Liberals will win control of Wisconsin Supreme Court, CNN projects | CNN Politics
Democratic-backed Janet Protasiewicz will win Wisconsin's Supreme Court election, CNN projects, flipping majority control in liberals' favor in what could be the most consequential election of the year with abortion access, election rules and more on the l...
I don’t understand, besides cheating how any DemoLib is winning any election now. Fracking disturbing.
It is cheating. We still have the stupid machines. Most of us go and vote for the right person and then the votes are changed by the machines and this is enabled by the WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission) which has been enshrined by Robin Vos (the Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly). Who is Robin Vos? A RINO extraordinare, stooge of Paul Ryan. GOP did nothing to help Dan Kelly here in Wisconsin. Scott Pressler was doing yeoman's work against a rigged machine. It's so frustrating. This Janet chick won? Baloney. I didn't see a single sign for her even in liberal Beloit. And I saw a lot of signs for Kelly.
They're CHEATING and we can't seem to beat the cheat!
I'm here in Chicago, and keep asking myself if this local and state BS will end when the "storm" comes. If we don't have fair elections and can't do anything about it we are totally powerless. It's so disheartening.
I hear ya. I used to do in-home care for a number of elderly people who had retired to Wisconsin--Williams Bay, Lake Geneva, Delavan, Burlington--areas north of Chicago. The stories they told of how the voting was controlled in Chicago were mind-boggling. They said that the people running things knew exactly who you voted for and if you voted against who you were "supposed to" vote for, their businesses were threatened with being burnt down. Crazy stuff like that. The people in charge would give people lists of names and tell them to go vote as these people. The vice grip on the voting in Chicago goes back a LONG time.
My daughter lives in Chicago. But she won't speak to me because I voted for President Trump. That's what I get for helping to pay for her UW-Madison "education".
I was thinking of jumping the border and moving to Delavan or Burlington, maybe Williams Bay. It's hard to think of not being within driving distance of elderly family members. We have a place in South Carolina so ultimately I expect that's where we will end up. Many friends are moving to Florida, so they would be drivable. I just was hoping to stay put until my Mom passes. She is of very sound and stubborn mind, and she's not going anywhere. Lives in a north suburb where I grew up, but it too has changed a lot. I guess that's life. I feel like I have been robbed of my hometown.
I get you. I feel like I’ve been robbed of the United States I once knew. OBummer changed our country and it hadn’t been right since.
Especially when killing babies is your #1 objective. Like what the actual fuck...
Eliminating Right to Work and greasing the skids for union corruption is 2nd on the list. That's what happened in Michigan....
I remember in the 80s when dead baby jokes were taboo. Now Moloch and Baal worship are mainstream along with the open child sacrifice.
What aren't you getting fren? It's going to be biblical, the end won't be for everyone. There's going to be a ton of people, including on our side, that don't make it to the end of this. It's going to get so so so so much worse
Without GOD and JESUS it is really starting to look like one cannot see through the DARKNESS.
Facts, people forget what happened during the flood. Hard reality to swallow, but factual and it's coming
Keep down voting me bc I'm telling you it's not going to be butterflies and rainbows and good majority of you won't get to the finish line
It was stolen. It wasn’t flipped.
100%. It's a mystery to me why even the conservatives won't SAY that. Scott Pressler runs around like Chicken Little, focusing everybody on the WRONG PROBLEM. It's NOT a voting's an ELECTION STEALING PROBLEM!!
Is he shoving that in your face? Is he demanding special rights? Is he participating in disgusting parades? Whether he is gay or not (might be less masculine than other men), he's doing his utmost to make America great again. If he is gay, that this between him and God. Just some things to think about......
The cheat was in before they started voting
Thank you, was immediately sad when i saw a direct link to cnn
Retreat from Wisconsin in an orderly fashion, constructing outlandish booby traps as you go.
Bring your cheese-making asses to an environment where it will be appreciated. I firmly believe we can break them with a dairy embargo. I’m only kind of joking around. Our opponents have zero real-life skills. Unless vigorously announcing your pronouns can somehow produce milk or repair a Ford F150, we have them right where we want them. The people who actually do the work do not vote Democrat. Despite all their efforts to convince us otherwise, they are not the party of the people.
I’m not leaving the land of cheddar bc when I look at the results mapped it’s clear to me the cities need to be destroyed. Those of us in the countryside are completely opposite the city dwellers.
If Milwaukee and Madison had earthquakes level them the rugged and outdoorsy rest of the state would dust off and move FORWARD (that’s our state motto).
My only hopium is sealed indictments or sudden jab death. Certainly once in a while that jab is going to take out a bad guy, right? It can’t always be athletes and innocent kids.
Sadly I think you'd need to level more than just Milwaukee and Madison (though those two are the worst offenders), but also Racine, Green Bay, La Crosse, and Eau Claire, maybe even a few others.
Has that happened yet?
😔 thanks for cheering me up.
Every time you displace yourself and your family you have a part of your identity stolen from you by these people. Wisconsin will be one step closer to what happened to California. In 10 years "Cheesehead" will by synonymous to "communist faggot" and the Green Bay Packers will be called the Gay Bay Fudge Packers.
You better not retreat.
I left Illinois for here (Wisconsin). At the time I had no idea it was this bad here. Thinking of Florida next.
Shocker, democrats stole another election. This is getting so fucking old.
Time is getting short to overhaul the corrupt election fraud systems in the states.
This is what has been. happening since Walker lost. They are cheating in the cities and with the help of WEC and VOS. These are evil people and they are destroying Wisconsin. They know exactly what states they can takeover and Trump or any Republican will never win our country again. I am tired of the BS we get from the republicans about turning out the is crap! The Rinos did nothing to help Kelly because in this state Vos controls it all. He is a piece of shit! It is his fault we now have a liberal court and all shit that happens including our state becoming communist lies on his one world order shoulders. The guns will be next....our state is one of the most feared due to gun ownership. Dan Kelly lost last night but Wisconsin is the biggest loser. Time to find a new home.
Exactly this: I am tired of the BS we get from the republicans about turning out the is crap!
I got 5 people to go vote who would’ve forgotten to do it and still we lose. Same old machines expecting different results. If this is the test case for the nation, I can’t imagine.
I don’t believe they won anything. Stole
Yeah but S Carolina is flipping the other way by 2/3rds
The way things are progressing they won't have long.
Behind every "defeat" there hides a win
On a higher note: We did get super majority in the legislature and assembly. Perhaps, if we don't have a mass number of rhinos, we can make some headway this route.
There is a massive swath of people who could not vote due to being snowed in from Friday's storm.
This is snow up to your groin. Wet, heavy, impossible to move. Many snowplows out of commission awaiting a mechanic.
If it would have been Sunny and 70, the Demoncrats would have still STOLEN it. You don't get it...
Yes that storm hit red areas. I’m in the south east and we had rain.
I’m wondering, after this loss, and the uniparty pushing so hard to eliminate Trump from running; Why not repeat 2020? Cheat in the counties and states needed so it doesn’t matter if he runs, they win anyways. Why not a rinse and repeat? It happened last night here.
Why take out trump when they can cheat?
Why not both
Rough day for Wisconsin. I don’t understand it.
You must be new here.
I'm so tired and confused at this point. I understand the white hats want us to take back control of the courts and government ourselves but how can we do that when the elections are rigged and the courts are out of our grasp so we can't even legally get this stuff fixed?
Oh look, more voter fraud.
What is that saying? “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
This has been going on for how long and we haven’t been able to change it at all?
God help the U.S. of A.
Oh, it had to be this way? It’s been this way for at least 4 years, you know it is longer, and reached critical mass because the elite control the legal system.
Father God, only You can save our Country from the mid-guided steps we have taken, the blatant rebellion some have warred against you. You have a remnant here that does not agree with the rebellious and we ask that you bring Wisconsin into alignment with Your will Father. And also every state in the USA and May we remain a sovereign nation under You Lord God. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
Can someone please explain how democrats are winning elections? How is it even possible at the current time. Seems insane that people could even vote for these idiots. How out of touch can people be collectively???
whispers They cheat
I honestly dgaf about abortion. Evil will be done regardless of law. Same as guns. Where was the Trump endorsement / visibility. 🤔