Thank you for letting me know .. I can imagine , I have a 31 year old autistic daughter … wasn’t awake back then ! I am so disgusted and angry and horrified that parents still do this to previous new healthy babies .. I understand they are ignorant to the truth but damn , It just seems like there is enough info out there now !
Yea, you're so correct. I, like many, trusted doctors and vaccines back in the day. My son was born 2011, and despite the fact that I was awake back then, to election fraud, 9/11 type stuff, political corruption, etc. I had faith (some) in the medical community bc who TF would possibly want to harm infants?!? How sick can ppl be??? I live with regret for getting my son certain vaxxes way back then. The silver lining of this CV plandemic IMO was the wake up that all vaxxxes are harmful. If they need to force it, mandate it, give it free or offer donuts, you know its harmful. None of us did the CV vaxxx, and nothing since about 2015. My son's school said he wasn't current and despite wanting to tell them to pound sand, I submitted the exemption paperwork.
What a blessing that we’re awake now, I’m so grateful that your sons school allows you to fill out exempt paperwork. I did that for my kids when they came up with new jabs every few years throughout the school years . But nowadays in Cali you’re not allowed anymore , if you don’t get the jabs you don’t attend . My youngest 30 years old , a year younger than her autistic sister, grew up being so thankful that her mother was smart enough not to VAX her , but she drank the Kool-Aid with social media and college and behind my back went and got the jab , still to this day she will not listen About the COVID-19 jab and how it is poison. This morning she was complaining about all kinds of menstrual problems she has , what can she do she asked , I simply said you know there’s things you can take because the medical industry has proven that the vaccine has caused … I couldn’t even get it out , she started laughing at me , I said that’s fine , if you don’t want to listen, I said “you should do some research because it’s out there” I just cannot believe it , I still can’t believe it right in my own home with everything that she’s been taught she’s so brainwashed! She thinks Obama and Biden are great and Trump is the devil …very very hard to deal with .
the younger daughter got the CV jab? Sorry to hear she's having the menstrual issues. Does she have children or is she planning to? One of the biggest fears I have is what the cv jab might do to pregnancies. I've already heard some stories and its alarming. Most of my social circle has already had children and were done pre-plandemic, so I have no first hand knowledge of anyone I know that is both cv vaxxed and plannning to start a family, but I am fearful of what might happen to that demographic (which includes my nieces and nephews)
Yes she went and got the cv jab and I found out by seeing the mark of a bandaid on her arm And then remembered that she had been really sick for two days right before I saw the Band-Aid glue I was so stunned sick to my stomach when I Astor of course she just blew me off as if I’m crazy she wanted to go to France with her boyfriend who she’s no longer with but that doesn’t stop her she decided to go to another university to further her education and started screaming at me about what vaccines she didn’t didn’t get when she was younger I guess they ask her so she’s completely gone very very sad no she doesn’t have any children.
So, if I remember correctly, Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, did his doctoral thesis on sterilization of horses, and found that they could jab a horse and it would still produce offspring, but the offspring would be infertile. So breeders could selectively eliminate bad stock from the gene pool over several generations.
I assume they are doing something very similar to us with these cv jabs.
Your post reminded me. Back in the 40s they were giving shots to women whose husbands were in the war to alleviate their anxiety. I know 3 sisters who got the shots. After the war when husbands returned each sister had a baby girl. All 3 girls when grown up were infertile.
Not only what the Covid shot does to the pregnancy, but does it cause turbo cancer in babies, children or what other debilitating diseases? Does it seriously affect IQ, knowing right from wrong, being empathetic towards others? Will they be robotic individuals? We know nothing of the long term and now the mRNA is being placed into animals and plants and the air, probably the water supply. When it seeps into the ground, it will affect well water too. There will be no escape from the harm. That is why all those involved or “simply taking orders” must be held accountable.
So sorry your daughter is going through this and that she’s basically disrespecting you and your wisdom. I read a post recently on Twitter about how we lose the culture war by not sending our kids to college. Because then all the conservatives are in blue collar jobs and the liberals are the ones in charge with their degrees. But this is the risk! College and culture, the whole fitting in with the mainstream and following the flock is what will get these kids. They’ve even managed to make Jesus look square and lame. Makes me sad. I think I left college a little more liberal than when I went in, but I was still conservative after. Asleep since I voted for Bush then No Name. But not a liberal.
Yes, the university’s , schools period , are really bad !
She is a smart girl , but lazy and dumb as far as life . Totally asleep , actually brainwashed! It’s very sad , she’s at my house all the time because her dog stays here 70 percent of the time . I love her and will defend her with my life , but , it’s very hard to have any kind of conversation with her , I’m wrong just because I am period ! She’s one of those liberals who will shout you down, but has no idea what she’s talking about . When I push her to back up anything she’s spouting off about , she’ll throw her arms up and say I’m out of here . They can’t have a conversation because they defend nonsense and make no sense when they are discussing something because they don’t know what the hell they are talking about .
It happened to my son when he was getting his kiddie vaccines. One day he was a wonderful little boy, bouncing around, doing kid stuff, get the vaxxes and then he became an introvert, didn't hardly communicate, and just was not the same kid. Twenty odd years later he is still the same. His only love in life is knowing about guns. So odd that this is what turns him on. I can sit down with him and show him a pic of an obscure third world made machine gun and he can tell me the dates it was produced, who manufactured it and darn near how many were made. But ask him to pound a nail into a board he couldn't do it to save his life.
As a father this condition is so frustrating. If I had it to do over again I'd never have gotten him vaccinated. But I love my son and have learned how to understand him. He's not like the vast majority of other young adults, he's different in how he thinks and learns things, and with those idiosyncracies, he's just a wonderful creation from God. I cannot force him to become like the other young adults his age, but I sure can enjoy whatever he will become. A father's love knows no bounderies.
Yes, as fathers we will protect our children from any harm, but the harm Big Pharma and oblivious Doctors causes is beyond the pale. We trusted those folks, only to be stabbed in the back because they want the chaos, harm, and financial security. God will be the greatest judge, but as a father I'd like to roll out my own kind of justice.
Yep. I feel ya. 100%. So unfortunate that ppl in pharma or the docs themselves just obliged for the $ and didn't give a damn about the children and infants they were subjecting this stuff too. How they can even sleep at night is mind boggling.
That is GREAT! I truly believe the CV and its vaxxx was the wake up call we all needed to "just say no" to any and all vaxxxes. Keep saying no to vaxxxes fren and file exemptions whenever they are required (for school, sports, whatever)
Even though I can’t bring myself to watch this, I thank OP for posting this and bringing the truth out into the light. I pray that with this awakening comes the technology to heal all these people affected by the vaccines for all these years.
Agree, I would say round everyone involved in this both big and small and make their future very long and very brutal, but since what awaits them I imagine is much much terrible, screw it, make it fast.
Yes, it is. This is where I saw it the first time. I think a reference to the triplets was mentioned in Vaxxed, but Vaxxed II certainly expanded on it.
Wish I knew when I had my kids about how bad these shots are for them. I'm very thankful that my kids & grandkids didn't have this reaction to the children's shots. Why do they affect some children and not others?
Beyond sad IMO. Absolutely Tragic and devasting. I was vaxxxed as a newborn in the 70s and my parents thought it was OK despite some ailments I developed and (thankfully) overcame. Then I made the same damn mistake and vaxxxed my son 12 years ago, but thanks to instincts hit a hard STOP around 2015. Son is healthy thank God. Never did the CV vaxx bc I was finally awake. Why it affects some kiddos and not others IDK. My uneducated guess would be DNA/genes (?)
Criminal! I have a grandson who will be a year old in November. My daughter refuses to read any studies I send her on the dangers of modern vaccines. What's worse is that she is an autism therapist with a Master's degree in Psychology. And she's double vaccinated. For some there is no hope.
They are told their baby could die if they don't. The small risk weighs heavy on a parent. Especially when they are told by the medical establishment its safe and effective. Side effects are an afterthought
The word was their baby could get sick; and give COVID to THEM or Grandma. World wide, very very few infants or children get seriously ill from this BIOWEAPON
China has a 1 child policy. Soon ⅔ of their population will be “useless” and require medical assistance and be non-productive. This weapon solves multiple problems. Take out Taiwanese elderly, keep infrastructure and youth
I remember hearing this story not too long ago. Wasn't a doctor from Canada, who is now deceased, saying the reason for autism and these overnight changes was due to small mini strokes, due to vaccines? I know someone here would know his name. I believe big pharma murdered him because he was telling the truth about vaccines. His video/s need to be posted here again for new eyes so parents with young children or babies on the way can make an informed decision.
Dr Andrew Moulden. He had 5 PH.Ds until the medical boards of Canada refused to peer review his work to keep his licensing. Dr M made a video saying he had some bombshell info and poof heart attack at 48.
I don't have kids yet, but I'm definitely going to search for pediatricians and doctors who won't force vaccines on my babies for things they may never encounter. Undoubtedly it will be hard to find doctors like that.
Yeah...good luck with that. When I woke up and decided no more vaxxes (my son was 6 months old) the pediatrician's office harassed me for a good solid year to bring him in for his scheduled shots. I just never went back. The doctors get paid so much money per shot, they will never have the patient's best interest. We only take our kids to a holistic chiropractor now.
I'm not even sure if I'm vaxxed at all. I grew up poor af, my mom didn't have a way to take me to any hospitals. But I can't confirm that. I do know that she took me in for some kind of vaccination around age 11 but something happened and the doctor wasn't in and able to do it.
Could be the most heartbreaking video I've ever watched
Thank you for letting me know .. I can imagine , I have a 31 year old autistic daughter … wasn’t awake back then ! I am so disgusted and angry and horrified that parents still do this to previous new healthy babies .. I understand they are ignorant to the truth but damn , It just seems like there is enough info out there now !
Yea, you're so correct. I, like many, trusted doctors and vaccines back in the day. My son was born 2011, and despite the fact that I was awake back then, to election fraud, 9/11 type stuff, political corruption, etc. I had faith (some) in the medical community bc who TF would possibly want to harm infants?!? How sick can ppl be??? I live with regret for getting my son certain vaxxes way back then. The silver lining of this CV plandemic IMO was the wake up that all vaxxxes are harmful. If they need to force it, mandate it, give it free or offer donuts, you know its harmful. None of us did the CV vaxxx, and nothing since about 2015. My son's school said he wasn't current and despite wanting to tell them to pound sand, I submitted the exemption paperwork.
What a blessing that we’re awake now, I’m so grateful that your sons school allows you to fill out exempt paperwork. I did that for my kids when they came up with new jabs every few years throughout the school years . But nowadays in Cali you’re not allowed anymore , if you don’t get the jabs you don’t attend . My youngest 30 years old , a year younger than her autistic sister, grew up being so thankful that her mother was smart enough not to VAX her , but she drank the Kool-Aid with social media and college and behind my back went and got the jab , still to this day she will not listen About the COVID-19 jab and how it is poison. This morning she was complaining about all kinds of menstrual problems she has , what can she do she asked , I simply said you know there’s things you can take because the medical industry has proven that the vaccine has caused … I couldn’t even get it out , she started laughing at me , I said that’s fine , if you don’t want to listen, I said “you should do some research because it’s out there” I just cannot believe it , I still can’t believe it right in my own home with everything that she’s been taught she’s so brainwashed! She thinks Obama and Biden are great and Trump is the devil …very very hard to deal with .
the younger daughter got the CV jab? Sorry to hear she's having the menstrual issues. Does she have children or is she planning to? One of the biggest fears I have is what the cv jab might do to pregnancies. I've already heard some stories and its alarming. Most of my social circle has already had children and were done pre-plandemic, so I have no first hand knowledge of anyone I know that is both cv vaxxed and plannning to start a family, but I am fearful of what might happen to that demographic (which includes my nieces and nephews)
Yes she went and got the cv jab and I found out by seeing the mark of a bandaid on her arm And then remembered that she had been really sick for two days right before I saw the Band-Aid glue I was so stunned sick to my stomach when I Astor of course she just blew me off as if I’m crazy she wanted to go to France with her boyfriend who she’s no longer with but that doesn’t stop her she decided to go to another university to further her education and started screaming at me about what vaccines she didn’t didn’t get when she was younger I guess they ask her so she’s completely gone very very sad no she doesn’t have any children.
Thx for sharing. Hope and pray she awakens and all can be reconciled. There is no bond stronger than between parent and child
So true , I will always love and protect her . I have a big wooden sign that says … Always and forever no matter what ! Ty Fren .
So, if I remember correctly, Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, did his doctoral thesis on sterilization of horses, and found that they could jab a horse and it would still produce offspring, but the offspring would be infertile. So breeders could selectively eliminate bad stock from the gene pool over several generations.
I assume they are doing something very similar to us with these cv jabs.
Your post reminded me. Back in the 40s they were giving shots to women whose husbands were in the war to alleviate their anxiety. I know 3 sisters who got the shots. After the war when husbands returned each sister had a baby girl. All 3 girls when grown up were infertile.
Damn I wonder how far back this shit goes!
Not only what the Covid shot does to the pregnancy, but does it cause turbo cancer in babies, children or what other debilitating diseases? Does it seriously affect IQ, knowing right from wrong, being empathetic towards others? Will they be robotic individuals? We know nothing of the long term and now the mRNA is being placed into animals and plants and the air, probably the water supply. When it seeps into the ground, it will affect well water too. There will be no escape from the harm. That is why all those involved or “simply taking orders” must be held accountable.
So sorry your daughter is going through this and that she’s basically disrespecting you and your wisdom. I read a post recently on Twitter about how we lose the culture war by not sending our kids to college. Because then all the conservatives are in blue collar jobs and the liberals are the ones in charge with their degrees. But this is the risk! College and culture, the whole fitting in with the mainstream and following the flock is what will get these kids. They’ve even managed to make Jesus look square and lame. Makes me sad. I think I left college a little more liberal than when I went in, but I was still conservative after. Asleep since I voted for Bush then No Name. But not a liberal.
Yes, the university’s , schools period , are really bad ! She is a smart girl , but lazy and dumb as far as life . Totally asleep , actually brainwashed! It’s very sad , she’s at my house all the time because her dog stays here 70 percent of the time . I love her and will defend her with my life , but , it’s very hard to have any kind of conversation with her , I’m wrong just because I am period ! She’s one of those liberals who will shout you down, but has no idea what she’s talking about . When I push her to back up anything she’s spouting off about , she’ll throw her arms up and say I’m out of here . They can’t have a conversation because they defend nonsense and make no sense when they are discussing something because they don’t know what the hell they are talking about .
I wanna see some of these big pharma bastards HANG.
I have been thinking capital punishment by catapault ought to be installed in the law.
Ditto. I have tears. That she logged it is amazing. Not sure I could have done that.
It happened to my son when he was getting his kiddie vaccines. One day he was a wonderful little boy, bouncing around, doing kid stuff, get the vaxxes and then he became an introvert, didn't hardly communicate, and just was not the same kid. Twenty odd years later he is still the same. His only love in life is knowing about guns. So odd that this is what turns him on. I can sit down with him and show him a pic of an obscure third world made machine gun and he can tell me the dates it was produced, who manufactured it and darn near how many were made. But ask him to pound a nail into a board he couldn't do it to save his life.
As a father this condition is so frustrating. If I had it to do over again I'd never have gotten him vaccinated. But I love my son and have learned how to understand him. He's not like the vast majority of other young adults, he's different in how he thinks and learns things, and with those idiosyncracies, he's just a wonderful creation from God. I cannot force him to become like the other young adults his age, but I sure can enjoy whatever he will become. A father's love knows no bounderies.
Amen to that as a father myself. We love, protect, provide and cherish no matter what. No matter what.
Yes, as fathers we will protect our children from any harm, but the harm Big Pharma and oblivious Doctors causes is beyond the pale. We trusted those folks, only to be stabbed in the back because they want the chaos, harm, and financial security. God will be the greatest judge, but as a father I'd like to roll out my own kind of justice.
Yep. I feel ya. 100%. So unfortunate that ppl in pharma or the docs themselves just obliged for the $ and didn't give a damn about the children and infants they were subjecting this stuff too. How they can even sleep at night is mind boggling.
My little sister was the same way. The day after her MMR she was not the same person. She is now diagnosed autistic
RFK Jr has been saying this for YEARS. Maybe thats why they dont want him to run for Prez.
Instant autism
That is the most miserable thing I've ever seen.
So sad. Covid was the final straw that led us to not even vaccinate our little guy at all. These stories kill me.
That is GREAT! I truly believe the CV and its vaxxx was the wake up call we all needed to "just say no" to any and all vaxxxes. Keep saying no to vaxxxes fren and file exemptions whenever they are required (for school, sports, whatever)
Even though I can’t bring myself to watch this, I thank OP for posting this and bringing the truth out into the light. I pray that with this awakening comes the technology to heal all these people affected by the vaccines for all these years.
Wise decision. I watched it and was heart-broken.
Agree, I would say round everyone involved in this both big and small and make their future very long and very brutal, but since what awaits them I imagine is much much terrible, screw it, make it fast.
You can always take a vaccine if you feel the need, but you can NEVER untake it. Tread lightly.
What documentary is this from?
Yes, it is. This is where I saw it the first time. I think a reference to the triplets was mentioned in Vaxxed, but Vaxxed II certainly expanded on it.
This is so sad! Heartbreaking for the parents!
Wish I knew when I had my kids about how bad these shots are for them. I'm very thankful that my kids & grandkids didn't have this reaction to the children's shots. Why do they affect some children and not others?
Beyond sad IMO. Absolutely Tragic and devasting. I was vaxxxed as a newborn in the 70s and my parents thought it was OK despite some ailments I developed and (thankfully) overcame. Then I made the same damn mistake and vaxxxed my son 12 years ago, but thanks to instincts hit a hard STOP around 2015. Son is healthy thank God. Never did the CV vaxx bc I was finally awake. Why it affects some kiddos and not others IDK. My uneducated guess would be DNA/genes (?)
So many poor babies harmed by the vax
Criminal! I have a grandson who will be a year old in November. My daughter refuses to read any studies I send her on the dangers of modern vaccines. What's worse is that she is an autism therapist with a Master's degree in Psychology. And she's double vaccinated. For some there is no hope.
Autism is caused by vaccines.
We are at war against evil. Does everyone see that now?
---> OUR CHILDREN <----
THE #1 thing that will unite all people against these evil bastards.
This is absolutely horrifying
Children were NEVER at risk of this BIOWEAPON
The target is the old and infirm; not infants
What parent sacrifices their children, because they are afraid of the sniffles?
They are told their baby could die if they don't. The small risk weighs heavy on a parent. Especially when they are told by the medical establishment its safe and effective. Side effects are an afterthought
The word was their baby could get sick; and give COVID to THEM or Grandma. World wide, very very few infants or children get seriously ill from this BIOWEAPON
China has a 1 child policy. Soon ⅔ of their population will be “useless” and require medical assistance and be non-productive. This weapon solves multiple problems. Take out Taiwanese elderly, keep infrastructure and youth
I remember hearing this story not too long ago. Wasn't a doctor from Canada, who is now deceased, saying the reason for autism and these overnight changes was due to small mini strokes, due to vaccines? I know someone here would know his name. I believe big pharma murdered him because he was telling the truth about vaccines. His video/s need to be posted here again for new eyes so parents with young children or babies on the way can make an informed decision.
Dr Andrew Moulden. He had 5 PH.Ds until the medical boards of Canada refused to peer review his work to keep his licensing. Dr M made a video saying he had some bombshell info and poof heart attack at 48.
I don't have kids yet, but I'm definitely going to search for pediatricians and doctors who won't force vaccines on my babies for things they may never encounter. Undoubtedly it will be hard to find doctors like that.
Yeah...good luck with that. When I woke up and decided no more vaxxes (my son was 6 months old) the pediatrician's office harassed me for a good solid year to bring him in for his scheduled shots. I just never went back. The doctors get paid so much money per shot, they will never have the patient's best interest. We only take our kids to a holistic chiropractor now.
Doctor's get bonuses for having a high vac rate among their patients. First they'll try to convince you to comply, then they'll drop you.
This is so heartbreaking...💔🙏
I saw a video explained how vaccines create brainseizures and that you can tell that by looking at the eyes where they are not straight any more..
This was a perfect case with the photos
Worst decision I ever made in my life was to vaxx my third child, and the both of us are still paying for it 11 years later.
I'm not even sure if I'm vaxxed at all. I grew up poor af, my mom didn't have a way to take me to any hospitals. But I can't confirm that. I do know that she took me in for some kind of vaccination around age 11 but something happened and the doctor wasn't in and able to do it.
I feel sick watching this. They stole everything. I'm sure that happened to me and everyone injected by anything anytime. God help us.