I boycotted Target when they announced their bathrooms were open to both sexes in 2016. I cut my card up and they called me to ask why I hadn't been back after 6 months (I was a regular customer). I told them why. Said I would never come back again over their bathroom policy.
Same here. We used to do some damage on the 5% off credit card. They finally cancelled it after we stopped shopping there. The funniest part was the threatening letters. "If you don't start using this card we will cancel it! We will!" LOL. I should have saved them. Not going to lie kinda miss their store brand salsa. Oh well.
The “designer” who creates the Target gay wear designs also has created some really disgusting shit. T-shirts with shit like “Satan loves trannys so I’ll hang with Satan” and a bunch of other vile crap you don’t see at Target yet.
Whoever is calling the shots is the problem. No sane person would choose to ruin a company by pissing off your customers.
I'm gonna say this again, but it blows over like a fart in the wind....
It's a two pronged fork. There's two reasons why companies are doing this. The up front reason, then the real reason their trying to hide until it's done.
The great reset is actually happening. The first reason companies are self destructing their own business by aligning themselves with Moloch, The CEI System. Corporate Equality Index. Yeah that's a real fucking thing, follow it's origins if you want, you'll just find rabbit holes leading to think tanks, like WEF. Realize these businesses want to continue their profits, but, their forced to abide by the CEI standards moving forward or they will lose out on the influx of investments and end up blackballed in the New World......
The think tanks plan it.... the NWO sacrifices WILL be made. In order to tear down the old guard and rebuild back better they need major shifts in Culture to happen. Within the microcosm that is Branding there is a ton of time and especially money building their brands around time honored traditions and patriotism, THAT is NOT coming with us all into this new paradigm. They cannot just suddenly slam the doors shut off these Corporations and say their done. Too many people are invested and to do that, to simply vanish will not hold water. Their publicly destroying the reputations of major brands, However, if and when they jump onto the NWO plan and go along, their promised a seat at the table.
Sure, Coors Light will die, Anheiser Bush will probably be parted out, the CORPORATIONS Do not give a fuck. Look at the infographics that are out there that lay out corporate structure of all major fortune 500 companies. You will see that Anheiser is just a subsidiary, just look at every other major corp. Bud light is a very small fraction of their holdings.
The powers that be are playing mind games every fucking day on TV, on the Interwebs as well within our daily lives for those that work for them, ALLOT of people do and are being subjected to UNCONSTITUTIONAL INFRINGEMENTS on all of our rights. Just like the Covid Vaccine, it wasn't the laws where I'm from that forced people to get the shot, it was the CORPORATIONS because our government hides behind them as they help destroy everything that makes America great. The largest Corporations in the world are held in only a few major players hands.
Don't forget what I'm telling ya here. In the end this is truly sage insight, I wish it was my own but just like so many others I'm caught up in the daily drama that THEY create in order to keep us against each other and not against them.
Let me get this straight, Bud Light just kicked the sleeping giant in the nuts, and now Target is saying "here, hold my beer and watch this"? You couldn't make this stuff up! Don't you think it may be about time for ALL of the big corporation "Big Shots" to come to terms with who it is that is actually paying their bloated salaries?
In my rural community the only target for 100 miles in all directions has a big sign near the front door saying "Queers for All" along with all kinds of clothing for toddlers and babies using the words Gay, Gay Pride, etc. No words used to describe a sexual lifestyle should be on baby clothes. They also have little girl swim suits that advertise that they are tuckable in order to hide male testicles.
Not only are they selling swimsuits that have tuckable areas to make men feel like a woman (or boys like girls), "gender neutral" clothing, and gay pride crap, they also allow men into the women's restrooms and fitting rooms. We haven't been to a target in years. Actually, I take that back. I had to run in once for something, and I told my daughter who was with me that she was to touch nothing, get nothing extra, and she could NOT, no matter how bad she had to pee, go to the bathroom while we were there. Even with me there. I just won't. I think we spent a dollar or two on whatever it was, haven't been there otherwise for... years. Before covid, I remember that.
This makes me sad. I always liked target. I was able to look the other way when they had pride shit for adults, even though that's cringy and wildly woke... But I can't ignore this.
I hope they apologize and remove all woke shit from their brand, but knowing them, that's out of the question. They're more likely to double down.
the thing is, the bud light thing seems to have been going better for us than Target or Levis. I don't know if Bud light was something men bought, and men are better at being organized in things like this than we are? Or perhaps it's because women like to shop and if they like what a store has, they are going whether they align with the values or not. Either way, I would love to see Target and Levi's go down, along with completely and totally work Athleta and Lululemon. Lululemon has become the WORST. They have a big gay flag in their window and a note that says if you can't be nice to all people regardless of blah blah blah, you are not welcome. I used to shop at Lululemon for their Scuba coats.. they fit me better than any coat I can find. I got an instructors discount on top of their clearance prices, so I got a great deal! However, I will be happy for the rest of my life with the coats I have now. I will never, EVER step foot in their stores again. Sadly, they are still selling their overpriced athletic gear and people are still flocking to it.
I boycotted Target when they announced their bathrooms were open to both sexes in 2016. I cut my card up and they called me to ask why I hadn't been back after 6 months (I was a regular customer). I told them why. Said I would never come back again over their bathroom policy.
yup, been there, done that.
Me also.
Ditto that
Same here. We used to do some damage on the 5% off credit card. They finally cancelled it after we stopped shopping there. The funniest part was the threatening letters. "If you don't start using this card we will cancel it! We will!" LOL. I should have saved them. Not going to lie kinda miss their store brand salsa. Oh well.
What about Levi, the jeans manufacturer. Have you seen their commercial? I’m done with Levi’s as well.
Smae here.
Same hree.
Me oto.
hey oto... who's smae hree??
Here is a list of American made jeans .. https://www.allamericanmade.com/jeans-made-in-usa/
The “designer” who creates the Target gay wear designs also has created some really disgusting shit. T-shirts with shit like “Satan loves trannys so I’ll hang with Satan” and a bunch of other vile crap you don’t see at Target yet.
Whoever is calling the shots is the problem. No sane person would choose to ruin a company by pissing off your customers.
They don’t care about profits at this point.
Target is based in Minneapolis along with a lot of other woke corporations and old oligarch families that love the occult.
Let's bud light the heck out of them.
Easy to boycott target, they sell the same crap as Walmart at a higher price! Kek
The WEF is applying a lot of pressure, but we can apply more!
Put their rainbow shit in the condom section
Target's logo looks like an asshole. That's memeworthy in and of itself. Fucking shit diggers ...
Fitting, since [they] actually target assholes to buy their merch
And they also think assholes are sex organs. They're certainly all about the asshole.
I'm gonna say this again, but it blows over like a fart in the wind....
It's a two pronged fork. There's two reasons why companies are doing this. The up front reason, then the real reason their trying to hide until it's done.
The great reset is actually happening. The first reason companies are self destructing their own business by aligning themselves with Moloch, The CEI System. Corporate Equality Index. Yeah that's a real fucking thing, follow it's origins if you want, you'll just find rabbit holes leading to think tanks, like WEF. Realize these businesses want to continue their profits, but, their forced to abide by the CEI standards moving forward or they will lose out on the influx of investments and end up blackballed in the New World......
The think tanks plan it.... the NWO sacrifices WILL be made. In order to tear down the old guard and rebuild back better they need major shifts in Culture to happen. Within the microcosm that is Branding there is a ton of time and especially money building their brands around time honored traditions and patriotism, THAT is NOT coming with us all into this new paradigm. They cannot just suddenly slam the doors shut off these Corporations and say their done. Too many people are invested and to do that, to simply vanish will not hold water. Their publicly destroying the reputations of major brands, However, if and when they jump onto the NWO plan and go along, their promised a seat at the table.
Sure, Coors Light will die, Anheiser Bush will probably be parted out, the CORPORATIONS Do not give a fuck. Look at the infographics that are out there that lay out corporate structure of all major fortune 500 companies. You will see that Anheiser is just a subsidiary, just look at every other major corp. Bud light is a very small fraction of their holdings.
The powers that be are playing mind games every fucking day on TV, on the Interwebs as well within our daily lives for those that work for them, ALLOT of people do and are being subjected to UNCONSTITUTIONAL INFRINGEMENTS on all of our rights. Just like the Covid Vaccine, it wasn't the laws where I'm from that forced people to get the shot, it was the CORPORATIONS because our government hides behind them as they help destroy everything that makes America great. The largest Corporations in the world are held in only a few major players hands.
Don't forget what I'm telling ya here. In the end this is truly sage insight, I wish it was my own but just like so many others I'm caught up in the daily drama that THEY create in order to keep us against each other and not against them.
Godspeed Everyone!!!
Carry On!!!
Democrat activists & donors, race-mongers, BLM, transgender free to use any bathroom. Detailed review: http://cancelthiscompany.com/Company-Reviews/Target_Review.html
Let’s do the irs next
I can't boycott Target.
I haven't even been in one for at least three years. And when I did, there wasn't anything I wanted to buy.
Let me get this straight, Bud Light just kicked the sleeping giant in the nuts, and now Target is saying "here, hold my beer and watch this"? You couldn't make this stuff up! Don't you think it may be about time for ALL of the big corporation "Big Shots" to come to terms with who it is that is actually paying their bloated salaries?
I'm losing track. Why are we boycotting Target?
In my rural community the only target for 100 miles in all directions has a big sign near the front door saying "Queers for All" along with all kinds of clothing for toddlers and babies using the words Gay, Gay Pride, etc. No words used to describe a sexual lifestyle should be on baby clothes. They also have little girl swim suits that advertise that they are tuckable in order to hide male testicles.
They've gone Satanic trannie.
Not only are they selling swimsuits that have tuckable areas to make men feel like a woman (or boys like girls), "gender neutral" clothing, and gay pride crap, they also allow men into the women's restrooms and fitting rooms. We haven't been to a target in years. Actually, I take that back. I had to run in once for something, and I told my daughter who was with me that she was to touch nothing, get nothing extra, and she could NOT, no matter how bad she had to pee, go to the bathroom while we were there. Even with me there. I just won't. I think we spent a dollar or two on whatever it was, haven't been there otherwise for... years. Before covid, I remember that.
Convince your wives. They make the majority of Target purchases. Just saying.
This makes me sad. I always liked target. I was able to look the other way when they had pride shit for adults, even though that's cringy and wildly woke... But I can't ignore this.
I hope they apologize and remove all woke shit from their brand, but knowing them, that's out of the question. They're more likely to double down.
Who cares if they "apologize?" Just like the bathroom situation years ago, they don't care unless it hurts them significantly.
Fortunately, unlike the bathroom situation, were a LOT MORE organized, powerful, and awake than we were then.
And, like Bud Light, this one is gonna hurt.
A sleeping giants awoken... some idiots just don't realize it yet.
I just started liking Target, but no more. You would think corporations would have learned by now.
Guyths…it’thsss “Targé”. Not Targetthsss. Jeethsss Louisthssss! 🤓
the thing is, the bud light thing seems to have been going better for us than Target or Levis. I don't know if Bud light was something men bought, and men are better at being organized in things like this than we are? Or perhaps it's because women like to shop and if they like what a store has, they are going whether they align with the values or not. Either way, I would love to see Target and Levi's go down, along with completely and totally work Athleta and Lululemon. Lululemon has become the WORST. They have a big gay flag in their window and a note that says if you can't be nice to all people regardless of blah blah blah, you are not welcome. I used to shop at Lululemon for their Scuba coats.. they fit me better than any coat I can find. I got an instructors discount on top of their clearance prices, so I got a great deal! However, I will be happy for the rest of my life with the coats I have now. I will never, EVER step foot in their stores again. Sadly, they are still selling their overpriced athletic gear and people are still flocking to it.