It's not upside down. And the cabal don't get to monopolize symbols. The star belongs to all, just like the rainbow, the number 13, 666, 616, 33, goat horns, etc. Fuck these clown faggots we're taking it ALL back.
At this point. I get the impression that some people seem to be increasingly of the camp that no one can do anything that isn’t Church related, read anything that isn’t Bible related, or enjoy anything that isn’t filled to the Brim with super obvious hit you over the head Christian Messaging.
Because everything else is loaded to the brim with “Satanic symbols” that for 99% of the population holds innocuous innocent meanings. And viewing the material without the express purpose of condemning it as Satanic is verboten.
Maths (and geometry) leads to understanding Gods workings in the truest sense, and there are certain institutions that are built entirely around preventing humanity from understanding Gods workings.
Let's just pretend I haven't a fucking clue what I'm looking at. I see Donald Trump's resemblance on what appears to be a chess board as a piece in a game. He's holding the Earth in one hand and an American flag in the other. The image itself looks Masonic in nature, and yes there's a pentagram, which is a very very very ancient symbol that has many connotations.....
Is it photoshopped? Umm, it doesn't appear to be an "actual picture" of Trump, so I'd say the whole thing is photoshopped. Is Trump somehow attached to this image? Is this some kind of nft?
I sit upon the edge of my seat awaiting the details.
Was thinking the same, unless there's a ginormous chess board out in the solar system, where a huge chess-piece-shaped statue resembling trump has latched onto planet Earth with one hand and is holding an earth-sized American flag in the other, then its probably not a real photograph, and it might just be photoshopped.
While a star is a pentagram by definition, it does not have inherent meaning.
Also, the common pentagram is a Christian religious symbol called "the morning star". Like other Christian religious symbols, it has been perverted and the perverted meaning has caught on with the under-educated. Other perverted Christian symbols include the rainbow, and to some extent, the cross.
It's not upside down. And the cabal don't get to monopolize symbols. The star belongs to all, just like the rainbow, the number 13, 666, 616, 33, goat horns, etc. Fuck these clown faggots we're taking it ALL back.
At this point. I get the impression that some people seem to be increasingly of the camp that no one can do anything that isn’t Church related, read anything that isn’t Bible related, or enjoy anything that isn’t filled to the Brim with super obvious hit you over the head Christian Messaging.
Because everything else is loaded to the brim with “Satanic symbols” that for 99% of the population holds innocuous innocent meanings. And viewing the material without the express purpose of condemning it as Satanic is verboten.
Maths (and geometry) leads to understanding Gods workings in the truest sense, and there are certain institutions that are built entirely around preventing humanity from understanding Gods workings.
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
!! 1000 % !!
If a pentagram on an artists rendition of Trump as a chess piece scares you, you must literally breakdown when our flag is raised.
yeah, at least 50 times worse one would think. ;)
It's typical of a leftie that he can't tell the difference between an image someone created of DJT and the man himself.
Pentagrams are upside-down, this is a right side up star.
that's a pentacle not a pentagram.
Actually a pentagram isn't all bad. It was used by Christians to symbolize the five wounds of Jesus on the cross. Source
An inverted pentagram is considered a demonic symbol and represents a goats head. A pentagram with the two-legs down represents man.
Remember Luciferian symbology perverts the symbols that belong to God. This can also be realized with the inverted cross.
Don't let pentagrams spook you.
Spooks though….they spook me.
Let's just pretend I haven't a fucking clue what I'm looking at. I see Donald Trump's resemblance on what appears to be a chess board as a piece in a game. He's holding the Earth in one hand and an American flag in the other. The image itself looks Masonic in nature, and yes there's a pentagram, which is a very very very ancient symbol that has many connotations.....
Is it photoshopped? Umm, it doesn't appear to be an "actual picture" of Trump, so I'd say the whole thing is photoshopped. Is Trump somehow attached to this image? Is this some kind of nft?
I sit upon the edge of my seat awaiting the details.
Carry On!!!
It is an NFT. Apparently part of the new line he released.
Thanks. I figured. I heard some stuff the other day about the nft thing. First time actually seeing it.
Was thinking the same, unless there's a ginormous chess board out in the solar system, where a huge chess-piece-shaped statue resembling trump has latched onto planet Earth with one hand and is holding an earth-sized American flag in the other, then its probably not a real photograph, and it might just be photoshopped.
Thanks for that lol. Gotta have some levity in these uncertain times.
Right hand is very big compared to left. Reminds me of all that "small fingers" buzz back in '16.
While a star is a pentagram by definition, it does not have inherent meaning.
Also, the common pentagram is a Christian religious symbol called "the morning star". Like other Christian religious symbols, it has been perverted and the perverted meaning has caught on with the under-educated. Other perverted Christian symbols include the rainbow, and to some extent, the cross.
It is referencing King Charles
a pentagram is not just a five point star
Im suspcious of everything nft even if it's a Trump thing.
I believe a "Satanic pentagram" requires a circle.