I suggest all anyone really needs to be successful are the 4R's: reading, writing, rhetoric, and arithmetic. These are our forms of communication. With a solid foundation in these skills, a person can learn anything else. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have other institutions for specialized learning. All we need on that front for a successful person or society is to have the options available for someone to explore other topics in a formal setting (a Free Market of education).
"Mandatory education for children" is completely unnecessary, and, as it turns out, an intentional fraud from day one, designed specifically to indoctrinate the plebs (AKA not the 1%). For reference on these claims, see the origins of the Prussian school system (starting on page 50) on which all of the worlds education systems are designed. An elucidation of the connections to todays schools is elaborated in Weapons of Mass Instruction, by John Taylor Gatto).
The entire concept of credentials is also a fraud, designed by the same person (Rockefeller et al) who designed our "modern school system". If you want to hire someone for a job, test them on the skills they need to do the job. That's all you need to do. Maybe an assessment of their personality: do you think they will fit in? It really isn't more complicated than that. "References," or "education," or "past work experience," are either irrelevant to doing the job at hand, or lies or half truths that are easily fabricated.
I taught school for 47 years. I always said all the children need to learn is Reading Writing and arithmetic. They are shoving all this other crap into learning and they are ignoring the three r's. Can't we just get back to basics. You take a child to where he can think for himself and hopefully parents will do their job and take that child the rest of the way
I worked a school year at a top Fla. HS they cooked food for 17 schools there. The federal money is shuffled into other programs and the lunches expenses are covered by the people who actually pay for lunch. An example Pizza for 2 bucks a slice pepperoni or cheese. They cut the pizza into 10 slices. 20 bucks for a Pizza? You can buy from the chains cheaper and the pizza won't be as nasty. 2 staff worked for the school board, the rest were agency workers.
My Libtard sister retired a few years ago teaching at a different HS, at that school they feed 100% breakfasts for free. In her mind all 100% of the kids would go hungry otherwise. That school was in a new middle class area when she started teaching there, but became Immigrants and illegal heavy due to it's proximity to Disney. Hispanic people don't let their kids go hungry, my sister is a dumbass.
That's one of the main clubs the Feds hold over the school board heads, the feeding prg.
It's called homeschool. Remove your students from the system. Even after K-12 - let them learn a trade they can support themselves with and give colleges and universities a chance to be flushed of their radicals.
And education is so vital to society...our most precious resource...our children...have been captured and compromised...this was an agenda that was carried out to destroy America and sadly it has worked magnificently....home schooling IS the answer but because most people are dependent on two incomes to survive, to many people that is not an option...which they knew would happen when they took the mothers out of the home to work...
They turn people into office bound wage slaves on purpose. They want you plugged in, turning out profit, and highly distracted. Home schooling and self owned businesses go hand in hand.
SCOTUS in 1963 prohibited the reading of the Bible in public schools. What followed - In the late sixties into the 70s we got the sexual revolution. In the 80s and 90s we got the homosexual revolution, from 2000 till now, we’re in the pedophile revolution.
The Communist manifesto in progress- destroy a country’s moral foundation, destroy its educational system, infiltrate it legislatures with leftists and pass laws to accomplish task one and two. Then weaken the judiciary to allow lawlessness to run rampant so the people will give up their freedoms in favor of a ‘safe’ police state.
I began school in 1963, after SCOTUS passed the law banning the Bible. We still said the pledge everyday, but Bible reading. That law just like the 1973 Roe law was passed by Judges who had an agenda. There is no wall of separation between church and state as proclaimed the leftists. The USA is under God's judgement. The leaders have been given over to a debased mind. Rom 1:18-32
Most blacks are still slaves to the democrats and that is the way they like it. But the democrats still hate the blacks and that is why they are trying to replace them with brown.
Yep, unintentionally, but yes we did. This isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but society worked better as a whole when moms stayed home and took care of kids and their own “kingdom”.
Inner city schools are just an excuse for the DNC to get more cash. They couldn't care less about any kid regardless of race, creed,.sexual orientation, etc
It's all about $$$.
We know, I lived in one. Trust me, fist fights have broken out at school board and city council meetings over missing money. This isn’t a black white thing, it’s a corruption thing. I wish maga and anons would see they. Black Americans are trying their damndest to get rid of the dnc corruption. I had a friend try to run against a dnc politician and had his car firebombed, house broken into and threatening phone calls.
He recorded the calls, put them on YouTube…. Tries to get a news station to cover, went to the chief of police. No one cares. We need help too. The root of the dnc corruption is the inner cities, we don’t like this shit at all.
I know it isn't a black/white thing and that everything we are living through is the result of corruption. I didn't even imply it was anything racial.
Regardless, you hit the nail on the head :-). Scumbags hide in their inner city headquarters all over the country to keep this disgusting charade alive. It's almost like they took down most of the mob in the 1990s so that these pieces of corrupt shit could replace them.
I have no doubt it is the left that designed velcro and slip on sneakerss so kids wouldn't have to learn how to tie their shoes. I am a teacher and this bothers me when I see upper elementary kids in velcro sneakers...pure laziness. When my girls started school they knew how to tie their shoes and only sneakers with laces were purchased.
Why do these talking heads continually insist that it's one side pushing this mess when it's really both sides working together to implode Western Civilization in favor of ushering in Schwab's G.R.?
This is not new. It's been going on since the 60's in colleges and then spread to high schools and then junior high. The students who graduated in the period of 1967-75 were indoctrinated by Marxists, some of whom became the next generation of teachers that spread and amplified the propaganda to the next generation of students that become educators. Key points were: America is bad. They played off the Viet Nam war and it quickly spread to the treatment of Native Americans by Columbus and the slave owners. Capitalism was bad because the rich few governed the many. As Johnson's Great Society took hold and paid unemployed women more if they were single and had children than married, it broke apart black families. Then the government paid those same women more with each kid regardless of who the father was. Then the academics pushed for Affirmative Action and pushed minorities of broken homes ahead regardless of whether they had prerequisite knowledge or qualifications. Thus, classes became dumbed down. Rinse, wash, repeat for 40 more years adding the climate agenda and blame America, then the abortion agenda, then social justice, etc. And people are just now waking to the fact that the left's control of education is harming America.?? People like Charlie Kirk are masters of the obvious. What took so long?
Obama sold us out in many ways, not the least of which was the deal he cut with Pearson Publishing to create a whole new destructive narrative to feed our children.
I think the mission to destroy humanity involves more than 'the left,' and it's been going on for quite a long while already.
And our homes are held hostage to support the "schools".
We are funding that which we abhor.
Where is the opt out button?
Get the Fed out of our schools. It’s really that simple. And parents pay attention to what your kids are being taught. Either that, or homeschool.
I agree. Simple fix.
I suggest all anyone really needs to be successful are the 4R's: reading, writing, rhetoric, and arithmetic. These are our forms of communication. With a solid foundation in these skills, a person can learn anything else. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have other institutions for specialized learning. All we need on that front for a successful person or society is to have the options available for someone to explore other topics in a formal setting (a Free Market of education).
"Mandatory education for children" is completely unnecessary, and, as it turns out, an intentional fraud from day one, designed specifically to indoctrinate the plebs (AKA not the 1%). For reference on these claims, see the origins of the Prussian school system (starting on page 50) on which all of the worlds education systems are designed. An elucidation of the connections to todays schools is elaborated in Weapons of Mass Instruction, by John Taylor Gatto).
The entire concept of credentials is also a fraud, designed by the same person (Rockefeller et al) who designed our "modern school system". If you want to hire someone for a job, test them on the skills they need to do the job. That's all you need to do. Maybe an assessment of their personality: do you think they will fit in? It really isn't more complicated than that. "References," or "education," or "past work experience," are either irrelevant to doing the job at hand, or lies or half truths that are easily fabricated.
I taught school for 47 years. I always said all the children need to learn is Reading Writing and arithmetic. They are shoving all this other crap into learning and they are ignoring the three r's. Can't we just get back to basics. You take a child to where he can think for himself and hopefully parents will do their job and take that child the rest of the way
It's local school boards that have done this.
Every level has been infiltrated by the Marxists.
I worked a school year at a top Fla. HS they cooked food for 17 schools there. The federal money is shuffled into other programs and the lunches expenses are covered by the people who actually pay for lunch. An example Pizza for 2 bucks a slice pepperoni or cheese. They cut the pizza into 10 slices. 20 bucks for a Pizza? You can buy from the chains cheaper and the pizza won't be as nasty. 2 staff worked for the school board, the rest were agency workers.
My Libtard sister retired a few years ago teaching at a different HS, at that school they feed 100% breakfasts for free. In her mind all 100% of the kids would go hungry otherwise. That school was in a new middle class area when she started teaching there, but became Immigrants and illegal heavy due to it's proximity to Disney. Hispanic people don't let their kids go hungry, my sister is a dumbass.
That's one of the main clubs the Feds hold over the school board heads, the feeding prg.
No more government schools, you need to educate your own kids like it was a long time ago.
It's called homeschool. Remove your students from the system. Even after K-12 - let them learn a trade they can support themselves with and give colleges and universities a chance to be flushed of their radicals.
And education is so vital to society...our most precious resource...our children...have been captured and compromised...this was an agenda that was carried out to destroy America and sadly it has worked magnificently....home schooling IS the answer but because most people are dependent on two incomes to survive, to many people that is not an option...which they knew would happen when they took the mothers out of the home to work...
They turn people into office bound wage slaves on purpose. They want you plugged in, turning out profit, and highly distracted. Home schooling and self owned businesses go hand in hand.
Congrats!!! Love is beautiful always ❤️
🙈 sorry
SCOTUS in 1963 prohibited the reading of the Bible in public schools. What followed - In the late sixties into the 70s we got the sexual revolution. In the 80s and 90s we got the homosexual revolution, from 2000 till now, we’re in the pedophile revolution.
The Communist manifesto in progress- destroy a country’s moral foundation, destroy its educational system, infiltrate it legislatures with leftists and pass laws to accomplish task one and two. Then weaken the judiciary to allow lawlessness to run rampant so the people will give up their freedoms in favor of a ‘safe’ police state.
Prove me wrong!
I began school in 1963, after SCOTUS passed the law banning the Bible. We still said the pledge everyday, but Bible reading. That law just like the 1973 Roe law was passed by Judges who had an agenda. There is no wall of separation between church and state as proclaimed the leftists. The USA is under God's judgement. The leaders have been given over to a debased mind. Rom 1:18-32
feature not a flaw
Serfs were not allowed to be educated either.
Most blacks are still slaves to the democrats and that is the way they like it. But the democrats still hate the blacks and that is why they are trying to replace them with brown.
Charlie makes the problem worse. We have to replace "The Left" with "The Elites".
It's the Council of 300 types that are pushing all of this.
I agree.
The word Elite is a fake term to me. I like to use it to paint people who think they are important and powerful.
Newsflash... The right LET them do it.
Yep, unintentionally, but yes we did. This isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but society worked better as a whole when moms stayed home and took care of kids and their own “kingdom”.
It is also the left who are sexualizing the children in schools.
The inner city education system is a feature of dnc policies not African American low IQ.
Inner city schools are just an excuse for the DNC to get more cash. They couldn't care less about any kid regardless of race, creed,.sexual orientation, etc It's all about $$$.
We know, I lived in one. Trust me, fist fights have broken out at school board and city council meetings over missing money. This isn’t a black white thing, it’s a corruption thing. I wish maga and anons would see they. Black Americans are trying their damndest to get rid of the dnc corruption. I had a friend try to run against a dnc politician and had his car firebombed, house broken into and threatening phone calls.
He recorded the calls, put them on YouTube…. Tries to get a news station to cover, went to the chief of police. No one cares. We need help too. The root of the dnc corruption is the inner cities, we don’t like this shit at all.
I know it isn't a black/white thing and that everything we are living through is the result of corruption. I didn't even imply it was anything racial.
Regardless, you hit the nail on the head :-). Scumbags hide in their inner city headquarters all over the country to keep this disgusting charade alive. It's almost like they took down most of the mob in the 1990s so that these pieces of corrupt shit could replace them.
Not talking about you !
I’m just saying in general. These inner city are ground zero and we’re all fighting as hard as we can.
Decades even https://youtu.be/jYcxvnh4YtM
It’s a different ((( mafia))) in the inner city.
One last mafia left, https://youtube.com/shorts/bYlJAPjJauE?feature=share
I have no doubt it is the left that designed velcro and slip on sneakerss so kids wouldn't have to learn how to tie their shoes. I am a teacher and this bothers me when I see upper elementary kids in velcro sneakers...pure laziness. When my girls started school they knew how to tie their shoes and only sneakers with laces were purchased.
Wrong tense, it should be "have" and not "is"...
So what is the right doing to stop it?
So, home school your kids. Better education without the leftist propaganda crap.
Why do these talking heads continually insist that it's one side pushing this mess when it's really both sides working together to implode Western Civilization in favor of ushering in Schwab's G.R.?
Best synopsis of the Education system I have ever seen. Bravo! Red Pill your Liberal families.
Reminder that leftist scum came up with this:
This is why i cannot stand dipshit "conservatives" like charly kirk.
The reason education sucks today?
One reason and he does not state it.
Because, he wants conservatives as stupid as the libtards want the left stupid.
How to fix education and Kirk knows this, he just wont say it.
Start teaching the trivium again.
Rhetoric, logic and grammar.
Do that and problem solved.
This is not new. It's been going on since the 60's in colleges and then spread to high schools and then junior high. The students who graduated in the period of 1967-75 were indoctrinated by Marxists, some of whom became the next generation of teachers that spread and amplified the propaganda to the next generation of students that become educators. Key points were: America is bad. They played off the Viet Nam war and it quickly spread to the treatment of Native Americans by Columbus and the slave owners. Capitalism was bad because the rich few governed the many. As Johnson's Great Society took hold and paid unemployed women more if they were single and had children than married, it broke apart black families. Then the government paid those same women more with each kid regardless of who the father was. Then the academics pushed for Affirmative Action and pushed minorities of broken homes ahead regardless of whether they had prerequisite knowledge or qualifications. Thus, classes became dumbed down. Rinse, wash, repeat for 40 more years adding the climate agenda and blame America, then the abortion agenda, then social justice, etc. And people are just now waking to the fact that the left's control of education is harming America.?? People like Charlie Kirk are masters of the obvious. What took so long?
If you took all the leftist, now, and threw them away, what would that look like? It would look like taking the garbage out. Exactly.
It’s not misdiagnosing. It’s a feature for them, not a bug.
I'm a teacher in Canada. I was just talking about this with my family. All true.
Obama sold us out in many ways, not the least of which was the deal he cut with Pearson Publishing to create a whole new destructive narrative to feed our children.
I think the mission to destroy humanity involves more than 'the left,' and it's been going on for quite a long while already.
The problem is the govt is running the ED system K-12.
Privatize ALL education. Mama doesn't really need that new Tesla.