If someone comes up to me, confessing their affliction and they have NOT committed an offense and they are scared of what to do, I'm gonna help them find the assistance they seek. We don't know what they have put in the food and water supplies or vaccines or even what they transmit in the air or pump out from planes with chemtrails. I don't even like calling a repentant non-offender a pedo, because they don't deserve the stigma. Innocent until proven guilty.
That's it. That is the line. Pedophilia is NOT a sexual orientation nor is it acceptable in society. One of the redeeming qualities about the time we live in and why we are NOT in modern day Soddom and Gamorra is BECAUSE pedophilia is NOT accepted by about 99% of present day human cultures. In fact a lot of those "third world shitholes" pretty much make Pedo hunting a sport. And rightly so. It is NOT natural, normal or acceptable. So yeah, in the above scenario if I met someone and they were trying to convince me that their affliction was normal well... let's just say the homeless Guy I follow has some advice regarding stones and oceans.
I will assert my agreement though we have agreed on this point before. I am not in the business of thought crimes.
I believe in pushing people to get help, but also it needs to be made clear that anyone who is supposed to be providing that help cannot leak or will face the penalty of imprisonment.
People fear getting help that would help them sort themselves out because of crusaders disguised as therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists. They fear their lives will be ruined if they elect to seek help.
But for those who offend, without a shadow of a doubt? Cruel and unusual punishment to strike fear into those who would harm children.
If an appeal to a moral compass doesn't work, fear will.
Death is very effective at preventing repeat offenses.
Not opposed to people getting help, but allowing them to hide behind a diagnosis isn't going to help. You don't send an alcoholic into a bar with a wad of cash hoping they will come out sober - in the same way, hiding a pedo in a neighborhood full of kids isn't fair to the kids, the parents, or the rest of society.
You don't let them hide behind a diagnosis, you let them get the help they need without fear that getting help will cause them to spiral out of control.
The people who want to get help have the moral compass to resist or change, but if you remove hope from them then they are more likely to give in. We simply cannot go down the road of thought crimes, we have already started down that path thanks to the left and the end of that path is a worse dystopia than present day even.
A system that punishes the innocent is evil. Period. Unfortunately there are times when the religious institutions try justify thought crime and they need to be resisted too. "Sin" for example, is not a sword for any of us to use against others and yet we do every day. This is also because all sin is considered equal, even though reality says otherwise.
There is a clear difference between sin and evil. Sin is meant to teach. Meant to grow you as a person. Meant to help us experience good times and bad so we can appreciate the different feelings. Where it starts to become evil is when your actions begin to harm others. When you start violating the consent of others, that is when you are on the dark path. The slippery slope is NOT what we "allow" people to do or don't do. We don't have any authority to decide what's best for people in the privacy of their lives. That is the mindset of tyrants/insecure children. What the slippery slope actually is, is allowing others to harm others and doing nothing to stop it.
Consent is the moral absolute that transcends all ideology and is irrefutable as being the chief moral standard.
nothing against aluminum though. except I think it can exacerbate the effects of fluoride.. also it has a much higher conductivity than tin, and a much lower resistance... 👀
We have a breed of dog here called a Boer Bull (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boerboel)... I have 2...a couple of them let loose to play would be fun...
As much as I have felt the same way, regarding this post, it’s not very Christlike. Although the Bible does say that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their neck, to them that harm a little one… perhaps that’s a kind a way of saying what is being said above. But another anon here commented that a person who may have that idea and their head, but have not given into it, hopefully they are not beyond the help of the Lord, and can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and have a new life, just like all of us have done. I wasn’t a great person before I accepted Christ. He has made me whole.
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. It’s definitely hard to get past that trauma as I myself have had to deal with it. The post just doesn’t sit well with me. But it’s a free country, and we can make comments. Thanks for sharing your situation. I pray that the Lord has healed you from that past.
I wrote a lot more, but I didn't actually feel comfortable leaving it in the board, so I cut back my comment (edited) and just left this. I'll send you the pre-edit version.
But I'd been thinking about the whole topic for a few days; I'm often sorry to see so much vindictive cowboy-like indulgence in vengeance violence talk with regards to people's favorite villains.
I sort of understand it, but it saddens me. It's really immature behavior , and I mean that literally. The issues that we are grappling with, and facing, are of such weight and import, that the blase attitudes are less than helpful; they are based in a sort of fantasy view of the world, and that does not help the situation, actually.
If that refers to physical harm, that is not in Matthew 18:1-7 and Luke 17:1-4. It’s about causes to sin, and it is the same Greek word used in Matthew 18:8, “if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off”.
I also find it interesting that Luke 17:3-4 bring up forgiveness in this context.
Which is worse? A psycho ready and willing to abuse helpless children? A psycho willing to gouge someone's eyes out with their fingers? Difficult one.
Remember - when all this is "over" and the white hats have won then we will need honest brave citizens to step up and stand for election to a new and clean government. Ain't gunna look good for candidates with a record of murder and torture.
I like this evolution, half the time if I said stuff like this I'd be called a glowie. But I believe in cruel and unusual punishments for crimes that start to become too prevalent with no accountability.
Would-be criminals need to fear what will happen to them if they touch children for example.
Thieves never repeated when they lost fingers or hands.
There are just some people who society needs to go medieval on.
I am definitely in the green column, 100%. No debate, no argument, no pleading; you fuck with kids and I catch you, your last moments on Earth will be a horror movie come full life.
According of I have seen so far with them it is not curable that’s why they get shots to castrate them so if they kill to satisfy themselves with rape and sodomy I believe they need to be caged or dead depends of the offense.
I like how the Russians did it at the end of Citizen X. One 9 mm round to the back of the head in a dusty courthouse basement. Monsters deserve disposal and nothing more.
Add: they are sick. No, they are evil, corrupt, wicked, inhumane, etc.
We must stop softening and justifying evil behavior with the term “sick.” People don’t choose to be sick. Sickness is a tragedy. A sick person is a “victim”.
Evil behavior is a choice and it usually victimizes others.
If someone comes up to me, confessing their affliction and they have NOT committed an offense and they are scared of what to do, I'm gonna help them find the assistance they seek. We don't know what they have put in the food and water supplies or vaccines or even what they transmit in the air or pump out from planes with chemtrails. I don't even like calling a repentant non-offender a pedo, because they don't deserve the stigma. Innocent until proven guilty.
That's it. That is the line. Pedophilia is NOT a sexual orientation nor is it acceptable in society. One of the redeeming qualities about the time we live in and why we are NOT in modern day Soddom and Gamorra is BECAUSE pedophilia is NOT accepted by about 99% of present day human cultures. In fact a lot of those "third world shitholes" pretty much make Pedo hunting a sport. And rightly so. It is NOT natural, normal or acceptable. So yeah, in the above scenario if I met someone and they were trying to convince me that their affliction was normal well... let's just say the homeless Guy I follow has some advice regarding stones and oceans.
I will assert my agreement though we have agreed on this point before. I am not in the business of thought crimes.
I believe in pushing people to get help, but also it needs to be made clear that anyone who is supposed to be providing that help cannot leak or will face the penalty of imprisonment.
People fear getting help that would help them sort themselves out because of crusaders disguised as therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists. They fear their lives will be ruined if they elect to seek help.
But for those who offend, without a shadow of a doubt? Cruel and unusual punishment to strike fear into those who would harm children.
If an appeal to a moral compass doesn't work, fear will.
Death is very effective at preventing repeat offenses.
Not opposed to people getting help, but allowing them to hide behind a diagnosis isn't going to help. You don't send an alcoholic into a bar with a wad of cash hoping they will come out sober - in the same way, hiding a pedo in a neighborhood full of kids isn't fair to the kids, the parents, or the rest of society.
You don't let them hide behind a diagnosis, you let them get the help they need without fear that getting help will cause them to spiral out of control.
The people who want to get help have the moral compass to resist or change, but if you remove hope from them then they are more likely to give in. We simply cannot go down the road of thought crimes, we have already started down that path thanks to the left and the end of that path is a worse dystopia than present day even.
A system that punishes the innocent is evil. Period. Unfortunately there are times when the religious institutions try justify thought crime and they need to be resisted too. "Sin" for example, is not a sword for any of us to use against others and yet we do every day. This is also because all sin is considered equal, even though reality says otherwise.
There is a clear difference between sin and evil. Sin is meant to teach. Meant to grow you as a person. Meant to help us experience good times and bad so we can appreciate the different feelings. Where it starts to become evil is when your actions begin to harm others. When you start violating the consent of others, that is when you are on the dark path. The slippery slope is NOT what we "allow" people to do or don't do. We don't have any authority to decide what's best for people in the privacy of their lives. That is the mindset of tyrants/insecure children. What the slippery slope actually is, is allowing others to harm others and doing nothing to stop it.
Consent is the moral absolute that transcends all ideology and is irrefutable as being the chief moral standard.
great stuff, aluminum-clad amphibian
We all know the real power is in the tin foil crowns.
lets be real though, where can you even find actual tin foil these days? its all aluminum..
...fuck. I've only grown up with aluminum. I totally didn't think of "tin" being a seperate metal until you just spelled it out. So thank you.
nothing against aluminum though. except I think it can exacerbate the effects of fluoride.. also it has a much higher conductivity than tin, and a much lower resistance... 👀
tin foil hat purists, start stacking tin
Quick everyone. The mods are drunk and posting violence. Post your favorite kitty pics! 🤣🤣🤣
Great meme tho cats, srsly.
this one mod definitely has... issues.
Not me I usually recommend a woodchipper......
Id even go green af and use an all electric. See them lose their minds trying to be mad but also feel ecstatic about switching to all electric.
Electric would be ok, if it used a tesla battery than randomly blew up.....
2 stroke.
More torque to munch through larger quantities at a time.
Time for processed pedo patties!
We have a breed of dog here called a Boer Bull (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boerboel)... I have 2...a couple of them let loose to play would be fun...
Those are some real beauties!!!
They are kind of noisy. I think a diesel with a really slow feed rate would be best.
Feet first..... https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDcR6BV9/i-found-our-new-jam/
Woodchipper power source listed from highest to lowest torque :
Electric motor or diesel electric hybrid
Steam engine
Diesel ICE (either 2 stroke or 4 stroke with or w/o power adder (turbo, sc etc)
Gasoline 4 stroke ICE
Gasoline 2 stroke ICE (no low end torque, generally high RPM)
The more you know 💯
As much as I have felt the same way, regarding this post, it’s not very Christlike. Although the Bible does say that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their neck, to them that harm a little one… perhaps that’s a kind a way of saying what is being said above. But another anon here commented that a person who may have that idea and their head, but have not given into it, hopefully they are not beyond the help of the Lord, and can accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and have a new life, just like all of us have done. I wasn’t a great person before I accepted Christ. He has made me whole.
Yeah the post hits wierd on account I've been banned for saying these exact things suggested to us to say.
No, it's not very Christ-like at all.
As a victim of a pedophile, not a big fan of this sort of post. Part of the problem, not the solution.
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. It’s definitely hard to get past that trauma as I myself have had to deal with it. The post just doesn’t sit well with me. But it’s a free country, and we can make comments. Thanks for sharing your situation. I pray that the Lord has healed you from that past.
I wrote a lot more, but I didn't actually feel comfortable leaving it in the board, so I cut back my comment (edited) and just left this. I'll send you the pre-edit version.
But I'd been thinking about the whole topic for a few days; I'm often sorry to see so much vindictive cowboy-like indulgence in vengeance violence talk with regards to people's favorite villains.
I sort of understand it, but it saddens me. It's really immature behavior , and I mean that literally. The issues that we are grappling with, and facing, are of such weight and import, that the blase attitudes are less than helpful; they are based in a sort of fantasy view of the world, and that does not help the situation, actually.
If that refers to physical harm, that is not in Matthew 18:1-7 and Luke 17:1-4. It’s about causes to sin, and it is the same Greek word used in Matthew 18:8, “if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off”.
I also find it interesting that Luke 17:3-4 bring up forgiveness in this context.
Get creative with Claymore mines. They are a lot of fun for the whole family!
"this side towards pedos"
That's good. Do Kazarians next.
Which is worse? A psycho ready and willing to abuse helpless children? A psycho willing to gouge someone's eyes out with their fingers? Difficult one.
Remember - when all this is "over" and the white hats have won then we will need honest brave citizens to step up and stand for election to a new and clean government. Ain't gunna look good for candidates with a record of murder and torture.
Instead of butter knife, I would prefer one with a serrated edge.
Preferably rusty and dull...
I like this evolution, half the time if I said stuff like this I'd be called a glowie. But I believe in cruel and unusual punishments for crimes that start to become too prevalent with no accountability.
Would-be criminals need to fear what will happen to them if they touch children for example.
Thieves never repeated when they lost fingers or hands.
There are just some people who society needs to go medieval on.
Sidebar material as well.
Warning: You will be banned off almost any mainstream platform for using this meme
The left is seeding our destruction with ban hammer memes
I am definitely in the green column, 100%. No debate, no argument, no pleading; you fuck with kids and I catch you, your last moments on Earth will be a horror movie come full life.
According of I have seen so far with them it is not curable that’s why they get shots to castrate them so if they kill to satisfy themselves with rape and sodomy I believe they need to be caged or dead depends of the offense.
With any given item... 🤣👍
I like how the Russians did it at the end of Citizen X. One 9 mm round to the back of the head in a dusty courthouse basement. Monsters deserve disposal and nothing more.
I miss the old lobotomy days.
Add: they are sick. No, they are evil, corrupt, wicked, inhumane, etc.
We must stop softening and justifying evil behavior with the term “sick.” People don’t choose to be sick. Sickness is a tragedy. A sick person is a “victim”. Evil behavior is a choice and it usually victimizes others.
Kek Kek
So you're saying we can talk some smack on the board....
I am a bit confused about this
The title includes "mind your vocabulary", and then proceeds to post a meme with plenty of smack. I wasn't trying to be too serious about it.
My point was whether this could fall under the "advocacy of illegal activity" banner (i.e calls for executing someone without a trial)
I see. That is a good point. I think the assumption is that there is no question of guilt, and normalizing the behavior is not an option.
Yea thats why I was torn on this one. Reported it to mods and it seems they let it go, good enough for me
Kind of like that.......................
Mine is they need the rope or the chair.
Boil 'em, mash 'em, put 'em in a stew (of acid)
I remember when Jesus said these things.
...or how about we let the judicial system work, however if caught in the act there is no need.
I mean, ultimately the post comes across not as an advocation for doing it personally, but for those who would mete out justice on our behalf.
It's like if I went to a medieval execution; if I were egging on the execution and making my voice heard, I am not the one bringing the axe down.
That said, the justice system has been broken for a long time.