What a silly thing to say. God was VERY much involved in the daily lives of those in Scripture, why would that all suddenly end after Christ's ascension into Heaven? If He truly was not concerned with our daily affairs, why would He become Incarnate that we might be saved? Why would we bother ever praying to Him if He didn't concern Himself with the affairs of man? Does Scripture not tell us of the many great things God does for us out of His love?
God says when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people groan. Hence our mandate to run for office and be involved "in making the rules" and enforcing the Constitution. Something God's people have forgotten for the most part and the reason we are where we are today. EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. From the BEGINNiNG in Genesis, God's instructions were for us to SUBDUE.
“What a silly thing to say”…best response I have ever heard to the “God doesn’t care” excuse! God does not change, past, present, future. Hallelujah! Thanks Pede-
Its absolutely not 80% because Israel is more selective than that, but a lot of them definitely do because many are Jews. All if them are funded by Jews, who own everything.
Even if they did Subpoena Bragg. Why would he send anything? The last 2 years have made a mockery of the legal system. No one enforcing any consequences.
Bragg believes himself untouchable. Or at the very least unlikely to face consequences beyond a slap on the wrist. And frankly I hold doubts on whether the House Committees will actually do anything. Beyond maybe a strongly worded letter.
Using a dead language instead of the common language to communicate important information is a great way to fuck up a nation where the common people play a vital role in civics.
Who paid for them to turn DC into a permanent Roman Republic LARP festival anyway? Did we pay for that vain nonsense or is that how the faggy aristocrat class bought the seat of government? By douching it up with expensive old world shit and making it something common people typically will not view as appropriate to their own class and status in society?
Using a dead language to communicate important (unchanging) information is actually very smart.
Anything communicated in the 'common language' could be completely undermined (over time) by the forces of evil changing the meaning of the words that are used to convey the message. (What did 'gay' mean in the 1890's?)
I agree that it may be 'a bit more difficult' for the average American to understand, but at least the meaning stays put. By using a dead language, the definitions of the words don't change.
It's our responsibility to learn a few Latin words, which is a small price to pay to know what the Founders actually meant.
Starting to realize that while the Right may NEVER do anything to rock the boat, at least we can count on the Left to eat itself. That’s small consolation, but at least it’s something.
That's exactly what I've been asking. These subpoenas should have been sent out yesterday and weeks ago.
Is it because the GOP know that the subpoenas issued will result with the recipients thumbing their noses at the GOP? Who will enforce the subpoenas? It appears the GOP has next to ZERO power in DC.
Republicans are part of the Swamp. Congress needs to be defunded and revamped because they continue to take, and pad their pockets, while doing nothing for those they are supposedly representing. They know their weak responses will be countered by the Senate majority or Biden’s veto.
The problem is that this is far too much of a black pill for most people and they will just shut their brain down rather than confront it.
People seem to forget, if they ever realized, that the right wing, by and large, is full of NPCs. They only support Trump because he is the Republican President/candidate. They're only against all the shit the Left is for simply because the Left is for it. They're only right in the 'broken clock' sort of sense.
I think we need to start a new party: The Patriot Party. Then, we will watch the dems disintegrate and reform as the LGBTQ party. The Patriots will win every election after than. Auditing of all Patriots will take place every year.
They are all paid off, Kash...even those we thought we could trust.
It is ALL now in GOD'S hands. 🙏
Well that’s not promising. God grants us free will and doesn’t concern Himself with the daily affairs of man.
What a silly thing to say. God was VERY much involved in the daily lives of those in Scripture, why would that all suddenly end after Christ's ascension into Heaven? If He truly was not concerned with our daily affairs, why would He become Incarnate that we might be saved? Why would we bother ever praying to Him if He didn't concern Himself with the affairs of man? Does Scripture not tell us of the many great things God does for us out of His love?
God says when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people groan. Hence our mandate to run for office and be involved "in making the rules" and enforcing the Constitution. Something God's people have forgotten for the most part and the reason we are where we are today. EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. From the BEGINNiNG in Genesis, God's instructions were for us to SUBDUE.
Amen to that!
“What a silly thing to say”…best response I have ever heard to the “God doesn’t care” excuse! God does not change, past, present, future. Hallelujah! Thanks Pede-
Its almost as if they're all criminals and need to bend the knee to get their campaign shekels
I thought I remember reading somewhere that around 80% (or more) of Congress has dual citizenship with Israel or something?
Its absolutely not 80% because Israel is more selective than that, but a lot of them definitely do because many are Jews. All if them are funded by Jews, who own everything.
Maybe that’s what it was - 80% are funded by Israel.
On that id say no, its 100%
With money Israel gets from our taxes going to fund them.
Kinda like a long running Ukraine fraud
Everyone in government is compromised and criminal.
It is always up to US to hold them accountable. We have not done that.
Even if they did Subpoena Bragg. Why would he send anything? The last 2 years have made a mockery of the legal system. No one enforcing any consequences.
Bragg believes himself untouchable. Or at the very least unlikely to face consequences beyond a slap on the wrist. And frankly I hold doubts on whether the House Committees will actually do anything. Beyond maybe a strongly worded letter.
I saw some clucking in Congress, but very little action. As usual.
Maybe the Founders should have ditched e pluribus unum for "don't talk - do".
Using a dead language instead of the common language to communicate important information is a great way to fuck up a nation where the common people play a vital role in civics.
Who paid for them to turn DC into a permanent Roman Republic LARP festival anyway? Did we pay for that vain nonsense or is that how the faggy aristocrat class bought the seat of government? By douching it up with expensive old world shit and making it something common people typically will not view as appropriate to their own class and status in society?
Speculating, but something to that, maybe.
Using a dead language to communicate important (unchanging) information is actually very smart.
Anything communicated in the 'common language' could be completely undermined (over time) by the forces of evil changing the meaning of the words that are used to convey the message. (What did 'gay' mean in the 1890's?)
I agree that it may be 'a bit more difficult' for the average American to understand, but at least the meaning stays put. By using a dead language, the definitions of the words don't change.
It's our responsibility to learn a few Latin words, which is a small price to pay to know what the Founders actually meant.
That's actually a very good defense for the use. Thanks.
You are quite welcome. Thank you for the response.
Starting to realize that while the Right may NEVER do anything to rock the boat, at least we can count on the Left to eat itself. That’s small consolation, but at least it’s something.
Sternly worded letters. That's the answer!
Trumps arrest also shows the (R) scum that we need to get rid of.
The REPUBS are just incriminating themselves even further...
Is there meaning behind “fantasy island”?
That's exactly what I've been asking. These subpoenas should have been sent out yesterday and weeks ago.
Is it because the GOP know that the subpoenas issued will result with the recipients thumbing their noses at the GOP? Who will enforce the subpoenas? It appears the GOP has next to ZERO power in DC.
Republicans are part of the Swamp. Congress needs to be defunded and revamped because they continue to take, and pad their pockets, while doing nothing for those they are supposedly representing. They know their weak responses will be countered by the Senate majority or Biden’s veto.
The problem is that this is far too much of a black pill for most people and they will just shut their brain down rather than confront it.
People seem to forget, if they ever realized, that the right wing, by and large, is full of NPCs. They only support Trump because he is the Republican President/candidate. They're only against all the shit the Left is for simply because the Left is for it. They're only right in the 'broken clock' sort of sense.
The uniparty will protect their own.
McCarthy is a fa...omo. I'm not expecting much
They should make sure EVERY penny of the 5K was properly accounted for - no bookkeeping errors.
I think we need to start a new party: The Patriot Party. Then, we will watch the dems disintegrate and reform as the LGBTQ party. The Patriots will win every election after than. Auditing of all Patriots will take place every year.