audience. The entire affair utilized the pacing and structure you mention. I think, psychologically, "it has to be this way."
White hats can't just pour cold water on the normies heads. They must be slowly awakened or they'll just bolt to the next waiting evil overlords.
Heck, the entire crux of his meta commentary was "Who is the dreamer?"
Funny you mention Twin Peaks.
I was just telling my LadyFriend that I am going to purchase the boxset of Twin Peaks because I never found out who killed Laura Palmer.
Watched every episode, up until I went to bootcamp, where I then quickly forgot all about it.
Think I left off at the Dancing Dwarf Dream.......
If you watch the first and last episode of Twin Peaks, you will have the complete picture. Every episode in-between simply jerks you around and does not advance the narrative.
That opening theme song though........
Made it all worth it. 😆
Wow. I wonder what happened to force that drastic of a change of plan.
That's a ton more being publicly revealed--risking that public mass chaos that Q warned us about, which is why most of it must remain hidden forever.
As Q said, the full truth would "put 99% of people in the hospital."
The people on Q team value truth just as much as we do.
OG Anons were not happy with 20 / 80, Q respected that, and made adjustments to the PLAN.
The end has always been predetermined (DS is toast) but this journey has taken many turns which were not in the original plan.
I just hope I live long enough to see the end. I'm in my 40s.
Unless you took the jab & boosters, I'd say you've got a lot to look forward to.
I can't find it but Trump in an interview said America will be in a good spot in about 10 years. I'll keep looking
Is it possible that before the Q-army of researchers the ratio was 20/80, and now that millions of anons are collectively finding crumbs of once hidden information that is resulting in the baking of some serious bread, that this has shifted the ration to 40% becoming known, and the 60% below the surface?
Seems possible to me. There are some truly brilliant minds in the anon community.
But I think when Q says "We listened" it means they heard the outcry from anons who wanted more than 20% to be public.
Be aware but live your life. Love others. Time is time - It will do it's thing- As will God.
X22 says wherever you are fly the flag in suppport of GEOTUS🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
GEOTUS - does this mean God Emperor of the United States?
I will not call ANY MAN God anything.
God Botherer = Reverend, pastor, priest
I understand…
I start every day with following, Russian , Ukraine news etc. This brings me back to reality. War is COSTLY and I thank GOD that my children are not at moment paying the price.
Putin has one thing in common with Napolean. He is prosecuting his war against the Cabal without using debt based financing. Its really hard and we could see how ultimately even Napolean succumbed to the endless printing of the money.
However, the difference now is that the West has been doing the endless printing for a long time now and reaching its limit to keep the sham going on. Its pretty neat how everything ties together.
"bout of black pill" 🤣
What young anon hasn't overdosed on hopium a few times? We get older and learn to enjoy it in small doses. 🚬
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.
Stay frosty and believe truth is medicine for Patriots.
Homo spiritualis
Who you call'n a homo? /sarc
Just a movie watcher and I got to say, even then its hard to speculate precisely what's going on. I just go through this site, read a few piece of theories and form my own opinion from there. Rinse and repeat everyday with new findings.
To think its the end (good or bad) is when we let our guard down. Follow through but be ready for a follow up. We should not expect an entrenched enemy to go down so easily.
Thanks for the reassurance Pede! 🇺🇸🐸
Agreed... Cheers ...
Good advice. Remember too that on one hand Trump wants to keep us in the loop but on the other he's playing a mind game with Deep State. He's also adding to his coffers because so many want to help. I would add one thought to the above, namely stay away from MSN and headlines designed to click bait you into reading the propaganda. You can correctly assume anything and everything out of the MSM is 100% against MAGA, Trump and what we need to accomplish. I will not read or watch anything in print or on the TV from MSM. While it's enticing to watch Tucker Carlson for example, I find it's more beneficial to just follow the alt news sites I like and this board. If something truly important happens, I'll know it and not have it adulterated with Marxist/Globalist spin.
Agreed. I stopped reading MSM, including Fox etc, long while ago. I know that when I finally reach the next level of maturity in this journey, I will be able to watch MSM with the intent of understanding the comms they are sending each other - but I am still not there. It gets my blood boiling just watching their lies.
I'm not outraged or excited. Just waiting for the credits to roll and the lights to come on in the theater.
Right. A lot is happening including the COVID release of information
Amen, thanks fren! I constantly have to remind myself not to overreact, or let what someone else says cause me to say something ugly.
I was taught, and have taught my son how you treat others is a reflection of who you are, and not who the other person is. I have typed more than one Twitter reply that I erased before pressing send, and I have even deleted a few where I used foul language in a profane reply. I refuse to give the other person control over my character and emotions.
Finally I have to remind myself that not only are the satanic forces watching what we say, God is also measuring us, and how we react during this time of struggle. We can oppose tyranny, even to the point of extreme violence. Killing a cancer to save a life is not an ignoble act, but we must never act out of hate. God is love, and we must always have love in our heart, even for our enemy.
I hit golf balls every day. It's a great way to clear the mind and focus on something else.
Believe me fren, hitting gold balls has never relieved any of my frustrations, but seem to add to it. But you must be better at hitting gold balls than I am lol.
I'm 20+ years into game and just now starting to feel like I know what I'm doing, but I know what you mean. In December created a makeshift hitting bay in my living room with a skytrak launch monitor, so I've been practicing every day, trying to keep "that feeling."
My son is quite good at the game. He is constantly hitting chip shot from one side of the yard (1.5 acres) to the other. Never busted out a car window yet.
He told me he went to the golf course one day and saw these guys heading out to play, and asked if he could join them. They hesitated, but eventually said, "If your good enough." He scored 29 on the front nine, and they didn't want to play with him anymore. When he plays consistently, he is easily a scratch golfer.
I bet that's great having the launch monitor and all in your house.
"Blackpill" is so raycis
"rainbowpill" then lol
THIS MEANS YOU RICARDO CABESA!!!!! You know who I am talking too. Get the fuck off your computer and out of that damn garage and LIVE!!!!