Ever since discovering the link between the NWO and the cabal families, I have wondered who Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis really was. I dont know who the Bouvier family is but Kennedy and Onassis are both families linked to the cabal. Is it a rabbit hole anyone has ever been down before? Seems odd that after her husband was murdered she would marry billionaire Aristotle Onassis who was the patriarch of a very old and connected family often mentioned as one of the illuminati families. She had to have understood the illuminati killed her husband through the C_A. Or maybe not.
Don’t get too pissed off about Johnson, anon. It looks like he got executed for treason on January 22, 1973 two days after Nixon was sworn in (2nd term), probably via military tribunal, likely on Nixon’s order.
I recommend reading about his death on either New York Times or WaPo; they often put clues into the obituary story to warn other cabal players that one of their own got taken down.
Will media ever accurately report it? I think this is the problem, but we are making progress breaking the media monopoly on information, imo.
Your general premise is correct. Properly reported executions for treason will get the attention quite quickly of all those currently in state and federal positions.
I read the book, "Path to Power." It's amazing how racist he was his entire life. Insecure, poverty stricken, obsessed, egotistical, and racist. The book is titled, "path to power" because his entire life was focused on gaining power and prestige, something he did not have growing up as a poor, skinny, loser in rural Texas.
The fact that "In 1968, Johnson announced he would not run for reelection" could be proof that he may have been given a different fate than what the news reported as a heart attack. Anyone who knows LBJ knows he would never surrender power, nor would he "not try" to retain power. During his first senatorial run in Texas, he went door to door for months straight, driving all day, not eating (didn't have the money), and just shaking hands. He'd drive all over texas for those votes. He eventually would lose (to voter fraud, with FDR joked with him about), but his stamina for power remained unchanged. He always wanted more, and would do whatever it takes, including destroying his body, for more power.
He did have some good in him in his young adult years, but overall he was not a good person. Voted against the Civil Rights act in the early 1900's when he first became senator before the War. People don't realize that Democrats have been racist since the dawn of the party, the history books tell us. To me this is the greatest proof of "there was never a party flip." Democrats have always been the party of racism. And LBJ being a democrat in the early 1900s all the way into the 70's just disproves the lie of a party switch.
The Clowns were most likely the agency that planned and actually carried out the physical execution...however, the Clowns had nothing to do with the motive and order...they were ordered to do it by people with much more power than just one agency of the federal government. All the agencies, groups, people that had to be coordinated to carry out the hit as well as keep the killers hidden for all these years took power way beyond just the Clowns. This to me is the biggest smoking gun pointing directly to the Bankers, Rothschilds, Cabal, whatever you want to call the top of the satanic pyramid. As soon as Kennedy started messing with their funny money (it's always been about the funny money for theses sick scum) that's when it was determined an example needed to be set...all future presidents will not mess with the Bankers or else...
RFK Jr just told Hannity that minutes after the assassination occurred, his father was on the phone asking his CIA associates "It was your guys who did this, wasn't it?" RFK knew as soon as it happened.
Not sure he's one of "them" precisely. I think all the super rich, powerful people are in more than one Cabal. I also think we're witnessing a civil war of sorts among them.
There’s a photo taken in AF1 after leaving Dallas either just prior to the bottom right one or just after in which LBJ is giving the guy to Jackie’s left the most insidious grin basically saying “We did it.”
Someday we’ll get justice.
More and more light is shed day by day...RFK Jr. revealing CIA involvement etc.
Ever since discovering the link between the NWO and the cabal families, I have wondered who Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis really was. I dont know who the Bouvier family is but Kennedy and Onassis are both families linked to the cabal. Is it a rabbit hole anyone has ever been down before? Seems odd that after her husband was murdered she would marry billionaire Aristotle Onassis who was the patriarch of a very old and connected family often mentioned as one of the illuminati families. She had to have understood the illuminati killed her husband through the C_A. Or maybe not.
Alan Watt said that the Bouvier family were genetic carriers of old noble bloodlines.
And once again, here we have the Simpsons (subliminal Cabal mouthpiece) throwing this in our face!
Marjorie Jacqueline "Marge" Simpson (née Bouvier)
Johnson has a museum dedicated to his life. Pisses me off knowing he had Kennedy killed and he was part of it.
They need to revise the museum showing his involvement.
Oh, yeah. The town it is in is named Johnson city.
Fuck this evil piece of crap.
Don’t get too pissed off about Johnson, anon. It looks like he got executed for treason on January 22, 1973 two days after Nixon was sworn in (2nd term), probably via military tribunal, likely on Nixon’s order.
“Heart attack” very likely was public cover for what went down privately. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/50-years-death-president-lyndon-b-johnson
I recommend reading about his death on either New York Times or WaPo; they often put clues into the obituary story to warn other cabal players that one of their own got taken down.
Seems like if there would be public acknowledgement of these executions for treason, treasonous activity would slow down a lot.
Will media ever accurately report it? I think this is the problem, but we are making progress breaking the media monopoly on information, imo.
Your general premise is correct. Properly reported executions for treason will get the attention quite quickly of all those currently in state and federal positions.
And Houston space centre that needs to change as well
All the roads in Dallas, Texas need to have their names changed.
That is why I don't like that city. Constant reminders of criminals.
I read the book, "Path to Power." It's amazing how racist he was his entire life. Insecure, poverty stricken, obsessed, egotistical, and racist. The book is titled, "path to power" because his entire life was focused on gaining power and prestige, something he did not have growing up as a poor, skinny, loser in rural Texas.
The fact that "In 1968, Johnson announced he would not run for reelection" could be proof that he may have been given a different fate than what the news reported as a heart attack. Anyone who knows LBJ knows he would never surrender power, nor would he "not try" to retain power. During his first senatorial run in Texas, he went door to door for months straight, driving all day, not eating (didn't have the money), and just shaking hands. He'd drive all over texas for those votes. He eventually would lose (to voter fraud, with FDR joked with him about), but his stamina for power remained unchanged. He always wanted more, and would do whatever it takes, including destroying his body, for more power.
He did have some good in him in his young adult years, but overall he was not a good person. Voted against the Civil Rights act in the early 1900's when he first became senator before the War. People don't realize that Democrats have been racist since the dawn of the party, the history books tell us. To me this is the greatest proof of "there was never a party flip." Democrats have always been the party of racism. And LBJ being a democrat in the early 1900s all the way into the 70's just disproves the lie of a party switch.
We? That's rather encompassing. I'm pretty sure most here know the clowns did it....
The Clowns were most likely the agency that planned and actually carried out the physical execution...however, the Clowns had nothing to do with the motive and order...they were ordered to do it by people with much more power than just one agency of the federal government. All the agencies, groups, people that had to be coordinated to carry out the hit as well as keep the killers hidden for all these years took power way beyond just the Clowns. This to me is the biggest smoking gun pointing directly to the Bankers, Rothschilds, Cabal, whatever you want to call the top of the satanic pyramid. As soon as Kennedy started messing with their funny money (it's always been about the funny money for theses sick scum) that's when it was determined an example needed to be set...all future presidents will not mess with the Bankers or else...
I concur. Very valid statement.
It is because the stupid people outnumber the amount of people who thought it through.
RFK Jr just told Hannity that minutes after the assassination occurred, his father was on the phone asking his CIA associates "It was your guys who did this, wasn't it?" RFK knew as soon as it happened.
Her husband died on that day, and so is grief stricken, but forced her to do that swearing in ceremony. Odd, no?
Like black reparasion we will get their kids instead.
Makes you wonder if they they knew that it would happen long before it did. And he still signed up to be President, and she still stood by his side.
LBJ killed JFK
Your point is noted, although given her emotional state at the time, it's possible she just wasn't choosing her words carefully.
Did she know that the CIA was involved? Maybe.
How that Woman could stand in the isle of that plane next to that evil bastard on that same day is beyond me, that my fens is strength right there.
A mom would do anything to keep her babies safe. John John is my age and I know her babies were in her mind on how to keep them safe.
Because all the other evil men surrounding them would certainly have stood by and allowed that to happen.
It's super weird that their nephew that lost his father and uncle to them became one of them.
Not sure he's one of "them" precisely. I think all the super rich, powerful people are in more than one Cabal. I also think we're witnessing a civil war of sorts among them.
Him being in the one that doesn't want to force vaccinate you doesn't make him any better
There’s a photo taken in AF1 after leaving Dallas either just prior to the bottom right one or just after in which LBJ is giving the guy to Jackie’s left the most insidious grin basically saying “We did it.”
Will never forget that photo.
Jackie always believed LBJ was behind it