The only move the losing player could make is to flip the board, or physically attack or threaten the opposing player coercing him to abandon the mating combination. This doesn’t necessarily give him a win, but it could deprive the winning player from one.
I wonder if the delay is the winning player taking the steps to restrain the losing player from having the option to make any moves beyond the constraints of the game itself.
This is exactly what I said a while back. The looser with zero control over their emotions (all liberals) will absolutely flip the board over and storm off. Of course flipping this chess board would have huge consequences. I think the white hats put a few screws through the table legs and through the underside of the top. The board nor the table it has been sitting on is going nowhere. Just imagine Dr Evil hitting the button to send off the nukes and.... nothing but confetti. It brings me joy.
Indeed. These people will lose. As they are doing so they will also lose their shit. We have never seen like we are about tom, elderly toddlers throwing a full-on and dangerous temper tantrum, flipping the entire board over.
1 - Kingside castling uses the king's rook. Castling by moving your king and rook, to take a defensive position. Castle is informal. Rook is the proper term. They used to be called towers. In Persian, rukh meaning chariot. In Hungarian, bástya meaning Bastio. Castle. Rook. Castlerock? Who still has towers? Can they be used defensively to protect a white king? A chariot serves as bastion for the king in transit. Who rides Air Force One? What castle/bastion got moved for defense? Troops In DC?
2 - Pawns can get promoted to higher pieces. The 'queen' is powerful, but even if you take the original and promoted queens, it's still about getting the king. Who are the queens? Who has been promoted to a position of power, but isn't the king?
3 - Never underestimate the power of a pawn. A pawn can take another rapidly advancing pawn en passant, even when the enemy pawn seems safe. "The capture of an enemy pawn on an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance." What adjacent file(s) might a pawn have? Who has advanced, only to be taken down?
Chess moves are easy to broadcast from number stations. Based on pre-planned games, this gives operatives instructions. Unless the enemy has the exact 'game' with all moves and notation, the orders are meaningless. It's one time pad, it works, and it's been used and is still being used.
The game was over in early 2020. Everything since is forced moves, with the enemy desperately hoping for a mistake or a stalemate. But it's not going to happen. We've been studying their moves since 1886. We know their plan and the plays. The game is over, as OP said. It's just playing out at this point.
The only way to lose is for the winning player to make a mistake....yes... One of those mistakes was Trump coming out as anti-vax during the roll out of the vaccine and afterwards.
Sometimes you have to watch your opponent try to force a mistake by gobbling up some unimportant pawns (sorry this sounds very harsh) but what you do not do is send out your Queen and Knight to protect pawns, because that gives your opponent an opening to slam a rook down to your king line and pin you with a bishop (or whatever). Yes it is harsh but I will stand by it, not every pawn was exposed, only the ones that never listen to reason...
7 moves... and just 2 more weeks!
Sorry... had to say it.
But for real, love this post. Puts it all into the perfect perspective. Thanks.
It'll be more than two weeks, but
The two weeks were the friends we made along the way.
Love that.
Proud you called me a friend!
Moves and countermoves...
Clots and counter clots
Doctors are baffled.
I love the refrain of the famous "Two more weeks to stop the spread."
It seemed to be two more weeks every 2 weeks.
If I were to add anything to this analogy…
The only move the losing player could make is to flip the board, or physically attack or threaten the opposing player coercing him to abandon the mating combination. This doesn’t necessarily give him a win, but it could deprive the winning player from one.
I wonder if the delay is the winning player taking the steps to restrain the losing player from having the option to make any moves beyond the constraints of the game itself.
This is exactly what I said a while back. The looser with zero control over their emotions (all liberals) will absolutely flip the board over and storm off. Of course flipping this chess board would have huge consequences. I think the white hats put a few screws through the table legs and through the underside of the top. The board nor the table it has been sitting on is going nowhere. Just imagine Dr Evil hitting the button to send off the nukes and.... nothing but confetti. It brings me joy.
Satan has to play by God's rules, so it's not an option for him :)
Exactly. The problem is the player in checkmate is willing to blow up the room and the building where the game is taking place if they lose.
Yep, the wicked would rather rule over the ashes than relinquish control...but trust that God has a plan.
"better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven" is a quotable quote for a reason.
Are nukes the equivalent of "flipping the board"?
I know Q has said plans are in place, but I see Trump as indispensable. If they get to him, or his old age does, we're screwed.
They should step on the necks of the bad guys before they get that 1 on a million hail Mary.
yh he's not getting any younger, they need to speed this shit up ffs.
Yep. And UFOs (ours) shooting them out of the air is the equivalent of screwing the board to the table.
Enjoy the show. It’s gonna be fun!
Indeed. These people will lose. As they are doing so they will also lose their shit. We have never seen like we are about tom, elderly toddlers throwing a full-on and dangerous temper tantrum, flipping the entire board over.
And I still think God is sovereign over all.
Sun Tsu
The war is won before the first battle begins.
Here is the perfect video for this thread. I watch it when the doom becomes too much for me.
Zuckerberg is now having to answer for promoting child trafficking on his social media. Seems pretty stormy to me.
You spelled Cuckerberg wrong.
Both incorrect. It's Zuckerturd. :)
Cuckerberg versus Zuckerturd. Hmmm...
So the pawns knights and rooks are out of play, meaning only the bishops and queen remains.
When Jesus returns, I've got a bone to pick with him about the fossil record...
That's the spirit !
Three things to keep in mind:
1 - Kingside castling uses the king's rook. Castling by moving your king and rook, to take a defensive position. Castle is informal. Rook is the proper term. They used to be called towers. In Persian, rukh meaning chariot. In Hungarian, bástya meaning Bastio. Castle. Rook. Castlerock? Who still has towers? Can they be used defensively to protect a white king? A chariot serves as bastion for the king in transit. Who rides Air Force One? What castle/bastion got moved for defense? Troops In DC?
2 - Pawns can get promoted to higher pieces. The 'queen' is powerful, but even if you take the original and promoted queens, it's still about getting the king. Who are the queens? Who has been promoted to a position of power, but isn't the king?
3 - Never underestimate the power of a pawn. A pawn can take another rapidly advancing pawn en passant, even when the enemy pawn seems safe. "The capture of an enemy pawn on an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance." What adjacent file(s) might a pawn have? Who has advanced, only to be taken down?
Chess moves are easy to broadcast from number stations. Based on pre-planned games, this gives operatives instructions. Unless the enemy has the exact 'game' with all moves and notation, the orders are meaningless. It's one time pad, it works, and it's been used and is still being used.
The game was over in early 2020. Everything since is forced moves, with the enemy desperately hoping for a mistake or a stalemate. But it's not going to happen. We've been studying their moves since 1886. We know their plan and the plays. The game is over, as OP said. It's just playing out at this point.
X22 report been using the same analogy for a long time. Nice post.
Checkmate in all 4 dimensions.
Nice reminder.
The only way to lose is for the winning player to make a mistake....yes... One of those mistakes was Trump coming out as anti-vax during the roll out of the vaccine and afterwards.
Sometimes you have to watch your opponent try to force a mistake by gobbling up some unimportant pawns (sorry this sounds very harsh) but what you do not do is send out your Queen and Knight to protect pawns, because that gives your opponent an opening to slam a rook down to your king line and pin you with a bishop (or whatever). Yes it is harsh but I will stand by it, not every pawn was exposed, only the ones that never listen to reason...
Like the prisoner's dilemma, global thermonuclear war, and league of legends, the only way to TRULY win the game... not to play.
I love me a good psyop.