Don't fall into the trap of the echo chamber. Because it is all evident to us and important to us doesn't mean that normies can connect the dots. Most sitting on the couch watching Oprah reruns will see this, if they see it at all as individual elements and shrug their shoulders and grab another handful of M&Ms to stuff in their fat faces. It will require understanding of systems and systems of systems to understand what is going on - and most are too damn lazy to invest the intellectual capital.
Very true. If one were to go by this site, you'd think that the overwhelming majority of Americans are utterly fixated on sex trafficking and Hunter Biden's laptop. It ain't so.
But fortunately, we don't need an overwhelming majority to succeed. As is often mentioned, Only about 10% of the American colonists were solidly behind the Revolution. A shrewd and dedicated minority is all that's required.
As you point out, once a movement reaches a certain point it can snowball into an unstoppable event. This works both ways, and I think we have the momentum.
The 25% RevolutionβHow Big Does a Minority Have to Be to Reshape Society?
I think that I finally might have jogged something loose with my in-laws. After my FIL proudly stated that both he and my MIL have received a total of 5 jabs each I asked him "Don't you find anything even remotely odd about this particular vaccine rollout?" and then I turned to my MIL and asked her if she was given free meal vouchers or S&H greenstamps if she would get her kids the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Then my husband jumped in with "or entered into a lottery to win a million dollars or a brand new truck"?
Then I mentioned I can only hope that they dodged a bullet (or 5) because neither of them has had a reaction to the jabs. My husband was the only one of the four siblings in his family that my FIL couldn't brow-beat to get the jab. I am so thankful that my husband questioned the madness. Lord I love that man of mine!
I understand it, but it's deeply unsatisfying. We've been eating so much shit from the left for so long, that the only thing that will satisfy me is the total collapse of the left's worldview. I want them so devastated and humbled they are speechless. I want them to mourn who they could have been if they escaped programming. I want them to know and internalize that they were NPC sheep. That day is coming, but it can't come soon enough.
i agree 100%. the left thinks they own everything, they attack us if we wear Trump gear, attack us if we don't use THEIR language, want us locked up in gulags if we don't get a jab or two of poison. who in the hell put them in charge?
The left now stands for never-ending wars, forced vaccinations, the chemical castration of children, open grooming at gay pride events, more government control, choosing your own gender instead of science, men dressed as women dominating women's sports, special privileges based on race instead of merit, corporations propagandizing society at the behest of billionaires, attacking the foundation of our constitution at every turn, and promoting films that sexualize children instead of one's that shed light on trafficking.
We're watching the systematic destruction of the Democrat party in real time.
The Dem. party was destroyed by obama/soros/clinton. The 'Trump' party is now the People's party and that is why the liberal/communist left and the uni-party Republicans all hate/fear him.
It's really the destruction of the uniparty (the Luciferian power hungry, human hating, greedy, death cult). You know the ones that do all the above and much, much more. Their time is OVER!
Good. Letβs watch them sink and while they sink they are still shouting as-if they are winning. As they sink they will press all the buttons they can in an attempt to take down all who do not get on that sinking ship.
...will cease to exist
Don't fall into the trap of the echo chamber. Because it is all evident to us and important to us doesn't mean that normies can connect the dots. Most sitting on the couch watching Oprah reruns will see this, if they see it at all as individual elements and shrug their shoulders and grab another handful of M&Ms to stuff in their fat faces. It will require understanding of systems and systems of systems to understand what is going on - and most are too damn lazy to invest the intellectual capital.
They can't invest what they don't possess.
"Don't fall into the trap of the echo chamber."
Very true. If one were to go by this site, you'd think that the overwhelming majority of Americans are utterly fixated on sex trafficking and Hunter Biden's laptop. It ain't so.
But fortunately, we don't need an overwhelming majority to succeed. As is often mentioned, Only about 10% of the American colonists were solidly behind the Revolution. A shrewd and dedicated minority is all that's required.
As you point out, once a movement reaches a certain point it can snowball into an unstoppable event. This works both ways, and I think we have the momentum.
The 25% RevolutionβHow Big Does a Minority Have to Be to Reshape Society?
They will wake up when it becomes personal to them from my experience.
I think that I finally might have jogged something loose with my in-laws. After my FIL proudly stated that both he and my MIL have received a total of 5 jabs each I asked him "Don't you find anything even remotely odd about this particular vaccine rollout?" and then I turned to my MIL and asked her if she was given free meal vouchers or S&H greenstamps if she would get her kids the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Then my husband jumped in with "or entered into a lottery to win a million dollars or a brand new truck"?
Then I mentioned I can only hope that they dodged a bullet (or 5) because neither of them has had a reaction to the jabs. My husband was the only one of the four siblings in his family that my FIL couldn't brow-beat to get the jab. I am so thankful that my husband questioned the madness. Lord I love that man of mine!
I understand it, but it's deeply unsatisfying. We've been eating so much shit from the left for so long, that the only thing that will satisfy me is the total collapse of the left's worldview. I want them so devastated and humbled they are speechless. I want them to mourn who they could have been if they escaped programming. I want them to know and internalize that they were NPC sheep. That day is coming, but it can't come soon enough.
And after that, they're free to realize Jesus is there to forgive their sins.
i agree 100%. the left thinks they own everything, they attack us if we wear Trump gear, attack us if we don't use THEIR language, want us locked up in gulags if we don't get a jab or two of poison. who in the hell put them in charge?
I agree....
And I want an apology.
The left now stands for never-ending wars, forced vaccinations, the chemical castration of children, open grooming at gay pride events, more government control, choosing your own gender instead of science, men dressed as women dominating women's sports, special privileges based on race instead of merit, corporations propagandizing society at the behest of billionaires, attacking the foundation of our constitution at every turn, and promoting films that sexualize children instead of one's that shed light on trafficking. We're watching the systematic destruction of the Democrat party in real time.
Twitter (
I wanted to see the replies.
The Dem. party was destroyed by obama/soros/clinton. The 'Trump' party is now the People's party and that is why the liberal/communist left and the uni-party Republicans all hate/fear him.
Add pro abortion, infanticide, pro BLM, Antifa, MS-13, open borders, anti-2A, pro war, censorship
It's amazing, the list of evils.
Who knew 10 years ago?
Controlled demolition.
It's really the destruction of the uniparty (the Luciferian power hungry, human hating, greedy, death cult). You know the ones that do all the above and much, much more. Their time is OVER!
But but LeBron said white people are racist
LeBrown is starting to seem like he has been blackmailed by mossad's Epstein and Maxwell
OR the intentional push to pull down our own government in favor of accepting world governance.
Think about it. This stuff is crazy, it has reached preposterous levels, almost comedic.
What if someone somewhere was hoping to push people in a certain direction, they are using outlandish ever more crazy ideas to do it.
We pull down our government, anarchy reigns, NWO steps in to SOLVE the problem.
Sounds like their exact MO.
"The end won't be for everyone"
Thank you. Cut and pasted to FB (without the pepe attribution, sorry :) )
Everything I post is to be shared...πππ
I posted it to comments sections of some twitter accounts. One of the funnier ones was by Rob Reiner; conservatives roast that guy BIG TIME! :)
It's not over until your average normal person is too embarrassed to declare themselves a Democrat out loud.
Good. Letβs watch them sink and while they sink they are still shouting as-if they are winning. As they sink they will press all the buttons they can in an attempt to take down all who do not get on that sinking ship.
Very dangerous.
Would make a great Trump speech
we hope
Unfortunately it's not a destruction but a coming out party
I don't do the socials, but Pepe Lives Matter always seems to bring that positive take that I prefer to adhere to.
Thanks for forwarding.
If only we had a party to actually counter the radical left agenda.
Replace "Democrat party" with "country", and it makes even more sense.