HEY, MIKEY! Fake journalist Mike "10ct zirconium" Rothschild is on CNN going full-on "muh Qanons" and demanding that 1) no one see 'Sound of Freedom' and 2) no one ask how many trafficked kidlets disappeared into his LA apartment! The pro-pedo fake media are TERRIFIED of people seeing this film!
🤢 Fake Rothschild says: 🤢
Streisand effect, please do your thing ✨🙏✨
As you wish master.
You called?
LOL. Moist. This guy oozes sleaze. Hi, Mikey! You looked like death warmed over on your interview. Can you feel it, Mike? The "walls" closing in? You need darkness to live... HERE COMES THE SUN, MIKE!
You got that right, catsfive. And we are the Light of the world! Keep on shining.
Guys, where are these Qanon conventions happening at??
You'll have to check with the glowies in khaki shorts. No doubt same crowd.
I better get my khakis and my sunglasses ready because I feel like I have been missing out.
😆 Yeah, that was my first thought too — “wait, how have I been missing out on conventions!!?” Where do I register? Do I get a lanyard and a tote bag?
if this film is marketed to qanonz and tin foilz helmets , then you fucked mikey because that means theres more of us than you think if you look at the box office stats.
Solid point! 😉
What a snotty, punchable face he has.
Curb stomping is what he needs
Was about to say the same thing.
Also super duper khazarian looking. Not a surprise really.
You're really on the nose with your observation
The khazars look like effed up anemic vampires.
He looks like a pedophile.
Hes our resident intestinal worm
it seems crimes against humanity/children is on route to become a unifying thing.
Q vindication en route.
WOW!!! That's a Loooonnnggg way to go to Both Affirm and Deny the Truth shown in the movie....
Damn these people love to whip up a click frenzy.
Mkike did everything to avoid that this movement, in large part, is a Christian one. Once that cat's out the bag, this movement will explode tenfold in my humble estimation. Totally kosher
That's Mike Rothschild, who 1 day ago, promoted using Cluster Bombs on Russians...
This guy is a pathetic piece of shit, who should have his hard drives examined, because I'm 94% sure he's a pedophile, who get's paid a lot of money to print garbage nobody reads, so he can look accomplished when he goes and lies like a SNAKE on totally bogus shitty networks like CNN.
Ewwwwww! Mike Rothschild…Slamming the movie “Sound of Freedom.” That is a wild kind of major freak out for a member of the slavers central banking family to jump on MSM! All that Babylonian Khazarian money magic & kid sexual abuse stuff must be a true sign of their fall.
If I live until we see this evil cult completely obliterated, I'll be content.
Qanon doesn't exist
Oops, Mike Rothschild just gave himself away — it was a mistake worthy of a Columbo episode. He blasted the idea of child sex trafficking being run by the international elite, yet nowhere in the movie is that suggested.
This is where Peter Falk turns around and says “ah, but Mr. Rothschild, I never said anything about an international elite. You did.”
She looks highly uncomfortable
He looks like a faggot
Is a qanon like a improved canon? Asking for us anons.
Kek. Projection.
But I know this type of person well. Mikey has made a living, an identity out of the mythological create he helped create - "qanon".
Thus, everything he says about anons or q or about the mythological 'qanon' movement (which is a distorted, demented version of the reality of the Great Awakening) is projection.
He has inverted reality, and has attached his identity to it so strongly, not to mention making a business out of it (books, interviews, now an 'expert'), this is basically a small scale satanic practice.
Poor old Mikey. One hopes he will one day recover, but I don't expect it will happen.
Funny if this film is crap like he states, then he wouldn't give it the tine of day.
Thou dost protests too much 🤔🤔.
It's much worse than you think, though. Ninety percent of these people don't give a damn about pedophilia one way or another, they just see it as a "right wing talking point," one that's gaining traction so must be discredited.
To put it another way, they'd be totally on board with this film if Jim Caveziel (sorry if I'm spelling that wrong x.x;;) were a registered Democrat and and atheist.
Can we have him and Hunter locked up with no food together? Give em water... Then we can place wagers on Hunger Games Elite.... They can be top of the card, Bill Gates and Pencil Neck Adam schiff mid-card. Warm up can be a Battle Royal with Hillary, Schwab, Mitch, Nancy, Soros, etc...
I 💘'd that time when CNN had a segment informing their impressionable lemmings to be aware that Hobbits do not exist and that they should not watch Lord of the Rings, and that time when Transformers was a big hit and Autobots are just CGI despite their Tesla doing a little dance and jingle. The time when their NPC audience had to be reminded that The Matrix was not real and they shouldn't eat the red pill........wait.
This is the funniest thing I have seen on the internet yet today. And this guy, after hours...
Hang on
Funny, why doesn't he apply the same exact line of questioning to say, Global Warming?
Where he's being a piece of shit saying, "Only people like Tim Ballard"... when you watch an interview with Tim, he's telling the truth... On the other hand, this little weasle, this little monster, this tiny little bitch, who would never debate a Tim Ballard, sits there, and dismisses the SUFFERING of children on behalf of his masters...
This Rothschild guy deserves to trafficked, raped, and murdered for his slimy little human organs.. fuck this piece of shit. He's less than a rat.
...the irony is palpable...
Replace "qanon" with BLM and "child trafficking" with "systemic racism" and this statement makes perfect sense...
It's Afraid.