If Obama is really running things behind the scenes it would really be something to see Obama indicted. Indict Trump. Set precedent. Use it to nail Obama; for starters. Talk about panic.
Alternatively, they already know there is a sealed indictment for Obama and the Deep State is doing everything possible to take down Trump; otherwise they're screwed.
Multiple Freudian slips about "President Obama" and Obama saying that if he could be President remotely he would.
Perhaps they start with the border to obscure other movements?
Im gonna be on pins and needles Saturday. Whats the plan if something violent happens and they use it to declare martial law?
Im not worried about Trump or his safety. There wont be a perp walk like the rabid left is drooling over. The Secret Service is in charge of the President, not the NYPD.
Calling out the actual criminal syndicate will be a big step and needs to happen. Everyone pussyfoots around calling out this international luciferian pedophile death cult. Right now we name mere puppets and not those pulling the strings. i think once we do this, the people will be able to connect what is happening in Europe to here. Thats an important step.
I watch Tucker with Dad every night so I can help an 83 year old man, who grew up in a very different world, understand what is really going on. Protect him from falling for the Faux narrative.
Well tonight Tucker had on Jason Whitlock. Ive always liked Whitlock back to his ESPN days. Whitlock called em out tonight. He talked about this international cabal and named them satanists. We need more of that.
STARTING ALL of this in the current year means that EVERYTHING has to be done BEFORE the Presidential Election NEXT year which means once this kicks off, EVERYTHING will be swept up faster than one can bat an eye...Also means that the VOTER ROLES in each state much be in accurate and the Election OFFICIALS that schemed are put away!!!...
The comms thing. There is an A in a kill box [A] in post 1111. It happens to be right next to April in the post. Their are four capital A's in Trump's post.
So since A is the 1st letter of the alphabet we can turn the A's into 1's.
Sometimes things like this don't match up, but you'd be surprised to see how many do!
I’m usually very good at recognizing. This one however, I am struggling with. Thanks for taking the time to explain a little more. Oh well, I’m enjoying the show. Super comfy!!!
[A] for [A]pril, [A]wan and [A]rrest
Well that points to something.
post 1111 = 4 ones, 4/1. hahaha I'll show myself out
April Fools Day. Good observation, fren!
All 4 one and one 4 all
No coincidence
Wow, you have an oblique mind!
that's a nice word for it! oblique
I am thinking pretty perfect decode.
Four "[A]'s"... the 1st letter
"INDICATED"?? Not indicted? Was that an intentional typo???
Drop 3371 has the word "vindicated" in it. No other drop has the word "indicated" nor "vindicated". Drop 3371 says:
Sometimes you need to 'take one for the team publicly' before you are vindicated as a hero.
Yeah, but what's it mean? 44 uppercase words at the bottom could be a clue.
Indicated the 44th POTUS? Maybe indicted 45 publicly but indicted 44 behind the scenes? Just saying.
If Obama is really running things behind the scenes it would really be something to see Obama indicted. Indict Trump. Set precedent. Use it to nail Obama; for starters. Talk about panic.
Alternatively, they already know there is a sealed indictment for Obama and the Deep State is doing everything possible to take down Trump; otherwise they're screwed.
Multiple Freudian slips about "President Obama" and Obama saying that if he could be President remotely he would.
According to Q post #894, it would seem Obummer might find himself in a "situation " at some point:
894 Mar 09, 2018 2:41:10 AM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo
Shows memes from a Mar 09, 2018 1:48:18 AM EST by Anonymous
(Meme of PDJT and Obummer - Caption: "When I'm done, it'll be like you were never even here") 0d4caa14a93088e923034ab749….jpg
(Punisher meme) CC1B1FD7-8B70-4CEB-A4F7-F5….png
When we’re done he’ll claim KENYAN citizenship as a way to escape.
Here for this.....
Same question I had.
I’m kinda excited. This is going to so backfire so spectacularly it’s gonna blow their fucking minds
This statement makes me so HAPPY! From your mouth to God's ears.
This is interesting to say the least! Thanks for the screen shots dealing with screaming kids lmao
Perhaps they start with the border to obscure other movements?
Im gonna be on pins and needles Saturday. Whats the plan if something violent happens and they use it to declare martial law?
Im not worried about Trump or his safety. There wont be a perp walk like the rabid left is drooling over. The Secret Service is in charge of the President, not the NYPD.
Calling out the actual criminal syndicate will be a big step and needs to happen. Everyone pussyfoots around calling out this international luciferian pedophile death cult. Right now we name mere puppets and not those pulling the strings. i think once we do this, the people will be able to connect what is happening in Europe to here. Thats an important step.
I watch Tucker with Dad every night so I can help an 83 year old man, who grew up in a very different world, understand what is really going on. Protect him from falling for the Faux narrative.
Well tonight Tucker had on Jason Whitlock. Ive always liked Whitlock back to his ESPN days. Whitlock called em out tonight. He talked about this international cabal and named them satanists. We need more of that.
STARTING ALL of this in the current year means that EVERYTHING has to be done BEFORE the Presidential Election NEXT year which means once this kicks off, EVERYTHING will be swept up faster than one can bat an eye...Also means that the VOTER ROLES in each state much be in accurate and the Election OFFICIALS that schemed are put away!!!...
Gitmo is going to be kinda full. Gonna be fun tracking A/C into/out of Gitmo... https://www.planeflighttracker.com/military-air-bases-map
Oh, it's 11(-)11 too.😲
17 capitol A's. Interesting.
This post is 🔥 !
INDICATED lines up with Q3371.
Yep its a good one too!
Misspellings matter.
So the first arrest will be Trump?
Please post that Q post
Quser17 just did
Il Donaldo Trumpo corrected the indicated to indicted when he re-truthed odd
Powerful stuff. Love it. How many coincidences until mathematically impossible?There are no coincidences?
Okay, I tried....where are you all getting the 4 A’s from?
The q post 1111
A is the first letter of the alphabet. Like Q is the 17th.
Right, but are there 4 A’s in this statement that lead you to post 1111? How do we get from the statement to the q post?
"Learn our coms." Q Trump's statement could connect to Q post 1111, he is part of the Q team. Q+ to be exact.
The code was spelled out in the early Q posting days. Some of the Anons keep on their toes and nothing should be overlooked. Everything has meaning.
The comms thing. There is an A in a kill box [A] in post 1111. It happens to be right next to April in the post. Their are four capital A's in Trump's post.
So since A is the 1st letter of the alphabet we can turn the A's into 1's.
Sometimes things like this don't match up, but you'd be surprised to see how many do!
I’m usually very good at recognizing. This one however, I am struggling with. Thanks for taking the time to explain a little more. Oh well, I’m enjoying the show. Super comfy!!!