Im sorry it's so long but please forgive me it’s painful to type. I am a military wife who fell off a school bus 25 years ago Dec 5, 1998. I spent the first 14 years moving from state to state with my hubby but for me, it was to find a doctor who could fix my arm/neck/shoulder. Only The Lord and I knew there was something major going on and like Job in the Bible, I drew near to Him. In 2014 they found out what was wrong and I had 2 surgeries in Utah and 1 in Massachusetts. I still have a lot of pain so I spend a lot of time on the internet which made me go to Washington DC on January 6th, my father also died in Vietnam, my hubby is in the Army and my son is a Marine. I couldn't find anyone to go with me so my niece listens to this group called Pass the Salt with Coach Dave. Podcast/church group, from Ohio. We were stationed in Illinois so just about an 8-hour drive to Ohio. I didn't know anyone from this group but there were about a hundred of us. Half went to the Capital and half went to Trump's speech. At 7 a.m. on Jan. 6th I and 3 other older ladies went to the Capital and the Capital police shuffled us back behind the Capital and a movable steel fence that went up to your waist. We were right in front, and the men broke down the fence to the right side of us and ran to the Capital doors. I grabbed 2 of the women and pulled them away or they would have been trampled. It stressed me out so bad I went to smoke and walk around the permanent black fence/block area, me and another of the ladies. We went east and came up the eastside/south side of the Capital and ran right into about 14-20 people/white young men dressed in Riot gear wearing all black. They were behind the movable fence and 3 DC police were in front of them. When we walked up all 14-20 men turned and looked at us. The police turned their face away. I didn’t know at the time but now I do and they were Antifa. As we walked to the right on the grass to get back to our group, we saw 2 red flares go off on the Southside and those DC police let in those people on the Southside dressed in black with riot gear. They were the ones climbing the Capital wall and breaking windows. The backside of the Capital was in the Capital first cause they went in maybe around noon. We talked to a few House of Rep. People Vernon Jones was one of them. A lot of strange things happened that day but not as strange as what happened when I got home. Friday I felt The Lord stir in me, that’s how I would explain it and I went into my husband's office and told him Do not put me in the hospital, The Lord is going to talk to me for the next 30 days. He said yaya ok and continued to be on the computer, I stepped over the doorway and I heard a voice in my head. He told me ALL about my childhood and why things went the way they did. I’m adopted and He told me my bloodline is with William Bradford who came over on the Mayflower. ( I had my niece get hold of my real family and its True I am related to William Bradford on my deceased father's side) The Lord talked with me for 4 days (and showed me visions) straight I didn’t eat, sleep, or take medication. It was like His voice volume was turned up in my head. I went on Facebook and told everyone that the Lord was talking to me on the 2 night and a guy I known from high school (I’m 54) contacted me. He said, “What color of van did you ride in with this group”? I told him and he said that he was a Freemason and it was being reported that people that rode in this color of the van, the Holy Spirit/God is talking to them. The Lord told me about the children, the tunnels, and our government, He is NOT HAPPY we had a gay president, He showed me a vision of the Obamas and yes she is a he (Mike Obama) I saw it, They have changed the wording in the Bible, He showed me a few points in History where history/Lies messed up one was in the late 1870s after Civil War and 1917 oh and The Titanic wasn’t hit by an iceberg. NOT to take the shot, going to shut down for 10 days, leave the cities and He told me Trump is still President and he is the chosen one. (one vision was Trump sitting in front of a chest board and bowing down to Yeshua) The Lord talked scripture to me with everything He said and when I went to look it up it was WORD for WORD in The Bible. Jerimiah, Isaiah, Revelations and 1 more prophesy book that has escaped me at this moment. I had names from Hollyhell that were bad, Tom Hanks is one of them. He even showed me a picture of what I would look like in Heaven. My niece tried to tell me back in 2019 but I told her I wasn’t going to believe any of it unless the Lord tells me Himself and He did. He also told me that there were a few in Government that have not done wrong in his heart because they spiked his drink/food/drugs and then videotaped him with a young girl/boy. And so much more. My husband ended up taking me to the hospital and I woke up feeling like I got hit in the head by a 2x4 not pain, but dazed. I came home within 24 hours because Hubby threatened that if they didn’t let me go his next call would be to a Jag Officer. I didn’t go home and start looking things up right away, I spent a lot of time in prayer and The Bible. The first of Feb. I started researching things the Lord said and found out that this Q person/people were saying the same things The Lord told me, which made me find this group. I can’t express how Loving the Lord is and how much He Loves each and every one of us, He knew us before we were born. And He knows every hair on our heads. He isn’t mad at us for being HUMAN, He understands and forgives us, but these people are not human, and they are evil demons that worship satan. Oh and so are aliens fallen angels that went with satan when left heaven. The Lord isn’t mean and I asked him to not take as long as He did with my arm/shoulder/neck 14 years was too long for all the visions and things to come true people would think I was crazy. Well, my Daddy called last weekend and told me he has had 3 people tell him the exact things the Lord told me and now he believes. I had my other son call after Tucker's show about Obama and now he believes all that’s left is my Husband to wake up. This has NEVER happened to me although I am close to The Lord He has never talked this LOUD to me or this directly where I TALKED to HIM and HE TALK BACK!!. If you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here to die for YOUR SINs, You Are The Bride, The Church, Which is In Each and Every one of US who Believe, I heard it from the highest Lord God, The Alpha, The Omega The beginning and in the end "He Wins” He told me so.
It's going to be Biblical
We are living in biblical times.
Thanks for sharing.
You’ll see Christ in this lifetime. I promise. He in theory has been already talking to us. My theory of who’s at the front of the Q-Team below.
Jesus Christ is King. We love you Jesus.
Even though your not Jesus. I still love u as well
This always made more sense too after Q
Mind blown by your hypothesis. Yes. It could week be Christ himself.
I had a dream about Q and I believe it was prophetic. Q handed me the mic and wanted me to tell everyone who Q was, like that lady wasn’t actually Q and I had a message to convey that was from Q. My mind went blank in the dream trying to figure out who Q was then and why this lady thought I knew Q already. It was like the prophets were to speak and they would direct us where Q wanted us to go
Also, one of the prophets I listen to claims to have met someone close to the Q plan and they were a secret agent prophet mixture themselves that had to rely on God daily to protect their family
Awesome stuff. How do u feel about this? Have u attempted to explain it to anyone yet. If so how did it turn out
I have told people but they didn’t react much. They didn’t believe Q existed and so it didn’t change their opinion. It also appeared this dream happened in a more glorious Trump tower made out of marble with an out door area near the top. They also had palm trees
Fascinating! Thanks for the repost, Brent! <3
Thank you Mods My first Sticky.
Glad to see u make this a post. I remember u shared it with me in the past. So had God given you anything more since then?
God bless u. Love you. My name is Ryan feel free to reach out if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to
Yes but nothing like in Jan 2021
So what do u think the purpose of that day was? Just to confirm certain things. Do you think he wants to use u in a certain way moving forward.
I'm just trying to learn more about the story and what God might wanna use u for moving forward. Hope that makes sense 😁😊😉❤️
I had been praying for The Lord to tell me the Truth for at least a year before Jan 6. I was following the money but couldn't connect all the other crazy things. I know He really pushed me to go to DC because I asked my husband 3x if I could go.
Also if u ever feel led I would love to have u on my podcast. It's a testimony podcast for Christ. Meant to kinda tell anons stories. U don't have to do video or share any info u don't feel comfortable with. Pray on it. Maybe now is not yet the time but let me know if In the future you would ever like to come on. Love you. God bless
Well welcome to the side of truth my fren. Thanks for sharing your story. Praying for u to continue to Grow in Christ. Together through Christ we have endless potential
Well deserved - thanks for sharing.
Lost in the story is that we need to be praying for this brave lady to be healed and pain free
We will be!
Oh Thank you, I only asked that He didn't take too long for all these things to come true and I didn't want to be sick with covid. I get upset that I had His ear and I didn't ask to be healed, so Thank you again you made me cry...
Made my night!! Thanks for sharing.
I went too. My wife was so mad but I told her there was just something telling me I had to go. Asked a friend like a week before and he was like - ok, let's do it.
Amazing day, wonderful people.
We saw like 4 antifa in the trees putting trump gear over their black gear on the north side.
The fight up the stairs looked like the pirate fight at treasure island in vegas
That is how I felt at his WACO Rally a few months back. I was sitting here on my computer and saw that he would be in Waco the next day, and I just KNEW i HAD to go. Woke up and went the next day. LOVED IT!!
My Husband and I were there (have the FBI visit to prove it) and we saw those guys changing under the tree too.
I know it looked all fake, movie day very strange but I wouldn't change going again, I woke up that day...
I was already awake. I was proudly wearing my "Q" shirt that day. First time I actually met people in person who knew and came up to me because of it.
I saw someone with a Q sign and The spirit stirred in me but I ignored it. I knew Nothing about Q until this group and doing research..
I had found this group from by then
Always new Kennedy assassination, 9/11, moon landing, Pearl Harbor....were all lies
I kind of tend to lean that way because if it's in The Bible satan has done everything it can to stop the Truth...
I am glad this happened to you & for this testimony. Stay strong fren & keep close to our Father in Heaven.
Brave lady!! We are the Remnant and the joy of the Lord is our strength through this maze of draining the swamp!
BTW ... when did Tucker talk about/expose Obama? I missed that somehow.
Probably the Larry Sinclair interview:
Oh right, I did see highlights of that! I didn't need to hear all of the details. So much info coming into my mind, I think Larry's name was more retrievable than "Tucker Outs Obama". Thank you!
Like last week on Twitter...
You are so blessed to have had that experience. I pray God speaks to me in the same way. Love your story. ❤️✝️🙏🏼
The Holy Spirit is talking to many of us. Thank you for sharing your story and for strengthening our resolve here.
Thank you for sharing your testimony! I’m sorry for your sufferings and pray relief comes your way soon. I believe you have been incredibly blessed to have had this one on one time with our Lord and Savior! Perhaps your sharing will help lead the stray, In these days and times, everyone has something going on that adds to the daily life pressures - anxiety, stress and depression can easily take over because of the struggle to figure out what to do. My favorite Bible verse: “Be still and know that I am God”. Simple words given to me at one of my lowest points - still carry that tattered, little card with me all these years later. My point (sorry for the ramble) is learning to just sit still and try your best to clear your mind and truly pour your heart out to God will truly change your life!
"Be still and know that I am God". Yes! That pops into my head during the most stressful times in my life. I'm still clinging to those words. It's true.
Amen, It's All True
Beautiful Thank you..
When I read your post I began to smile and laugh in my spirit so hard I could barely hold it in. All that you said is true and God has revealed similar things over the years. In the last week I’ve been listening to near death and clinically dying stories like yours on YouTube. I have some interesting stories myself but the point is I believe what you say and God is really like that and wants to know us
I also wonder about babies being put up for adoption and if that’s forced by the mothers family. I just heard about satanists “breeding” their kids and one of those things they do with the kids is separate them from their mother, the least bad option. The mother may be 11-13 years old too.
The breeding part is true...
I’m in tears. How amazing
Glad you found us, i hope it isn't 14 years either, but i've been waiting longer since God showed me this will fall.
If you can edit your post it might be helpful to press enter twice after some paragraphs.. i read it all but some people will not read it all because there's no paragraphs.
I didn't realize we could edit our posts after they are posted?
i think you can.. is there an "edit" option under your post?
Ok...great to know,...thanks fren!
I am a Bradford descendent as well. So is my wife. I just get hints.
The Lord told me He is talking to many many descendants of our forefathers.
And he didn't say anything about a flat earth. Not saying it's not true but He didn't say anything about it. Except they have lied about everything...
John 16:12 I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. 13However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come. 14He will glorify Me by taking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you. 15Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said that the Spirit will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you.
Wow Thank you...
Glory to the Father of all Creation, he loves his children
Thank you so much for sharing what the Lord showed and told you <3 Very encouraging!
I'm 52, and I was baptized and accepted Jesus' salvation into my life when I was 16 and confessed him as my Lord and Savior. Since then, Silence. The epic struggle of unbelief and faith has plagued me continually, and even though I confess this sin to God and repent of it and receive Jesus' forgiveness over me, the whole process is never something that I've ever been delivered from.
And my mind and heart has taken on such a deep sense of rejection from God BECAUSE of this silence and the continued struggle of unbelief and doubt, that he, even though his word throughout scripture states his desire to deliver us from all our troubles (according to his will though, and that can be very hard to discern), that he has chosen to not deliver me from this most difficult and soul breaking state of being. And like in the psalms, "My soul is cast down within me, my heart is dismayed".
What I do know though is that beneath this struggle, the desire for GOD/Jesus has never left me. The desire for him and not his blessings, but for him and who he is as God. And yet, I feel myself weakening to the point of where my soul is so barren within me that I have given room to suicidal thoughts for many years. And even that has become a source of guilt and shame with God, knowing that those thoughts grieve his spirit and yet the wall of despair that assails me, leaves me like Elijah, or Job, or any of the other countless people that God has used for his purposes in the past. And yet what is always the end result is silence and despair.
For I read that God WANTS to love me and hold me in his arms, and bless me and have the deepest relationship with me where he wills in me and does through me his heart of love so that I would love him back and be empowered BY him and his spirit alone. But this never happens within me, I remain in this place where I have no discernment to even KNOW that I'm hearing his voice and to be sure of it. Knowing that it is God's spirit that is doing this within me.
I read this and other testimonies from fellow Christians here and on other sites and just am left wondering when will Jesus prove himself to me. As Keith Green said in his song Altar Call.
"Jesus proved himself to me in such a complete way, such a holy way, that I'd die for that faith, and I'd die for that belief. Because he's more than a belief, he lives in my heart...and that's the only proof that I can give you, that he lives in my heart."
I'm tired of struggling with doubt, I'm tired of self. I long to be under God's wing and covered by his feathers and live a simple life of love and obedience to Him and know his will for me personally, and be moved by his spirit in faith and trust, to walk in his purpose for my life.
Ok, I would start small again. Get up tomorrow and all Day long Praise Him... You find your keys Thank The Lord. It's sunny Praise The Lord It's raining Praise The Lord. Every little thing Praise The Lord. Write posts all over your Bathroom mirror, or all the places you look most. Fill those posted with Joy verses that speak to you. Keep Praising him ALL Day long. The next day do it again. Also, pray The Lord's prayer OUTLOUD all over your home and scream out loud if anything is in this home that doesn't Love The Lord Jesus Christ LEAVE in the name of Jesus. Go into a room every day by yourself quiet and talk with him (He does read minds), and read your Bible KJV. After a few days, I promise it will be better. Find Joyful people to hang with No more negative nancys.
Hey fren I just wanna say that I love you and am praying for you. That doubt feeling you have is normal and something every Christian has experienced. God will use it for his glory. I encourage you to read the Psalms. There is lots of that doubt and stuff there. I'm gonna be praying for u. Feel free to reach out to me if u ever need a fren to vent to. We can explore and doubt u have together. I don't pretend to have all the answers, however sometimes it helps to have someone to question things with. Love u. Keep praying. Pray pray pray. God will show up. Don't give up on him. He loves u more than u can ever know. Even though it might not feel like it currently
God speaks to me every day. I have 66 books written by Him by 40 transcribers over a 2000 year period that tells me His plans for us and the future. Glad you shared this story.
Where did you find these books? Can you share this info?
It's called the Holy Bible. You can find it at any bookstore or just download e-Sword.
Ok...i thought you meant something else...heehee! I have many and i read them daily!
thank you so much for sharing
Hello my sweet fren! Im praying for you! God has his hand on you. I believe the time is approaching quickly where the Lords return is imminent. Ty for sharing your testimony. This is a spiritual battle and it is ramping up. We win! God wins! ❤️
Makes me think of the line from Star Wars, "The force is strong in this one"!
Thank you for the extremely inspirational share.
I believe you 🙏🙏🙏
Such a POWERFUL testimony! u/Cathmarcella2
God brought you here for a reason! Thank you for sharing your story and exactly what you saw that day. I have read it several times and am saving it to read again.
Praying for your healing by God...He is ALWAYS with us! 🙏🙌
Yes, He is ALWAYS WITH US! Praise The Lord! Thank you
God's Grace is AWESOME!
Yes, Praise The Lord!
Thank you so much for sharing this. You have been truly blessed by God and I too will pray for your healing.
Just curious, did He say if the truth about J6 or the 2020 election would be exposed to the masses?
The Lord told me That they (the patriots) knew that they were going to cheat and were prepared for it. He said I have put in place for them to be captured and The Lord led me to believe that all this noise that's going on is an ACT a SHOW, Fake to wake The People Up...
...A Freemason?
Just reads very personally bias confirming is all. With all that Obama is likely guilty of God really felt it important to mention how unhappy he was that he’s gay? He literally just spent a few days telling repeating all the stuff Q already said and tossed in some stuff about aliens, which I doubt she’s ever personally seen, being demons, which also just happens to be a popular theory on this site? God bother to tell you anything that you couldn’t have just found here? God really wanted you to know that aliens are demons and he’s mad about Obama being gay? I’m sorry it just reads really…trite, for what is being claimed as a direct revelation from God.
Aliens are people too, not fallen angels.
I cannot read this without paragraphs.
HERE YOU GO! (I'm the same way. I did this for myself.)
I’m sorry [this is] so long but please forgive me, it’s painful to type. I am a military wife who fell off a school bus 25 years ago Dec 5, 1998. I spent the [next] 14 years moving from state to state with my hubby, but for me, it was to find a doctor who could fix my arm/neck/shoulder.
Only The Lord and I knew there was something major going on [with my health] and like Job in the Bible, I drew near to Him. In 2014 they found out what was wrong, and I had two surgeries in Utah and one in Massachusetts. I still have a lot of pain, so I spend a lot of time on the internet, which made me [decide] go to Washington DC on January 6th. I couldn't find anyone to go with me, so my niece listens to this group called Pass the Salt with Coach Dave, a podcast/church group, from Ohio [and I learned they were going to go]. [Related:] My father also died in Vietnam, my husband is in the Army, and my son is a Marine.
We were stationed in Illinois, about an 8-hour drive to Ohio. I didn't know anyone from this group but there were about a hundred of us [who were going]. Half went to the Capitol and half went to Trump's speech. At 7 a.m. on Jan. 6th, I, and three other older ladies went to the Capitol and the Capitol police shuffled us back behind the Capitol and [behind] a movable steel fence that went up to your waist. We were right in front, and [some] men broke down the fence to the right side of us and ran to the Capitol doors. I grabbed two of the women and pulled them away or they would have been trampled. It stressed me out so bad I went to smoke and walk around the permanent black fence/block area, [just] me and another of the ladies.
We went east and came up the east side/south side of the Capitol and ran right into about 14-20 people. Young, white men dressed in riot gear wearing all black. They were behind the movable fence and 3 DC police were in front of them. When we walked up all 14-20 men turned and looked at us. The police turned their face away. I didn’t know at the time that they were Antifa, but now I do.
As we walked to the right on the grass to get back to our group, we saw two red flares go off on the south side and those DC police let in those dressed in all black and wearing riot gear. They were the ones climbing the Capitol wall and breaking windows. The backside of the Capitol was the first [location to allow people in] [and] they went in, around noon. We talked to a few House of Rep. members. Vernon Jones was one of them.
A lot of strange things happened that day but not as strange as what happened when I got home. Friday, I felt The Lord stir in me, (that’s how I would explain it), and I went into my husband's office and told him, “Do not put me in the hospital, The Lord is going to talk to me for the next 30 days.”
He said, “Yeah, yeah, O.K.” and continued to be on the computer. I stepped over the doorway, and I heard a voice in my head. He told me ALL about my childhood and why things went the way they did. I’m adopted and He told me my bloodline is with William Bradford who came over on the Mayflower. (I had my niece get ahold of my real family and it’s true. I am related to William Bradford on my deceased father's side) The Lord talked with me and showed me visions for 4 days straight. I didn’t eat, sleep, or take medication. It was like His voice volume was turned up in my head.
On the second night of this, I went on Facebook and told everyone that the Lord was talking to me. A guy I knew from high school (I’m 54) contacted me. He asked, “What color of van did you ride in with this group”? I told him, and he said that he was a Freemason, and it was being reported that people that rode in this color of the van, [were proclaiming] the Holy Spirit/God is talking to them!
The Lord told me about the [trafficked] children, the [underground] tunnels, and our [corrupted] government. He was NOT HAPPY we had a gay president. He showed me a vision of the Obamas and [confirmed] that she is a he (Mike Obama).
I saw it! [He said,] They have changed the wording in the Bible, [and] He showed me a few points in History where history/Lies messed up.
One [time] was in the late 1870s after the Civil War and [again in] 1917. Oh, and The Titanic wasn’t hit by an iceberg. [He told me] NOT to take the shot, [there was] going to [be a] shut down for 10 days, [and to] leave the cities.
He told me Trump is still President and he is the chosen one. (one vision was Trump sitting in front of a chess board and bowing down to Yeshua). The Lord talked scripture to me with everything He said.
And, when I went to look it up, it was WORD for WORD in The Bible. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Revelations and one more prophesy book that has escaped me, at this moment. I had names from Holy hell [Hollywood] that were bad, Tom Hanks is one of them.
He [God] even showed me a picture of what I would look like in Heaven. My niece tried to tell me back in 2019, but I told her I wasn’t going to believe any of it unless the Lord tells me Himself, and He did. He also told me that there were a few in Government that have not done wrong in their hearts [but] because they spiked their drink/food/drugs and then videotaped them with a young girl/boy, [they were now being compromised]. And, so much more…
My husband ended up taking me to the hospital. I woke up feeling like I got hit in the head by a 2 x 4. Not painful, but dazed. I came home within 24 hours because Hubby threatened that if they didn’t let me go his next call would be to a Jag Officer. I didn’t go home and [just] start looking things up right away, I spent a lot of time in prayer and [in] The Bible.
The first of February, I started researching things the Lord said and found out that this Q person/people were saying the same things [that] The Lord told me, which made me find this group! I can’t express how loving the Lord is and how much He Loves each and every one of us, He knew us before we were born. And He knows every hair on our heads. He isn’t mad at us for being HUMAN, He understands and forgives us, but these people are not human, and they are evil demons that worship Satan.
Oh, and also aliens are fallen angels that went with Satan when [he] left heaven. The Lord isn’t mean, and I asked him to not take as long as He did with my arm/shoulder/neck. 14 years was too long for all the visions and things to come true. People would think I was crazy.
Well, my Daddy called last weekend and told me he has had three people tell him the exact things The Lord told me! And now, he believes. I had my other son call [me] after [the] Tucker Calson's show about Obama [being gay] and now he believes! All that’s left is [for] my Husband to wake up. This has NEVER happened to me [before]. Although, I am close to The Lord He has never talked this LOUD to me or this directly where I TALKED to HIM and HE TALKED BACK!!.
If you believe Jesus is the son of God and was sent here to die for YOUR Sins, You Are The Bride, The Church, which is In Each and Every one of US who Believe. I heard it from the highest, [The] Lord God, The Alpha, The Omega, The beginning. And in the end "He Wins.” He told me so!
Thank you Thank you Thank you. for doing this.
You are welcome!
Thank YOU fren! 👏
You're welcome!
Than you are missing out. Excellent testimony
Place in a text file and make your own paragraphs. You'll want to read this one ;-)
Your mind cant discern the text because of the arrangement of the words? Yikes.
So it’s wrong I want people to write properly? Yikes
What is properly? That's whatever YOU think is correct. What about those countries that read "backwards"? What if this anon was never taught what "properly" is? What if this anon was from another country? You are saying you literally cant read something because of the way the sentences are organized? Your comment also distracts from the underlying message, and may discourage someone from posting again.
Food for thought... I love you and know you are a great anon here, seen many of your comments..just want to help.
Define properly. You apparently have never read Moby Dick, or literally any novel written prior to 1900.
Just because your junior and high school teachers preferred lots of paragraphs to make grading papers easier for them doesn’t mean not making use of them every three sentiences is “improper.”
So the Alpha and Omega took the time to basically just tell you all the stuff you read about on this site, including that aliens are demons and that he’s really ticked off Obama was gay.
What do u not agree with I'm confused why u have this negative sounding mindset. Will u expand please