I just finished watching it, it's a must watch. This one is a keeper that sums up the last few years decades, helps you understand what is going on Says we are winning! (and we are because we aren't shutting up and they hate it - so keep speaking up!), and gives us the knowledge and subsequent power to make the change. We have to be the change!
BTW G. Edward Griffin is a great patriot! (Makes me wonder: was he a Q-Team member?)
Thank you for posting and stickying this Fatality.
What a powerful documentary.
Maybe we need to do a QR code campaign of some sort. Make little cards or stickers with a QR link and a catch line of something like "Does the world not make much sense? This will help."
This is the movie of the century, its important that all should see it... Appeal to your Liberal and Normie relatives, co-workers, and friends sense of being informed/seeing all sides of the issues...
The movie was very good, professional, PG rated, although communism itself is horrific. It shows the horror of Chinese life about to be imposed on all of us if we don't wake everyone up before it is too late.
It didn't go into the cabal behind the global communist push, other than to briefly show King Charles, Klaus, Gates and Yuval. I would have liked to see video of their secret meetings, and their phone calls, to prove what they have been conspiring to do to us and why.
It also didn't touch on Covid much, it's not a Covid revelation movie.
First thoughts. Will watch again and comment further.
Couple spoilers.
This is a must watch till the end.
The director using an old Ed Griffin interview as narration was absolute brilliance.
Thank the lord he is still alive, because near the end he pops up and gives current thoughts.
Desmet Mathias who wrote the book Totalitarianism is featured. He was a huge reason i did not even think about the vax.
He coined the term 'mass formation'.
I wish the director would have featured Eric Hoffer and his seminal work, 'True Believer', which i think Desmet got his original thesis from.
For those that do not know?
In the 60's a guy without a high school degree was an honorary professror at Berkeley. From the 6th floor during student protests, he said, "the monkeys have taken over the zoo". Might have been the "inmates have taken over the asylum".
Been a while.
Anyway, one of his students at that time?
Our national treasure, Thomas Sowell.
Moving on.
The director interviews Zuby near the end. I loved this interview and the question he posed.
For those that do not know, Zuby is a black englishman who is a singer and podcaster.
Most importantly though, in my opinion?
The guy speaks perfect queens english.
His speech is so intelligible.
Some might wonder why I say that and wtf is Queens English?
Goes back to Queen Elizabeth and when Britain was imperialist. "The sun never sets on England".
During those times, you had to speak and enunciate your words properly, so people would begin to understand your language in far away places.
Anyway, the director asks Zuby who has travelled the world, "have you ever encountered a country like the United States, that has course corrected for past sin"?
Zuby, replied "no".
So many things about this documentary were done so well.
Funny too that the director was a Bernie bro, and was hired to follow and film that campaign. If you think back to 2016 and the days of confiscating coats and the mandatory disavowals, it shows the influence Trump and MAGA and The Great Awakening are having.
No email required- ytube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptff6GXi-Ek
You can always use president@whitehouse.gov
or pedo@whitehouse.gov
YouTube video is 1hr 25 min long.
The original: 3hrs 25 min, so it’s 2 hrs longer.
Use example@example.com to skip the email check. It doesn’t verify the email.
Edit: The difference is a long introduction (a “red carpet” interviews with people from the movie), which adds extra 2 hours to the original link.
VERY WEAK....................We are years beyond being easy with the evil ones and the idiots
Then get into your local gov & run for office! It’s time to make your difference.
Did what I could. The entire massive staff was gotten rid of and given to the dems.....and there is more
You da real MVP. Was able to download it.
awesome fren thx
Thanks for that link.
Watched the premiere last night. Really incredible stuff. Highly recommend it.
The lady who defected from China near the end had me in tears. Not afraid to admit it.
Did we have a stick on here about it? I was out last night
I was on here off and on but didn't see one. Too bad. It really does cover so much of what's been discussed here for years.
I guess the shareable movie is being posted on their site tonight, so I'll definitely be telling as many ppl as possible to watch it.
Direct link to the movie, just supply an email and you can watch.
1h:41m version in the context
Official short version is here: https://rumble.com/v2rxr4s-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening-full-movie.html
I just finished watching it, it's a must watch. This one is a keeper that sums up the last few years decades, helps you understand what is going on Says we are winning! (and we are because we aren't shutting up and they hate it - so keep speaking up!), and gives us the knowledge and subsequent power to make the change. We have to be the change!
BTW G. Edward Griffin is a great patriot! (Makes me wonder: was he a Q-Team member?)
thx u/Fatality/
Backup in case of censorship
That's real anon thinking. Thank you.
PS. Using to make a download to watch later.
best awakening documentary yet. Save and spread as widely as possible.
RIP Dr Zelenko!
Thank you for posting and stickying this Fatality.
What a powerful documentary.
Maybe we need to do a QR code campaign of some sort. Make little cards or stickers with a QR link and a catch line of something like "Does the world not make much sense? This will help."
That is such a great idea!!
This film is SO GOOD. YouTube SUX. Rumble version, unedited, no email required link: https://rumble.com/v2s0gp8-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening-full-unedited-movie.html
Yes, I think it’s without the premiere interviews.
thats only 1hr 40m?
Yes, I think it’s without the premiere interviews.
ah ok thanks!
This is the movie of the century, its important that all should see it... Appeal to your Liberal and Normie relatives, co-workers, and friends sense of being informed/seeing all sides of the issues...
This was awesome!
It is!
Spread far and wide! Will be viewing as soon as I get to work.
Can start at 1:30 hrs in time stamp
Nvm, the rE upload no red carpet https://youtu.be/ptff6GXi-Ek
Is it really 3.5 hours long?
No. It's around 1 hour 45 minutes I think. The first 2 hours are just showing interviews at the premiere and other stuff like that.
The movie was very good, professional, PG rated, although communism itself is horrific. It shows the horror of Chinese life about to be imposed on all of us if we don't wake everyone up before it is too late.
It didn't go into the cabal behind the global communist push, other than to briefly show King Charles, Klaus, Gates and Yuval. I would have liked to see video of their secret meetings, and their phone calls, to prove what they have been conspiring to do to us and why.
It also didn't touch on Covid much, it's not a Covid revelation movie.
I think Covid was covered under Plandemic 1 & 2. Maybe a Plandemic 4 is in the works (the deep state exposure)?
First thoughts. Will watch again and comment further.
Couple spoilers.
This is a must watch till the end.
The director using an old Ed Griffin interview as narration was absolute brilliance.
Thank the lord he is still alive, because near the end he pops up and gives current thoughts.
Desmet Mathias who wrote the book Totalitarianism is featured. He was a huge reason i did not even think about the vax.
He coined the term 'mass formation'.
I wish the director would have featured Eric Hoffer and his seminal work, 'True Believer', which i think Desmet got his original thesis from.
For those that do not know?
In the 60's a guy without a high school degree was an honorary professror at Berkeley. From the 6th floor during student protests, he said, "the monkeys have taken over the zoo". Might have been the "inmates have taken over the asylum".
Been a while.
Anyway, one of his students at that time?
Our national treasure, Thomas Sowell.
Moving on.
The director interviews Zuby near the end. I loved this interview and the question he posed.
For those that do not know, Zuby is a black englishman who is a singer and podcaster.
Most importantly though, in my opinion?
The guy speaks perfect queens english.
His speech is so intelligible.
Some might wonder why I say that and wtf is Queens English?
Goes back to Queen Elizabeth and when Britain was imperialist. "The sun never sets on England".
During those times, you had to speak and enunciate your words properly, so people would begin to understand your language in far away places.
Anyway, the director asks Zuby who has travelled the world, "have you ever encountered a country like the United States, that has course corrected for past sin"?
Zuby, replied "no".
So many things about this documentary were done so well.
The hypnosis of masses was explained thoroughly.
Highly recommend watching till the end.
Good job, filmmakers!
Funny too that the director was a Bernie bro, and was hired to follow and film that campaign. If you think back to 2016 and the days of confiscating coats and the mandatory disavowals, it shows the influence Trump and MAGA and The Great Awakening are having.
Turnin’ enemies into frens!
So true. I did not mention it, but you bring up a great point.
Here is a truly artistic director that just made a beautiful documentary.
That creative skill and expression used to be only on the left, but guess what?
It is now on the "right".
I put right into quotes because politics has changed.
Never again will i support a Bush or Desantis Republican.
I will focus from ground up to supporting Edmund Burke conservatives.
The people that know, ok we got something special, but tweaks need to be made.
Must add, "we are close approaching when tweaks will not help. A complete dismantling might be necessary".
there has to be players that are put in there to do the nasty deeds, else they get to say, " I give you one job ! "
Why so many deleted comments in this thread? Pretty sus.
u/FrmrLiberalUSMC/ had a technical problem and reposted this multiple times: https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPQKl2vL/x/c/4TttALenKtw the other was us removing a report, and there was no need to keep the subthread around either after that was gone.