There should be no doubt these people suffer from mental illness. A good proportion of Antifa is composed of these raging lunatics. They are the 'shock' troops of the communist left.
Transsexual behavior was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization in the 1980s.
The APA and WHO need to return to this definition for these very irrational and sick people. The potential is there to not only harm, but to kill many more people.
If you go back to six or seven years ago you will find articles saying 0.3% of people identify as transgender. That number is probably pretty close to reality. Absent psychological manipulation, this number will remain fairly constant over time.
My opinion of what we are seeing now are the people who have been manipulated into proclaiming they are transgender. The deeper they go into the process of disavowing their natural self, the more unhinged they become. Then, when you add in hormone injections, it becomes even worse.
No matter what they do they cannot escape their true self. And, they subconsciously realize all the medical procedures created more problems than they resolved. Sadly, the rage they feel is misdirected. Instead of lashing out at the people who pushed them to deny who they are, they project it onto the people who are wary of people claiming to be transgender.
Good synopsis. As Bret Weinstein has said, "transgender is *real *but rare."
Social engineers have entered a new era of effectiveness, they can manipulate so much more easily in these social media echo chambers and all the dissemination of mass perceptions.
So stepping back, of course a generation of kids raised on
the religion of Expressive Individualism (somewhere deep inside is the real me, and others need to know about it, because life is about being blaringly obviously authentic)
media, marketing and education claims everything in life is optional, everything
post-Freudian culture has ingested the assumption that sexuality is a basic component of identity
classic physical practice and competence, including basic rough and tumble play among kids, is also considered optional (video gaming is just a valid way to pass the time as anything involving the physical body in the real world), therefore the emotional and physical responses to real world challenges is more likely imbalanced, and the need to physically act will more likely be channeled into irrational and unresolvable aggression.
all this will necessarily produce more statistical examples of what once was considered the aberrant and rare cases of human behavior.
I agree with you.
Female emotions on steroids. What could go wrong!
What you said is more powerful than you may realize. In 2002, I wrote:
Taylor and Klein report that the hormone oxytocin may be a key to why females respond very differently to stressful situations than males.1 Oxytocin is a mood regulator produced by both men and women. However, the male hormone, testosterone seems to act as a stabilizer to its effect, while the female hormone - estrogen amplifies the role of oxytocin. They state oxytocin is involved in social interaction and that being close to others reduces anxiety. Citing hundreds of human and animal studies, the researchers reported a hard-wired tendency for females to handle stress when threatened or fearful by seeking social contact, especially with other females, and nurturing their young. “Females are more likely to protect their children and bond with other females who can help provide protection in the process" stated Klein. Bonding with other females is one of many ways females seek security. Affiliation seems to be a natural and fundamental operant for females and integrated2 in many forms of achieving a male-provider.3 The “Tend and Befriend” reflex may help explain the strong sense of affiliation among lesbians, says Bourget.4 It may also explain why in part women are more of a collective herd in society than males.
The word – “integrate” means the female mental process of projected association (see Joan Levy-Myers research, “Females integrate, Men eliminate”). The author uses the words – “affiliate” and “projected association” to describe the same.
A male-provider can be defined as any person, shelter, organization, or entity that provides protection and security. The author often exchanges the phrase, welfare and security to describe male-provider traits.
Jon Garbo, “Women's Response To Stress Healthier”, Gay Health. Shaun Bourget, M.A., M.F.T., is a marriage and family therapist from Beverly Hills, California
Basically, the rule goes like this:
Females make large differences smaller and small differences larger;
Males make large differences larger and small differences smaller.
When testosterone is injected into women wanting to be male-like, it doesn't erase the underlying estrogen influences. It only creates a raging female 'Hulk' with uncontrolled, unstable moods; a monster. These people are raging mentally ill people. Looking at it from what we see in the lesbian population, we see glimpses to this unstable mindset.
Henry Makow wrote “Feminists are the unwitting foot soldiers in this New World Order.”1
Indeed, he is correct when he promulgates – “The purpose [of feminism] is to destroy the nuclear family, decrease population, arrest personal development, and destabilize society.” However, it is women in general that have been misled. Lesbian feminists are the witting marshals for advancing the Jewish communist and Zionist cabal’s war.2
Women, having gained positions in the clergy, wittingly (or unwittingly) carry out the feminist doctrine. The growing number of Lesbians (and gay) pastors reveals that egalitarianism and Social-constructionism has been accepted into ecclesiastical canon. Mainstream Christianity has become feminized to the point where Christianity has been destabilized. Indeed, the priesthood does not adhere to its own Scriptures.
“Henry Makow wrote “Feminists are the unwitting foot soldiers in this New World Order.”1 Indeed, he is correct when he promulgates – “The purpose [of feminism] is to destroy the nuclear family, decrease population, arrest personal development, and destabilize society.” However, it is women in general that have been misled. Lesbian feminists are the witting marshals for advancing the Jewish communist and Zionist cabal’s war.”
“Women, having gained positions in the clergy, wittingly (or unwittingly) carry out the feminist doctrine. The growing number of Lesbians (and gay) pastors reveals that egalitarianism and Social-constructionism has been accepted into ecclesiastical canon. Mainstream Christianity has become feminized to the point where Christianity has been destabilized. Indeed, the priesthood does not adhere to its own Scriptures.”
True. Women have a (built in) pride/contempt problem. Most won’t admit it. There’s a reason God said to submit and be under the authority of her husband. It started in the garden in Genesis. “Woman, respect your husband.”
Hence the reason all this “woman power, hear me roar, you can do everything a man can, who needs a man to have a baby, be promiscuous like a man, movies have women kicking a man’s ass, tv shows with women smart/men stupid, women pastors…ad nauseam. All those narratives appeal to pride.
Why this “feminist” tactic? Satan is not stupid. He knows what works to destabilize God’s creation. Because this is the exact same tactic he used in the garden of Eden to cause the downfall of man. He appealed to Eve’s pride.
If women don’t realize what is happening, the blatant social, emotional manipulation/destruction, and stop it…society is doomed. The proof is playing out before our eyes.
(Not to mention, the happiest women I know have bible based, traditional marriages.)
Very true. In addition to women recognizing their vital role in Nature, is that the happiest families don't have TVs. Consider that little off-chute comment, and then take it further. Anything that prevents us from directly interacting with each other (in person an in flesh) erodes our ability to understand and learning what is revealed to us and is abundantly clear in Nature.
Wow! Thank you for this info!
Do/did you have a forum or blog in 2002? Just curious if it’s still up
I thought about it, but no I decided my privacy was far more important. My writings often tend to counter the prevailing leftist public discourse and policy. Even in anonymity, my writing has been attacked by major leftist organizations. Maybe some day I'll reconsider, but having a forum or blog, comes with a certain desire of fame. That is at the bottom of my intent. I'm more interested in helping others see the truth through the left's thick gossamer of lies.
On steroids and Testosterone. That’s gotta be flammable.
Falls under 'common sense'....although that's a dinosaur nowadays
I see it now that I'm older. The aggressive drivers are all young males. The fights, including bar fights, usually over women are the age of boys becoming men. Hormones are strong force of nature. Now imagine injecting that into a girl who is having mental issues to begin with.
Quite right. And consider this: Those girls wanting to be men already have mental baggage. It's not that they like men, in fact, many have been ostracized by boys. They want the power of being a man. That's a huge difference and doesn't bode well for someone being mentally in control.
Estrogen is also the brain protection hormone. So I am wondering. Is it part of the protocol for transitioners to take estrogen blockers? Or other hormone regulators? Blockers??? Not to much test are "they" actually taking?
My following statement might sound obvious, but scientifically it is more complex. Here it is:
"What isn't male is really female". What do I mean by this? There is two significant hormonal events that make the biological sexes. Testosterone overrides the baseline influence of estrogen. However, estrogen is always there for reasons of optimal balance. You provided one purpose of estrogen above. And it turns out that the female sex has a much wider range than the male sex does. Being male is really the exception to what otherwise would be female. Without testosterone production, the male becomes estrogen influenced.
In regards to your question, it appears that it would be most likely testosterone blockers that are being prescribed. To varying degrees estrogen is the baseline existing in both male and female. I once read a story about a man vacationing in the Virgin Islands. The article said when he returned to the States, he complained of his nipples being swollen and very sensitive. The doctor examining him found that this individual was experiencing breast development. It turns out, when he was in the Virgin Islands he lived on bourbon and chicken. Bourbon is a testosterone blocker and the chicken he ate was hormone treated. Typically, this means testosterone inhibitors. Hormonal treated chicken is common practice throughout the Caribbean. The point is -- what isn't male becomes female. Could this happen to anyone? It depends on the testosterone level of the individual compared to their underlying baseline of estrogen. My son works at a fast food chicken restaurant. The chicken sold are hormonal treated and these chickens from hatching to adult take 3-4 weeks compared to the normal 5 to 6 months for normal development to an adult chicken. It's something to think about when eating out or buying grocery chicken.
Blocking estrogen doesn't necessarily make a male. Women produce varying levels of testosterone, but obviously in much smaller proportion than in males. This, along with estrogen levels, provides the larger range of the female sex. The male sex range has been shown to be much smaller.
I 100% agree with what you are saying. But if "they" were taking testosterone it would aromatize into more estrogen. Which is what the doctors I think wouldnt want. Thus perscribing something like anastrazole, or some other estrogen blocker. This would make the trans person very irate. Happens with us "bro science" guys. When we start taking e2 blockers. Our mood and libido, and especially mental health can go to complete disarray.
Interesting. By using the word aromatize, are you generally referring to acting through the process of an Aromatase inhibitor?
The human body uses a closed-loop bio-chemical feedback system that regulates out health for 'optimal balance'. This is inclusive of homeostasis that dictates human health. A good example when this is ignored involves long-term anabolic steroid use in body builders. Often the consequence after ending its use is lifelong testosterone deficiency. Often this is a permanent syndrome. The body has adjusted its normal testosterone production to counter the rise caused by the testosterone-imitator of anabolic steroids. The human body becomes 'biased' to this new norm.
This issue of throwing off 'optimal balance' is far more widespread than the medical industry acknowledges. It is rarely recognized. I suspect the aromatizing is part of this process of trying to maintain homeostasis as part of the overal optimal balance.
Exactly Anastrazole is an Aromatase inhibitor. And is often prescribed by TRT doctors. And self prescribed by the bro science world.
Edit: I just looked into it a bit further. For a female her body will indeed NOT try to aromatize the test into any other compound.
For males. When we inject testosterone, Our bodies convert this to Estrogens, and DHT.
Sex Hormones and the Brain.
Interesting read. Hormones in the womb guide brain development. By the time the little bun pops out, the whole body is wired male or female. (duh)
“Many of us think of hormones as the gender-specific molecules we learned about in middle school health class—the chemical messengers that arrive during puberty to govern our reproductive development. But sex steroids like testosterone and estrogen also play a critical role in brain development even before adolescence: shaping, activating, and fueling sexually dimorphic brain circuits. These circuits are not limited to those involved with romantic and sexual entanglements. Many have been implicated in complex behaviors including the stress response, learning, and memory—as well as linked to the development of several psychiatric disorders.”
There are sex steroid receptor cells all over the body.
“You can find receptors for sex steroids on cells across the entire body. Those receptors receive the hormone messengers released into the bloodstream by endocrine glands like the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland, which help mediate cell metabolism and homeostasis.”
Obvious conclusion: changing/flooding/blocking the hormones of one gender into another (while being wired and physically created for the opposite chemicals) is like putting karo syrup into a car’s gas tank. Engine might run for a short time. You can still sit in the car and play the radio. Or turn on the headlights while the battery lasts (as it’s not being recharged by a running engine). But the car is eventually going to stop running altogether.
Thank you for this. I'm sure it is an interesting read. Did you read my comment I added where in part I said:
" Basically, the rule goes like this:
Females make large differences smaller and small differences larger;
Males make large differences larger and small differences smaller.
When testosterone is injected into women wanting to be male-like, it doesn't erase the underlying estrogen influences. It only creates a raging female 'Hulk' with uncontrolled, unstable moods; a monster. These people are raging mentally ill people. Looking at it from what we see in the lesbian population, we see glimpses to this unstable mindset."
Just do a control 'F' and type 'Hulk' and you'll find it. There's more with links in that post and you'll find it interesting reading.
Agree with what you say, except the mentally ill part. They are chemically unbalanced.
This is what is happening to all of us by: chemical pollution, destruction of nutritious foods, GMO foods, pharma and electro-smog.
Today, I say a news article about garbage disposal. In Amsterdam there is a large burning facility. First, they got people on lowering their garbage disposal. Now there is room in the system, they have made a deal with Rome to monthly burn an extra 900 tons.
Bewildering as it is, by the influx of new-comers, at this point around 3 - 4 million since 2000, there is a structural shortage of housing, and subsequent infrastructure while at the same time, increasing waste. And now they want another million people added.
All the while they keep moaning about Nox distribution, prosecuting farmers for not meeting standards etc. So, the solution is to dispossess farmers in order to be able to build more housing.
Not to mention they leave out Schiphol, and Rotterdam-Pernis, where ships can bunker chemically "enriched" fuels (cheapest in Europe) burning chemical waste.
And here is the kicker: it is the green left party pushing this.
Everywhere it is the same thing. Boom bust cycle within the Hegelian dialectic enhanced to the max.
Chemically imbalanced is the definition of mental illness, whether it is caused by stresses or the environment. By the way, it is the APA and WHO that listed transsexuals as a mental illness up to the 1980s. They both at the same time suddenly changed this though. I wonder what influences was behind this? It happens to be the same time everything started going nuts. I remember 'Boy George' coming on the music scene and how revolting it was to see this on MTV. Coincidence? Or was it a launch of a perverted agenda?
I remember the same thing. Cameleon ....
Agreed. It’s a good read. Not long and pretty simply explained. I hope you get a chance to read it. (I think they are a bit left leaning per some of their opinion articles…so even better.)
It’s also getting harder to find established truth re: this subject. The webs are being flooded with “experts” and articles claiming complete bs to brainwash the masses into the psyop.
Decades ago, I was in a business that had me around the gay community, which included gay friends and family. (Btw, almost everyone that I knew in that community had been hurt in one way or another as a child.) They were, from my experience, a wholly unhappy and unstable group. Many prone to bad decisions, extreme promiscuity, untrustworthy, driven by emotion and pain. Broad brush painting, I know. But that was my experience.
Now add chemicals that further damage the proper function of the body and brain.
Very sad.
And thx for the links. I’ll check ‘em out.
"Many prone to bad decisions, extreme promiscuity, untrustworthy, driven by emotion and pain. Broad brush painting, I know. But that was my experience."
Author and researcher Steve Sailor studied gays and published his work in "National Review" in 1994. This is in a table form, but he has also produced a Venn diagram on another website. His study was very revealing and it echoes your observations.
I was trying to be gentle in my adjectives. The truth was much stronger language.
I heard an interview on the radio several decades ago (paraphrased from memory) about homosexual murders.
It was some famous coroner being interviewed on murders (and solving them). He stated that he could always tell just by looking at a body and before examination, whether the deceased (and murderer) was homosexual or not by the wounds and viciousness of the attack.
He stated that a normal murder victim (for example) would have a couple of stab wounds or a bullet hole. In contrast, homosexual murderers in a rage, would destroy the victim’s body even after deceased. He said that a homosexual murder victim would have a hundred or more stab wounds or body parts hacked off, gun emptied into victim, destroyed/unrecognizable face, body beaten to a pulpy mess, etc.
He said that theses cases always bothered him by the extreme violence of the attacks. And he thot the killers were prolly demon possessed.
I'd be interested in this. if you can find the name of the coroner or any other information, I'd like to learn more.
I've written about the entire 'Gay marriage Act' being a fraud. The behavioral traits of sodomy is promiscuity on steroids. On average, homosexuals have hundreds of partners each year. Gay marriage requires monogamy and this fact alone makes promiscuity and having many partners per year at odds with the concept of marriage.
The truth is that homosexuals are inherently impulsive "sexually" (i.e. erotically). The driving factor is an addiction for erotica and fantasy, which transcends all cultural mores. It is very common for homosexuals to be bisexual, but part of their carnal addiction includes pedophilia. Societal taboos, treatment, and associated laws have been the restricting force in society that has kept sodomy contained and minimized. Without these taboos and laws, homosexual conduct becomes unhinged and acts of pedophilia, necrophilia, and bestiality become permissible.
Homosexuals have a behavioral trait of being hyper erotic. It is inherent with this behavior that fantasies of erotic encounters with children exist. It is also this behavior that fantasies of necrophilia and bestiality is present as well.
A Pandora Box has been literally opened. I thought the following was interesting. An article discussing a "Sexual Orientation and Psychological Disorder" study, which seemed to provide a non-determinative result, the closing sentence ended with:
In sum, to have a sexual orientation other than heterosexuality seems to come together with psychological vulnerability. No study has looked at micro-chimerism being a factor to this obsessive behavior. It has been documented of changing the DNA of the partner they are with. It is similar to an addiction, but 'something' more than a addiction. I commented about this a little over a year ago on 02/20/22. If you go to the link just lokk for Tewdryg and you'll find a lot more information about the microchimerism.
Anyway, the article then states: "The usual interpretation is that these preferences would not of themselves cause distress. However, perhaps the cause of the preferences also brings about vulnerabilities, as a result of increased emotionality."
This seems to agree with your statement on emotions gone amuck and suggests a correlation with "Borderline Personality Disorder and Gay People"
Agreed. T/u for the info.
The radio interview was prolly 25 years ago. Wish I could remember who or what station.
Ban Trans not guns.
You should argue that transsexuals do suffer from mentally illness. I say this because what was once well recognized existed in much more sane and rational society, than what we are witnessing today. When the APA and WHO ended this classification, our society started to go nuts. Isn't it ironic that the both the APA and WHO decided this without consensus from other organizations? There was definitely an agenda behind this move. We find that up to the 1980s:
Transsexual behavior was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization in the 1980s.
The APA and WHO need to return to this definition for these very irrational and sick people. The potential is there to not only harm, but to kill many more people.
Also, I wonder what percentage of the same people the study also found the same people to have better anger CONTROL? Have you ever drank alcohol the night before and morning after found yourself having a 'short-fuse' and easily flying off the handle? Is it's controllable, but we all know that consistent alcohol intake always leads to bad experiences. Read my other posting in the comment section to better understand my point. There I said the following:
I might add, those women wanting to be men already have mental baggage. It's not that they like men, but want the power of being a man. That's a huge difference and doesn't bode well for someone being mentally in control.
No link available but I remember a study involving women playing “ultimatum” (one has all the money, puts an amount on the table for the other person, if the other person rejects it they both get nothing) where some women were secretly given testosterone and another group was given a placebo and TOLD it was testosterone.
The actual-testosterone group was more fair than the control group and both groups were far less greedy than the not-testosterone-but-told-it-was.
Kinda makes sense when there’s an idea in the zeitgeist that testosterone makes one greedy and conquery.
Nature has a way of doing things. There’s a way that everything interacts with each other. When you interfere with the process of nature, it has ways of trying to get back to the way it’s designed to be regardless of outside intervention. While this is happening it has a tremendous impact on your physical and mental health and manifests as dis-ease in the body.
There is a reason eating animals filled with steroids and hormones is detrimental to your health.
Pharmaceuticals do more harm than good. Period. Especially SSRI’s.
The cure to depression or any natural human emotion is not drugs. The DSM was never intended to be medicalized.
Trust the science...isn't that we're told?
No,no you can’t do that. That’s only for vaccines. /sarc
Here's the science:
If you were born a male you'll be a male for the rest of your life. If you were born a female you'll be a female for the rest of your life. Pretty simple.
Brilliant concept. Why didn't the APA or WHO think of this?
I know all this because I studied testosterone and other steroids extensively before I took them the first time as a young man. (I don't anymore) but it's clear most mental health issues men have is due to lack of testosterone production and all the things we consume adding to that.
Injecting women with testosterone + injesting AI blockers is so wrong and HAS to cause all sorts of mental issues and imbalances. Imagine doing that to a child that hasn't even hit puberty or is going through it.
That is so against God and 'what a human is' any normal person should see. Unfortunately people are dumb. And the powers that be love the people dumb and weak. Tran people not only cause the huge rift they desire but they are also huge profits as consumers. Pharma industry, make up industry, etc. Conveniently these industries also pump you full of harmful
Well said and very right.
When biological males begin puberty, they have to learn control and self discipline. It takes some people a long time to master their own emotions and control the testosterone driven impulses. Some men haven't managed to do this, even with decades of living. Imagine the hormone onslaught of artificial injections to a completely unprepared and immature teen. No gradual buildup, just pedal to the metal with no time to properly adjust. Add to this the media and icons adding fuel to the fire, it makes it a very easy leap for these highly unstable people to justify lashing out.
And most importantly is that the physical wiring in the brain is completely different between a biological male and female. This wiring in the brain starts in the womb. Sexual dimorphism is most often attributed in terms of physical attributes. These biological sex differences arise not only from epigenetic hormone actions during developmental sensitive periods but also from an individual’s experiences interacting with the outside world. And that results in human brains that show visible differences in terms of size, appearance, and function between the sexes of a species. A cartoonish analogy would be likening testosterone hormone treatment in a woman to that of a mortal human attempting to hold the Infinity stone in the Marvel movie 'End Game'. This should never be done.
Hmmm, Infinity stone. Snap of a finger and all the retards disappear.... I'm gonna risk it.
Sorry but this a big "duh" for me.
All of my adult life has been centered around containing my "rage and aggression".
Welcome to manhood.