It is sick. Neighborhood children call them furries. They wear tails to school, eat off the floor, go through the class on all fours and make sounds disruptive to other children. This is a real threat to our children as we watch a coordinated effort to dehumanize everyone.
certainly NOT TEACHING math, reading, writing....WHEN THEY GRADUATE, THEY CAN'T EVEN MAKE CHANGE 😱 😱 😱 and they can not read cursive writing (cause the deep state can re-write THAT WHICH IS CURSIVE and no one will know in a generation or two) 🔥😡🔥
I want to let you know for a while, my parents took me out of school because of brain washing. I wasn't in U.S.
They taught me by giving me books to read. I can go to the library, pick up books, read, write a report. They taught me math by giving me money to buy stuff, and make sure I know changes. You can teach, just have to put in the time.
This, I want to hope that this is just accelerating, like turning the sub into the torpedo before it could arm itself like in Hunt for Red October. You take the absurdity to 11 and everyone realizes how the current insanity will end if allowed to get that far anywhere else.
Quickest way to end this insanity is via lawsuit. Child tells their parent that little Suzie identifies as a cat and is allowed to do cat things in the class. Parent threatens school with lawsuit, 'my child is allergic to cats', and since little Suzie is now a cat, she should not be allowed in this school. School is forced to either ban the animal-identifying children from the premises (no pets/animals in school) or admit that those children are playing make-believe and reverse their initial decision to allow the woke nonsense.
I seriously wanted to be a German Shepherd dog when I was about 4. It lasted a day. I had a crush on Rin Tin Tin. I would also gallop around the backyard and pretend I was a horse, it last a few weeks in summer, when I was 5. Children were allowed to play out their little fantasies, no one took it seriously.When the kids in the neighborhood got together and played out movies like Peter Pan, and we had our little wading pools set up, someone got to be the alligator. Nothing more fun than Daddy or Uncle playing horsey. Innocent childhood, play acting. Now it gets all twisted to this. I have a couple of based friends my age, we all agree we are glad we won't be around to see where this is all going. We cling to the old ways and each year become more separate and isolated from the throng , our choice.
That was my point, children will play, acting out roles was important in our neighborhood play, in the 50's, there were not tv channels dedicated to childrens entertainment. There were Saturday morning shows, and Lassie was on Sunday nights.There were the early Disney movies. We knew what playtime was vs regular time. It has all become blurred together due to brainwashing with media. No one played at school, except for recess.
Before I retired from the public school system we had a student who identified as a penguin and wore a penguin suit to school (HS) each day. He was escorted to the office where he would call his mother for a change of clothes. He was eventually suspended for repeated dress code violations and ultimately, he was withdrawn from school. It was either an attempt to create grounds for a lawsuit or he was truly mentally unsound. Either way, I am so grateful to be out of the madness.
I know some people call a tuxedo a 'penguin suit" but in this case, it was an actual penguin suit. It fell into the "costume" category and costumes, including capes were prohibited attire and considered a distraction to the learning environment. For context, shirts depicting profanity or lewd in nature, ripped jeans, pajamas, leggings that were not covered by a long enough shirt, and cropped/midriff tops etc. were also prohibited.
He also sought permission to relieve himself outside as penguins do. We didn't allow this either.
We weren't allowed to wear pants when I was in school. Unless you were a boy and no one heard of claiming to be girl born in a boy's body. Those skirts had better come to the bottom of your knees too or you'd be sent home.
My stepdaughter (19 at the time) worked a job where they had to wear uniforms. They couldn't wear coats unless it was company approved with the logo. Problem is, the coats had been backorder for months. It was winter, and she became tired of freezing, so she started wearing her warm personal coat.
Another employee complained, and HR called her in with the supervisor and told her she couldn't wear it. My stepdaughter explained she was cold, had ordered a company coat but they were backorder, and then without missing a beat, added "besides, it's okay if I wear my own coat because I identify as a coat rack."
She said her supervisor laughed so hard he was gasping for air, the HR woman looked mortified, they sent her out of the office and it was never brought up again. She got her uniform coat about 6 weeks later.
Based stepdaughter. I've been step dad since she was 3, and she tells me I'm more a dad to her than her bio dad as he's an abusive POS.
These children are going to look back and be very angry about what they were encouraged to do. I still remember my 6th grade school teacher shaming me for signing the school yearbook with my nickname. That seemed like a small infraction I made, but I paid dearly for that reckless mistake. According to the teacher, I tainted a cherished yearbook. Think how much has changed in today's surreal world. A thousand tainted yearbooks don't even compare to the lunacy of allowing kids to identify as animals and extinct reptiles.
DEPENDING on age of child I only see 2 solutions.1 Home school. 2 Get together with like minded parents and do long term hire at the local fancy dress store or order online. If every child wears fancy dress everyday they will all be screaming for normalcy soon.
If I had school aged children, I'd be telling them to go to school and tell them you identify as the principal or the teacher. heh Actually, I'd make damned sure my kids were taken out of these hellhole schools.
It is sick. Neighborhood children call them furries. They wear tails to school, eat off the floor, go through the class on all fours and make sounds disruptive to other children. This is a real threat to our children as we watch a coordinated effort to dehumanize everyone.
Take them out of school. They don't teach anything good.
This is their wicked plan to normalize bestiality
Oh. I would take the kids out of school.
schoolzooYep. Zoo for sure.
You can identify as anything but a child of God. That’s verboten in clown world.
Anything about God and you not going to hear it being taught in school.
Soon the kids will identify as hunters, and nature finds a way
Lord of the Flies.
Oh yeah. That's right.
LOL. I think it's ridiculous. What are they teaching kids?
certainly NOT TEACHING math, reading, writing....WHEN THEY GRADUATE, THEY CAN'T EVEN MAKE CHANGE 😱 😱 😱 and they can not read cursive writing (cause the deep state can re-write THAT WHICH IS CURSIVE and no one will know in a generation or two) 🔥😡🔥
I want to let you know for a while, my parents took me out of school because of brain washing. I wasn't in U.S.
They taught me by giving me books to read. I can go to the library, pick up books, read, write a report. They taught me math by giving me money to buy stuff, and make sure I know changes. You can teach, just have to put in the time.
Oh, penmanship is another one. I write cursive.
Are globalists in season?
Open season on them all year, no permits or tags required. Invasive species afterall
School rules, no pets in the building.
And no shitting in boxes outside either.
I was just suggesting all the kids take their pets in and said they identify as their pets and see how far that would go.
Ah. That’d be good sport also.
This is actually good.
The hyperbole should break the system.
They are getting ridiculous. I won't even allowed my dogs go there. LOL
This, I want to hope that this is just accelerating, like turning the sub into the torpedo before it could arm itself like in Hunt for Red October. You take the absurdity to 11 and everyone realizes how the current insanity will end if allowed to get that far anywhere else.
Quickest way to end this insanity is via lawsuit. Child tells their parent that little Suzie identifies as a cat and is allowed to do cat things in the class. Parent threatens school with lawsuit, 'my child is allergic to cats', and since little Suzie is now a cat, she should not be allowed in this school. School is forced to either ban the animal-identifying children from the premises (no pets/animals in school) or admit that those children are playing make-believe and reverse their initial decision to allow the woke nonsense.
That's a great suggestion also.
I would identify as the school superintendent .....
Smart, pragmatic. Good suggestion.
At work, I identify as "Mopar Man" and they must use my pronouns of HemiHead.
I seriously wanted to be a German Shepherd dog when I was about 4. It lasted a day. I had a crush on Rin Tin Tin. I would also gallop around the backyard and pretend I was a horse, it last a few weeks in summer, when I was 5. Children were allowed to play out their little fantasies, no one took it seriously.When the kids in the neighborhood got together and played out movies like Peter Pan, and we had our little wading pools set up, someone got to be the alligator. Nothing more fun than Daddy or Uncle playing horsey. Innocent childhood, play acting. Now it gets all twisted to this. I have a couple of based friends my age, we all agree we are glad we won't be around to see where this is all going. We cling to the old ways and each year become more separate and isolated from the throng , our choice.
You didn't want to eat the kibbles, did you?
I understand about play, but school, ridiculous.
That was my point, children will play, acting out roles was important in our neighborhood play, in the 50's, there were not tv channels dedicated to childrens entertainment. There were Saturday morning shows, and Lassie was on Sunday nights.There were the early Disney movies. We knew what playtime was vs regular time. It has all become blurred together due to brainwashing with media. No one played at school, except for recess.
TV brainwashed the rest of them and school mopped up.
Before I retired from the public school system we had a student who identified as a penguin and wore a penguin suit to school (HS) each day. He was escorted to the office where he would call his mother for a change of clothes. He was eventually suspended for repeated dress code violations and ultimately, he was withdrawn from school. It was either an attempt to create grounds for a lawsuit or he was truly mentally unsound. Either way, I am so grateful to be out of the madness.
I know some people call a tuxedo a 'penguin suit" but in this case, it was an actual penguin suit. It fell into the "costume" category and costumes, including capes were prohibited attire and considered a distraction to the learning environment. For context, shirts depicting profanity or lewd in nature, ripped jeans, pajamas, leggings that were not covered by a long enough shirt, and cropped/midriff tops etc. were also prohibited.
He also sought permission to relieve himself outside as penguins do. We didn't allow this either.
Thanks for the explanation.
Still sane back then.
We weren't allowed to wear pants when I was in school. Unless you were a boy and no one heard of claiming to be girl born in a boy's body. Those skirts had better come to the bottom of your knees too or you'd be sent home.
We have a high school near us that provides litter boxes for the cat furries.
My point is that cats do not go to school. So, identify how you want, but live the life of a cat, if that is what you choose.
All kids should bring their pets in there and said they identify with their pets. See how far that would go.
Ha. I like that.
Pull your kids out of school. I would rather my children have absolutely NO education than this one twisted by satanic pedophiles.
I think kids should be homeschool.
Why is it always the UK?
Not sure. If it happens here in U.S, you can move from that state.
My daughter identified as a cat. For about a day. When she was 3.
I used to identify as a dolphin and then drank some salt water and said, no more.
My stepdaughter (19 at the time) worked a job where they had to wear uniforms. They couldn't wear coats unless it was company approved with the logo. Problem is, the coats had been backorder for months. It was winter, and she became tired of freezing, so she started wearing her warm personal coat.
Another employee complained, and HR called her in with the supervisor and told her she couldn't wear it. My stepdaughter explained she was cold, had ordered a company coat but they were backorder, and then without missing a beat, added "besides, it's okay if I wear my own coat because I identify as a coat rack."
She said her supervisor laughed so hard he was gasping for air, the HR woman looked mortified, they sent her out of the office and it was never brought up again. She got her uniform coat about 6 weeks later.
Based stepdaughter. I've been step dad since she was 3, and she tells me I'm more a dad to her than her bio dad as he's an abusive POS.
What can I say, I'm proud of her, Lol
Oh, I would love to have seen that interaction. It's exactly what someone has to do to make people mind.
Great step daughter. Love this.
Good, eat pet food then, no need cooking
Howls. Good suggestion. See how far that would fly.
These children are going to look back and be very angry about what they were encouraged to do. I still remember my 6th grade school teacher shaming me for signing the school yearbook with my nickname. That seemed like a small infraction I made, but I paid dearly for that reckless mistake. According to the teacher, I tainted a cherished yearbook. Think how much has changed in today's surreal world. A thousand tainted yearbooks don't even compare to the lunacy of allowing kids to identify as animals and extinct reptiles.
DEPENDING on age of child I only see 2 solutions.1 Home school. 2 Get together with like minded parents and do long term hire at the local fancy dress store or order online. If every child wears fancy dress everyday they will all be screaming for normalcy soon.
Both will be great. I love the 2nd one.
Hmm... moving from pedophilia to what's the animal sex thing called? Trying to normalize everything. Biblical to say the least.
Yes, sick stuff.
If a child identify as a T-Rex, will they amputate his arms?
This really isn't breaking news where I come from.
The indoctrination stations have been allowing this for at least the past two years..
Did you take your kids out? This is sick stuff.
If I had school aged children, I'd be telling them to go to school and tell them you identify as the principal or the teacher. heh Actually, I'd make damned sure my kids were taken out of these hellhole schools.
I would.
We can laugh about it, but many kids will have problems in the future.